Stop Child Abuse Club
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posted by Emmett4ever
Hey I worte this while I was remebering the last day I ever saw Rachel. It's kinda like what happened. Saddest Day of my life. John is not his real name. It is just so i have something to call him.
Slap! Slap! Slap! The sound of skin hitting skin is heard over and over again.
"You will pay for making your mother leave" The words of her father echo in the house.
"Please!" She shouts out "I did nothing!"
He only laughs watching her scream in pain.
Knock. Knock. The sound causes her father to get off her.
"Stay quiet" He orders her. She can only nod as her father goes to answer the door.
"What do you want?!" Her Father's rough voice is heard.
"I-I-I came to give her homework" I said my voice trembling in fear.
"Put it on the table" His voice orders me, his eyes raking up and down my body. I shudder under his gaze and walk to the table. I turn to leave when I see John locking the door.
"What are you doing?" I demand.
"Nothing" He says, stalking closer to me. He raises his fist and I feel all the air in my lungs blow out of me when i feel his fist come in contact with my stomach. In the other room Rachael hears my screams but her mind is so clouded with pain she does not know it is me. She get's up weakly and walks into the room Me and John are in. She is shocked into silence when she sees her father's fist come in contact with my skin over and over again.
"Stop" She yells out with new found authority.
Her father is distracted and looks at her.
"What did you say?" He asks getting up off me.
"I said stop" She repeats with confidence that I never knew she had. He's shocked at the tone of her voice. He turns to me and pulls me up by my hair.
"You want her to live right?" He said, pulling my hair tighter into his grip. He wasn't paying attention to me and while he was hollering at her I thought back to what my Cousin has told me.
If your ever in trouble, punch the guy in the eye with all your strength. It will keep him blind in one eye for awhile My cousin told me once when he came back from fighting in Iraq. So I did exactly that. I pulled my arm back and punched him right in the eye. He let go of my hair and tried to hit me but I ducked. I looked at Racheal as her father swung his arm around blindly.
"Go" she mouths to me. I look from her to the door and back.
"Go!" She yelled almost angrily at me. I ran out of the house only realising my mistake minutes later. I called the cops and ran back to her house. But I was to late. Much to late. Rachael had died from strangling. I let out a heart wrenching scream. Then my world went black.
This was the last time I ever saw Rachael. The last time I ever saw my best friend, the last time I ever saw the angel who was Rachael. Please stop child abuse. Please.
This is the Stop Child Abuse spot and whaat this man is doing is child abuse in a horrible way. Well, There is the Man (if you can even call him that) named Joseph Kony. For 20 Years now he has been abducting children, forcing them to become sex slaves, kill their own parents, become child soldiers, and mutilate people's faces. And they are no older then teenagers. Some even as young as 6 and 7 years of age. Now this is not Happening in the United States but it is happening in Africa. Now some people in other countries might be like why does this concern us but it really does. Joseph Kony is...
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Hi everyone I feel since you joined this group (I'm not calling it a fan club) I think y'all should know what caused me to make this. Ok it started when I met my best friend Rachael Rebecca Starr. She was always a good friend to me and I knew I couldn't hide anything from her she was way to observant. But so am I. I started noticing bruises on her arms. She was clumsy so I thought nothin of it. The days were getting hotter so we started wearing shorts sleeves and stuff like that. The bruises they weren't covered much and I knew it wasn't her clumsiness. I looked at my shoulders and saw the...
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posted by Emmett4ever
Hey everyone. Sorry I wasn't on. Rachael's death date passed and I have been a mess. So I'm back and with more stuff in mind. Expect to see some more pics,articles,and videos here. Now on to what I have written

Why Can't anyone here me?
Why can't anyone see me?
Is it because you can't face the truth that is in front of you?
Is it because you think I deserve it?
Don't you see the bruises that mark my body?
Don't you see the pain that is in my eyes?
Don't you hear my cries of pain every night?
Don't you hear her evil laughter as he hurts me?
Don't you understand that this is real?
Don't you understand...
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posted by Me_Iz_Here
This is a short story I wrote about a twelve-year-old girl named Katie. It is not real, but still sad.

Katie’s Time

I sit in school, looking at the clock. I begin to believe I am the only one dreading summer vacation, believing that I am the only one wishing I could stay in school all day, all summer, forever. All the kids are making the most of the last few minutes of class. They’re signing yearbooks, getting phone numbers. I sit. I wait for the worst.

The bell rings. I stand, trying not to cry. I had never had to go through a summer like this before, because my mom died last year, at the...
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added by mjpeterpan7
added by cmcrazy
Mother trying to stab her 2 year old child
child abuse
posted by mjpeterpan7
Child abuse is physical -- shaking, hitting, beating, burning, or biting a child.
Child abuse is emotional -- constantly blaming or putting down a child; excessive yelling, shaming.
Child abuse is sexual -- incest, any forced sexual activity, exposure to sexual stimulation not appropriate for the child's age.
Child abuse is neglect -- a pattern of failure to provide for the child's physical needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care; a pattern of failure to provide for the child's emotional needs, such as affection, attention, and supervision
added by cmcrazy
26 year old acused of abusing child
child abuse
young adult
posted by Hermione7
I used to think that life wasn't that good for me,loving in an apartement in the heart of New York but that was before I met my Best Friend Thea. She would always come to the classroom(1st-7th grade) with Bruises on her a purple and black face was her trademark around school,people made fun of her I was one of the few who didn't. I asked one day in 7th grade if I could go over to her house once she gave me a sad no with If I'm late again Dad will surly give me a long beating and she ran forgetting my question or pretending to at least.
Not listening to her request for me not to come I went to...
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posted by Emmett4ever
My mask is slowly crumbling. It is getting harder and harder each day to pretend everything is ok. I know I have to wear a mask made of stone, but every stone cracks once in a while and mine is just beginning. And when my mask finally comes off, the truth will finally be here. But until that day, Until the day my mask falls off my face I will stay standing In the hallway of pain, right in between the doors of Love and Hate, waiting to see which door will open first. Not screaming. Not breathing. Just waiting. Waiting for the day that someone saves me. Saves me from another day of beating. Waiting for my mask to fall of my face. Waiting....
added by fake_alibi13
added by fake_alibi13
added by CUTEDXC
posted by Emmett4ever
This is a poem i found i thought it shows how children feel:

Teddy, I've been bad again
My mommy told me so;
I'm not quite sure what I did wrong
But I thought you might know.

When I woke this morning
I knew that she was mad
Cause she was crying awful hard,
And yelling at my dad.

I tried my best to be real good
And do just what she said
I cleaned my room all by myself,
I even made my bed.

But I spilled milk on my good shirt,
When she yelled at me to hurry
And I guess she didn't hear me,
When I told her I was sorry

Cause she hit me awful hard, you see,
And called me funny names;
And told me I was really bad
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added by Emmett4ever
i made this video a while back so it isnt the best, but i put in a lot of hard work so dont jugde.
added by Emmett4ever
Video that is truly helpful. actually tells you how to identify if a child is being abused.
added by Emmett4ever
invisible children