Superman & Wonder Woman Club
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Why Superman & Wonder Woman?

“Meant to be…”
“Made for each other...”
“Feels right…”
“They belong together…”
"It only makes sense..."
These are some of the words one will hear from Superman and Wonder Woman fans about the love of the pairing. Simple but powerful words. However, it may not fully explain why there is such a love of these iconic heroes as a couple. Why is it that their own established loved interests seem to pale in comparison to what they have? Why even attempts at romances with other characters feel forced and out of sync?
It’s not an easy thing to quantify or explain why people feel or see chemistry between characters. Comic and animation are not live mediums and yet fictional characters, as we all know, can resonate with a reader or viewer. I think it is very important to look at who Superman and Wonder Woman are as heroes and people. Superman was created by Siegel and Schuster to be strong like Samson and Hercules, to right wrongs and fight against tyranny and injustice. Marston created Wonder Woman to be an inspiration for girls, to have strength like male heroes, who will not only triumph with this strength but use love and compassion in her armory.
Both heroes have evolved over the decades and have more or less been refined and defined by different writers. Currently, we have a hero who is seen as an enforcer of truth and justice and a warrior who is an avatar of truth and whose mission is to bring positive change to the world. Both are inspirational characters, like most heroes, but their key motivations and aspirations are grounded in the same need to make the world a better place. And, importantly, to have the trust of the people they seek to help.
Now many people accuse Superman and Wonder Woman of being alike and this is a short sighted assessment as one simply has to pick up a comic and see they are not male or female copies of each other. Both share the same goals making it easy to understand what each other is about. Many a time Diana has cited Clark as the only ally who understands what she is trying to do. Yet they are different. Just by the way they were brought up. One is a man reared in the Mid-West by farmers and the other a princess, in an isolated, matriarchal society of warriors. He leaves to become a reporter and she leaves to become an Ambassador. There is a colliding of worlds and philosophies but not so far apart that they cannot breach those differences or learn from each other. Other than they work in the same building and it is tradition to keep their romances within their own books, Lois Lane and Steve Trevor have nothing more in common with Superman and Wonder Woman than anyone else. This tradition, however, does not make the Lois/Clark and Diana/Steve any less dull, clichéd and predictable. And entirely questionable.
Superman and Wonder Woman as a couple is not a new idea. It has been teased over the decades. It was evident in the Superfriends cartoon. It had become a stronger, more concrete idea with the relaunch of the DC universe in the late eighties, and graphic novels like Kingdom Come that explore romance between the two that culminated into them falling in love and finally marrying and having children. In George Perez’s relaunch of Wonder Woman in the late eighties, Diana is young and naïve and unsure about male/female dynamics, having come from a society that is mistrustful of men. Also there simply were no men while Diana was growing up, so logically she would not be like normal women when viewing them. There was instant attraction when Diana first met Superman. Her feelings for him confused and frightened her because of her inexperience. He was smitten with her but his own lack of confidence made him back off. He thought he was not good enough for her, that she was out of his league and they wisely kept it as platonic. Setting the stage for a beautiful friendship based on trust and respect to develop over the years.
A friendship where they get to fight back to back, challenge and inspire each other. Something neither of their established love interests can really do. Even up to understanding what they see and experience as heroes. The split second decisions they have to make on whom to save. The deaths they must see. Being a hero is not easy. Being a Leaguer where one has to adhere to confidentiality and keep things from others or help in some disaster one minute, then fly back to work and act as if things are normal the next. DC wants us to accept Lois or Steve, or whoever they see as Diana's potential love interest, could understand most things just by having them say they do. They cannot fully do it and do not as seen by Superman and Wonder Woman time and time again in comics relying on each other to offload and share their pain.
Their temperaments seem to compliment each other as well. Clark, when written well, is as grounded a man as you could get. A man raised by good people with a legacy from a great race. A man destined always to be great, because of the decisions he makes to help others. He is easy going, good humored and can straddle the line between superhero and everyman very well. He knows the highs and lows of being strong and powerful and yet appreciates the little things in being normal like the people he protects. Diana also has a great love of people and the planet and she is one of the most empathetic of all the Leaguers. However, she is almost like a Goddess come to earth and her time is spent trying to learn as she too tries to teach. She is a consummate teacher and student. She is also honest and truthful. Her royalty makes her assuming leadership and the limelight something easier for her. Unlike Clark who always remains a little uneasy with being the center of attention, despite having faced Emperors and presidents and whose word is law in Metropolis and trusted throughout the galaxy. This is where they compliment each other and can give and take. Diana has a tendency to be slightly imperious and occasionally her temper can get the better of her. Clark at times needs a push to step up. Both can offer so much without each other having to change who they are. Neither has to get all dark, angry and needy to be with each other. Neither do they have to lie to be with each other. They are just two people who genuinely like each other and light up around each other. Bringing out the best in each other. Sharing laughter and joy freely with each other.

