Supernatural Club
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Heather was pacing up and down the kitchen, nervously waiting for Isabel to call her back. She couldn’t imagine what kept her so long. She didn’t have a job, she didn’t have a boyfriend anymore. She was probably wallowing in self-pity, while Heather was about to be ripped to pieces, according to the newspaper.
She dialed Isabel’s phone again and growled when it was her voicemail again. “Seriously? Where the hell are you? Cas is here. What part of get here ASAP did you not get? Don’t you read the newspaper? He’s a lunatic. He’s killed four people already in less than 48 hours and if you don’t hurry up I’m going to be next”
Heather startled and hung up. She turned around and forced a smile.
“You seem a little on edge. Something bothering you?” Cas asked acting concerned.
“What? No, no, eh, I’m just trying to reach a friend” Heather explained truthfully.
“A friend? Inspector Roberts, perhaps?” Cas took a wild guess and Heather stiffened.
“Former inspector” Heather corrected him weakly and could slap herself for revealing such information.
Cas smiled. “I couldn’t help but overhearing part of your conversation” he said apologizing. “What was that about me killing four people in less than 48 hours? How do you know that?”
He’s not even denying it, Heather realized downright scared to death. Cas looked over her shoulder and noticed the newspaper. His profile was on the front page.
“Well, that explains it” he said rather cheerful and he looked up. He knew the angels were behind this.
“What are you doing with that?” Heather asked, trying to pull herself together. “You can have it. It’s yours, but then please get out”
“Yeah, I don’t think so” Cas replied. “Why leave now? The fun’s just getting started”
“What?” Heather said confused, having no chance to add anything else, since Meg pierced a syringe in her neck. She lost balance and Meg caught her.
Sam was waiting in line in a local snack bar. While he was waiting he watched the news, airing on a flat screen television, hanging on the ceiling.
“The thirty-five year old Zoey Allen has escaped the local hospital of Castle Rock, Colorado. Allen was brought into the hospital after she got stuck in a fire. Allen is extremely dangerous and wanted for several murders. She might be armed”
The news reader gave a number people could call if they had any kind of information.
Sam walked out of the snack bar and conjured his phone. He quickly dialed Dean’s number.
“Dean, Zoey escaped” Sam said fast.
“What? I thought she was dead” Dean said disbelieving.
“Apparently not” Sam said. “Lock your door. Don’t let anyone in”
“I wasn’t going to” Dean said and Sam heard him lock the door.
Daphne and Dean were standing in the woods.
“There. That’s where it happened” Daphne pointed at the lake. “I’m sorry, I’m not going any closer”
“I think we should” Dean said insensitive. He grabbed Daphne’s arm again and pulled her to the lake. “Now, tell me what happened”
“He drowned, that’s what happened!” Daphne yelled. “I was supposed to look after him, but I failed”
“That’s the story Zoey told you” Dean said. “Is there someone else who could tell you what happened?”
“No, of course not” Daphne said irritated. “Unless you count Martin, but he’s-”...
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Zoey was furious. She couldn’t believe that demon slut got to be the first woman Cas had ever slept with.
“You think that’s funny?” she asked trembling.
“I think it’s hilarious” Cas admitted.
“You want to know what’s funny?” Zoey said. “While you’re here making fun of me, your precious Meg is going through the same pain you are”
“What?” Cas asked confused.
“Yeah, I gave Daphne a syringe with your blood and told her to stab Meg with it. I told her Meg was going to hurt you. As long as your blood stays in her system, everything that happens to you, happens to her in...
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With Anna’s help Dean appeared in Daphne’s living room. Anna stayed behind, to try and locate Cas again.
Daphne let out a shriek when she saw Dean.
“What are you doing here? How did you get in here? I’m calling the cops” she said scared.
“Wait, listen, I’m not here to hurt you” Dean said, raising his hands. “I just need to know where I can find your sister”
“Zoey? What do you need her for?” Daphne asked defensive.
“Look, I know you think Zoey is your God or something, but she’s been playing mind games with you. She’s been manipulating”
Daphne shook her head. “I...
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“My husband just violated me” Daphne said. Cas shot her an angry look and Daphne raised her eyebrows. “What, I didn’t just throw myself out of the window”
“My car is just around the block. I’ll go get it and then I’ll take you to the hospital” the neighbor said. He looked at Cas. “Next time I see you…”

Daphne had barely settled herself in her hospital bed, when the phone rang.
“Hello?” she said, when she picked up.
“Daphne, how are you?” Zoey asked.
