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Physical Appearance
Katherine is described as Elena's doppelganger, this is observed by almost every character in the show and even Elena herself. Katherine is described as being very beautiful, slim, and selfish with brown eyes seaking something to quench her thirst. Sometimes Katherine can be seen cool and cold by her appearance. She is portrayed as rather vain about her looks, and has no problem using her beauty to get what she wants. Pearl later reveals that when the vampires were captured in 1864, and a guard let Katherine go free; Pearl tells Damon that,"he was obsessed with her." Stefan said then Katherine does not care about others; she only cares about herself.

Powers and abilities
She has all of the powers and weaknesses of a vampire. According to the novels she was born in 1614 and turned when she was 17 in 1631 but the series will have her born around 1475, about 140 years earlier than the books, making her even more powerful than in the novels.

Transfigured in 1492 unintentionally by Rose (unintentionally on Rose's part), she is as a result much more powerful than the Salvatore Brothers who she turned after she had been a vampire for 372 years but much less so than Pearl was who was turned sometime in the 1430's about sixty years before Katherine. A demonstration of how much more powerful she was than the Salvatore Brothers was when she easily defeated them in two fights with each brother in The Return. Another demonstration of her immense physical strength is when she snapped the iron shackles that Stefan tied her up in as if they were made out of balsa wood and slammed Stefan against the dungeon wall with one hand. In Masquerade she came very close to defeating the brothers simultaneously but would have been killed by Damon while Stefan pinned her down if Jeremy Gilbert hadn't intervened to save Elena. Even then it was mostly luck and some teamwork by the brothers that she almost lost rather than brute strength since Stefan and Damon together are still not as old as Katherine, making them like babies to her.

In addition to her enormous physical strength that improved with age her resistance to magic/psychic phenomena also improves with age and experience. This was demonstrated when she easily resisted the witch Bonnie Bennett's attempt to inflict physical pain within Katherine's head by producing multiple aneurysms in her brain. Earlier, Bonnie had very easily inflicted that very same type of attack on the much younger Damon which had him holding his head and crying out in agony while Bonnie's efforts had no effect on Katherine. (The Return)

Katherine has impressive mental powers of her own. In addition to the usual ability to compel humans all vampires have, she also has the power to get inside the head telepathically of a vampire, at least a relatively weak one like Stefan Salvatore, who in addition to being a much younger vampire, he also didn't partake in drinking human blood regularly (until recently) weakening him further. He probably doesn't practice the vampire arts since he identifies more with humans than vampires so likely his mental powers aren't as well developed compared to a vampire of his age who embraces his nature. Katherine placed dream like images of them in 1864 and a contemporarily dressed Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore in his mind as part of her efforts to split up Elena and Stefan and get Stefan back for herself (Memory Lane). It has been stated that the glamor power doesn't have any effect on other supernatural beings like other vampires and werewolves.
The extent of her other powers is unknown but it is easy to assume they have been well honed in the 518 years she has been a vampire. One ability she has honed for the past 146 years is by taking a sip of vervain laced fluids she has developed a immunity to it, which usually weakens a vampire enough so even a human can over power them and a large enough dose can kill them. In 1864, Stefan Salvatore had vervain his system when he was still human. She bit and drank his blood at one time and was greatly weakened, possibly threatening her life. In Memory Lane, she pretended to be greatly weakened by it when Stefan Salvatore injected her with it with a large hypodermic needle and interrogated her, but she was faking in order to have him listen to the story as to why she came back. When the deception no longer served a purpose, she told him on how she was able to resist after snapping the chains that bound her in the dungeon.
However Katherine is extremely weaker than older vampires like Elijah and The Originals.

