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The Heroes of Olympus Question

Jason and Percy, relationship; friends? enemies?

I kinda have a feeling that Jason will be jealous of Percy.

Percy: No love problem. Defeated two Titans, Hyperion and Kronos. Defended Olympus
Jason: Has love problems. Defeated one Titan, Krios. Defended nothing.

But what do YOU think?
Percy: Preatorship in 1 week, or so
Blaze_of_Ares posted over a year ago
Jason, idk :P
Blaze_of_Ares posted over a year ago
I suppose they'll have some kind of problem, since both have been the heroes in thwir own stories but anyway, I'll think that they'll get along.
PrincessHarper posted over a year ago
IDC!!!!!Everyone hates Jason
anakinsgirl60 posted over a year ago
 Blaze_of_Ares posted over a year ago
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The Heroes of Olympus Answers

inseyaali said:
Not exactly the love problems and who's defeated who...but more of the 'Percy is praetor and has won all the camps hearts' and Percy seeing Jason with his friends and family...don't ya think?
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posted over a year ago 
yeah, good point
Blaze_of_Ares posted over a year ago
nice best answer click
cubsrule posted over a year ago
pecyjacksonXD said:
I think it will be like how Percy and Thalia were so they will end up being friends it will just take awhile:)
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posted over a year ago 
Nico-di-Angelo said:
Haha u agree with you Bobby. Enemies. Plus, Percy did take Jason's place as preator.
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posted over a year ago 
Blaze_of_Ares posted over a year ago
period of 5 days 4 of which he wasn't there for and the other one he was beating fellow camper's
Spikegilfer1997 posted over a year ago
Anyone seen the cover of mark of athena
anakinsgirl60 posted over a year ago
ConnerandTravis said:
friend and enemies

Percy- Love Problems(Labyrinth, Rachel Vs Annabeth), defeated titans, defended Olympus

Jason-Love Problems, defeated Krios, also the bane of Jupiter, defended CAMP JUPITER!

In this series, it takes a lot more than to meet to become best friends. Along the battles, through the journey of this quest, they will become friends. Also, Blaze before you compare Jason to Percy, make sure your facts are straight.
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posted over a year ago 
Blaze_of_Ares posted over a year ago
you got to admit that I am right
ConnerandTravis posted over a year ago
Aww thanks cadmus(:
book-worm posted over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 said:
Grudging Friends, then enemies, and then friends
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posted over a year ago 
dancergirl78 said:
lol what love problems? and I think enemies. i hope. bahaha.
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posted over a year ago 
unknownquestion said:
Let's just say I hope they hate each other and that's saying it nicely
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posted over a year ago 
Why do you wish they hate each other?
book-worm posted over a year ago
^ delicious wars between beloved Jason and percy, Annabeth screaming and Reyna and Piper crying in the corner, LOL
NiazAbedini posted over a year ago
anakinsgirl60 posted over a year ago
meredog said:
I so hope they hate each other!!!!!!! I mean look at the cover for MoA!!!!!! They are fighting!!!!!!! I mean Jason and Percy fighting with Annabeth screaming trying to get them to stop and Piper crying because Jason is losing or Annabeth crying because Percy is losing and Reyna kicking back enjoying the fight!!!!!! How awesome would that be??? Pretty awesome!!!!! Am I the only on who thinks so??
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posted over a year ago 
HAHA yeah
Blaze_of_Ares posted over a year ago
i agree haha
dancergirl78 posted over a year ago
Reyna would be trying to keep ordr lol
anakinsgirl60 posted over a year ago
Percabethlove4 said:
Percy:Awesome been my hero for about 6 years!!!!!

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posted over a year ago 
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