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The scenery was calm. My home was as calm as ever. My friends still made fun of me for my twin tails, but I guess that’s not my place to tell them not to laugh at something they think is funny. After all, they don’t tell me not to laugh when I see something funny, so I suppose it’s normal to laugh. Still, their laughter made me feel uncomfortable.

While I was with my friends, I heard a thunder crack. Its loud sound made me cringe, jump, and run for the nearest form of cover. My friends did the same out of instinct, but I noticed something: it was not raining. How could there be a thunder...
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posted by ChaosArtist
Chaos Artist 2013
Chaos Artist 2013
Hey guys Sonic here! So metals flying towards me slower than a zombie and i have got to save tails so i threw one of the chaos emeralds at metal sonic and it hit him on the head, then his eyes started beeping and flashing green for 3 seconds then he blew up then i sonic spun into Egg-mans ship and untied tales then me and miles flew out back to the ground then the egg ship exploded i guess it was hooked up with metals detonator. We were lucky this time but who knows what happened to Egg-Man he could be rebuilding metal as I type this! Its been fun gotta' run sonic out.
I’ve made it known that Sonic Colors AND Generations are NOT my preferred games, and that I consider Sonic Unleashed to be the BEST out of any Sonic game ever made. Yes I know that’s a big risk to say, but honestly, that’s just how I feel. However the reasons aren’t what many might think.

I in NO way think that Generations or Colors are bad games. They are AMAZING, and some of the best (Sonic) games ever, but my issue is that they OUTSHINE Unleashed much more than they should have.