“I’m fine, considering” Daphne said bitter.
“I’m so sorry. I should’ve never taken Emmanuel to that lake”...
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Summer 2007

Daphne and Roland were lying in the woods, enjoying the sun and playing like teenagers in love.
At the shore of the lake there was a handsome twenty-five year old man.
“Go on, Martin” a female voice said. “You can do it”
Martin turned around. “Zoey!” he said enthusiastic and clapped his hands. Zoey came to him and he hugged her tight. “Martin loves Zoey”
Zoey caressed his hair. “I know, darling, I know” she said sweet. “You want to go take a dip in the lake?” she suggested.
Martin looked at her and she could see the conflict in his eyes. It was really hot and...
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“The defense wants to summon Alexia Moore” Craig said.
The door opened and both Zoey and Alexia entered the courtroom. Zoey walked Alexia to the judge and then found herself a seat.
Alexia took the oath and then waited with held breath for the questions.
“Alexia, how long have you known Castiel?” Craig asked kind.
“For a few months now” Alexia answered.
“How would you describe his personality?” Craig asked.
“He’s sweet” Alexia said. “He’s a little shy and quite clueless. But he’s the only one who treats me like an adult”
“And does he do adult things with you?” Craig...
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The first witness was the mother of the seven year old boy Cas had healed from a life threatening fever.
“I went to the kitchen and when I came back Mr. Allen, as he presented himself, had his hands all over my son. I…I think he was taking advantage of my son’s weakness”
“Objection!” Craig said. “I think everyone in Castle Rock knows about my client’s special abilities? Castiel can heal people with his bare hands, which is why Mrs. Jones had him come over in the first place. But to do his job he needs to touch his patient. He doesn’t even charge them”
“Of course he wouldn’t” Evan Trumble, Daphne’s attorney, said. “That’s because he knows that what he’s doing is wrong”
While Craig and Evan where quibbling, Cas looked sharp at Mrs. Jones.
“I never touched your son and you know it. I saved your son and this is not the right way to thank me”
Mrs. Jones seemed to cringe and looked around to find support or a way out.
Night fell and Meg was playing with her phone. She had gotten so used to the sound of wings, she didn’t bother to look up when Balthazar and Anna appeared.
“We just heard Castiel’s trial’s tomorrow, which is very unusual” Balthazar said. “Whatever Crowley’s up to, it’ll happen tomorrow”
Meg shrugged. Why did everyone expect her to care?
“That means you’ll have to be prepared” Anna said sharp.
Meg stopped playing games with her phone.
“We’re getting you out tonight” Anna said.
Meg looked up, happy as a child. “Finally” she said.
Balthazar conjured his sword, but then a bright light shone from somewhere ahead of them.
“Oh no” Meg said. “Oh no no no no no no!”
That didn’t exactly help, because an instant later both Balthazar and Anna were gone.
Meg sunk to the bottom of her cell.
“Great” she said grumpy. “Juuuust great”
A tensing silence filled the motel room. Jo wanted Dean to talk to her, but Dean just wanted to get drunk and Sam was on his laptop, pretending to be busy.
“How’s your injury? You want me to check it?” Jo tried carefully.
“What?” Dean snapped. Then his face softened. “Oh…no. But, thanks for the offer”
Sam closed his laptop. “I know this might be inappropriate, but maybe we should leave this place until everything falls into place again”
“Things don’t just fall into place” Dean said angry and stressed out. “That’s why we where born. To make them fall into place. I can’t...
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Anna waved a bag with chocolate cookies in front of Meg.
“I know you like these” Anna said teasing.
“When I was human, maybe” Meg snapped. “It’s been a very long time since I was human”
“Then I guess my plan to keep you happy fails” Anna said, in a tone as if she couldn’t care less.
“Why would you want to keep me happy?” Meg frowned.
“Cas is in trouble” Anna started. “Inspector Roberts has a DVD that shows how Cas abuses a little girl”
“What?!” Meg exclaimed and she jerked the bag with cookies out of Anna’s hand. She ate a cookie, not because she was hungry,...
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Anna materialized in Meg’s cell. Meg jumped up and crawled backwards. There was no evil bone in her host’s body that was considering on even trying to take the angel down.
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you. I have strict orders and when I’m done I’ll be gone” Anna said.
“Strict orders by who?” Meg asked.
Anna conjured her sword and Meg’s eyes widened in fear. But Anna cut her own arm and put the sword away again. She elevated to the ceiling and drew the Key of Solomon.
