The Vampire Diaries TV Show Club
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Music was playing on highest volume and Mystic Grill was crowded. Kelsey headed to the bar and asked for a beer.
“Sorry, Kelsey, you know I can’t do that” the bartender said. “You’re not 21 yet”
Kelsey groaned. “Oh, come on, Jake. I’m 20 and I look like 21. Can’t you make an exception for your favorite customer?”
“No, sorry” Jake said stubborn. He continued doing dishes.
“Look, I’ve been a good girl, I got good grades and now I just want to have fun. It’s vacation, you know” Kelsey insisted. “I got money” she said waving with some papers. Jake accepted one of them, took a glass and poured it with some liquid. He put the glass down on the bar. “There”
Kelsey curled her nose. “That’s not beer” She took the coke and walked away. On her way she bumped into someone. “Sorry” she apologized to the guy. The guy took her arm and leaned forward. “I might have something to better the flavor” he said referring to Kelsey’s drink. Kelsey went with him outside, where the guy conjured a small flacon of rum. He poured some of it in Kelsey’s glass and Kelsey took a sip of it. “Much better. Thank you” The guy came closer to her. “I hope you can pay me?” he said. “Oh, yeah, sure” Kelsey said. She gave him some of the money that was still in her hand. “That’s not what I had in mind” the guy said, coming closer. He drove Kelsey against a wall and she could feel his breathe on her face. “What’s your problem, dude?” she asked with a small voice. The guy started kissing her neck while his hand went lower. “No, stop! Don’t do that” But the guy carried on. As he tried to get in her pants, Kelsey lifted her glass and smacked his head. He let go of her and took a few steps back. “You bitch! Are you being serious?” He walked back and wanted to try again, but this time Kelsey was ready for him. She raised her fist and punched him right in the face. The guy gasped and touched his bleeding nose. He staggered backwards and looked at Kelsey. “What the fuck are you?”
Derek entered Ric’s loft. He had been eavesdropping Stefan and Katherine’s conversation and now he was looking for Rebekah.
“Rebekah!” he yelled.
He heard some mumbling coming from the basement. He raced toward it, opened the door and saw Rebekah sitting at the bottom of the stairs. She had been staked with a regular stake, but her hands were chained, so she couldn’t pull it out.
Derek ran off the stairs, kneeled and pulled the stake out. Then he unchained her hands and gave her the bag of blood he had been carrying with him. “I know you prefer the fresh stuff, but it’s the best...
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posted by HelloJess123
Being a fan of the show, I was really excited when I found out that it was based on a book series!

Previously I had no idea.

After reading them I am convinced that they are even better than the TV show--so much more info on all of the characters.

I am also a big vampire buff and have read a lot of vampire fic--twilight does not compare.

There are currently 10 novels in the series (I have only read the first 4. But I really recommend fans to check them out!

1.1 The Awakening
1.2 The Struggle
1.3 The Fury
1.4 Dark Reunion
1.5 The Return: Nightfall
1.6 The Return: Shadow Souls
1.7 The Return: Midnight
1.8 The Hunters: Phantom
1.9 The Hunters: Moonsong
1.10 The Hunters: Destiny Rising

