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posted by 80smusiclover1
We now move on to Harrods, where the "couple" was currently in a shopping trip of sorts. "After this, we shall proceed to my lair in Epping Forest. Would you like that?" Dahlia said as she decided to buy a pocket watch. "I'd love to." George replied, still under the spell. "Excellent!" Dahlia replied. "Mm-hmm." George nodded.

It wasn't long until the other Beatles entered the department store, and with a gut feeling that a showdown was on its way, they went to look for some items that could function as makeshift weapons. "I'm not one who advocates for killing, but I've got a strong urge to kill that evil woman right now!" John said. "Take it easy, mate. It'll only be a matter of time until she gets what's coming to her." Paul replied. "Yeah. Still though, a demise of Dahlia would be nothing short of satisfying!" Ringo said. John and Paul can't help but agree.

Fortunately, it seemed like Dahlia's control on George was about to lose effect when she left to take a loo break, during which his eyes began reverting back to chocolate brown. Afterwards, he blinked and said, "Huh? Wha-What happened?" George then remembered what Dahlia did to him earlier, thus resulting in the biggest rage he's ever had (can you really blame him?) as the scene switches to the outside of the store.....


posted by 80smusiclover1
After hiking to the top of the hill, the trio found a private spot for their picnic complete with a nice view of the Thames. In addition to the pie, George had fixed some tuna melts, bags of trail mix, and hot chocolate which was kept in its original state through a thermos bottle. "Here ye go, sweetheart!", he said while giving Pattie a big slice. She then remarked upon taking a bite, "Mmm... This really is delicious, darling! I'd even say it's the best apricot pie I've ever tasted!" George smiled and replied, "I knew you'd love it, my dear! Of course, you can thank my mum for baking this...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
We have entered the new year of 1967, and something grand is about to take place for our heroes over the next few months. Speaking of which, let's see what the soon-to-be family has currently been up to!

