StalagticeClan Nursery

allicyn123 posted on Jan 18, 2012 at 10:45PM
The nursery of StalagticeClan is a really deep hole in the ground with brambles and leaves covering half the top

StalagticeClan 11 replies

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over a year ago allicyn123 said…
Hummingwind: I believe that we shall be having a new queen with kits in here?
Stalagticestar: Quite, Forestfire! come along, this is the nursery
over a year ago WarriorLover199 said…
x padds into nursery and makes nest x tell my mate to come vi it me in need to have a word w him
over a year ago allicyn123 said…
Hummingwind:don'y worry, he'll come
over a year ago WarriorLover199 said…
btw it not brakenfur its bumblebee
over a year ago WarriorLover199 said…
Hummingwing i nmade a new clan called CloudClan2 wanna join
over a year ago allicyn123 said…
(sure, maybe)
Hummingwind:would you like to meet my kits?
over a year ago WarriorLover199 said…
over a year ago allicyn123 said…
*suddenly 7 kits co e screaming over there mother and start wrestling in the nursery*
Hummingwind: did I or did I not sayto play out side?
All of them: sorry mommie *start going outside*
Hummingwind: ahahah! Come and meet Forestfire, the newest queen!
*they all line up in a line and Hummingwind introduces them*
Hummingwind: This is my eldest, my son, Shallowkkkit, *Gestures to tom kit with white fur that is speckled brown and he gazes up at Forestfire with wide brown eyes* This is My seacond oldest, Tundrakit, *Gestures to a whitish pink colored she kit with green eyes* My third oldest, Bushkit, *Gestures to a tom kit with brown and grey fur and brown eyes* My middle kit, Prowlkit, *Gestures to a tom kit with black fur and Amber eyes* My third youngest, Wreckkit, *Gestures to a she kit with reddish brown fur and green eyes* My second youngest, Waterkit *Gestures to a she kit with blueish silver fur and black eyes* Annd finally, my youngest, Pebblekit, *gestures to a she kit with dark blue pelt and blue eyes*
over a year ago WarriorLover199 said…
big smile
over a year ago allicyn123 said…
Sure, but they'll be apprenticed in 3 days!
over a year ago WarriorLover199 said…
sry i was @ outdoored and wasnt on