Also, she possesses a Lapis Lazuli necklace, therefore she can walk in daylight without being harmed like the Salvatore Brothers, Caroline Forbes, Elijah(one of the original vampires) and also Pearl and her daughter Anna when they were alive.
Amber looked outside her window. The house was surrounded by police cars and a police officer held a loudhailer in his hand. She automatically covered her hands when he shouted: “Amber Lindy! You’re surrounded, there’s no way you can escape! Walk outside with your hands behind your head!”
Yeah, sure, I’ll surrender for something I didn’t do, Amber thought while she put her finger in her ears. They ringed. She would’ve heard him perfectly fine without the speaker, but of course they couldn’t know that.
Amber took out her phone and dialed a number. It took a while before she reached...
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“You should go see a doctor”
Elena and Damon were sitting at the kitchen table with the first aid kit in the center. Elena had tried to bandage Damon’s finger, but the bandage didn’t want to cooperate.
“I can’t go to a doctor, I’m a vampire” Damon said. “And it’s broken, a first aid kit is not going to help”
“But doesn’t it hurt?” Elena asked compassionate.
“It’s okay” Damon said. Bonnie had made the pain lighter, just like she did with the whole jinx, but of course she couldn’t take it away completely. For that she had to die and since he couldn’t kill...
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It was ruined. It was completely and totally ruined. Katherine had realized that she blew all chances on a reunion with the Salvatore brother she really loved. What was she thinking, pretending to be Elena? Bonnie was annoying, but not stupid. Katherine was lucky to be still alive. And so was Bonnie. She had Damon to thank for that. Katherine hoped, with every fibre in her body, that he would take her down.
She had tried to pass Damon’s message to Elena, but it seemed to be a lost case.
“Elena, Damon needs to tell you something” she said looking Elena sharp in the eye. “He wanted to...
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The sun was almost down and Stefan and Amber were once again sitting with each other. Now that Klaus knew they were just friends he didn’t find it necessary to send someone spying on them. He wanted Stefan to be his most loyal servant and he wanted to trust him. His closeness to Amber was alarming, but on the other hand Stefan wouldn’t be so stupid to go against Klaus’ wishes, knowing what could possibly be the consequences. No one would stop him if he went after Damon, or worse Elena. No, Stefan wouldn’t take that chance.
He couldn’t be more wrong. He watched Stefan and Amber talking,...
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Elena was sitting in the kitchen, playing solitaire. She picked up a card and squeezed her eyes at the Joker image. “You’re mocking me, aren’t you?” She got tired of the game, because she was losing, and collected the cards. Then she took two card and placed them against each other, creating a triangle. She did the same with two other cards and placed them next to the first triangle. “Are you seriously building a card house now?” Jeremy asked. He was sitting in the couch, playing a computer game. Elena didn’t respond; she needed all her focus on the construction. “Let her be,...
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Bonnie woke up difficult. She opened her eyes. Everything was blurry and every limb on her body hurt. She felt a firm grip around her arm and someone pulled her up. Her head rocked back and forth when the same person slapped her in the face. “Booonniiee” a male voice sang. Damon, Bonnie realized. Slowly the events of the night before hit her fuzzy brain. Katherine, the attack, Damon’s anger. The room became more clear and she saw Damon standing right in front of her. “You’re awake” he said. “It’s about time” He made a step backwards, giving Bonnie the chance to catch a breath....
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She knocked three times, then waited for Bonnie to open the door. It was pretty cold outside, so she hoped her plan would work. Five minutes later, what took her so long?, the door went open and Bonnie appeared on the doorstep. She lifted up her chin and looked down on Katherine. “What?” she said short. Katherine forced a smile, which was hard enough, knowing Damon was inside there against his will. “Hi, Bonnie, I’m sorry to bother you this late, but I need to talk to you” she said, trying to sound cheery. After all, Elena was in a cheery mood, so Katherine had to be too. “Really?...
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Katherine slammed the door and leaned against it. She had not signed up for this mess. They had to find Stefan, but instead Elena was living in Rainbow Land, Damon was in control of the bitch. And Caroline was with her father. At least that’s what Sherrif Forbes told Elena. Katherine found it rather suspicious. It was too sudden. Caroline was helping them and now she stepped out of it, just like Elena. Did Carolines physical absence relate to Elena’s mental absence and did Bonnie have a hand in both cases? For the first time in a very long time Katherine wished she was human. There was...
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Bonnie pushed Damon over the porch into her house. He walked ahead to the kitchen, Bonnie behind him. He turned around and saw the furious expression on her face. In other circumstances he would’ve made a sarcastic comment, but the way things were now, Damon knew the best thing was to keep his mouth shut. “I thought we had an agreement” she said slowly and threatening while she came closer to Damon. “You wouldn’t drink any human blood” she continued. Damon frowned his eyebrows frustrated. “You said that, I never said I agreed” Bonnie widened her eyes and Damon wouldn’t have...
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The door slammed open and Katherine speeded to the living room where Jeremy and Elena were still watching television. Katherine panted and they turned around. “Seriously? Stefan’s gone, Damon’s being controlled by Bonnie and you are watching television?” she exclaimed upset. Elena pointed at the television screen. “This is a very educative documentary, Katherine. It’s about-” “I don’t give a fuck about what it is!” Katherine screamed. She flashed in front of Elena. “I don’t know what Bonnie did to you, but I need you to snap out of it, as in right now!” Elena sighed...
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Elena was in the kitchen, making dinner, when Jeremy sat down on a chair, his head leaning on his hands. “What’s wrong?” Elena asked. Jeremy looked up so Elena noticed the eye bags. “What happened to you? You look like a mess. When’s the last time you had a good sleep?” Jeremy laughed scornful. “It’s been a while” “Is it because of Jenna?” Elena asked compassionate. Jeremy played with his fingers while he thought of a good reason. He knew Elena would want to know what was going on, but he didn’t want her to get involved in his mess. He believed she had enough going on...
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“Damon! How long will you be in there? You’re almost worse than I am and that’s saying something!” Katherine yelled to the bathroom door. Damon was inside for about half an hour, which was not normal. Okay, Katherine could spend hours in the bathroom, but then again she was a woman. It was some sort of duty to spend a certain amount of time to grow more beautiful. Men, on the other hand, only had to shower and shave, and preferably within five minutes.
The door opened and Damon exit the room, a towel around his waist. Katherine pursed her lips. “I think you forgot some spots” she...
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"So, you’re saying Stefan’s behind it?” Caroline asked breathless. “I don’t know. I hope not, but we can’t ignore the possibility that he could’ve” Damon said being realistic. Elena threw her arms around her knees, looking pale. “I don’t know, Damon” Caroline said. “It didn’t look very professional. I mean, when you feed on humans you erase your traces. This vampire didn’t. The body was still there and the blood wasn’t cleaned up. I don’t think this vampire has been doing this a lot” Elena looked up with a hopeful expression on her face. “So, there’s still...
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posted by bdavis98
This article is about THE LOOPHOLE the writers created for Stefan’s sake another reason to keep him as “Saint” Stefan and for him not take any kind of responsibility, another excuse for him to play the “good” brother.

