The Storytime Spot Club
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Mrs. Jones tried to get up, but Cas pushed her back down on the chair. “Meg, why don’t you go check the car? I’m sure there’s some useful stuff in there”
“Be right back” Meg smiled and she went away.
“You don’t have to do this” Mrs. Jones insisted. “You can take your girl and leave and we can all pretend you were never here”
“You like to pretend, don’t you?” Cas noted. He heard the door close and Meg running back into the kitchen, holding up ropes.
“Is this useful?” she smirked. Cas nodded with his head and Meg walked to him.
“Tie her hands to the arm-rests” Cas ordered and Meg did what he said. When Mrs. Jones was tied onto her chair Cas pulled two chairs, one for Meg, one for himself and they both sat down. “When is your son coming home, Mrs. Jones?” Cas asked polite.
Mrs. Jones pressed her lips tightly. Whatever these two psycho’s were going to do with her, she was not putting Jerrick in any jeopardy.
“Mrs. Jones, it’s really the best if you just answer the question” Meg advised the woman. Mrs. Jones looked up, hate burning in her eyes and she spat in Meg’s face. As Meg wiped the spit off her face, Cas jumped up and slapped Mrs. Jones in the face, making her head turn sideward.
“That wasn’t nice, was it? What happened to your hospitality, Mrs. Jones?” Cas asked in a calm voice, though it took him some effort. “Maybe we should set up a few rules. When we ask you a question, you answer it. No insulting actions. Am I clear?”
Mrs. Jones nodded and Cas smiled.
“I knew you were a smart woman” he said. “Now, when does your son get home? See, I realize you don’t mind me beating you black and blue, but if you don’t give me the answer Meg is going to be really pissed and she will feel obligated to elaborate on your son”
Mrs. Jones looked up scared. “No. Leave him out of this. He’s got nothing to do with this” she begged, her eyes getting wet.
“He has everything to do with this” Cas replied soft. “ You involved him by testifying that I-how was it again? Oh, I remember-had my hands all over him. Look, Mrs. Jones, I would never hurt a child. So you just tell us when and where to pick up Jerrick and that’s that. We won’t hurt him. It’s not his fault his mother is a lying bitch, now is it?”
“Do you promise my son will be left unharmed?” she asked putting accent to every word.
“Mrs. Jones, unlike you I’m very well capable of keeping my word” Cas responded. He looked at Meg. “Could you find me a piece of paper and a pen?”
Meg stood up and searched the drawers, until she found the utensils Cas required. She gave them to Cas who put the pen in Mrs. Jones right hand.
“You’re going to write a note, giving Meg permission to pick up Jerrick”
“I can do this all night long, you know” Charlene said a little bored. She had been cutting into Tyler’s body if she felt he wasn’t answering her questions in all honesty. And so far he hadn’t any answered any question in all honesty. “I’m wondering” she said slowly and sinister. “if you’d be so unwilling if it were Caroline hanging here”
“If you touch her I’m going to rip your head off!” Tyler snapped threatening.
“Yeah, good look with that” Charlene replied sarcastically, with a look at the chains. “Okay, I’ll make it easy for you. Answer one question and...
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Bonnie opened her eyes and the candles expired. She stood and walked out of the square.
“I let him know” she said.
“Guys, I think you should see this” Keith said. Bonnie and Matt turned around to him. He was leaning against the table with a bunch of letters in his hands.
“What do you have?” Matt asked as they both walked to him.
“I found these in Jeremy’s pocket. I was looking for his phone, when these fell out. They’re from Kelsey to Veronica”
He gave a few to Bonnie and a few to Matt and he started reading the first of his own.

“Dear Ronnie,

I’m sorry I had to leave so...
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Matt, Keith, Bonnie, Jeremy and Veronica were sitting around the kitchen table. Veronica had given each a cup of coffee, in order to stay awake.
“Thank you” Jeremy said uncomfortable. “You don’t really know Elena. It’s not like you owe her anything”
Veronica cast him a grin that didn’t reach her eyes. “Anything for my soldiers” she replied charming.
“How’s that going?” Matt asked, trying to keep a conversation. “Do you need anyone else in your…army?”
“Why? Interested?” Veronica returned, raising her eyebrows. “For now the training’s canceled” She turned...
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Elena was still in the hospital. She had traded the bed for the seat, which was much more comfortable than the former.
The door opened and Damon came back with two coffees. He gave one to Elena and she took a sip, curling her nose.
“Is there alcohol in this?” she asked surprised.
“Oh, right, that’s mine” Damon apologized. “Sorry” He switched the cups and took a sip from his coffee with bourbon. “Why aren’t you in bed?” he asked a little accusatory.
“Damon, don’t start” Elena said in begging tone.
Damon shut his mouth and signaled that she had to get up. Elena pulled...
