The Following Club
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In the meantime, Dale was busy bossing everyone around. Usually, bossing people around was Agnes’ job, and she was quite good at it. The members of the community, literally, shitted their pants, when something didn’t go according to plan, because they were all afraid Agnes would take her anger out on them. Which she did.
Dale wasn’t that bad. He was just really nervous, and who could blame him? Everything had to be perfect, nothing could go wrong.
“Looks like you could use a hand”
Dale turned around and frowned annoyed. “What are you still doing here?” he hissed, glancing at his watch. “I told you to get your things and get out”
“Relax” Agnes replied, raising her hands. “I didn’t come to ruin your big moment…I came to say goodbye”
Dale shook his head. “I don’t have time for this” he sighed, and started walking away, when Agnes called him back.
“Oh no, you’re not getting rid of me that easy” she said fierce, her footsteps echoing in the council room. “You owe me, Dale. After everything I have done for you, you owe me a proper goodbye”
Dale turned around and bent his head. “I don’t want you to go” he said, furrowing his eyebrows frustrated. “But I had to make a choice, and I chose Deb”
Agnes tilted her head, and smiled faintly. “Well, you know how I feel about Deb. You could do so much better”
“Goodbye, Agnes” Dale said, determined.
“Goodbye, Dale” Agnes replied, and she added: “When you realize what kind of person you’re getting yourself involved with, and you don’t like what you get,…come find me”
It was half past five in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Parker woke up difficult. They were surprised they had even been able to sleep at all. The barn wasn’t exactly the most comfortable place to spend your night.
“Do you think Beth spent the night with Dale already?” Mr. Parker wondered out loud.
“After the way you treated her there’s no way Dale could’ve moved past the need to comfort her” Mrs. Parker snapped hostile.
“Well, you won’t exactly win the award for Mother of the Year either with your performance from the last couple of days” Mr. Parker fired back angry.
Mrs. Parker...
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Joe was pacing up and down the living room, about to lose his mind, while Molly tried to make him calm down.
“I can’t calm down!” Joe hissed in distress. “In a few minutes Ryan Hardy will be on the doorstep. I don’t suppose he’s coming alone, do you?”
Several police vans parked in front of the house. Turner jumped out of one and gave instructions to his men.
Ryan snuck up to them. “I’ll go in the back” he whispered and without awaiting Turner’s approval he turned around again.
Joe walked to Molly. “I’m really sorry, Molly, but I have no other choice” Before she could...
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Molly was pacing up and down her house. It had been all over the news. The FBI had let Joe Carrol slip through their fingers once again. She was waiting for Joe’s phone call to give her permission to go kill Ryan.
Ryan had arrived a couple of hours ago. He’d had that bitch Claire with him. Had it been up to Molly, they’d both be lying on the floor with a knife in their stomachs. But she had to wait for orders.
She heard the backdoor squeak and turned around. Her eyes on the kitchen-the first place the backdoor led to-she snuck to the cupboard and opened the first drawer. In the drawer...
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The entire community of Serenity Hills was gathered in the council room. They were all sitting in a giant circles, the council on high chairs with pillows, the regulars on normal chairs, and Mr. and Mrs. Parker had to sit on the floor.
When they heard a struggle, and shuffling, they all looked up expecting, and a moment later Ross dragged Deb inside. He pulled at the ropes, and dragged her forwards, as if she was a mule.
Once they reached the center of the circle, he pulled so hard at the ropes, Deb’s knees gave in, and she fell on the floor.
Dale, who had been sitting on the middle high chair,...
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Though Deb had no idea of the time, it felt like an eternity had passed, when she heard footsteps, and Beth made her presence known.
“Beth” Deb sighed relieved, her eyes gleaming hopefully, as she scribbled up. Dale had been so kind to cut her ropes, though her hands were still tied.
“Hello, Debbie” Beth said, as she looked down on her scarcely naked sister. She looked as though her eyes were daggers, and every glance would cause insufferable pain.
Deb swallowed. “Why did you it?” she asked softly, almost like a little girl.
“I’m sorry, what?” Beth said, scornful.
“Why did you...
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Beth wondered if Agnes needed something from her, because she was abnormally patient, and kind. She even helped Beth was her hair, and prepared something to eat.
“There’s something I have to say” Agnes, finally, fessed up. Here we go, Beth thought. “I need to apologize for what I did. I shouldn’t have betrayed you”
“What happened to Simon?” Beth asked.
Agnes sighed. ‘Simon…He’s gone. I left him behind” she said, partially honest.
“Left him behind, where?” Beth asked, a little snarky.
“Beth, please, this is painful enough as it is, already” Agnes complained. She sighed...
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The door of Rob’s office opened, and he stuck his head out of it, to see what all the screaming was for.
“Deb, what on earth is going on?” he insisted, when Deb backed away, her gaze at something ahead of her. Rob turned his head, and saw a woman coming their way.
“Don’t let her take me” Deb whispered terrified.
Instinctively, Rob stood in front of Deb. The woman held her steps.
“I need to speak with my cousin” Agnes said cold. She looked over Rob’s shoulder. “Debra, sweetie, your brother wants to see you”
Debra shook her head heavily. “I don’t have a brother, and I’m...
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Angry with Nick, and determined to spend the rest of the evening with Deb, Mike returned to Deb’s office. He found her alone again. She was sitting on her desk.
“Beth left ten minutes ago” Deb explained. “Thank you, for bringing her here. We had a very good conversation”
There was something off about her.
“Do you want to know what we talked about?” Deb asked.
“I don’t need to know” Mike replied, not sure why he kept his distance.
“But do you want to know?” Deb teased him, with a seductive smile, that made Mike feel very weak inside. “Come here”
Mike obeyed and walked to...
