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Quotes from Johnny Depp:

"I always thought Roddy [McDowall] had such an interesting gift, just great presence, great delivery. He was an interesting actor, one of those guys who was very individual. Angela Lansbury was a great inspiration. I loved how she was in Death on The Nile. I found her fascinating. These two were the most inspirational characters. Maybe a little bit of Basil Rathbone, but a lot more girlie."
--Johnny Depp
The Guardian, Dec. 17, 1999

"Tim and I thought our aim was to make him [Ichabod] much closer to the book, and even go a little further. I've tried to make him prissy, you know, kind of prissy, almost like a nervous pre-teen girl. He's very squeamish when it comes to seeing a corpse, or when he sees a bug he's kind of ... euuhhh, it freaks him out."
--Johnny Depp
The Guardian, Dec. 17, 1999

"My initial idea was to go with some prosthetics, you know, and do a sort of snipe nose of Ichabod Crane, the legendary Ichabod Crane. And the big ears and the long hands and arms and stuff... Tim, in fact, was very smart in thinking that we didn't need it, you know, in that there were other ways. And I think that ultimately he was right to show an Ichabod Crane, who on the surface is kind of stoic and likes to think of himself as a sort of manly man, but in fact, inside he's very fragile, sensitive, flawed.... uh, Ichabod is a bit, uh, I thought of him as almost like a prepubescent young girl in a way. He's crumbling, you know, he's a wreck."
--Johnny Depp
Sleepy Hollow DVD, Special features, Cast and Crew Interviews

"There is one contraption that I fell in love with, which was in the scene, the court room scene with Christopher Lee. In that scene, there's a guy strapped in this horrible device with claws around him. And, uh, I kept that. I got that."
--Johnny Depp
Sleepy Hollow DVD, Special features, Cast and Crew Interviews

�I always thought of Ichabod as a very delicate, fragile person who was maybe a little too in touch with his feminine side, like a frightened little girl.�
--Johnny Depp
Entertainment Weekly
November 19, 1999

�Yeah, Ichabod�s a freak. He�s very much an outsider. He�s definitely got his problems, his weird ticks, stuff like that.�
--Johnny Depp
Empire Magazine
January 2000

�I love the story. I�ve been familiar with it since I was a little kid � it�s just one of those great American stories. And I think the character is very interesting. It�s a challenge to play someone who fills the role of the leading man, but to not play him as a standard hero.�
--Johnny Depp
Empire Magazine
January 2000

�But certainly one of the first things that popped into my head was that, �My God, I�ve known [Christina Ricci] since she was nine years old and we�re going to be kissing and stuff!� That was a little odd at first. But, you know, we�re both pretty calm, we�re not walking bags of neurosis � or if we are, we don�t bring our neuroses to work with us.�
--Johnny Depp
Empire Magazine
January 2000

�[The horse and I] have a kind of edgy relationship. One day she can be fine and the next she can be a little... peculiar. Yeah, and the horse farts constantly. I take it as her statement about movies in general. She just doesn�t give a shit about what�s going on. She farts constantly and shits all over the set. I like that horse very, very much...�
--Johnny Depp
Empire Magazine
January 2000

�[Ichabod] has a fa�ade of bravado, but in fact would be on the verge of tears, like, if an insect comes near him. You�d feel his butt cheeks clench. I just liked that the hero of the story, whom one would expect to be romantic � I liked the idea that he�s more than half a woman.�
--Johnny Depp
Premiere Magazine
December 1999

Quotes from others:

"Johnny is a terrific actor. He's so on the ball and knows what he's doing. And he's amusing and funny, he's a good comedian. I think that's the thing people will find so surprising when they see this movie, how funny Johnny is in it."
--Michael Gambon (Baltus Van Tassell)
Sleepy Hollow DVD, Special features, Cast and Crew Interviews

"I love working with Johnny. Johnny is so kind and such a good actor. He takes risks and does things that other actors wouldn't do just because of their vanity. He's willing to make a complete fool out of himself for the performance."
--Christina Ricci
Sleepy Hollow DVD, Special features, Cast and Crew Interviews

"Johnny faints very well. It's hard to do, actually. Fainting like a girl is pretty amazing when you can make it real."
--Tim Burton
Sleepy Hollow DVD, Special Features, Cast and Crew Interviews

"Johnny, he's just great! This is the third time I've worked with him, and each time it's different. And I just enjoy his wanting to always do something different."
--Tim Burton
Sleepy Hollow DVD, Special features, Cast and Crew Interviews

"He's the kindest, most loving man ever. There's nobody like him, because nobody can be that fabulous. I've worked with him three times and we have a lot in common."
--Christina Ricci

"The impact Johnny had on people was amazing to watch. Forget the women - even the guys followed him around. They'd offer to carry his coffee cups, roll his cigarettes or wear a hat from his club The Viper Room. He's the coolest guy ever."
--Christina Ricci

"He's strictly off limits to me. He's married and that rules him out. Also, the first time we met I was nine and he was already 27, so I can't imagine it."
--Christina Ricci

"I really liked it. It was awesome - my first tabloid story. If you're going to have a tabloid story written about you, it might as well be with Johnny Depp."
--Christina Ricci (on being falsely reported as Johnny's love interest)

�Ichabod is someone who is basically behind the times and ahead of the times and it�s the contradictory aspects of his character which are always fun and interesting. One of the original images that I had in my mind is a character who lives in his head versus a character with no head, which I always thought was a wonderful symbol.�
--Tim Burton
Empire Magazine
January 2000

�He�s amazing. When we were doing rehearsals he would just slip into things. Like, he�d remember things from Ed Wood and he�d just start doing his Ed Wood thing. And we work together really well and he�s just really genuine. I mean, I first met him when I was nine years old and he�s always been so kind. He remembers my mother�s name every time he meets her, which makes her life worth living. He�s also an amazing actor and look at him � he�s beautiful.�
--Christina Ricci
Empire Magazine
January 2000
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Source: Deathroman13
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Source: Deathroman13 and RSG Vampier
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added by deathroman13
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Source: Vanity Fair, May 1999
added by lol24
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Source: costumersguide
added by oblix
Source: costumersguide
added by oblix
Source: costumersguide
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added by sapherequeen
Ichahod and Katrina video :)
sleepy hollow
fan video
music video
christina ricci
johnny depp
ichabod crane
sleepy hollow
johnny depp
rosie show
Clips of "Sleepy Hollow" to the song "Creeping In My Soul" by Christine Lorentzen.
sleepy hollow
fan video
music video
creeping in my soul
christine lorentzen.