Shadow The Hedgehog Club
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Shadow, the kids, and I went to the park. Although, something felt ominous when we arrived. Like something devilishly was watching over me like a stork. Shadow saw me shivering slightly in my bubbled white coat and he held my hand reassuringly. "I'm alright, Shadow. It's just that....don't you fell the presence of hell watching over you?" Shadow looked at me like I was thinking suicidal thoughts and asked the kids to go play while me and him had a little talk. We sat on a nearby park bench and looked up at the cerulean blue sky. Shadow tapped my shoulder and whispered quietly, "You've never thought like this before, is something the matter my love?" I nodded yes quickly and closed my eyes. Shadow knew I thought something was wrong, due to my facial expression. He closed his eyes and pouted; the silly. I knew he was trying to make me laugh and get my mind of the thick of things, but it wasn't helping in any way, no how. That just made me feel like I was a little stupider. "Shadow, you're noting that I'm stupid when you do that." Shadow looked a bit hurt and mumbled, "I was just trying to cheer you up. You used to like that before we had kids....." I mentally frowned and got up. I told him to go watch the children while I took a water break and a dump. He nodded quickly and happily went over to his little angels. I smiled and ran like a headless chicken to my destination.

The bathroom stalls seemed to be unlit however, so I couldn't see that clearly. When I finally felt around and touched the light switch, I realized it wasn't turning on, even though I tried my absolute best. I furiously started flicking the switch, pissed that I couldn't take a shit when it was not dark. Then I heard a soft pounding noise against the stall across from where I was standing. My blood ran cold and my face turned white. Petrified already by the story Knuckles told us on Halloween about Bloody Jane, I shakily walked over to the stall. I felt nervous about opening the door and clumsily opened the silver lock. Hmmm.....locked shut. I saw a black shadow inside the stall that was making weird ancient praying noises. Like one of those chanting psalms that some people from the Gaia world do. The Gaia world was where I was born and raised as a Miza, and where I trained to be a fully fledged warrior. This planet prospered greatly under my mother's rule, and even better now that my brother, Io, rules. I wondered if one of my Gaia relatives were here to see me, so I said hello softly. Then I heard a dark chuckle emit and a creepy voice followed, " dearest Zoe....." I knew immediately who that voice was.

Reverse Grimm the Satin, Shadow's evil brother.

I screamed loudly and tried to barge the door open, but it had some kind of dark magic field covering it like an ancient veil of mystical powers. Reverse tried his best to coo, and obviously It didn't work no matter what shit he tried. He pushed the only barrier between me and him, the green bathroom stall, away from us, far into the marble wall. Reverse Grimm grinned wickedly and walked regally towards me. He wore his usually devilish attire, with the mnemonic symbol GYRO on his red, golden trimmed cloak. Reverse had his iron war boots strapped tightly against his feet, with the blood of the innocent covering most of the musty black color. "My dear, why must you fear a loving compassionate gentleman like me? I truly don't desire to kill you, as I have done to Shadow's previous love, Maria Robotnik, I believe?" My eyes gleamed with anger as I raised my hand in accusation. "YOU MURDERED HER! That innocent blond girl was nothing to be ashamed over! She was a mere 12 years old!" Reverse Grimm chuckled darkly again, this time a tad bit more sinister. I closed my eyes and prayed I was just dreaming. Reverse pinned me fiercely against the wall, and readied his fangs. "Oh, you are going to be MINE. Forever...."

I struggled in his hard grasp, and he wagged his midnight black finger, covered with his orange gloves. "Don't resist, my dear. Or this will be painful." I yelled never and kicked him in his crotch. Shadow barged in with the children behind him, scared stiff. Reverse Grimm leered at them madly and taunted to Shadow, "These little idiots are your kin? Surely Zoe and I would have created....BETTER miracles." He inched closer to me and smiled. The kids frantically screamed mommy and Shadow yelled and punched Reverse hard. Then he fell like a mighty stone statue and grinned.

added by golden-roze
Source: HauringuF
added by golden-roze
Source: NDXDirectorsCut
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
ok ok i admit i for got were i left off ok so me restart if you dont like i dont care

so we start with darkly(me)
i was just looking though the woods for my family when...
dequ:hi darkly :)
me: oh its just you well hi dequ
dequ: what you doin
me: not much just looking for shadow and the others :(
dequ: not again
me: you didnt no what i lost
dequ: well im an orphan
both: sigh
dequ: can you tell me about your self since that is always your excuse
me: fine well it all startedon the ark shadow was with maria {like always} shade was working on his toy robot thingy darwen was trying to break free of his chains...
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Fate of the Stars Reen
Fate of the Stars Reen