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Caroline was sitting at the bar in Mystic Grill, waiting for Derek. She had spotted him in the café a lot lately, but she had always thought he was just hanging around. Now she knew better. Derek didn’t just hang around. He kept his eyes and ears open to make sure he absorbed every important detail any of them said and then he’d hurry back to Veronica to spill the gossip.
The door opened and Derek appeared. He noticed Caroline at the bar and he sensed trouble, but as fast as he was, Caroline was faster. She grabbed his collar and forced him toward the men’s room.
“Hi, babe” a guy...
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Caroline felt her phone buzzing against her thy, but she tried really hard to ignore it. Bonnie was trying to figure out the words in the books, but since she was powerless her ability to read ancient languages was gone. Eventually she looked up and cast Caroline an irritated glance, as if blaming her for the current inconvenience.
“Will you just pick up?” she said frustrated.
“It’s probably my mom, wondering where I am” Caroline replied reluctant. “She can wait. This is more important. You have to get your powers back”
“I can’t concentrate, ‘cause your phone has been buzzing...
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Elena was lying on the couch, much to Damon’s discontent, while Meredith did some basic tests.
“How long have you been feeling like this?” she asked while she checked Elena’s eyes.
“Started this morning, when I woke up” Elena answered softly.
“And you’re having pain?” Meredith continued, checking Elena’s ears. “Where exactly?”
“My shoulders. My knees. My ankles. My hips” Elena summed up frowning, pausing after every joint she mentioned.
“Open your mouth” Meredith ordered and Elena obeyed. “Looks just fine” she mumbled and Elena closed her mouth again. “I’m...
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“I’m okay” Stefan groaned as he pulled out the arrow.
“I’m so sorry, Stefan” Elena said upset as she ran his way. Damon was already with his brother, helping him getting up. “I didn’t mean to shoot you”
“Really, I’m fine” Stefan tried to reassure her. Elena still looked rather guilty and so Damon jumped to another subject.
“So…did you find Rachel?” he asked.
“Yeah, I did” Stefan answered.
“Where is she? I thought you were going to take her here” Damon said confused.
“Yeah” Stefan replied slow. “About that”
Rachel walked up to the door of the building....
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Rachel looked around her before she pressed the bell of Ric’s loft.
“Rachel” Stefan said a little surprised, when he opened the door. “Come in”
“Are you alone?” Rachel checked. Stefan nodded and she followed him inside. “I need to know something” she cut to the chase. “How do you know I’m a werewolf?”
“It’s a full moon tonight and you were acting strange earlier” Stefan explained. “Plus I’m a vampire, I have learned to recognize them, even if they’re in human shape”
“Veronica will kill me if she finds out I’ve been talking to you” Rachel said scared...
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The door of the Grill opened and Matt saw Tyler sitting at the bar, kissing Veronica. Matt rolled his eyes and turned around to leave again, when Tyler blocked his way.
“Are you leaving already?” he asked surprised. “Don’t be so stupid, have a drink with us”
Matt glanced at the bar. “You mean with you and Veronica? Yeah, I think I’m going to pass” He wanted to leave, but Tyler gripped his arm. “Aahh!” Matt exclaimed and looked shocked at Tyler, but he didn’t let go.
“We have to talk. It’s about Caroline” he started. “I need you to tell her that I love her. This...
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“Nice dress” a familiar, male and British voice whispered in Caroline’s ear. She startled, but recovered quickly. She tried to spot Damon and Elena, but since they were nowhere to be found, she took a deep breath and turned around.
“What do you want?” she asked sharp.
“Well, first I would like to know why you’re not wearing the dress I sent you” Klaus said.
“You sent? Wait, you gave me the dress with the note?” Caroline asked surprised.
“Of course” Klaus answered. “You didn’t think Tyler has that good of taste, did you?”
“Oh, well, ehm, I couldn’t wear it anyway”...
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Caroline parked her car on the parking lot of the school. Since Damon didn’t have a car anymore he couldn’t drive them and either way, Damon nor Elena minded being banned to the backseat of Caroline’s car.
“We’re there” Caroline said, excited and nervous.
“Yeah, you go ahead” Damon mumbled, before he kissed Elena.
“Come on, guys, not in my car” Caroline reproached. She stepped out of the car and walked around to Elena’s door. She opened it and pulled Elena out of the car. “Try to restrain yourself a little” she said with a sharp look at Elena.
Elena turned to Damon....
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Rachel stroke her fingers through her hair. “Oh my God. What have I done?” she mumbled agitated. “Think, Rachel, think” She looked around. Then she grabbed Gabe’s feet and dragged him to the farthest corner.
She ran to the stairs and went to the kitchen where she searched the drawers for matches. In her panic she forgot she had been living here for about twenty years and the matches lay in the second drawer next to the cupboard underneath the sink ever since. She pulled it open and grabbed the matches. Then she opened the fridge and took out a bottle of Malt Whisky. She ran back downstairs to the body. She opened the bottle of Malt and poured its content over the body. Then she stroke a match and let it fall down and watch how Gabe went up into flames.
