The Storytime Spot Club
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Cas gave the note to Meg. “Keep it somewhere safe” he warned her and she put it in her pocket. “Hey, Meg, have you checked the top floor? I think you should. Who knows what treasures you might find”
Meg saw how Cas was gazing at Mrs. Jones and realized he was about to get really started. “Can I take whatever I want?” she asked in a serious tone.
“Absolutely. Knock yourself out” Cas permitted her as if Mrs. Jones possessions belonged to him. Meg left the room and Cas put his chair closer to Mrs. Jones.
“Alone at last” he said soft.
“Listen, you can still go back” Mrs. Jones insisted. “Nothing major has happened yet. Just untie me and leave and we’ll leave it at that. I promise I will keep my mouth shut. You’re a healer. You’re not a killer”
“Really? Because I’m fairly certain that I killed three men last night” Cas commented casually, with that same undertone of pride. “The first I strangled to death, using only one hand. The second I stabbed to death. And the third, well,…I didn’t really kill him. The rats did that for me”
Mrs. Jones made a weird throat sound.
“You’re crazy” she said shaking. “You can’t just take lives. There’s nothing that gives you the right to do these things. The police will find you and they will finish you and you deserve it”
“There’s absolutely no need for you to talk anymore” Cas ignored her.
“Who’re you going to kill after me?” Mrs. Jones snapped hostile. “Don’t you see you’re just as bad? None of this will make you feel better”
“I guess you’re a slow learner” Cas replied softly as he lay his hands on her arms. Slowly but surely Mrs. Jones body warmed up and blisters appeared over her entire body. “I told you to shut up”
Bonnie was sitting with Keith in the cafeteria, having lunch, when a nurse came her way. “You have a visitor”
“I’m eating” Bonnie replied.
“He said it was urgent” the nurse said.
“Fine then” Bonnie said and she stood up and followed the nurse. When she got back at her room she had to pinch herself to make sure she was not hallucinating.
“What are you doing here?” Bonnie asked very surprised.
“You thought I wouldn’t figure it out?” Damon asked arrogant.
“You didn’t” Bonnie shook her head. “Katherine did”
Damon made a step forward. “How do you know that?...
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“I’m lying if I say I never wanted to hurt him, because I did. That was all I could think of” Bonnie started. “I wanted to punish him for all the things he’d done. I wanted to make him suffer like he made others suffer”
“What did he do? And why couldn’t you hand him over to the police?” Keith asked curious.
Bonnie pulled the sheets. These were the questions she wasn’t sure how to answer. If she answered the first one, she’d put Damon in a bad daylight and that wasn’t the way to forgiveness. If she answered the second, she’d expose him.
“He did some bad things” she...
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Caroline was making homework, yes homework, when someone rang the doorbell. Her mother wasn’t home, so she’d have to get up.
As soon as she opened, she wanted to close the door again, but Ronnie stuck out her foot.
“Five minutes” she said. Caroline sighed and opened the door. “What?” she asked.
“I, eh,…I want to apologize” Ronnie started. “The way I harassed you. I was going too far. I know you’re close with Tyler and I jumped into conclusions. I assumed you knew where he was”
“And I told you I didn’t” Caroline replied cold.
“Yeah, I know” Ronnie said. “That’s...
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“What are you doing?” Derek asked curious at Damon who was sitting between the wooden planks in his bedroom.
“I’m trying to fix the bed” Damon said obvious.
“Can I help?” Derek asked excited. Without awaiting an answer he kneeled and picked up a nail and hammer. While he hammered he tried to make a subtle conversation. “So, you and your girlfriend, how long have you been together?”
“Two months and a half” Damon said. “Why?”
Derek shrugged. “Nothing. Just curious” he said. “And have you…you know?”
Damon looked at Derek, frowning. “No, and I wouldn’t tell...
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“So this is where people go these days to be social” Rebekah said looking around in the Grill.
“Well, it’s definitely the most popular establishment in town” Stefan replied.
“Don’t you mean the only establishment?” Rebekah said disdainful. Stefan emptied his glass. “You want another shot?” he asked.
“Sure, keep them coming” Rebekah smiled. She emptied her glass, as well as the second and the third. “How long does it take for you to get drunk?”
“Why?” Stefan asked. “You have plans for me?”
A smirk appeared on Rebekah’s face. “Well, if you come with me, I...