(this is written in Ranes point of view)
When i awoke, i was in a dark scarey room that seemed to b make out of clouds. "heeeelllooo?" i yelled "Welcome Dutchess Rane the cat" a voice from the other side of the room of clouds said and a dark cloaked figure appeared all i cud see was the figures bright blue shiney eyes "i am the fate of the Stars in the beautiful nite sky Reen and i am the one who shall test u on yer pure heartliness" the fate raised her hand and a image of my father appeared "this is yer father Governor
Venise Lord Valice the...
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Fate of the Moon Lonnas
Fate of the Moon Lonnas

(this is written in miserys point of view)

so i woke up in this pitch black cloudly room with the walls and stuff made of clouds it was kinda creepy i thought i was in hell or something
then i heard this voice "so u have awakened Project Misery The Hedgehog" "who the hell r u and how do u know my name?" i asked then a cloaked figure imerged from the darkness of the other side of the room from under its cloak all i could see was its shiney red eyes and i could tell from the voice it was a girl "i am the fate of the all holy moon Lonnas i know all...
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Lady: Hello and today i am interviewing two very famous Sonic characters, Shadow the Hedgehog and Brianna the Fox(Me)!
Shadow: Hurry this up lady will ya?!? -_-
Brianna(Me): Yeah! Are you like being slow on purpose?!? -_-
Lady: Ok! Ok! Shadow, besides your girlfriend Moonlight the Hedgehog(LunaAcores94), who do you think would make a great girlfriend for you?
Shadow: Brianna, cuz shes so evil and beautiful its not even funny.
Brianna: *Blushes* Yeeaaah, i know i am.
Lady: Ok Shadow! Brianna, besides Memphiles, who would make a great boyfriend for you?
Brianna: Shadow, cuz hes evil and really cute!...
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1. If u become shadow's girlfriend,punch him and run.*thats a simple way to get kidnapped*
2. Call shadow emo ,warning: u may get killed for that
3. Tripping shadow,lauging in his face then run
4. chase shadow in Green zone hill
5. Videotapping him then putting it on youtube
6. Sceaming in his ear
7. If u are his gf,and cheat on him with sonic
8. Calling him a asshole
9. Getting sonic,and sliver to try and beat him up *Shadow is going to win!*
10.and finally..stalking him!
posted by KARIxTRENT
ironic,and I guess in a way cool,I have alot in common with the ever-so popular black and red hedgehog:shadow.HIS maria is my memory was lost like his,then I found it.(lolz)my hair is kind of in a sort of way like spikes.(when it's wet)I have been called cool.instead od fangirls,I have a buttload of fanguys.I am quiet,and calm(usually) like shadow.I walk alone(like shadow).I hate sonic,(like shadow)....DAUHM!!!!!!!!!'s ironic how much I'm like shadow.I just about every of shadow's lines too;)
"NO!" Shadow yelled.

"My babies!" I screamed.

He then got ready to chop. I heard screams from the kids, until the unthinkable happened. "THE FUCK?!?!?" Shadow cursed out loud, "Reverse, what are you thinking?!?!?" Reverse jumped in front of the kids, taking the hit. He wailed in pain and the kids fell on the ground hard. I heard a scream of pain come from Trinity, who had a scrape on her knee, and it bled. Shadow rushed over to them, picked them up, and held them out to me. I closed me eyes and cried into their heads, "Oh my goodness! Thank the Miza your okay!" Platinum told me not to worry...
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At Reverse's castle, I sat there in his bedroom. I was a bit more sober now, staying quiet and answering him every time he threw me a question. He actually thought I was starting to fall in love with him because I didn't use force on him anymore. I told him no angrily every time and that my heart would always remain with my beloved Shadow. However, Reverse didn't so much as think that and sat next to me in his devil bedroom one day. I looked at him with an annoyed glare and said harshly, "What do you want? I'm kind of busy writing, if you don't mind. Go kill some people or something...." Reverse...
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added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
Source: hikariviny
added by golden-roze
Source: HauringuF
added by golden-roze
Source: isa03re
added by golden-roze
Source: FlowerQliphoth
added by golden-roze
Source: Zoiby
added by golden-roze
Source: uno_yu_ji