Diana has shown time and time again that money and status mean nothing to her regardless of her background. Her life in Theymscira makes her more open to doing and serving than being a haughty, ice princess who cannot do anything for herself. Clark comes from a farming background and would be aware about the realisms of life. He would be as practical as you could get as well. Jonathan Kent would never raise a wimp. The similarities between Clark and Diana’s mothers are also something writers miss as well. Both childless and praying for a child and being granted their wishes. Both having the similar experiences in raising a powerful child. Both protective and raising their children in loving environments.
The issue of intimacy is something that is one of the most glaring and humorous for fans. To expect fans to believe a super-powered alien, who can push a moon into orbit and have stamina for thousands of men, can have sex with a normal human woman, feel something from it, enjoy it and not have any issues is laughable. At least DC acknowledges he cannot safely have a child with a human woman as they are too frail. But it might be nice to let them acknowledge that sex would be difficult unless he depowered himself. And even then he is Kryptonian. Not human. His DNA makes him naturally superior physiologically. Another thing DC loves to ignore. Diana is his physical equal. The only problem for them is that they might break a lot of beds and cause some tremors. Diana is a soul that was fused in clay with the magic and brought to life. She was imbued with many gifts. Aphrodite is one of her patron goddesses; making it entirely feasible she could get pregnant with Clark’s child and easily carry it.
Of all the heroes, Diana’s family might quicker trust Superman than any other. He is everything that is opposite of the men that humiliated them. He stands as a specimen of manhood to challenge their beliefs that men are cruel and self serving. Diana is not the kind of woman either to go after bad boys or even be attracted to them to want to play therapist to their psychological issues. We can see her admiring the man that is not only good and philanthropic but the man who can laugh at himself and who the people love and trust and children gravitate to.
Too often Clark’s growth as a hero is stifled for Lois and he is often expected to give up being Superman to be with her or depicted as a weak individual who cannot carry on if she dies. The irony is that the very human who supposedly grounds him so much makes him a quitter and he gives up the never ending battle. His longevity means that he is destined to live way beyond his human touchstones as is Diana who is immortal. Diana would not give up on life if Steve or another potential love interest died. Or whine and mope as Clark does and behaves as if the gift of life means little beyond the one he lives with Lois. For that alone, the concept that Lois is the be all and end all of Superman is absurd. It is why many Superman/ Wonder Woman fans don’t necessarily dislike Lois but the way she is written. Too often she is the starstruck cape chaser who perpetually thrusts herself into danger and has to be saved time and time again. Personal responsibility and ethics as reporters are things Lois Lane and her hero apparently seems to have forgotten once they started to romance each other. Lois has her place. There is no denying their history. But it feels more like she is there as a reflection of us looking in at his intimate world, not necessarily that she is the only perfect one for Clark/Kal-El. He would be, should be, Superman with or without her. If he lost her, he would mourn but never give up. To assume less is insulting to him.
Finally, Superman and Wonder Woman’s aesthetic qualities make them a visually perfect pairing. Few couples look so well together because of their coloring and costumes. They look best in light and vibrant color and sunlight. Both of them. To visually represent either in darkness feels entirely wrong. They are archetypal, too. Symbolizing yin and yang. Adam and Eve. Animus and Anima. The lovers. They are kindred spirits. The divine compliment. They represent us at our best and in pairing them, the ultimate hero with the ultimate heroine, it is a fulfillment of what we want for ourselves. Love that is unconditional, inspirational and giving.

~ Eloquently written for the Archive by Hellacre13
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