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Ronnie opened the door to let in whoever was knocking. “Seriously, flowers? Can you say cheesy?”
Tyler put the flowers in Ronnie’s hands. “This is me saying I’m sorry”
“And it took you seven days to get those words over your lips?” Ronnie asked sarcastic.
“No, I just hoped you’d be more forgiving by now” Tyler answered. “Can I come in?” Ronnie looked around as if she wanted to check if he’d come alone. “How did you find me?”
“Eh, Caroline’s mom is the sheriff of Mystic Falls. It was pretty easy” Tyler confessed.
“Oh, I see” Ronnie sighed. “Well, I suppose...
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The Impala was still parked on the same spot. Meg walked around the car and opened the trunk. She opened one of Cas’ bags and pulled out the first shirt she got her hands on. “Get in the car” she told Cas. “No, passenger seat” she added, when Cas wanted to step inside the driver’s seat. “You can’t drive like that”
She put herself behind the wheel. “I’m surprised you can drive at all” she mumbled.
“I can’t” Cas replied. He leaned backwards and closed his eyes.
“Keys?” Meg said to herself, looking at the connection. “Keys” she answered her own question as...
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Now that Alexia had cut off his meds, Cas was feeling much better, though he still wasn’t able to get out of bed. He heard the sound of wings and an instant later Balthazar appeared in the room. He wanted to ask what he was doing there, but found himself unable to. So he just cast him a quizzical look.
“You have to meet me at Butterfield Park” Balthazar said. “Crowley wants me to kill you and that’s exactly what I’m going to do”
Cas frowned. Why would Balthazar tell him this? Why not just kill him right now?.
“If I kill you here and now, it wouldn’t be a fair fight” Balthazar...
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Jo and Meg were in Cas’ room, packing Cas’ bags. Meg threw all his stuff in the bags, but Jo pulled them out again.
“You have to fold them or they’ll never fit in” Jo reproached her. Actually she was just trying to buy some time. “You know, I really thought something was going on between the two of you”
“Why? Because we both turned human at the same time? I hate him for that” Meg replied.
“I think you just hate the fact that you can’t shut off your emotions now” Jo said wisely.
“Why are you doing this? I killed you and your mom. Why are you trying to help me?” Meg...
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Elena was eating pudding when the door opened and Katherine appeared.
“Katherine!” Elena exclaimed shocked. “You can’t just barge in here. I could’ve been naked for all I know”
Katherine raised her eyebrows and smirked. “Nothing I haven’t seen before” Elena thought about that. “Eww, gross” she commented.
“So” Katherine said, sitting down on the bed. “How’s my doppelganger doing?”
“Why do you care?” Elena asked curious.
“I don’t” Katherine said bluntly. “I’m just trying to get in your good grades so you’d give me the rest of your pudding”
Elena gave...
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Heather walked inside the police station. She was going to talk to inspector Roberts. Maybe she could help her find that Kevin guy.
“Can I help you?” a woman asked. Heather turned around and frowned confused. She had spent a lot of days at the station, but this woman she had never seen before.
“I’m looking for inspector Roberts” Heather said.
“Inspector Roberts?” the woman repeated with raised eyebrows. “Who’s asking?”
“I’m her cousin” Heather confessed.
“I see” the woman nodded in understanding. “Why don’t you follow me?” She led Heather to her office.
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“Miss Masters?”
Meg looked up and saw Doctor Spencer came her way. She scribbled up.
“Can I talk with you for a moment?” he asked and he sounded deadly serious. Meg followed him to an empty room and he waved at a chair. Meg sat down and so did Doctor Spencer.
“We checked Mr. Novak’s blood. The sample I took last week. We couldn’t find anything” Doctor Spencer began. Meg knew there was more to come, or else he wouldn’t have taken her apart. “However, the lab has examined his blood again after he was brought in last week. And this time they found a small amount of heroin in...
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The next morning.
Cas woke up on the couch of Meg’s motel. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. Light shone through the curtains and Cas stood up and walked to them to open them. Dean’s Impala was parked across the street.
Meg ticked on the side windows of Dean’s car and Dean jumped up. He frowned and blinked to remember where he was. When he did, he turned the window down.
“What are you doing here so early?” Meg asked.
“What’s in the bag?” Dean nodded at the small paper bag Meg was holding in her right hand.
“Breakfast” Meg replied short.
“Thanks, you shouldn’t have”...
