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A picture of Ahsoka I drew dressed as a Naboo Pilot
A picture of Ahsoka I drew dressed as a Naboo Pilot
Chapter 1
Anakin’s POV (Point of View)
It was a strange day on Coruscant at the Jedi temple, everything was so different. It started off when Ahsoka and I finished some training when I was teaching her some lightsaber duel tricks. The odd part wasn’t where I had to stop and cough up flem and blow my nose due to a cold. Everything that day felt strange, I wasn’t sure if it was the weather change, or the war really was affecting everyone, but the feel was strange. It didn’t help that some of the lights were out in the Jedi temple.
At dinner I didn’t eat much, there were some Padawan’s who were getting into a fight. I was the one to make them end it, and I really didn’t have an appetite. After having to break up three fights I felt this awful disturbance in the Force that made my sweet muja fruit taste awful and made me feel sick and I spat out the muja that was a pulp of half chewed fruit. (No one saw thank the Force). I left the mess hall and sat in my quarters waiting for the right time to sneak out of the Jedi temple. I was getting very good at sneaking out. No one really noticed, I would put on my cloak and hide in the shadows as I went to the Jedi temple exit and no one really notices. But that day as I went to go sneak out I couldn’t find my cloak; I had no clue where it could be. Frustrated, I sighed and left the temple without my cloak. I didn’t feel like using my speeder so I walked. I felt lucky to have chosen to leave early.
I still felt the disturbance in the Force as I walked down the streets of Coruscant; I didn’t know what it could be. Could Padmé be in trouble? I didn’t know, but I started to fear for her. What was odd, when I got to Padme’s apartment, she was gone. I knew she would have been there; she didn’t go to Senate sessions that time of day. I searched all over the apartment, but my wife was no where to be seen. I thought that she might be having some sort of meeting and might not be back for awhile, so I left disappointed and went back to the Jedi temple. I just went back into my quarters and gazed outside wondering where Padmé was and why I felt the disturbance in the Force. Then there was a knock at the door and Ahsoka entered. “What’s with the gloomy look?” Ahsoka asked.
“What look?” I asked changed the way I held my jaw and the way I looked at Ahsoka.
“You had this gloomy look on your face, what’s the problem?” I sighed. “Nothing, I’m just thinking.”
“About something sad. Come on Skyguy, what’s the problem.”
“Master, you can’t hide it, what’s the problem?”
“There’s no problem!!”
“Should I speak to Master Yoda about this?”
“Fine, there’s a strong disturbance in the Force.”
“Oh, one of those problems, I didn’t feel it.” I gave Ahsoka a confused look, how did she not feel it? “You didn’t feel it at dinner?” I asked. Ahsoka shook her head. “No, that’s when you felt it?” I nodded. “That’s why I spat out a part of my meal.”
“Oh, so that’s why you spat it out, I thought you ate something that tasted bad or it had something to do with your, what is that called again? Oh, cold. I still don’t get what a cold is.” I sighed; see Tortuga’s don’t really get colds. They get sick, and they get a different kind of cold and it’s called something different. Ahsoka told me but I can’t ever remember. “It’s a small sickness that came from a germ,” I explained. “You get it too but it’s called something different. And I’m basically better now. But that doesn’t matter. I just hope to find out what the issue I feel is.”
“Well maybe there’s a bad reason that everything around here is so different,” Ahsoka guessed. “I mean, we had a lot of weird problems today.”
“Maybe,” I replied. “Maybe . . .”