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Mike tried to keep his attention on his computer as much as possible, but every now and then he glanced at the door of Nick Donovan’s office.
“Mike” someone hissed. Mike tore his head away from the door, to see Deirdre leaning towards him. By the look on her face, he could tell this wasn’t the first time she had called him.
“What is it?” he asked, with only half of his attention. Deirdre shifted on her seat, and looked around as if to make sure no one was eavesdropping, before leaning even closer towards Mike.
“I was wondering, if you could tell me what really happened?” she said....
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added by laurik2007
Source: fox
A few weeks later Debra was put in yet another foster family. This time she didn’t even try to be nice, but she wasn’t rebellious either. It would only be a matter of time before they would have enough of her, so however horrible this family, with its five children, was, Deb would just take it and not complain about it.
The first issue came on the night she arrived. Deb could hear a girl scream from inside, but her new foster father, Mr. Morgan, told her to wait by the car, while he would take a look at what was going on.
But it was cold outside and so five minutes later Deb snuck inside...
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Not wasting any time Abigail walked upstairs and opened the closet. She pulled out a suitcase and zipped it open.
She heard someone ring the bell, but since she wasn’t expecting anyone, she didn’t pay much attention to it. She turned back to the closet and took a few sweaters, blouses, T-shirts and pants. She closed the closet and walked to the drawer next to her bed.
“Good afternoon, sir” a woman said downstairs. She seemed a little nervous. Her eyes were red as if she’d been crying.
“Can I help you with something?” Wayne asked suspicious, while the woman searched her purse....
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Debra had no sense of time when she walked into the kitchen, listless, like a dead girl walking. Her eyes were thick and bloodshot. There were stains from grass and earth on her clothes and in her hair, that fell down her shoulders in tangles.
She heard someone call her name, but she was so far gone in her own mind, it sounded like it came from a bad adjusted radio. She started when two hands grabbed her shoulders.
“Debra!” Abigail called concerned.
Debra blinked, the only response she was prepared to give. Abigail sighed and let go. “Go get yourself cleaned up. You look like a mess. Lunch...
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A strong hand grabbed her wrist as Deb aimed for the woman again. She turned her head to face an older man. He looked furious.
“If you hit my wife one more time…” he said threatening. “Let her go, Wayne” the woman appealed. “She’s just upset” Wayne’s grip on Deb loosened and she liberated herself. She looked from Wayne to his wife and back.
“Who are you? What have you done to my baby?” she cried quietly.
The woman pulled Debra closer and caressed her hair. “Poor child, you’ve had to endure way too much pain for your age” she said. She looked up at her husband. “Could...
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A week had passed when Debra had ran out of bread. She was hungry and dirty. She had considered going back to her parents, but that would also mean going back to Dale and that was just not an option. They would probably put her back into that cage.
She still got sick in the mornings. People walked past her, curling their noses. But once the morning had passed she felt her stomach protest against the lack of food.
As she stopped at a supermarket she considered what she was about to do. One of the ten commandments crossed her mind. Thou shall not steal. But she wasn’t going to steal anything....
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Voices. And flashes. Debra’s eyes moved behind her eyelids while she heard people talking. What were they talking about? They said something about being molested. A strange sound escaped her throat and she tried to open her eyes.
“She’s waking up” a woman said fast.
Debra opened her eyes and lifted her hands to protect them from the light shining above her.
“Good morning” a man in a white suit said friendly. Debra pulled back and glanced suspiciously. “You had quite a fall” He looked at his files. “A minor concussion and some bruises. You were lucky” He looked up from the...
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Debra ran through the hallway and Dale opened the door of his bedroom. “Debra! Come back!” he shouted while he pressed his hand against his bleeding neck.
Other doors opened as well and soon everyone was looking for Debra.
Debra ran to the front door when someone grabbed her from behind. She started to scream when a hand covered her mouth. A boy, about her age, looked at her and ordered her to be quiet.
“The front door is too obvious” he whispered. “I know a better way” He took her hand and pulled her to the basement. He turned the light on and quickly walked downstairs. They ignored...
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Dale pulled himself of off Debra, who was staring ahead of her, completely in shock.
“If you want to you can clean yourself up” Dale suggested and he pointed at a door. “There’s the bathroom”
As in slow motion Debra put the gown back on and climbed out of bed. Shaking on her legs she walked to the bathroom. She pushed the latch down and entered the room. She closed the door and locked it.
She turned the shower on and undressed. When she got in the shower the water was painfully hot, but she didn’t care. She looked down and saw blood mixing with the water.
Still feeling dirty Debra...
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6am, the next morning.
The basement door opened and someone walked downstairs. They were carrying a bucket with water. They walked to the cage, opened it and poured the ice cold water over Debra’s sleeping body. Debra woke up screaming and turned on her back.
Agnes smiled at her, the bucket in her right hand. “Wake up, sleepy head. We have a lot of work to do”
Debra tried to get up, which was difficult, because she hadn’t stand up since she was put here. Agnes lost her patience and grabbed the girl’s arm. With a violent gesture she pulled her up. “Now, come on. Breakfast is ready”...
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Mike walked through the hospital aisle to Debra’s room. The door was open and the doctor was just leaving. Debra smiled when she saw Mike standing in the doorway.
“My hero” she smirked and signaled with her hand, giving him permission to enter.
“How are you feeling?” Mike asked softly.
“Dirty” Debra replied grumpy. “I just want to go home and get cleaned up…But that’s not going to happen. We still have a bunch of killers on the loose” she added. “Did you hear from Ryan yet?”
“Eh, yeah. He’s on his way back” Mike answered.
“Well, then there’s no time to waste”...
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