Silver & Navid Club
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Silver: Ade couldn't make it huh?

Navid: No, believe it or not I couldn't convince anyone to ditch the undies and come here instead.

Silver: Yeah, i asked Naomi if she wanted to fill in for Teddy and she laughed so hard she started to cry - and Kelly's out of town so, just me.

Navid: [stands up] oh, please. Well on the bright side we both get an extra piece of rubber chicken.

Silver: Oh, spinning negatives into positives. Spoken like a true leadership award front runner.

Navid: Yeah, I'm not gonna win.

Silver: Oh, enough with the false modesty.

Navid: No, it's not false.

Silver: Oh yeah? then what's this? [Pulls paper out of his jacket]. Oh looks like someone wrote a thank you speech.

Navid: I blanked at my bar mitzvah and i ended up singing a Hanukkah song, okay? I need to prepare just in case.

Navid: Drable, dradle, dradle.

Silver: [laughs, hits him on the arm] stop.

Navid: Okay, couldn't resist.

Silver: Navid, you thought she deserved it seriously?

Navid: well yeah, she's in charge of yearbook, she's on student government, she did move up the ceremony so we could use it on our college apps.

Silver: and after hearing her dad lay into her you felt bad.

Navid: well i have a lot you know, great family, great friends, great looks. [Both laugh] No, i have enough i don't need any award.

Silver: [smiles] you're a good guy you know that?

Navid: Yeah, whatever.

Silver: No, not whatever. Seriously good.

Navid: wait is, seriously good proper English?

Silver: Shut up.

Navid: No, I’m just saying the achievement award hasn't been engraved yet. [Walks away, silver smiles.]


Silver: Hey, what is it?

Navid: Uh, I spoke to my dad and he said he didn’t know Caitlyn was underage, she said he totally did – and that she’s not the only one.

Silver: What do you think?

Navid: I don’t know what to think anymore

Silver: I’m so sorry, I wish there was something I could do to help. [Navid looks at her] why, are you looking at me like that?

Silver: Hey, I was starting to think you weren’t gonna show, red carpet starts soon you wanna snork on some outfits with me?

Navid: No, rain check.

Silver: what’s going on? Did you talk to your dad?

Navid: yeah.

Silver: and?

Navid: and apparently I’m a spoiled rich kid who needs to shut the hell up
Silver: that’s, that’s not true.

Navid: Yeah right.

Silver: I mean it, it’s not true. Come here. [Holds out her arms, pulls into a hug]. You don’t deserve to be treated that way.

[Bang into each other in the school halls]
Silver: oh, sorry.

Navid: sorry.

Silver: No, I’m, I was texting

Navid: ah, [points to book] cramming.

Silver: Right.

Navid: Yeah.
[Look at each other]

Silver: well I should go.

Navid: uh, yeah cool I’ll see you later

Silver: cool. [Walks away]

[Silver walks in]
Navid: Hey

Silver: Hey, I was just uh, I’m gonna come back

Navid: [runs over] no, no hey we need to talk about what happened. [Closes door] or what almost happened. I think that’ll be the best way for us to put it behind us. Otherwise it’ll fester.

Silver: Yeah, I mean you’re right. It’s just that it was so..

Navid: Weird?

Silver: Incredibly weird.

Navid: I know it’s just, I was feeling really insecure and that whole thing with Joe Jonas and, you were there for me, and I confused that for something else and, I’m really sorry that I made things awkward.

Silver: No, it wasn’t your fault trust me I was in a strange place too, and I guess every once in a while people are bound to go through this with their friends

Navid: Yeah, it’s pretty much inevitable right?

Silver: yeah,

Navid: I mean hence the term ‘friends with benefits’, I mean not that I got a benefit from you its just common right?

Silver: [laughs] and it doesn’t mean anything

Navid: Exactly, it means nothing. So we can move past it?

Silver: Consider it moved past.