As she watched him burn a sudden agony fulfilled her body and she dropped the bottle. She fell down on her knees and felt her body contracting and convulsing while she screamed.
Elena walked into Damon’s room, where Damon was lying on the bed. He looked up. “You still angry with me?”
Elena shook her head. “No” she sighed. “I should’ve known better. You still angry with me?” Damon frowned. “I wasn’t angry. Why would I be angry?”
“Because I was so stupid to think you’d want to have a conversation with the one that betrayed you” Elena said sad.
“Oh, well, I’ll have to get over it sometime” Damon shrugged. He looked at Elena. “And you’re not stupid” He lifted up his head and kissed her. Elena stuck her hand behind his neck and pulled...
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Zoey knocked the door of the motel room. She had seen Dean leave a minute ago. He probably went to the blonde girl she just shot.
“Cas? Can you open the door?” she asked sweet.
Cas rotated his head and looked at the door.
“Please, Cas? I just want to talk” Zoey said slow.
Cas looked at the bed next to him, but Meg had fallen asleep. Lucky her, Cas thought.
“Cas, I have Dean and I have a gun. Open the door now”
Cas’ eyes widened in fear and he slowly came out of bed.
“I’m…I’m coming” he stammered. “Don’t kill him” He held his stomach, his injuries were still not completely...
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Ellen and Jo, who had been told the guys were back in Colorado, were staying in a different motel. They didn’t know where Dean, Sam and Cas exactly were.
Someone knocked and Ellen, who didn’t know how Zoey looked like or that she was on the loose, opened the door and looked straight into a gun.
“Where is Cas?” Zoey asked cold.
“You must be Zoey” Ellen concluded. She took a few steps back and Zoey came in.
“Where is Cas?” Zoey repeated her question a little sharper.
“He’s not here” Ellen said. “You better put that gun down. You don’t really want to do this”
Zoey looked...
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Sam was waiting in line in a local snack bar. While he was waiting he watched the news, airing on a flat screen television, hanging on the ceiling.
“The thirty-five year old Zoey Allen has escaped the local hospital of Castle Rock, Colorado. Allen was brought into the hospital after she got stuck in a fire. Allen is extremely dangerous and wanted for several murders. She might be armed”
The news reader gave a number people could call if they had any kind of information.
Sam walked out of the snack bar and conjured his phone. He quickly dialed Dean’s number.
“Dean, Zoey escaped” Sam said fast.
“What? I thought she was dead” Dean said disbelieving.
“Apparently not” Sam said. “Lock your door. Don’t let anyone in”
“I wasn’t going to” Dean said and Sam heard him lock the door.
Zoey woke up in a hospital bed. She wasn’t happy to be there. Crowley had taken away her angel powers and she was completely human again.
She walked to the door and opened it. She came face to face with a guardian.
“Miss Allen, where are you going?” the guardian asked.
“What is this?” Zoey frowned. “Why is there police guarding my room?”
“I’m just following orders, Miss Allen” the guardian answered. “My boss has a few questions for you”
“Then I guess you should call him” Zoey said and she walked back into her room.
She walked to the window and opened it. Her room was on ground floor, so she didn’t have to climb that deep. She swung her leg over the edge, followed by her other leg. She jumped and landed on the pavers. She turned around and ran away.
“Daphne? It’s time to let me go” Martin said soft.
Daphne lifted her head and stared at him with wet and bloodshot eyes. “How? I can’t”
“It’s time for me to move on” Martin said. “I’ve been wandering around for too long. I’m done here. If I stay much longer, I could turn into a vengeful spirit”
Daphne shook her head. “I don’t believe that”
“You didn’t believe I would show up in the first place, either” Martin pointed out.
Daphne pulled her shoulders. “How do I let you go? Aren’t you supposed to walk into the light or something?”
Martin laughed. “Not exactly. You have to salt and burn my bones”
“So I need to go to the cemetery?” Daphne asked.
“No. That grave is empty” Martin said bitter.
“Then where are your bones?” Daphne asked nervous.
“You’re standing on them” Martin answered.
“Tell me you love me” Zoey said furious.
“I could never love you. You manipulating, lying, evil slut” Cas said bitter.
“Do you want me to pull out some more organs?” Zoey threatened.
Cas’ eyes bulged and he heavily shook his head.
“No, please, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again” he begged with tears in his eyes.
Zoey didn’t listen and forced her arm inside Cas for the third time.
“Stop doing that! It really hurts!” Cas now cried. “I’m sorry that I don’t love you”
Zoey’s hand searched its way up, causing Cas to throw up some more blood.
“I think that’s your heart”...
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