scary stories Club
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posted by shinju-chan
One of the artist's drawings
One of the artist's drawings
I knew of an artist envied the perfect painting. He isolated himself in his apartment, only going outside for more paints, and brushes for the painting.

He needed more brushes because he snapped them in half out of anger. He was the best artist in the town of Winfield, but... He disagreed.

He thought his pieces were "inexcusable pieces of shit" and would Storm off and lock himself within his home.

When his family started calling repeatedly, he smashed his phone against the wall. This was only the start of it all.

He was starting to ignore his own needs. Food. Water. Hygiene. His hair was starting to fall out, and eyes bloodshot.

He started to draw.. Grotesque images. He drew hanging bodies, teens with slit necks, and even an image of a woman whose mouth is too wide to open, bugs spilling out.

Then the shivers started. He started shaking every few minutes, his mouth emitting a low groan once every other minute.

By then he was incapable of drawing, so he decided to play a game. A game where he would use a long knife, and see if it would chop his fingers one by one.

He would chop off a finger a day, and would chop that finger into smaller bits, and smeared the blood from his fingers on the wall spelling out P E R F E C T in large letters.

By the third finger on his hand, the area where his first finger was cut off, was now infected. He didn't notice until... The voices came.

"Useless. Nothing." These words would repeat inside his mind as he rocked himself at night, not able to fall asleep by this point. He chopped off the last two of his fingers, and realized...

He hadn't eaten any food in quite a while. Not even realizing his own insanity, he seasoned, prepared, and cooked the five fingers that were on his best hand. His artist's hand.

He threw himself at the walls. And wrote more words on the walls with not his blood, but his own feces. His mind flashed with more images of what he could paint, but no longer. He calmly smeared the feces on the wall, and wrote P E R F E C T over and over again.

From the loss of blood, the artist died. Not crazily like a psychopath, but in his perspective, quiet. And happy.

His last words were, "At..least...I'm... Not..." And his eyes bore open, lifeless, the blood inside him stops running. The words he were going to say were, "useless anymore."

The next day, the landlady unlocked the door to the artist's house to say that his rent was overdue. Then she found him, passed out, pale, and dead on the floor...


It was sad to hear his death. Only earlier have I heard the details. I didn't know... He was breaking down.
posted by Eviem99
This is the urban legend of Wesley Mors and her curse. 8 year old Wesley Mors was a dark and mysterious child with no friends and close family. One day while walking home from school by herself she was approached by a handsome young man. He said his name was Peter was looking for young girls to take pictures of for a fashion magazine. Wesley having no close family or friends to tell her not to go off with strangers she agreed and went off with the young man. Wesley was taken to an old abandoned house on a cliff near a river. After a few drinks and jokes Peter made his attack. He decapitated...
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posted by Rennerocks
retold by S.E. Schlosser

Listen to the podcast

She commandeered the room in the basement of her dorm as soon as she realized she would have to pull an all-nighter in order to prepare for tomorrow’s final exam. Her roommate, Jenna, liked to get to bed early, so she packed up everything she thought she would need and went downstairs to study . . . and study . . . and study some more. It was two o’clock, when she realized that she’d left one of the textbooks upstairs on her bed. With a dramatic sigh, she rose, and climbed the stairs slowly to her third-floor dorm room.
The lights were dim...
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posted by 61612
This is a story my dad told me at the campfire during a hunting trip on our land, to scare the hell out of me and teach me a lesson at the same time.

The setting is a long stretch of road in western Texas, it’s a rainy night as Peggy and her boyfriend Tommy are heading back from a long summer vacation, instead of going back the way they came they decided to take a detour.
Tommy cursing at the rain slowly drove the car as they crept their way past an old abandoned house. All over the fences and trees were no trespassing signs.
A mile past the house, the car hydroplaned. Peggy screamed as the...
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added by msullivan31
posted by goodman8
------ Bulletin Message ------

They pushed her down a sewer

About 6 years ago in Indiana, Carmen Winstead was pushed down a sewer opening by 5 girls in her school, trying to embarrass her in front of her school during a fire drill. When she didn't submerge the police were called. They went down and brought up 17 year old Carmen Winstead's body, her neck broke hitting the ladder, then side concrete at the bottom. The girls told everyone she fell... They believed them.

FACT: 2 months ago, 16 year old David Gregory read this post and didn't repost it. When he went to take a shower he heard laughter from his shower, he started freaking out and ran to his computer to repost it, He said goodnight to his mom and went to sleep, 5 hours later his mom woke up in the middle of the night cause of a loud noise, David was gone, that morning a few hours later the police found him in the sewer, his neck broke and his face skin They pushed her down a sewer"
She was pushed
posted by tailsdoll
As I look at you after you ask the question, I look down upon the grave sighing sorrowfully,
"My name is Zachery," I answer, "my parents live around here, if you need anything just let me know."
"cool," Is the only thing you think of as a response, then you think hard and say, "You just moved here?" I don't reply for I'm about to leave the graveyard, and when you look over you see me get hit by a car, "Oh my god!" You shriek out but when you look, you see no body, no blood, nothing, as if my body disappeared, and then you slip from the grave you were sitting on to see it say Here lies Zachery Hopper, died december 28 2000. and you start to feel, dizzy, like you feel something stabbed you, and you see nothing but black and my grave when you die.
posted by zeebem10
Chapter 1

We were all sitting by a campfire at Camp Terry where me and my friends were the only ones awake. there names were Jacob, Susan, Micheal, Tori, and Xavier. My name is Taylor. We all heard a scream coming from the forest. We weren't allowed to go but we didn't want to leave anyone hurt in the forest so we all ran into the forest but we didn't realize at the time what we were getting into.

Chapter 2

Me, Jacob and Tori decided to go look for the person that had screamed on the left side of the forest and Susan, Micheal, and Xavier look on the right side of the forest. We set off to...
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