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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Nothing by the Script

“Am I better off dead?
Am I better off a quitter?
They say I’m better off now
Than I ever was with her
As they take me to my local down the street
I’m smiling but I’m dying trying not to drag my feet”

“I didn’t need (Y/N) anymore,” I keep telling myself over and over again, but I can’t help but feel lonely without her.

“They say a few drinks will help me to forget her
But after one too many I know that I’ll never
Only they can’t see where this is gonna end
They all think I’m crazy but to me it’s perfect sense”

Every beer I have makes me think of her more....
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
You hum as you wash your hair, scrubbing your head.
You aren’t exactly sure what you’re humming to… But it’s something.

“Hey, (Y/N), have you seen my-” “THUD!” You rip open the shower curtain to see your boyfriend had tripped over the doorway.

“Oh my god, Two-Bit, are you ok?!?” You gasp.

He looks up at you. “Oh my god you’re in the shower!” He yells.

You yank the curtain back, covering yourself up.

“Two-Bit, are you ok honey?”you ask.

“After seeing that I’m not.” He says. “Damn, your beautiful.” He says, blushing.

“What a pig.” You laugh.
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“Hey, Darry, please stop picking on him. He’s obviously stressed out.” You plead with you boyfriend. He and Ponyboy were fighting about grades and school and such.

“(Y/N), please stay out of this.” Darry says, eyes still locked on his younger brother.

“She has a point.” Ponyboy snorts.

“Don’t use that tone with me, young man.” Darry says, voice raised.

“Who went and made you dad?” Ponyboy asked, shrugging his shoulders.

“You take that back.” Darry says, lunging for Ponyboy.

They start beating up on each other, nothing serious. Brothers will be brothers.

“Hey! Knock it off!” You say, trying to separate them on the ground.


You fall back, the hit getting you hard.

The boys freeze, realizing they’ve hit you.

“Ow!” You say. “That was my boob!”

They burst out laughing.
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007

“Oh my god, Steve. Your eye.” You say as you remove the ice pack.

“It’s just bump.” He grins.

“A bump? Honey, it’s a huge black eye. It’s more like an egg.” You say.

“Old Man can still pack a punch, huh?”

“Steve, you need to get out of there.” You say matter-of-factly.

“I got nowhere to go.”

“You can stay with the Curtises. Or me. I just don’t like seeing you hurt.” You whisper.

“I’d rather it be me than you.” He says.
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“Slow down!” You say as Dally speeds through stop sign after stop sign.

“What?” He asks, glancing over at you.

“You’re gonna get pulled over,” you say, rolling your eyes.

“Do you think I’d care?” He laughed.

“Dallas Winston, I am shocked and appalled you just said that to me and ran that red light.” You laugh. “I’m horrified at your driving skills. Remind me not to get into a car with you again.”
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Light cracked the sky open. The crash that followed jolted you awake. You sit up in your bed, wide eyed with fear.

You had been afraid of thunderstorms since you were little… something about it just frightened you to no end.

The sound of your boyfriend breathing calmed you down. The rhythmic deep breathing soothed you, only for a second.

Another crack lit up the sky, with a giant boom that followed.

“Dally.” you shake your boyfriend awake.

“Babe… what’s the ma-” He stops as he sees your eyes, wide with fear. He sits up straight and wraps his arms around you pulling you close. “You’re fine… You’re fine.” He whispers, rocking you back and forth. “I got you. I promise. I got you.” Hands running through your hair.

“I just don’t like them.” You mumble into his bare chest.

“I know. I know.” He say. “But I still got you. I promise.”

But you were already asleep again.
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“Dad?” Danny asks from across the room.

I lower my newspaper to look at my fourteen year old son. When I looked at him, I saw the younger version of me. A bit slimmer, and with (Y/N)’s eyes. His dark hair kind of greased back, black muscle shirt and jeans, lounging on the couch, eyes still on the football game. If he kept it up, I could be watching him playing on the screen.

“How did you ask mom out?” He says casually, his eyes move from the game to me.

I set the newspaper down; rub my chin, remembering how it went down. I smile.

“Well… she worked as a secretary at the roofing company...
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
The sun warmed your body, the sand hot underneath you.

“Enjoying your nap?” Johnny asks, smiling.

You move your arm to block the sun out of your eyes.

“I was until you had to ruin it.” You groan.

“I’m sorry.” He says, laying down on his stomach next to you.

“You know, you’re really boring at the beach. All you’ve done is sleep.” He groans.

“Because I’m tanning and I like sleeping.” You mumble

“Well that’s kinda boring. Why don’t you come into the water?”

“Because it’s freezing.” You complain.

“It’s not that cold.”

“I beg to differ.”

“Well, you have...
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“Ten,” he grins after he kisses you.

“I thought you said you didn’t like little kids.”

“Yeah, but our little kids are different.” He mutters, stroking your hair.

“Ten kids is a lot, I’ll be so fat.” You laugh.

“You could never be fat.” He says seriously. “You’re almost to skinny now.” He looks you up and down. “But you’re perfect.” He smiles.

“How about six?” You ask.



“Fine seven,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Just so you know, I come from a family of twins… So we’ll probably have lots of twins… So our 7 will turn into...
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*Sleepover with Ponyboy*

Cherry didnt like it all that much when i said that i liked Ponyboy too. she didnt admit it, but i could see it on her face. so after that, me and Julie left. we headed back to her house and did the usual things we do: talk about The Outsiders, read parts in the book together (we both have our own copies), watch the movie together, gossip about people we know, talk about random things, etc., etc., etc. the usual.

but all of that was hours ago. i am now laying on my bed, wide awake, at 11 at night, thinking about something that i havent thought about in a while and that...
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this is the smartass Steve Randle
this is the smartass Steve Randle
*Another Addition*

after the boys caught up with each other i instructed Two-Bit, Soda, Steve, and Darry to pile back in the car. but Steve was debating with me.