When Unleashed trailers and such started up, this wasn’t too long after games such as Sonic 2006, Shadow...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
- Nat Oliver and Nikki got back to the restaurant and gave Crystal the ingredients.-
Crystal: Good job you guys! This is exactly what I need for the soup, ok I'll be right back, this shouldn't take long.
-30 minutes to an hour later...-
Crystal: Ok, give this to Chrome and he'll start feeling better in no time.
Oliver: Grabbed the bowl with the soup in it. the three kids then walked to his house.-
Oliver: We should get there right as dinner is starting.
-At Oliver's house, Oliver, Nat, and Nikki are walking into Chrome's room. Chrome was in his bed with his eyes closed.-
Oliver: Chrome? Are you awake?...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-Nat, Oliver and Nikki walked a couple of feet and then saw what was next on the list.-
Oliver: Ok, we got the potatoes, the celery and now all we need is...I have never heard of this before.
Nikki: What kind of vegetable is that? Or is it a fruit?
Oliver: No, it's something I have never heard of before. It's called a...dragon fruit?
Nikki: A dragon fruit? I've never heard of that either. What do you think it is?
Nat: Maybe it's a dragon, that was transformed into a fruit?
Oliver: Don't be ridiculous, A dragon can't be transformed into a fruit, can it?
Nikki: I don't know, I'm not a dragon expert....
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-Oliver, Nat, and Nikki were walking down the street. Nat was looking at the list.-
Nat: Ok, first thing on the list are some potatoes. They should be at the market.
Nikki: Ok, seems easy enough.
-They ran down to the market and notice a sign on the store.-
Nikki: They're closed?
Oliver: There has to be some other place with potatoes.
Nat: There's some stalls down the road, kind of like a street market. They sell all kind of stuff there.
Nikki: Let's hurry.
-They ran down the street a little further and came to a whole road full of stalls and people.-
Nat: It's a lot bigger than I imagined.
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-Sonic stayed the night at Tails' house after a small fight with Eggman. He went to bed exhausted, not knowing what the next day was...Sonic feels a tickle on his nose and goes to swipe away, only to get a face full of whipped cream. He immediately wakes up and sees a pair of tails leaving the room and hears some laughter. He then remembered It was April Fools Day-
Sonic: Tails!! The war has been started!
-Sonic gets up and washes the whipped cream off his face. He walks into the kitchen and sees Tails making waffles. He kept a wary eye on that two-tailed prankster.
Sonic: What's up Tails?
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Sonic: What is that?!
Tails: It's a robot chicken!
Knuckles: A big one too. Most likely Eggman's.
-They run up and see Eggman in his Hover Egg. The chicken was destroying everything and people were running everywhere.-
Eggman: Were not leaving until every last egg is destroyed! My Robo-Chicken has egg sensors and will find where any egg is hidden! So don't eve try to hide! hoo hoo hoo hoo!!
Sonic: Eggman! what are you doing?!
Eggman: Destroying all the eggs, so you can't have them!
Sonic: why are you always destroying the fun?!
Eggman: My fun is destroying your fun! Robo-Chicken! Get the blue little...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-Sonic is running along a road, with Tails and Knuckles flying high above him in the Tornado.-
Tails: It says we should be by the farm soon! This was pretty easy!
Knuckles: All we had to do was get some eggs? It's like doing errands.
-They get the farm house. They walk to the door and a farmer answered. He looked very upset and angry.-
Sonic: Are you ok? What happened?
Farmer: I don't know, Some cube thing came here and smashed up all my eggs! He just walked right on in and smashed them to bits! Didn't touch anything else though. Just mumbled something like a blue pin cushion or something.
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Nat: Of course we remember. It was probably two weeks after me and Nikki met. I was going to Nikki's house for the first time for a sleep over.
Nikki: Hurry Nat! We have to get every minute in!
Nat: I'm coming! My sleeping bag keeps falling. Ok got it!
-They run into the woods. Nat ends up tripping on a root.-
Nat: Ahhh!
Nikki: Nat! Are you alright?
Nat: I'm fine. Just scraped my knee a little.
Nikki: I'll have my mom give you a Band-Aid when we get to my house. Come on!
Nat: Wait...Do you hear that?
Nikki: I don't hear anything.
Nat: It sounds like... crying. Over this...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic were running down the hallway. Then Tails stopped.-
Tails: Sonic wait! Oliver found a room with three of the Chaos Emeralds.
-Sonic stops and walks back to Tails. They found the room and walked in. The three Chaos Emeralds were sitting in energy containers. Tails and Knuckles looked around the room, feeling unsteady about it.-
Sonic: What's wrong?
Tails: When we were looking for the password, we had to search all these rooms had a note telling us part of the password.
Sonic: Doesn't sound that bad.
Knuckles: Yeah, except for each room had traps that nearly killed us....
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posted by Dragonfruit44
- They get into the next room and it was empty too. There was no pressure plates, no holes in the wall, nothing on the ceiling. They walked in and closed the door.-
Tails: Not another riddle...
Nikki: There's no words or buttons. I don't think it's a riddle. Maybe this was the first one and they made it super easy.
Knuckles: Eggman's not that kind of guy.
-They walk to the pedestal and grabbed the note.-
Amy: 'N'. Maybe there isn't a trap at all?
-Then, the middle of the pedestal came up. On it said ' Hope you can swim.' caps uncovered secret holes in the ceiling, which started spewing water.-
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-Sonic walked up to Tails door and Tails opened it.-
Sonic: Hey buddy! Long time no see!
-Tails looked at him angrily and slammed the door in his face.-
Sonic: Tails? What's Wrong?
Tails: You! That's What's Wrong!
Sonic: Me? What did I do?
Tails: Don't play stupid with me! You know what you did this morning!
Sonic: This morning I was running, like I always do!
Tails: Yeah, then you came back early and pulled me out of bed and demanded that I make you breakfast! Then after I made it, You threw it on me!
Sonic: Tails, I would never do that!
Tails: Well you did this morning!
Sonic: I never came here early!...
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Chapter 4:

Sonic's P.O.V.

The next day, I ran around the city like I do every morning. Running Usually helped me think. Ever since yesterday, I Only had one image in my head. Deep in thought, I rounded a corner and fell to the ground.
"Ah,Sorry!Didn't see you th-"I looked up and saw who I had ran into.
"Uh,Oh."I thought.
"Oh,Sonic!I haven't seen you since the day before yesterday!" She said,hugging me.
"Take it easy,Amy!And Yeah,I've been busy..."I sighed.
"So,how have you been?"Amy asked,getting up.
"Fine. What about you?"I asked.
"great now that I finally can see you!"she squealed.
I sighed.
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
It seems like a regular day, but then someone runs by at 500 miles an hour.

Sonic: Tails, you read me?
Tails: Loud and clear, whats up?
Sonic: We should be getting towards Robotnik's army base.
Sean: I'm already there.
Tails: I see you.
Sean: Any word on Knuckles?
Sonic: No.
Sean: What about the others?

