The Office Yes, I live on a different continent, and yes, I love the Office US

Happyhour posted on Sep 24, 2008 at 11:45PM
I have trouble sleeping anyway but I'm so excited about this new season of the Office that my head is buzzing. It's the anticipation that's getting to me. And now in England it's nearly one in the morning and it's Thursday and I'm thinking YES! OFFICE THURSDAY! Only really it's going to have to be Office Friday when I set my alarm for 6:00 am and bundle out of bed to watch some internet download. Does anyone else from a different less Office-fied country feel like me? Are you contemplating calling up some airline and flying over for the night? Do you try to explain to your friends and family that yes, Ricky Gervais is awesome, but Steve Carrell can do it too? Can you not eat Jam without humming Pam Pong?

This is me calling out to those who don't live in the US to discuss the need for those who post these season five episodes online.

Thank you and good night.

The Office 19 replies

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over a year ago flyin_rhino said…
I know exactly how you feel! I'm in Australia, and we don't get The Office at all...they had it on air for a while, but it was eventually taken off. So now, I've had to resort to watching all new episodes on the web. Just received the Season 4 DVD in the mail the other day (ordered it off Amazon), so it's been fun watching all the special features.
Anyway...The Office is my most favourite show and I can't wait to watch the premier tomorrow! :D
over a year ago gingerkaters said…
I live in Ireland and I am so thankful for the people who post episodes online. They have just finished showing Season 3 here and I only got the Season 3 DVD in July! But I've already watched Season 4, thanks to the lovely people who put it on the Internet. I haven't bought the DVD yet, because it isn't available on our region yet - boo :( I can't wait for tomorrow when I get to watch Season 5. I've really struggled to cope without any new episodes.

I don't say this out loud a lot, but I think Steve Carrell is way better than Ricky Gervais. Shh!!
over a year ago Snerkie said…
flyin_rhino, they had the Office on channel 10 for a little bit BUT like a few weeks ago my mum caught an episode on TV1 :o but i think it was like...season 1 or 2, i forgot. But yeah Australia is VERY Office-less, we are Office-neglected...we're everything-neglected. Guh.
over a year ago flyin_rhino said…
Yeah, I remember watching the end of Season 2 on Channel 10 years ago, and they had about half of Season 3, but then took it sucks!
over a year ago Happyhour said…
Sorry, yes I agree about it sucking and all, and yes I am praying that some kind hearted American will post the Office online an hour after the show, but flyin_rhino, that has to be the most awesome icon ever.

Also, does anyone in the UK have people get annoyed with you for watching the Office US? Because my friends say it's like betraying Ricky Gervais even though he's involved in the Office US.
over a year ago llerenaprincipe said…
*whispering* suck up

i'm gonna miss it too
but someone WILL post it
don't worry people
over a year ago flyin_rhino said…
Haha, thanks Happy.
over a year ago llerenaprincipe said…
ok its 4 am !!
and its not here yet??
whats the world come to
over a year ago Happyhour said…


Feel my over eager sucking upness power.
over a year ago llerenaprincipe said…
forgot to check the links =)

over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Think about the poor, poor fans who can't even see it on the net! (Me lol).
The Office is obviously like, the best show ever, and my internet refuses to download anything more than about 0.6MB. I'm in the completely Office-less Australia and I can't even see it on the net!!!
I may die now.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago llerenaprincipe said…
aw that sucks
it might be ur ethernet connection
if ur computer has two NIC's maybe u could try connecting it to the other one and try again
over a year ago snufty said…
I'm in Australia and I've just discovered the office on DVD. About halfway through season 2 right now, and loving it. And how hot is jim!?! Channel 10 is notorious for disappearing shows. They did it with Battlestar Galactica which is now my fave show. If anyone hasn't seen it, get it out on DVD and watch up to Flesh and Bone and you'll be hooked!
over a year ago smoore23 said…
Aw, snoz, that stinks. :(
over a year ago kayzpal said…
I'm originally from Indonesia but currently living in Australia (came this year). Yeah, it's pretty Office-less. lol But they do release the DVD though. The complete season (the last time I see, the released Season 3-Part 1. Lame.) But yeah, gotta see the new episodes on the net and that kinda sucks, a bit.

Nevertheless, I'm still a die-hard fan.
over a year ago howdyimliz said…
Oh man Happy Hour, I feel your pain. I'm American but I'm living over here in England and I have to keep my obsession a secret because it is like blasphemy here to say you like the US office better!
over a year ago HannaK said…
I know exactly how you all feel! I live in the Netherlands and almost no one knows the Office. And it's the same in the Netherlands: nobody believes that the Office US is as good (or better) than the Office UK.
over a year ago pencilcup said…
So true HannaK! I get a lot of weird looks when I mention the show, especially the US one.
over a year ago flyin_rhino said…
When I'm older and The Office has finished forever (oh God, how we all dread that day!) I'm gonna sit down one day, get out all of the DVDs, and have an 'Office Marathon'. :D
It'd be pretty cool seing every episode one after the other, and to see how it's changed so much over the seasons.