“Not again, come on!” Meg exclaimed. “I already promised Sam I wouldn’t get out until they’re...
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Meg looked up. Cas was standing outside her cell.
“Dean and Sam want me to come with them” he said.
“Then what are you doing here?” Meg asked sober.
“I don’t want to go with them, if it means leaving you here” Cas said. He looked at the bars and teleported himself into the cell. Meg stood up and walked backwards until her back hit the wall. “What are you doing, Castiel?” she asked when Cas came closer.
“I love you” he said with a heavy voice. Meg felt his warm breath on her neck, right before he kissed her there.
“Cas, don’t” Meg said, but Cas didn’t...
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Isabel opened Cas’ cell and nodded with her head. “Get out. You’re free to go” she said. Cas frowned and got up from the ground he had been sitting on. “You found the culprit? Who is it?” he wanted to know.
“That’s none of your business” Isabel said. “Hurry up a little, I got work to do”
Cas walked out of the cell and stared at the inspector.
“Your friends are waiting” Isabel said. Cas wanted to leave, but she took his arm. “Don’t forget me just yet. If you even put a toe over the line, I will know it and I will find you”
Cas nodded and she let him go.
Outside Sam...
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Anna returned to Rufus’ cabin, where she found Sam alone.
“We have a problem” she said.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked.
“Inspector Roberts is convinced that Cas killed her colleague Jack and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get him behind bars” Anna said.
“But she can’t prove anything” Sam said.
“I’m not done yet” Anna said. “Apparently a very reliable witness told her that Cas did the killing. My guess is that it was a demon who was possessing a human body and I know for a fact that it wasn’t Meg”
“Okay, so let’s say he gets convicted. Why can’t he...
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The next morning.
Jo woke up, because someone was banging the door.
“Mr. Allen? Open the door!” a female voice said.
Jo stumbled out of bed and wiped her eyes. She walked to the door and opened it. There were two inspectors, a man and a woman.
“Good morning, miss. I’m inspector Roberts, this is my colleague inspector Williams” Isabel said, showing her badge. “We need to talk to Emmanuel Allen. We were told we could find him here”
Jo frowned and shook her head. “I don’t know anyone with that name. You have the wrong house”
Inspector Williams searched in his bag and conjured a picture. “Maybe this might help you?” he said. Jo’s eyes widened and she took the picture. “I know him” she admitted. “But his name’s not Emmanuel. It’s Castiel”
Dean was still in his room, like a moping teenager. Sam closed his laptop and came sitting next to Jo. Ellen was making lunch.
“It’s a long story” Sam said, before Jo had said anything.
“Well, then you shouldn’t bother telling me” Jo replied.
“It’s complicated” Sam said.
“I can handle complicated” Jo said. “What I can’t handle is being used without knowing why”
“A lot has happened, after you and Ellen died” Sam started. “We managed to stop the Apocalypse and Cas gained more power. He became the leader of the other angels and he was stuck in a civil war. Raphael...
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Cas was sitting on the couch of an unfamiliar house. The people who lived there were out. He looked at a box with blue pills.
Cas landed on the street and in his anger he didn’t see where he was walking. He bumped into a man, older than his vessel, who was carrying paper bags. The man dropped the bags. The content fell on the pavers and Cas kneeled to help the man collect them. When everything, except for one small box, was put back in the bags, the man turned around. In any other circumstances he would’ve thanked Cas, but he’s was a little embarrassed and wanted to leave as fast as possible....
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Back in Hell, Cas could barely keep his eyes open, but each time he was about to lose conscious the demon made another cut in his already mutilated upper body.
While the demon enjoyed his assignment Meg tried to free herself. Her wrists were pierced with hooks and they hurt terribly, but she figured if Cas could handle her pain and his own, she would be able to get through this.
“You’re so awfully quiet, Cassie” the demon said. “Why so asocial?”
The demon pierced the sword in Cas’ side, looking provocative at the angel. “Come on, scream or cry, I don’t care”
Cas looked up with...
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“There has to be a way out of here” Dean said frustrated.
“You think we haven’t tried to find one?” Ellen fired back.
“Not hard enough” Dean snapped. He turned to Anna. “If a fallen angel who’s literally lost his mind can zap himself out of here then why can’t you do something?”
Anna frowned her eyebrows. “You are not putting this on me” she said angry. “Crazy or not, Cas is a lot more powerful than I am. But I don’t think Cas actually zapped himself out of here. I think someone brought him back to earth. We can’t all be daddy’s favorite” Anna finished with...
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