Sonic Recolors (by me!) Club
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posted by Static-Hybrid
Well, I recently typed in "recolor," and almost 9,000 results came up. THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND. If you recolor, you need to STOP. It's STUPID, and you should DRAW. (Remember this saying, "Practice makes perfect") Recoloring is also copyright infringment. You may THINK that all you're doing is "having fun," but what you're REALLY doing, is total fail.

You immediately get infuriated, dive to the Complaints Forum and make an angry rant saying how people are being "mean" to you, and that they have no life. YOU WORKED SO HARD ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, can we calm down now? This childish behaviour is quite tedious.

To quote the Copyright Policy, "Copyright can be a confusing territory for many people", therefore I am aiming to educate recolour artists who feel that they have been victimised by the removal of their screenshot recolours/edits.

To Quote a good friend of mine,
Screenshot recolours/edits are quite easy to spot. A user may take a screenshot from an anime/game/TV show (although a vast majority of recolours are from animes) found from an external site and edit it using some form of editing software (Paint, Photoshop etc). These edits may include: Changing the colour of any characters features/clothing. (For example, dying Narutos hair pink, changing Sonics fur to purple)
Slicing the character from a screenshot and adding it to a new background. (For example, taking Naruto from a screenshot and placing him into a picture of a forest)
Slicing a character from one screenshot and adding him/her to another screenshot.
Adding text to the image to point out something awkward in a screenshot. (For example, LAWL LOOK AT DIZ KNUCKLES IZ CLEERLY TUCHING SONICS BEHIND )
Adding text to an image as a banner. (For example, Happy 13th birthday Kimmy! This is for you! or Thanks for 1,000 hits! ^_^ )
Adding extra features to characters. (For example, adding fangs to Sonic the Hedgehog. I blame Twilight.)

This list could go on for decades, but you get the general idea.
Allow me to explain this part:
You take a Naruto screenshot from an external website, make your own adjustments to it and post it on YouTube. Thats all fine and dandy, but do you know what you are doing by posting that edited screenshot? You are claiming to own Naruto.

Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, has currently spanned 44 mangas over a period of nine years. Studio Pierrot, the creators of the anime, have created 315 episodes to this day since 2002.

Now, how do you think they would react if they found out some American teenager is claiming to own the rights to Naruto? Needless to say, theyd be in contact with their lawyers pretty quickly.

YouTube does not allow recolours/edits(Even though idiots do it anyway) for one main reason for your wellbeing and theirs.

Why their wellbeing also? If they allowed this type of activity to happen, they could easily be sued also. Would you want to be responsible for one of your favourite websites losing a lot of money? I dont think so. Please note that proper tracing is extremely hard, if not impossible with Paint. All of the legible traces Ive seen have been done using either Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash or Adobe Illustrator. To ensure that traces are legible, they open up the screenshot, open a new layer, trace the screenshot on the layer, import the layer to a new document and do the colouring via eyeballing the screenshot. This process can take a few hours, wouldnt you rather do better things with your time than trace existing artwork? Lifes short, darlings.
Naruto and Sonic recolours/edits are the most commonly found on YouTube.
Recolours/edits of fanart are dealt with more severely than screenshot/official art recolours. Include the link to the original image in your report and the image will be removed faster than you can say 1337 paint skillz. However, if you are the owner of the art which is being recoloured, it will be removed even faster thanks to the newly added Theft of MY art section.

First of all, kudos to you for being mature in the matter. A lot of recolourers Ive met dont stop until theyre banned, so your maturity should be rewarded with cookies.

For the few mature recolourers Ive met, they are always puzzled about their next step on YouTube. During their time of puzzlement, they always say the same thing: