Scott & Stiles Club
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*** Dylan O'Brien: "Scott and Stiles just have this connection. They’re just natural buddies. Just because of the kind of people they are, nothing is ever going to change that about them. They’ll always just be able to talk and get along, and I think that’s totally like me and Tyler. Right from the get-go, when we met at the screen test, we were just instant buds. It wasn’t awkward at all. We could just hang out and shoot the shit. Even if we didn’t get the parts afterwards, we were already exchanging numbers and were ready to hang out. I think that’s a big thing that is really like the dynamic of our characters as well. Scott and Stiles are both only children with single parents. They don’t have a lot to lean on, in their lives, but they have each other and have had each other their whole lives. They just have this totally natural bond that the audience can pick up on, right form the get-go, without knowing the background of these characters. We don’t really get into the background of them a lot. We just see how they act together, which is like brothers." { interview}

*** Tyler Posey: "Scott is bitten by a werewolf in the first episode, so he's already got that to deal with, and it doesn't come easy. He deals with the transformation and he doesn't want to be a werewolf. Stiles is like his person to lean on. A huge reason why Scott and Stiles are best friends isn't just because they've been best friends for like whole their life, y'know. It's not all that they have, because they have a very similar family situation. Stiles always gets him into this mischief and stuff. But with all the antics Stiles gets Scott into, he also helps him out and helps him through it. Without Stiles Scott would be...just dead, probably. In the middle of the woods, naked or something." { interview}

*** Dylan O'Brien: "Scott and Stiles are each missing a parent. Scott's dad is out of the picture, and Stiles's mother passed away at some point. So that does say something about their relationship because you see that it's not just a buddy-buddy thing, like they're totally brothers and they totally do love each other. Stiles is the perfect wolf wingman, the adventurous spirit and the passion and the curiosity. We never got a chance to see our relationship before the pilot episode, obviously, it just kind of dives right into the middle of our lives and we've just been friends our whole lives, apparently. So me and Tyler like to just fill that part in ourselves and say that we were always best friends but we just never really had a lot going on until he became a wolf." { interview}

*** Dylan O'Brien: "I guess I would just have to say natural. These are two guys who are just genuinely friends. They just genuinely care about each other and would each do the same thing for one another. If Stiles was bitten by a werewolf, Scott would be the Stiles in the situation. Neither of them would run away from this, but would just try to help support the other. They are just that close and genuinely do love each other. Because the audience has no background on this relationship and are just kind of leapt into the story with these two guys they know nothing about, the chemistry just kind of has to have a natural feel. I think it starts with the writing, which is something that Jeff has done so well in writing this bond. I think it helps that Tyler and I are also such good friends in real life and are on the same page with how this relationship needs to be, and how it has to come off with the audience. Right from the get-go, you are out in the wood with these two kids you know nothing about and you have to be rooting for them and be attached to them. They really clue you in on the relationship and you just feel like you are hanging out with two normal kids. *** Yeah, literally from the get-go. We had a network test and that was the first time we all met. Something went wrong with the contract, so we ended up being there for like five hours with a lot of down time, so we had a lot of talking to do. Me and Tyler were just instant buddies. We had a lot in common; we both played music and played in bands. We were just very natural, kind of like how Scott and Stiles are. Immediately after the network test, we exchanged numbers and planned on hanging or something, even if neither of us got the part. Then when we found out we both got it, we were both just so stoked. We were like, “Dude, let’s hang.” We just became really good buddies in the process." { interview}

*** Question: "Is there going to be more conflict between Stiles and Scott in the future?"
Dylan: "I think that that'll get toyed with more next season, because we did have that one episode where we were kind of on the rocks. It's the first time you actually really see Stiles get pissed at Scott."
Tyler: "I don't think we're going to have a falling out. Stiles hated me for a little bit in Episode - four, is it? Five? Six? Five and six. And eight."
Dylan: "Five. Oh yeah. We've seen Stiles kind of get pissed at Scott a couple times now, but I think that in 8, the reason in 8, it was a pretty legitimate reason. He totally made out with his girl. But then again, it's the full moon..."
Tyler: "...and it's not your girl."
Dylan: "...And it's not my girl. Exactly. It's the chick who I really can't get. At all. So I don't know. I think that if Stiles is still looking out for his buddy after that, we're not going to see any kind of falling out." { interview}

TYLER: I hope not. We have too good a relationship on that show.

DYLAN: I wouldn't even be helping him out at all. I'd be running for my life, right, if I didn't actually love him like I love him.

*** Question: "Will the conflict between Scott’s father and Stiles’ father cause tension between Scott and Stiles?"
Dylan: "No. It’s always cool between them. Nothing can damage that. We don’t even think about toying with that, even for a storyline. It’s just so wrong for the characters and for the show. They’re such brothers. They always have each other’s back. It doesn’t fucking matter what’s happening. They can never lose that. I don’t think Scott and Stiles can ever truly be in a fight. In Season 1, we fought for two minutes. There was one scene where I was mad at him, and then I was just back in it because I want to know what’s going on. Their relationship is the foundation of the show, and we love that foundation. I don’t think anything, even their fathers, can come between that or break that up.
{ interview}
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