I have only read up to the dark reunion.
Bonnie and Damon were in the living room of the Boarding House. Bonnie was placing white candles in a triangle. As she lit each of them she mumbled Latin words. When she was done, she blew out the match and looked at Damon.
“So, here’s what we’re going to do” Bonnie said. “You have to step into the triangle and sit down”
“And what are you going to do?” Damon asked, quite insecure.
“I’m going to stay outside the triangle” Bonnie answered. “I will put you under some sort of hypnosis. I will be with you in your subconscious”
“Very reassuring” Damon said sarcastic.
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Damon raced inside the hospital, Elena tightly in his arms. A female doctor walked their way while she signed at a nurse. The nurse pushed a stretcher in their direction. While Damon lay her down, the doctor started asking some question.
“What happened?” was her most urgent question.
“She…she’s sick” Damon said trembling. “She has cancer. I took her home, but I shouldn’t have. She should’ve stayed here”
The doctor shone with a small flash light in Elena’s eyes. “Don’t worry, sir. She’s just sleeping” She looked up. “Who’s treating her?”
“I don’t know”...
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Damon and Elena were lying on the hospital bed. Damon was holding Elena in his arms and they were staring at the ceiling.
“I really hope Stefan can talk him out of it” Elena said soft and sad.
“You can always, you know, compel him” Damon said. “I mean, let me or Stefan do it”
Elena lifted her head and looked at Damon as if she strongly considered it, but then shook her head. “No” she said and she lay back down. “I’m tired, Damon” she whispered.
Damon gave her a soft kiss on her upper lip. “Then sleep, princess, I’ll be here watching over you” He looked up at the window....
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Bonnie stared upset at Caroline, when a shadow came over them.
“Can I join you, girls?” Keith asked. Caroline looked up and recognized him. “This is kind of private” she said sharp.
Keith raised his hands. “Hey, if this is about bloodsuckers and moonwalkers and wicked witches, I know all about it” he said with a wink.
Caroline quickly turned to Bonnie. “You told him?”
“He already knew” Bonnie sighed.
Caroline looked back at Keith. “Well, it’s not about that, but it’s still private”
“No, Caroline, it’s okay. Keith’s the only friend I have in here” Bonnie said....
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Rebekah was sitting on the couch in Stefan’s loft, while Stefan himself was trying to reach Katherine.
“Come sit with me, Stefan” Rebekah demanded. Stefan lifted his hand to shut her up. Rebekah frowned, insulted. She whistled and when Stefan turned around annoyed she poured her glass of blood on the couch. Stefan turned around again and stopped his attempts to get a hold of Katherine.
“Why am I even trying?” he mumbled.
“She’s not worth it” Rebekah scoffed.
Stefan turned to the kitchen and searched through the cupboards. He then came back with a bucket with water, a sponge and...
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Elena was lying on the bed her eyes wide open. Alaric had called her to get up, but she wanted to stay in bed. All day. Maybe listen to some sad songs.
“Elena, get your ass out of bed, you’ve got mail” Alaric shouted outside her room.
“It’s Sunday, I deserve one day of feeling miserable” Elena muttered. The latch went down and Alaric entered the room. He walked to the bed and sank down.
“I know you’re hurt” he started. “But you can’t let him have this kind of power over you. You can’t stop living, because he’s a jerk”
Elena wiped her eyes and sobbed. “You’re...
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Damon opened his eyes, but couldn’t see a thing. He tried to get up, but couldn’t move. “Elena?” Then he realized Elena was in the room next to his, probably fast asleep, so she wouldn’t hear him. He felt a sudden weight on the bed, but couldn’t rotate his head to check who it was that was crawling towards him. But it was Elena. Of course it was Elena. Who else would it be? She hooked her fingers in his and cuddles her face in his neck. He felt her warm breath on his cold flesh.
“I can’t move” Damon said hoarse.
“Sssh…Everything’s going to be fine”
Damon’s eyes widened...
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Jeremy got out of bed, rubbing his eyes and putting on his slippers. He opened his bedroom door and walked downstairs. To his surprise Alaric was already up.
“Morning” Jeremy yawned. “Why up so early?”
“Preparing my classes” Alaric said.
“Come on, Ric, it’s Saturday” Jeremy muttered. “Saturday morning nonetheless. Just come and have breakfast and then you can do your homework”
Alaric drank of his coffee. “I’m having breakfast right now” Jeremy shook his head and sat down. He wanted to pour some coffee, but discovered the pot empty. “Seriously?” he said looking...
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It was the next morning. Bonnie slowly opened her eyes. She saw a silhouette sitting next to her bed, but her view was too blurry to see who it was.
After a minute or three the room became sharper and Bonnie could see who the visitor was. She looked Caroline afraid in the eyes.
“Hi” Caroline said soft.
“Hi” Bonnie said hoarse and shy. “How long have I been here?”
“About 24 hours” Caroline answered. Bonnie nodded. “How, eh, how’s Elena doing?...And Damon?” she asked careful.
“They’re okay, considering what happened” Caroline said. “They’re dealing with it”