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Jeremy ran to the backdoor, which was the closest from the basement. He opened it and limped outside.
Veronica was furious. She hysterically banged the door and screamed for Jeremy to let her out. She conjured her phone and dialed a number.
“Jack, I’m in trouble. Jeremy locked me up in Rachel’s basement. You have to come here”
Jack said something back.
“Oh, right, of course. You’re busy” Veronica nodded. “The window…No, I didn’t think about that. Okay, I have to hang. Thanks for the tip, Jack” She hung up and walked to the window. She caught a glimpse of Jeremy’s legs...
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Caroline woke up slowly and blinked her eyes. She was back in her bed and Bonnie was sitting by her side. The guy that had attacked her was sitting by the door, on the ground. When she saw him she rose and became upset.
“What is he still doing here?” she asked accusatory, pointing at Keith and looking at Bonnie.
“Waiting for you to wake up, so he doesn’t have to explain himself twice” Bonnie explained calm. “I’m sorry, Caroline, I should’ve given you a head’s up”
Caroline shook her head bewildered. “A head’s up? You knew this was going to happen?”
Bonnie and Keith exchanged...
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“You’re going to regret this” Rebekah said trembling. “That’s my necklace. I lost it, back in the twenties. On the night I met your brother” Klaus never said she couldn’t tell Damon.
“You’re lying” Damon replied supercilious.
“Am I, now?” Rebekah said slowly as she stepped closer to Damon. “Stefan knew how to experience all the perks of being a vampire. We had so much fun together, while you were probably sulking over your dear Katherine”
“And you’re telling me this, because?” Damon wondered.
“Stefan and I have a past, a present and if you back off and don’t pull of stunts like you just did, then we might have a future” Rebekah answered threatening.
“But pulling stunts is so fun” Damon replied.
“You don’t want be on my bad side, Damon” Rebekah threatened. Suddenly she gasped, her eyes bulged and her face turned dark grey.
“No” a female voice said. “But I do”
Rebekah fell down and Katherine appeared.
Meg was in the shower, when Dean knocked the door of the motel room.
“Cas, are you still in there? I brought you some clothes” he said.
Cas, who had put on his trench coat, walked to the door and opened. “Dean. Why don’t you come inside?”
Dean accepted the offer and gave Cas the clothes. “I’m not sure if they’ll fit” Dean said, while he turned around.
“They fit perfect” Cas said. “Thank you, Dean”
“Don’t mention it” Dean said. “So, eh, are we done here?”
“You want me to come with you now?” Cas asked.
“Yeah” Dean said a little irritated.
“Are you...
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“Bonnie?” Damon shouted. “Bonnie, where are you? Get back here!” But when nothing happened he understood he had to do this himself. He looked up at the chains and started pulling with all his strength. It hurt immensely, but he couldn’t stop. If this pain was necessary to be with Elena, he would go through it.
After a few minutes, that felt like hours, his right hand was liberated. Without hesitating he pulled his left arm and this time it took less time to free himself.
Then everything went black.
Damon opened his eyes and found himself outside on the spot where Bonnies house used to be. He looked at his arms. They had healed. He scribbled up and looked around. He felt different, like he’d been born again. Elena. He had to see Elena. And so he started walking in the direction of the Boarding House. He could sense she was there.
Katherine was lying on top of the sheets. She was sweating all over her body and was having flashbacks from when she first met Stefan. She got out of bed and raised her hand. Smiling at an imaginary Stefan she slowly spun around.
A hard knock on the door and she came back to reality. The door opened and the doctor came in, holding a piece of paper in his hand.
“Miss Gilbert, why are you out of bed?” he asked frowning.
Katherine stared at him, which kind of creeped him out. He looked at the paper and inhaled deeply. “I’m afraid I have bad news” he started. Then he looked up again. “Eh,...
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Derek scribbled up. “You really have some serious issues, man” he said after his nose had healed.
“Yeah, I’m sorry” Damon said, not very sincere. “But you wanted me to teach you”
Derek sought support against the wall. “I think I’m going to need some blood” he said looking meaningful at Damon. Damon rolled his eyes. “Fine, then. Come with me” He saw how Derek’s face cleared up. “You’re not staying over” he said sharp.
“No, of course not” Derek said, shaking his head. “I’ll just have some blood and then I’ll be off”
“Good” Damon said, pleased that...
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