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Ok so I might have mentioned before how bushido and religion or other ethics might go against each other. Well like I said, just because your parents think its true doesn’t mean it is but at the same time just because a bunch of samurai said its true doesn’t mean it is. Look inside yourself and think to yourself as to what is true. maybe something will come up that will show you what is true or not, but remember life lessons are never direct because its not like some wise old man is going to show up on your doorstep and teach you all the truth. speaking of truth I did hear a quote "the truth is a 3 sided sword, one of the sides is what you think is true the second side is what your adversary thinks is true and the third side is the real truth" so as close as you become to the truth as true as you think you are you are never 100% right, I am never 100% right so remember that now as you read my articles and ponder them, no man's truth is absolute but some men are closer than others. if you get into an argument it is good to reflect on that argument and think as to why you got into the argument, you are bound to have some truth in your words and the other person has some truth in their words to think about your adversary's words carefully and think about everything they said as something that could be truth and try to compare it to what you think is the truth and you might find the truth in your adversary’s words. So in closing you can compare bushido or religion or your current ethics or all three and I hope that you find the truth