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Damon was standing in front of the hospital. He didn’t want to do this, but he had to. Katherine was right, Bonnie would try it again when she woke up. And so he opened the door and entered the hospital.
His eyes went through the building. A young, male intern walked passed him with a clipboard, taking notes.
Damon grabbed his arm. The boy didn’t see him and Damon whispered in his ear: “I need you to take me to Bonnie Bennett”
“I can’t do that” the boy said scared. “I’m just an intern, I don’t have that authority”
“Then bring me to someone who does have that authority”...
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A couple of hours later
Elena was lying in Damon’s arms, when the door opened and Stefan and Katherine appeared in the doorway.
“Damon? Can I talk to you” Katherine asked careful. Damon nodded, but prevented Elena from leaving. “In private?”
“It’s okay, Damon” Elena sighed and she freed herself from his hold. “I’ll be back” she said with a faint smile. She walked away from the bed and followed Stefan outside.
“Elena, I’m sorry” Stefan said.
“Not now, Stefan” Elena said.
“Yes, now” Stefan said. “I know you hate me and you have every right to. You should hate...
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“We’re home, Damon” Elena said. She and Stefan were helping Damon reach the porch, something he’d rather do alone, thinking he’d recovered enough.
“I’m going to open the door” Stefan said. He let go of Damon and ran to the door and opened it. Then he walked back at Damon and Elena. When he wanted to help Damon enter Damon pushed his arm away.
“I don’t need your help” he said pissed, avoiding to look at him.
Stefan looked helplessly at his ex, but she gave him a ‘what did you expect’ kind of look back. She helped Damon enter the house and Stefan walked behind them like...
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The hospital
“I’m fine” Jeremy said for the seventh time. Caroline had brought him to the hospital, along with Bonnie.
“I think I should make that decision, don’t you think?” the doctor said. It was the same that had taken care of his hand. “Now, will you please lay down so I can check if you have any broken ribs?”
Jeremy reluctantly lay down on the hospital bed and pulled up his shirt, like the doctor had asked him.
“Does this hurt?” she asked, pressing the right side of his stomach. Jeremy shook his head. “And this?”
“Oww!” Jeremy exclaimed.
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Stefan grabbed Elena by her hair and dragged her back into the house, his ripper face still on.
“Stefan, let go of me. You’re hurting me” Elena cried.
“Well, you’re hurting me!” Stefan growled. “We haven’t even officially broken up yet and you’re already clinging on my brother like a fetus on a navel string”
He dragged her to his bedroom and wanted to throw her inside, when he felt a sudden aching in his back. He looked aside and saw Katherine. He brought his arm back until he found the stake.
“Okay, first of all, ouch!” Stefan said and he pulled out the stake. “Second...
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Elena looked around and learned she was in Damon’s bedroom. She looked at her hands. They were covered in blood. That way she knew she didn’t just have a dream, she knew it meant something. Damon needed her.
She heard her phone ring and saw Alaric was calling her. Remembering what Stefan had said she picked up. Giving him no chance to say anything she said: “Damon’s not with you, is he?”
A little confused Alaric replied: “No, but Elena...something happened with Jeremy”
Fear came over Elena. No, not Jeremy too.
“Damon stabbed him, but it was really Emily. At least that’s what Jeremy...
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Jenna brought Jeremy to Bonnies kitchen. Damon pushed Bonnie against the wall.
“What do you think I want? I want you to take away whatever’s keeping me in check. I want you to undo the spell you put on Elena” Bonnie shook her head, looking desperate. “I can’t, Damon, I’m sorry” Damon grabbed her neck, pressing her wound. She screamed. “And why can’t you?” he asked his voice caught in his throat. “The only way to free you is to kill me”
Jenna turned to Jeremy. “Now you know what to do”
“I have to kill her” Jeremy said.
Jenna nodded. “Bonnie was supposed to kill...
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“I’ll be back” Bonnie said. “Don’t try to go anywhere, you know what happens if you do”
She walked out of the cage and left. She reappeared in the ICU of the hospital where Jeremy lay in coma.
She walked to the bed and lay her hand on his heart. She felt how it heated up and soon the curves on the monitor went flat and a long tune was heard. She disappeared right before the medical staff rushed in.
She reappeared in Damon’s cage and gasped. Even in this darkness she could see the cage was empty. He was trying to escape.
Damon slowly walked alongside the rough walls, his fingers...
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“You’re too kind”
Even if his current state Damon found the strength to be sarcastic. “Can I ask you something? Why did you have to bring Stefan into this?”
“Oh, Stefan. Good, old Stefan” Bonnie sighed. “It’s not like he was involved right from the beginning. When Katherine pretended to be Elena and Stefan brought her to the hospital after taking some sleeping pills, I told Stefan there was a way to bring the real Elena back instead of waiting for it to happen”
“And that involves torturing me?” Damon asked.
“No, that’s just for fun” Bonnie said shameless.
“And me...
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