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What Does Your Eye Color Say About You?



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Your Blue Eyes Say You're Calm and Confident

You are seen as balanced and peaceful. People turn to you for stability.
You don't let other people see you sweat. In fact, you don't even usually let yourself sweat.

You are an accepting, mild mannered person. You can quietly assess a situation, no matter how good or bad it may be.
You don't have much of a temper, and it's hard to make you angry. You rather move on than hold a grudge.

thats me!
posted over a year ago.
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irismess said:
You are seen as brilliant and irreverent. You speak your mind, and people love you for it.
You don't let other people see any insecurities you might have. You like to present a brave front.

You are sharp as a tack and very quick on your feet. You're the first to get or tell a joke.
You are also clear thinking in a crisis. You are an excellent problem solver.
posted over a year ago.
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Tamar20 said:
^ Same, my eyes are brown.
posted over a year ago.