George, Pattie, and Laura were on the drive to Primrose Hill in Regent's Park for their picnic as a way to kick off the year. This won't be your typical picnic, though, 'cause the former had planned for it to be the moment where he'll surprise his sweetheart by asking her The Big Question at last. Pattie said, "I see that apricot pie has been quite a staple for your family, eh?" George replied,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The Beatles, Laura, and Pattie then spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the snow in the backyard. Paul said, "I think we can all agree that this has been a bloody spectacular year for us!" Ringo replied, "Most definitely! We've had so many memorable moments to the point where I'm not sure if I could even pick a favourite among them." Sparkie made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "I know!" John added, "And something tells me we've got a wedding to prepare for by the time next year arrives, too!" George said, "Correct-a-mundo, mate! I was just about to say that myself." John responded...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
THUMP! "Spirit! Let me out! Let me out! I'll..." Just when Scrooge thought he had fallen to his doom, he came out of his blanket and breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that he was back in his bedroom again. Not only that, but it was finally Christmas morning, too! Scrooge remarked after opening the window, "Thank goodness that was only a bad dream... Wait! This also means..." A wide smile then ran across his face (followed by a joyful jump) as he exclaimed, "YES!!! The spirits have given me another chance! I better go and spread as much holiday cheer as possible!" And in a flash, he freshened...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After the mist had cleared up, Scrooge found himself in a gloomy cemetery. He looked around and was surprised by a mysterious cloaked figure standing behind him, who then removed his hood to show his real face. He said, "Hello. I'm the Ghost of Christmas Future (Felix the Yeoman Warder)." Scrooge replied, "Oh, I should've guessed." The Ghost continued, "I see you've already learned quite a lot from those two spirits, eh? Well, it's not over yet; as you are about to see the consequences of your actions!" Scrooge nodded in response. He then asked, "Is it true that my employee's child will die...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Woe is me! I had a promising future with my lovely lady and I gave them all up!", lamented Scrooge as he was back on his bed. At that moment, he heard the ringing of a bell along with a jovial voice coming from the living room. "Come one, come all! There's a glorious feast right in store for you! Huh, huh, huh, yeah (This may sound familiar if you watch the Beatles Cartoon)!" Scrooge did become speechless for a while upon seeing all that sumptuous food: Roasted turkey, pigs in blankets, mince pies, and even Christmas pudding! The second visitor then noticed him and said, "Why it's a pleasure...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
At around 1:00 am, Scrooge found himself awakened by a glowing yellow light. "That must be coming from the first of those three spirits.", he thought. And indeed, it was. "Greetings, old chap! I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past (Dr. Robert - Remember him from "The Mystery of the Haunted Pier"?), and I have come to show you how your actions played a part in shaping you into the man you are today." Scrooge was nervous at first, but replied, "As you wish, spirit. Though, how are you gonna do that?" The Ghost said, "Simple! Here, hold my hand." What followed was quite possibly the wildest sky ride...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After continuing his work for the remainder of the day, Scrooge went back home just before midnight. However, as he made his way upstairs, he was startled by what sounded like rattling chains and a ghostly moan. He then tried locking the door and taking cover underneath the living room table, but those didn't work. "Eeebenezer Scrooge, where are you?", said the ghost as it finally appeared. This turned out to be none other than his former business partner! "Ah, there ye are! I have come to tell you something important." Still shuddering, Scrooge replied, "W-w-what are you doing here? How did...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The story begins on December 24 in Victorian London. Everyone was filled with the holiday spirit as they were getting ready for tomorrow. This, unfortunately, was not the case for a grumpy and surly money-lender named Ebenezer Scrooge. He had outrightly declined his nephew Fred's (Peter Harrison) Christmas dinner invitation as well as a donation offered by two gentlemen (Mike McCartney and Harry Harrison), who were fundraising for the poor. By the time Scrooge returned to his office, Bob Cratchit (his underpaid employee) had just finished work and was preparing to go home. He cheerfully greeted...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Merry Christmas, Geo! Merry Christmas, ladies!", exclaimed John as the soon-to-be family entered the recording room. George replied, "Merry Christmas to you, too, me mate! I see you brought a copy of the book as a reference while waiting for us, eh?" John said, "Ye got that right! In fact, I own this as part of my collection." Laura replied, "Very cool, uncle John!" Pattie added, "I'll say! This project is sure to be just as fun as when we recorded 'Yellow Submarine'." George said, "My thoughts exactly, sweetheart!" Paul asked, "Well then, are you ready to get it started?!" Laura said, "Ready...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
December 25, 1966

George and his daughter had just finished their breakfast and were getting themselves prepared to head back to Abbey Road Studios. As they wore their coats, boots, and other winter gear, Laura said, "I'm so excited to take part in the Christmas message with you and my uncles for the first time, daddy George! This is gonna be a real treat." George replied, "So am I, Laura, darling! Even more exciting is that we will be doing our veddy own version of a certain classic, audio drama style! Of course, this was John's idea, and you can thank him for it afterwards." Laura replied, "Oh, how lovely! I'll certainly be keeping that in mind." George responded with a smile and a chuckle. He then took another look at the engagement ring for a while (which he had bought at the start of this month) and gently kissed it. Before long, they drove off, fetched Pattie from her flat, and were on their way to the Studios.