Inside the base

Knuckles: I can't believe they destroyed our intercom
Espio: Are there any other ways we can talk to them?
Rouge: No
badnik: I've spotted them
Espio: *jumps on badnik*
Knuckles: Nice work *runs into room*
Sean: Nice to see you guys
Espio: Great to see you to
Knuckles: Lets go find Robotnik...
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posted by Tailsfan71347
-------Chapter Three Part One, Can it Possibly Get Any Worse? ------- "What is he trying to pull this time?" Tails asked Amy. "I don't know, Tails. But if it's a fight he wants then it's a fight he'll get!" she said. There was a sudden breeze, and then someone spoke. "Whoa, Chill out, Amy! Egghead just doesn't know when to quit!" The voice was Sonic's. "You... Where have you been? You usually get here before Eggman blows up a building! Look at that!" Amy pointed at the smoldering ashes that once was a grocery store. "Okay, okay. I admit. I got here a little late." Sonic confessed. "You two...
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posted by Sonicfan67
(Chip puts dirty dishes in the cabinet and Sonic comes in with a shopping bag)
Sonic:Chip,what are you doing?
Chip:What does it look like I'm doing,Einstien?
Sonic:It looks like your unloading dirty dishes,Einstien.
Chip:They're clean,Einstien.
Sonic:No,they're dirty,I just loaded them and I went to the store to get a detergent,Einstien.
Chip:Well why didn't you leave a note saying that,Einstien?
Sonic:Stop calling me Einstein!
Chip:Stop calling me Einstien!
Sonic:It's no big deal we'll just unload the dishwasher and wash them.
(Sonic open's the cabinet)
Sonic:Which one of these did you already put away?
Chip:I definitely remember putting away a blue bowl with big white and yellow sunflower's on it.
Sonic:We don't have anything close to that.
Chip:Never had a problem.
Sonic:Chip,we have no other choice we're just have to wash everything we own.
(Sonic open's the dishwasher and pauses for a moment and closes it)
Sonic:This never happend.
Chip:I know.
The End
Sonic as Doug
Chip as Arthur
posted by Sonicfan67
Amy:Chinese foooood may I help you?
Sonic:Yeah I like to make an order.
Amy:What would you like?
Sonic:I would like three orders of garlic chicken.
Amy:And then?
Sonic:And then three orders of the white rice.
Amy:And then?
Sonic:And then..Oh hey you guys want soup?
Tails and Knuckles:Sure.
Sonic:Ok.Three orders of Wonton soup.
Amy:And then?
Sonic:Oh and some fortune cookies too.
Amy:And then?
Sonic:uh..actually I think that's about it.
Amy:And then?
(Sonic get's confussed)
Sonic:No,that's it.
Amy:And then?
Sonic:No and then that's all I want.
Amy:And then?
(Sonic,Tails,and Knuckles start laughing)
Sonic:And then...
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posted by Sonicfan67
On the boat deck...
Sonic and Tails sit on an edge of the Titantic
Sonic:Good luck Tails.
Tails:Good luck to you too,Sonic.
Sonic and Tails shake there hands and Sonic gets scared.Most peopole are jumping out of the ship.
Sonic:You are coming with me are you?
Tails:Sure.I'll be right with you.
Sonic jumps off and dies after hitting the water
Tails:Come on.You can do this.You can do this.
Tails jumps off and hits the water.luckily,he was pushed out by the backwash.Tails goes up for air and gets on a life boat with other peopole
In Blaze's room...
Silver see's a picture of Blaze and the ground shakes,killing...
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posted by Sonicfan67
250 yards below the stern...
(I hit the axe down to the floor slowly)
somewhere in the stern...
(Dr.Eggman and William are walking trying to find a way out until they hear the planging of the axe)
William:what's that?
Dr.Eggman:the ship is's time to get out of here!
William:no not that,the planging.
(Dr.Eggman and William turn back and climbed up the stairs and Willaim see's me)
(William points at a water tight door that's closed)
Dr.Eggman:someone is behind that door!
(Dr.Eggman and William go to the door and Willaim opens the door)
Dr.Eggman:open the other door!
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