Navid: great, coz I can only handle so much stress in my life, my dad he’s kinda maxing me out

Silver: oh no, are things still bad?

Navid: yeah, but I’ll be fine as long as I don’t go home. I figure I’ll set up a cot here and use those emergency showers in the science lab

Silver: [laughs] come on, you guys are gonna figure things out you have a great relationship

Navid: Had. - I screwed up big time
Silver: then, apologise. As a friend once told me, you don’t wanna let things fester.

Navid: sounds like a pretty cool guy, your friend
Silver: ah, he has his moments. [Both laugh]

[Opens door]
Silver: hi, you okay?

Navid: I really need to talk to someone

Silver: Is Adrianna?

Navid: I mean you; I need to talk to you, please? Can I come in?

Silver: Yeah.


Silver: Good morning, coffee?

Navid: uh, sure. Thanks. [Silver pulls blanket off him] sorry about talking your ear off last night

Silver: ah, please come on.

Navid: I’m sure that’s how you wanted to spend your evening with some guy sitting on your couch for four hours feeling sorry for himself and then passing out.

Silver: You’re hardly some guy

Navid: Still.

Silver: Although, you did fall asleep mid-sentence. [Laughs] uh huh, you were like, ‘I just don’t think anyone can understand what it’s like to grow up in a.. .’ [Head drops]

Navid: [laughs] oh man, I’m such a tool.

Silver: No, I’m glad you came to talk to me.

Navid: me too.

Navid: oh I gotta get something to eat

Silver: no, that food is gross

Navid: no, looks great the last thing I ate was a reduced fat cookie from the coffee shop

Silver: let’s take a walk on the beach first

Navid: let me just grab a bite

Silver: No, you can eat when we get back it’ll help you build up your appetite

Navid: you heard me say I was starving right?

Silver: man up we’re walking

Navid: I’m close, it’s just right there [silver pulls him away]

[Walking on the beach]

Silver: Is everything okay?

Navid: got in a big fight with Adrianna, it wasn’t even a fight really it was just me telling her what a huge phony she turned into.

Silver: don’t be so hard on her okay? I mean it’s gotta be overwhelming sudden stardom, she’s riding a wave and she’s making the most of it. I get it.

Navid: Maybe you should date her. [Laughs]. To tell you the truth uh, it’s not just the way that Adrianna’s been acting that’s been bothering me. It’s also the way that I’ve been feeling about you.


Navid: About me confessing me feelings for you, awkward or not awkward I’m taking a poll.

Silver: [laughs] uh, I’m gonna go with awkward, yeah.

Navid: I’m just really confused, I mean officially I’m with Adrianna but maybe I shouldn’t be. I just don’t feel the same way I felt, and there’s you. The truth is what I said at the beach-

Silver: [cuts him off] Maybe we’ve been spending too much time together.

Navid: what?

Silver: you have a girlfriend, your girlfriend is my good friend let’s just give eachother some space okay?

Navid: uh, hi.

Silver: Couldn’t sleep.

Navid: right

Silver: got a glass of water

Navid: Look uh, I can’t stop thinking about you

silver. I’m asking, is what I’m feeling all in my head?

Silver: Yes.

Navid: You mean, you don’t feel the same way that I feel?

Silver: [looks up at him]

Silver: you okay?

Navid: Not really, everything’s all messed up, and it’s my own fault

Silver: what do you mean?

Navid: I basically destroyed out friendship by making everything awkward.

Silver: Navid...

Navid: No Silver, I’m really sorry. I realise that I’m completely deluded and there’s nothing between us and I don’t even know what’s wrong with me. I mean first I wreck my family by reporting my dad, and now this. My friendship with you was like, the only thing that made me happy and I ruined it. I’m just an idiot, a deluded crazy idiot and-
Silver: Navid you’re not. It’s not all in your head; I mean I feel it too.

Navid: You do?

Silver: Yeah, I do. [They kiss]
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