That night the disturbance in the Force was worse, I couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t because of the cold; it was whatever the disturbance in the Force meant. It was two in the morning, I felt exhausted and I just wasn’t able to fall asleep. I didn’t feel any symptoms of my cold, but I felt stomach sick as if I had done something that made me feel really guilty. But I wasn’t guilty; I was just feeling an awful disturbance in the Force. Around proper Morning time I got up and put on my Jedi robes and went to the Jedi Council room with Ahsoka. I didn’t really feel like eating, I knew if I took one bite of something I’d only want to spit it back out.
Well the assignment was odd, Ahsoka and I were in another room in the temple with Obi-Wan. The room was dark and it reminded me of the time where I got the assignment to convince Padmé to spy on Senator Clovis, in fact it was the same room. But there was no hologram. “Anakin, do you remember when you were protecting Senator Amidala while she spied on Senator Clovis for us?” I nodded. “It wasn’t too long ago,” I replied. “Why do you ask I remember? It was only-” I saw the look on Obi-Wan’s face and stopped. “Sorry Master,” I apologized. “I didn’t get much sleep last night. Uh, the cold.”
“Well we got an interesting message from someone you need to see,” Obi-Wan said pressing a button and showing a hologram of Senator Clovis, the ugly womp rat, and- and Padmé! Clovis had Padmé; he had his arm around her waste with a gun in hand. “You have my disc,” Clovis’s hologram said. “I want it back. This Senator took it for you Republic scum, and I want it back now. And I have Senator Amidala, and she’s my prisoner. So here’s what you need to do, some to Skkipio with my disc. I attached the data needed to this message. And once I get my disc, you get the Senator. But I want a certain someone to come, Senator Amidala’s pilot who refused to give me the blasted disc. He must come, no one else. You’ve got three days, we’ll be waiting.” The hologram of Clovis and Padmé disappeared.
I so wanted to throttle Clovis and throw him across the room with the Force. The cankering womp rat kidnapped my wife!! Someone would pay once I got there. “As you can see Senator Clovis wants you,” Obi-Wan explained. “Your mission is to go and give Senator Clovis the disc and save Senator Amidala. Padawan Tano will go with you. Both of you will be undercover as Naboo Pilots. Anakin you know the drill.”
“Are you sure giving him the disc is the best idea?” Ahsoka asked. “I mean, what if-”
“We no longer need the disc,” Obi-Wan said interrupting Ahsoka. “What was on it was information on the droid factory on Geionosis that you destroyed. You will both leave within the hour. Everything you need is already placed in your quarters or is at the moment. We have also provided the Naboo ship you used before on the mission Anakin, May the Force be with you both.” Ahsoka and I left, I went into my quarters and found the clothing of the Naboo Pilot Captain, I changed into them and put on the orange helmet.
And there was also a small leather bag, it was designed to put on as if it was a messenger bag but the pack part was much smaller. I opened it and found the disc; I also slipped my lightsaber in it and also a gun that I was supposed to have. But I much preferred my lightsaber and I had a feeling I’d need it. I had everything I needed, I left and quickly found Ahsoka. She was also dressed in the Pilot uniform and she held the helmet; and hers was blue. “Why is it blue?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” Ahsoka replied. “Is it supposed to match yours?”
“I . . . I don’t know.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“I thought they were all orange. Anyway, do you have everything.” Ahsoka nodded. “Yep, even have my lightsaber in this bag.”
“Good, let’s get going.”
The picture that inspired me to write. It's Anakin Clovis and Padme. Padme's confused LOL Anakin's unhappy. Clovis is happy to be with Padme LOL
The picture that inspired me to write. It's Anakin Clovis and Padme. Padme's confused LOL Anakin's unhappy. Clovis is happy to be with Padme LOL
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Source: wookiepedia
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Source: idk
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Source: estherliquid
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Source: estherliquid
posted by StarWarsFan7
I am a proud supporter of all these Fan Couples in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series:


BarrissXQuinlan: You will see them in my series called RexXAhsoka! :)

MonXBail: IDK :P

EethXAdi: They look cute.

MaulXRiyo: Darth Maul is the new sith apprentice of Count Dooku. Riyo is a senator they will be together in my RexXAhsoka series.

AnakinXPadme: I know they're a real couple, but they're SO cute!!!


Because in my series they have a hidden realtionship that only Barriss, Rex and Ahsoka know about. It's about to get way BETTER!!!
added by starwars101
posted by lovingflame
Captain Rex itched at his chest plate irritably, as they made to land. He was a little more then a uncomfortable with his new information. Sargent Finger's laught as they got closer.
"Guess she's a little eager to see us or is it just you captain." Ahsoka was easily seen in her jedi cloak near the platform.
Rex snorted,"Very funny sargent or should I say private." A very confident chuckle rebounded back. The bastard knew there was no way he'd get demoted."Time to make a quick report and see where the hell the rest of us are." As the captain slide down the ladder, Ahsoka ran up to him."I'm so...
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posted by lovingflame
Taking a moment Ahsoka rubbed at a spot on her new leg, then continued on to her explosives class.
Anakin and Rex stepped onto the elevator, taking them to the information meeting being held in the adjoining room of the Jedi council's. Rex remembered the scene. Refugee's running from forest's safety retelling how a group of Jedi had come to help them move to a safer camp only to be captured or cut down by the Seperatist's tinnies. Anakin broke into his thoughts."Ahsoka's settling down nicely into her routine. In fact she's betting...
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added by kpeter32
Source: Clone Wars
added by Art_deWhill
Source: Please do not use without my permission.
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