posted by 80smusiclover1
The sun had begun to set around the same time the group's tour finally came to an end. They then returned to the courtyard and decided to take a break from walking for a while. George told his brother, "Y'know something, Pete? That amulet actually gave us a better understanding of each other now, since we've pretty much spent the first half of this tour being in each other's shoes." Peter replied, "You are right on the money there, Geo! It was quite a learning experience, too." George said, "Indeed!" John said, "To top it all off, it made our visit to this castle more memorable than what we...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
George, Laura, Pattie, John, and Peter had been enjoying their free time with the ravens while Tony told them about the origins of their association with the castle. "Legend has it that if any of these birds get lost or fly away, both the Crown and the kingdom will fall. After being warned about this, King Charles II is thought to have been the first to insist that they be protected here. Today, they're known as the Guardians of the Tower." John said, "Hey, I remember reading about that at school! What a fascinating story indeed." George added, "I'll say!" Peter asked, "Are there any other...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Once they were back outside, the group proceeded to the courtyard to put into action the last step of reversing the Amulet of Bandy's spell. John said, "That SURE was supernatural, me mates!" Laura replied, "Indeed, uncle John! I liked how the ghosts of those princes were friendly towards us." John replied, "Me too, dear Laura." Felix added, "And as I've said earlier; this is much better than having to watch over prisoners!" "Absolutely!", remarked Laura. A few minutes later when they reached the courtyard, Felix told them to wait while he went to pluck out a feather from one of their ravens....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Here we are!", exclaimed Felix as everyone reached the top of the tower. George said, "Oooh! I must say it's a good thing we came here in the afternoon! This place seems to be dimly lit." John replied, "I concur." Laura asked, "So, Felix, can you please tell us about its ghost story?" "Your wish is my command!", he replied. "On the death of Edward IV, Edward’s young son, 12 year old Edward became King Edward V, under the protection of his uncle, the Duke of Gloucester. Wanting to take the Crown for his own, he imprisoned Edward and his young brother Richard right in this part of the castle....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After asking for a lamp from one of his fellow Yeoman Warders, Felix led the walk to the Tower of the Two Princes. Laura said, "I'm really looking forward to Felix telling us about the ghost story behind this tower, daddy George!" He replied, "So am I, Laura, darling. So am I!" Pattie said, "And you and your brother will be back to your normal selves in no time, honey!" George said, "You bet, love!" John added, "Aye, me mate!" Before long, they reached the stairs leading up to the tower, and they began making their way up. As they were doing so, Peter was startled by what sounded like walking...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
When the group made it to the Armoury Room, Felix unlocked one of the drawers and took out a big book, which was a listing of further information on the Crown Jewels. After going through several chapters, he found the two pages that featured not only the amulet's backstory, but an illustration of it as well. He then explained, "This stone is known as the Amulet of Bandy (to my curious readers, bandy is used as one of the synonyms for switch. I chose that word because of having quite a nice ring to it.). It dates back to the Tudor era and has the ability to, without warning, swap the minds of...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The others were startled by the commotion just as they had finished their tour of the room. John gasped and said, "Bless me! That sounds like Geo and Pete screaming!" Felix said, "Well, whatever it is, we better go check on them!" The girls especially became concerned. The Harrison brothers themselves had already gotten up after recovering from the amulet's zap. Pattie asked George, "Darling! Are you okay?" He replied with a jovial tone, "Yeah, sweetheart! I am. Just feeling a bit... shaken." Laura said, "Hmm... how peculiar. You don't seem to act like yourself, daddy George." John added, "And...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Wow. I've never seen anything so marvelous when it comes to gems before!", remarked John as they toured the room where the Crown Jewels had been on display for the public to see. Pattie said, "I know! Seeing them in photos really IS nothing compared to this!" Laura said, "My thoughts exactly!" Felix said, "And while the Monarchy has gone through many ups and downs, these precious stones have stood the test of time!" Among the highlights of this stop were, of course, the Imperial State and St. Edward's (which has only been used for coronations) Crowns. There were also swords, scepters, and...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Now that they were inside the castle, the group proceeded to meet with their tour guide. "Daddy George, do you think we might hear some interesting ghost stories, too?", asked Laura. Her father replied, "Maybe so, Laura, darling. Let us see." At that moment, they suddenly heard a loud "BOO!!", which was then followed by a hearty laugh. This eventually turned out to be none other than one of the Yeoman Warders. He said, "I'm sure you weren't expecting to be greeted like that, eh? Anyways, welcome to the Tower of London! My name is Felix, and I'll be your guide for this special Halloween tour."...
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