"why?" he asked me.

"cause i said so," i said with my arms crossed across my chest. "just get in the car, Randle."

"why should i listen to YOU? youre a baby."

"im a BABY?" Steve was wasting my patience.

"yeah. ya know? the youngest. i mean, CLEARLY you are. look at how short you are." Two-Bit and Soda were chortling in the car. i looked at Darry. he was getting impatient with Steves clowning around.

hes making fun of my shortness! i thought....
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the whole fictional outsiders gang...but if they are in my world, are they REALLY fictional?
the whole fictional outsiders gang...but if they are in my world, are they REALLY fictional?
*The Whole Outsiders Gang*

i stood on the corner of Wallace and Kurf at 2 in the afternoon with Ponyboy, Dallas, and Johnny and waited for Sodapop and Darry Curtis, Two-Bit Mathews, and Steve Randle, a little pissed. you wanna know why i have to wait on a street corner for fictional boys while mad? i'll tell you:

four hours earlier--

"oh, yeah," Ponyboy said. "i should probably tell you that Johnny and Dally and i have to go meet the gang." we were eating breakfast. i gagged and almost choked on my toast. i didnt think i heard him right.

"what?" i asked.

"we have to go meet my brothers Soda and...
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*Green Eyes and Blue Eyes*

"what is it?" Janes asked me.

"would it be alright if three friends could stay with you for a little while?" i asked. Janes looked over at the three boys.


i nodded. "it would only be for a little while!"

"it is fine with me, Amber. but may i know their names first?" i smiled sheepishly.

"oh, i said. "right. well"--i walked over to Dally--"this is Dallas Winston, but you can call him Dally and--"i pointed at Johnny--"this is Johnny Cade and--" i walked over to Ponyboy and smiled at him--"this is Ponyboy Curtis." he smiled back. Janes had a look of suspicion on his...
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1. If you see Johnny as a deep person like Ponyboy does, add this to your profile.

2. Don't want a knight in shining armor; I want a greaser in Converse and hair grease!

3. If you're against animal cruelty, then copy this into your profile!

4. If you're against animal experimentation, then copy and paste!

5. when you hear the song "Replay" by Iyaz, your version of the first line is "Johnny's like a melody in my head...", then copy and paste.

6. If you love greasers, are a self-confessed greaser fan, and are a proud member of TEAM GREASER...
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posted by TomboyWriter
During filming, the actors playing the "soc"s were given leather-bound scripts and were put up in luxury accommodations, while the "greasers" were given battered paperback scripts and had to stay in the ground floor of the hotel, as director Francis Ford Coppola wanted to create tension between the two groups.

The letter jacket that the "soc" is wearing as he challenges Darrel is the letter jacket from the High School that author S.E. Hinton attended.

Over a half hour of the film was cut before release, due to movie executives fearing it to be too long and a chance of upsetting fans of the...
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Dally don’t hate me so that’s good Kyri worked out in the end and she starts coming to school since this is permenate. She makes a lot of girls jealous even some soc’s. Her eyes that are the light hazel are the most wanted trait and even Pony and Two-bit are drooling over her. I keep her tight to my side as if in a defense mecanisim. She and I have a lot of classes together and she likes it that way even though she’s in higher classes than me and now that she’s here Dally starts coming to school. Rene doesn’t hate her as much as before and Dally and Rene are growing closer....
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For the next few days, Ponyboy and I took turns reading Gone With The Wind. It was a pretty good book. I should have went to see the movie with Johnny and Pony. And it passed a lot of time. I finally got used to our hair, even though I still hated mine. It was the same blond hair of many of Two-Bit's girlfriends. At least it's a little longer than I thought they would cut it. It was a few inches longer than my shoulders. But like I said, I still hated it. One day I woke up and saw Ponyboy walk outside. He went to smoke a cigarette. I followed along and started smoking too. It was before dawn...
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When I first woke up I had no idea where I was. This place looked old and creepy and dirty. When I sat up I finally realized where I was. I was in the church on top of Jay Mountain. Johnny had killed a Soc. Quiet Johnny, the one that never talks, the one person that wouldn't hurt anyone or anything on purpose, had killed a human being. We were really being chased by the cops. Maybe after a few days everything will be alright. Maybe the cops would understand that Johnny was doing this for self defense. I mean after all the Socs had almost drowned my brother. Maybe the cops would let Darry, Sodapop,...
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When he found out it was Two-Bit he was ok. After the movie we all headed home. I was going to sleep over at Carli's and Ponyboy's house. Pony went to the lot with Johnny for a little while. Me and Carli walked to her house when we got ther we went to Carli's room to set up how we were going to sleep. By the time it was 1:50 we were all freaking out. At 2:00 am Ponyboy walked in. "do you know what time it is? Well it's 2 o'clock in the morning kiddo." "I fell asleep in the lot.I didn't mean to." "You did what? And I can't even call th cops because we would get split up so fast that it would...
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posted by outsidersfan_14
I rushed into my room and plopped on my bed throwing my books at my desk, my aiming was perfect .... almost. A bunch of papers spewed unto my floor. Groaning i got up from where i lay only a few measly seconds and went to pick up the papers. They were mostly school papers from last year i didnt care about. I tossed them into the wire trashcan sitting next to my desk carelessly. I picked up the last thing on the ground, a yelow tore up folder that looked flamiliar. I opened it ciriously and those words i worked so hard on last year flashed before my eyes- when i stepped into the brightness...
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