Scandal [ABC] Suppressed Secrets of Consciousness

davidhannon posted on Oct 02, 2013 at 01:39AM
Differentiation causes consciousness. There are two things in the universe: energy; and, information, which are differentiations of energy, basically in closed circuitry, in and of the one substance, energy, that there be something to move out of the way and fill in behind. This differentiation differentiates energy also causing energy to be conscious. This is an eternal process, for, an infinitesimal point nothingness, . , is rastered by time into timespace, U , which being one, exerts its oneness in one direction, / , stirring closed circuitry, O , that all going the same way, vO^XvO^, clash, X , the repulsion of which forces circuits into confluency, = , where individual circuits undifferentiate into nonexistence. Undifferentiation can reduce consciousness to unconsciousness and ultimately to nonexistence.
Our consciousness is caused by our closed circuit being differentiated in the arising reticular formation of the medulla oblongata of our brains by substance P neurons (pain nerves). Increasing the neuron wall permeability of these neurons allows our closed circuit to undifferentiate more. This is proven by the fact that solvents like ethanol, ether, etc., increase neuron wall permeability. Also, our seratonin system facilitates our sleep.
But, we have a veil in our brain that veils the complete satisfaction of all desires of deep sleep and other causes of unconsciousness. Those who didn't have this veil didn't live long enough to pass on their genes. Pleasures bypass that veil. Also, when circuits that are confluent to our circuit, thereby causing undifferentiation of our circuit, are presented to our circuit, we may experience at least moments of the satisfaction of all desires, that was called "nirvana".
Attention to the cylindrical sound allows the confluent circuits, which that sound stirs, to undifferentiate our closed circuit enough to experience moments of the satisfaction of all desires, "nirvana". The cylindrical sound may be written as a word. In Hebrew this word was what is called "onomatopoeic", that is, sounding like the object named, in this case, the Hebrew word for a well, a hollow cylinder, is spelled aleph yod nun, pronounced "eyennn", like the German word for one, ein. Let that sound whine in your mind and you will be able to experience moments of the satisfaction of all desires. Coincidentally, that Hebrew word also means nonexistence. When repeatedly meditating upon this sound you may notice a pattern of concentric rings on the inside of your closed eyelids, with black in the center, then around that, violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red with brown on the outside. Also, that Hebrew word means a ring and an eye.
But, too much differentiation is pain. That which has been called "expanded consciousness" is caused by increasing the percentage of brain use.
The MIT professor of quantum physics, Dr. Max Tegmark, wrote in his Scientific American, May 2003, article about the "Multiverse", that even every story in books, TV, and the movies, are reality on some other probability timelines, sideways in time.
We slightly change timelines all the time, and most people don't even known it. But, when we use more that the "normal" 10% of our brains, our powerful thoughts are stronger to draw us, by inductive resonance, to the probability timelines corresponding to our thoughts. Fifty percent brain use is the tipping point, where, above that, every thought manifest as our reality.
Coincidentally, crucifixion causes more that 50% brain use into, what has been called by Dr. Stanislav Grof, perinatal matrix three. Can you control every thought? Soon you will be wishing you were someone else, and "zap", you body switch into that someone else, but with a weak brain again. It not being your body, you body switch, backward and forward in time, into everyone you have seen, for about a hundred years duration. But, on the cross Jesus Christ deliberately body switched into everybody who ever was, is, or will be, and, that is how He is in you and I.
Crucifixion awakens the brain to high percentages of brain use by the vagal stimulation of forced holotropic breathing spreading up to and through the brain. People have been forced to body switch like this by the Clockwork Orange treatment by large doses of LSD, or the vagal stimulation caused by waterboarding. Dr. Stanislav Grof said that the original baptism, like waterboarding, did this, and was just another initiation into the "sacred mysteries".
The fact that "VAGAL STIMULATION IS AS EFFECTIVE AS LSD" is the supreme grand secret of every priestcraft and secret society, yet, they profaned their own supreme grand secret by printing in Time magazine that by waterboarding the goal was to keep the nasopharynx flooded with water. The main trunk of the vagus nerve emerges from the brain in the nasopharynx, and proceeds down into the body, where its plexuses have been called "chakras".
But, short of perinatal matrix three, in perinatal matrix two, from 20% brain use to 29% brain use, drawing what you want will get it; from 30% to 39% brain use, writing what you want will get it; and from 40% brain use to 49% brain use, saying what you want will get it; "If you have the faith of a mustard seed and say to this mountain move it shall be moved", you go to the probability timeline where the mountain is elsewhere.

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