So as we all know Stefan has turned off his humanity all summer willingly/all by himself, NO compellation what so ever NOBODY FORCED him to CUT people’s head OFF, and for him to do that his humanity button was OFF but yet somehow he still had enough humanity to call Elena really?? How is that even possible? How a good person ripe off someone’s head for one second,...
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Present Day
Jeremy was brushing his teeth when he saw Anna’s reflection in the mirror. He should’ve startled, but he just spit out the toothpaste and washed his mouth. “When I turn around you’ll be gone, won’t you?” he said. He saw Anna shrugging her shoulders. “You’ll never know if you don’t try” she said. Jeremy turned around and to his surprise Anna was still standing by the window-ledge. “How is this possible?” Jeremy asked. “How can you be standing there while I know you’re dead? I saw how they took you. And Damon said they killed you” Anna looked down. “Damon...
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One day after Stefan has joined Klaus.
Damon was lying in his bed, his eyes closed, when a shadow came over him. Soft lips touched his and he opened his eyes, staring at the brown ones of the woman he had loved for many years. He knew it was her; the other girl wouldn’t be so playful, especially not now her boyfriend was gone.
“Get off” Damon said, not in the least impressed by her lack of clothing. She held her head diagonally and put a teasing smile on her face. “Damon, Damon, Damon, you should know better than to say no to me. You know how … vicious I get when I don’t get what...
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posted by maryam1311
♥ Because he remember her bedroom. | 1×18 Under Control

♥ Because he was doing “tst, tst, tst” at her. | 1×18 Under Control

♥ Because he gave her a flower. | 1×18 Under Control

♥ Because he was her escort instead Stefan. | 1×19 Miss Mystic Falls

♥ Because they danced together. | 1×19 Miss Mystic Falls

♥ Because he stayed with her. | 1×19 Miss Mystic Falls

♥ Because he wondered if she stays overnight. | 1×20 Blood Brothers

♥ Because he was helping her with Stefan. | 1×20 Blood Brothers

♥ Because she wanted to hear the rest of the story from him.| 1×20 Blood Brothers

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katherines pov
The Salvators are putty in my hands. What is tragic, is I have, the brother who loved me too much, (Damon;) but the problem is I love the brother, who never loved me enough, (which is obviously Stefan.) I don't believe him when he said, "and all those feelings, soon turned to hate." He is just denying that he is in love with me. He is and I can tell but; I've got a huge problem on my hands. Elena:My boring look-alike. Stefan, had to pick her and they are so in love. Now I'm the type to get what I want; so I am going to take an opportunity , where I could break them up. It is...
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There are probably at least 350 reasons why Damon and Elena should be together. These are just a few.

You and I, we have this thing. An understanding.

At the core of any amazing relationship is rock solid trust. They have that; no matter what Damon's done—four episodes ago it was killing her brother—Elena knows she can trust him with her life. Likewise, he knows that she can be trusted to defend him when he is not in the wrong—see "Bloodlines" or "Brave New World." That gives him extra motivation to be the man she sees in him.

The trust between them was earned. It's the fact that he didn't...
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stefan and elena
stefan and elena
"When it's real, you can't walk away."—Lexi, in reference to Stefan and Elena

It's hard to present a neat list of all the reasons why Stephen and Elena's commitment and love trump all other romantic relationships on the show. For this essay, I'm going to isolate a simple scene from "Unpleasantville"—one of those moments that some might deem forgettable. Elena begs Stefan to dance. He, being reserved as always, declines. Elena gives up on him, but then Stefan surprises her by spinning her around and showing her just how well he can dance. This moment was so poignant in the context of an episode...
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