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posted by Penguin11
An alarm clock sounds in the house of Pops Maellard. It is 7:45, time for Mordecai and Rigby to wake up. Mordecai slaps the snooze button. He sits up and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "Rigby," He whispers, "it's time to wake up!" Rigby mumbles an incomprehensible sentence. Mordecai sighs, and walks over to Rigby's trampoline. He shook Rigby a little. "C'mon, dude. We gotta wake up." He says. "5 more minutes!" Rigby begs. "No, dude. We gotta work if we wanna go to that Brain Explosion concert." Rigby slapped at Mordecai's wing. "You mean if you wanna go to the Brain Explosion concert." He mumbled. Mordecai shook his head, exasperated. Some people never learn. "Whatevs. Ya' still gotta get up!" He said, as he picked Rigby up. "'Ya see, WHOAH DUDE, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!" Mordecai dropped Rigby and he lay in a crumpled heap. "What do you mean what happened to my face?!" He cried, shaking. It was covered in lots of pimples. Mordecai snickered.
"You got acne."
Rigby's eyes widened.
"ACNE? 'YA MEAN LIKE, A FEW ZITS ACNE, OR YOU IN 10TH GRADE ACNE?!" He screamed. "Hey! I didn't have that many zits, dude, and yeah, me in 10th grade acne."
Rigby swayed a bit. "10th grade acne, for real? You looked RETARDED in 10th grade." Mordecai scoffed. "Hmm hmm. Yeah. Back when you were the handsome one. Now I am. Ha!" Rigby was equally offended. "I'm still the handsome one!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah right," Mordecai said, "you never hit puberty!" Mordecai nearly doubled over in laughter. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP THAT A SECRET!" Rigby screamed. Mordecai fell over, laughing hard. "Shut up, haha, man, haha, you're gonna, haha, wake up Pops!" He choked out. "STOP TALKING!" Rigby said, stomping into the bathroom.
He looked in the mirror.
"Holy crap, Mordecai was right! It IS 10th grade acne! Darnit!" He said, kicking the toothpaste across the floor. "I guess puberty finally caught up with me." He was devestated. He slipped a paper bag (with eyeholes, of course) over his head and plopped on the couch. Mordecai walked up. "Oh no you don't, dude," He said, "you promised yesterday you'd buy me a coffee." Rigby cried out. "No! Don't make me go out in public like, like this!" He said. "I'll DIE!" Mordecai laughed. "Drama Queen. C'mon. I'm driving."
They reached the Coffee Shop, where Mordecai ordered the most expensive coffee on the menu, the Triple Choco MochaLatte Supa Expresso Mucha Grande Extraordinaire. "Holy crap, dude!" Rigby shreiked. "That's like, half my paycheck!" Mordecai chuckled and sat back. "Just payback for when you picked at me in 10th grade." He said. Rigby sulked until Margaret walked over. She looked at Mordecai, then at Rigby. "Whoah, Rigby. Why the paper bag on your head?" She asked. Mordecai spoke up before Rigby could say anything. "He has acne. BAD acne. 10TH GRADE acne!" Margaret chuckled. "Don't worry, Rigby. It'll go away eventually." She walked off, laughing.
When they got back home, Rigby was fuming. "You totally embarrassed me in front of GIRLS! You RUINED my chances for some LADY PECKS!" Mordecai chuckled some more. "Eew, duude. Don't talk about Margaret that way." Rigby sighed and sat on the couch. He clicked the TV on, and a commercial popped up.
"DO YOU HAVE ACNE? WELL, LOOK NO FURTHER!" Rasped out a gravely voice. "NEW ZIT ZAPPERS ZAP AWAY YOUR ZITS! JUST TOUCH THE END OF THE 'MAGIC' WAND TO YOUR PIMPLE AND ZAAAAAAP! IT'S GONE! CALL 1-800-NOT-A-SCAM AND GET THREE FOR JUST 19.95!" Rigby was already at the phone. "Yes? Zit zappers? Send me 3 zit zappers right away!" He said. In about 2 seconds, they heard a knock on the door. Rigby opened and an angel of death appeared, holding a box of zit zappers. He dropped them then evaporated. "Rigby, I don't know about this..." Mordecai said. "Don't worry!" Rigby squealed. "This is gonna fix my face!" He touched the zit zappers to his face. Rigby lit up like a christmas tree. You could see his skeleton. "Dude, this is as creepy as H..." Mordecai mumbled. "AAAH!" In a flash, Rigby dropped to the floor, pimple free. Mordecai stared blankly. "What'cha starin' at, Mordi? My sexiness?" Rigby asked. "Nuh-uh, dude. THAT." He said, and pointed behind Rigby. Rigby turned around to see a huge monster made of zits. "HOLY CRAP!!!" Rigby screamed, and they both ran like scared little girls. "How come this crap always happens to US?" Mordecai asked. "I don't know, dude!" Rigby screamed. "Where's Skips?!" He added. "Over there!" Mordecai yelled, and pointed to Skips, trimming a hedge. "SKIPS! SKIPS!" They screamed. Skips turned around and saw the zit monster. "Holy crap, guys! This is the worst monster yet!" He said. "Neither of you happened to use a zit zapper, did you?" Rigby whistled nonchalantly. Skips sighed. "Shoulda' known it was you, Rigby. Anyways, we have to cover this thing with zit cream." Mordecai and Rigby looked at eachother worriedly. Where would they find enough zit cream? As if he could read their minds, Skips said, "Hop onto the golf cart and we'll run to the free store!" So they did. Skips burst through the door of the free store. "WE NEED ALL OF YOUR ACNE CREAM!" He bellowed. "Aisle 4!" The cashier said. Skips grabbed a buggy full of zit cream and then put it all in a big bucket. "Mordecai, you have to fly above the monster and pour this on it's head!" He yelled, and tossed the bucket to Mordecai. The monster was gaining rapidly. "But I can't fly! Rigby broke my wing when we were seven!" "Mordecai, you have to try! You're our last chance!" Rigby and Skips screamed. Mordecai gulped. He hadn't flown since he was a small child. "Okay, Mordi. You can do this. You da man." He told himself, and then pushed off of the roof of the golf cart, flapping his wings. He slowly lifted. Before he knew it, he was above the monster. "OH MY GOD! I CAN DO IT! I'M FLYING!" He screamed. He then poured the cream on the monster, who was roaring viciously. It slowly disenigrated, like a snail in the salt. "Yes! We did it!" Mordecai screamed. He landed back on the golf cart. "Phew," Skips said. "that was a close call. Let's agree never to use zit stuff again." "Agreed." Mordecai and Rigby said.

An alarm clock sounds in the house of Pops Maellard. It is 7:45, time for Mordecai and Rigby to wake up. Mordecai slaps the snooze button. He sits up and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He walks to the bathroom. In the mirror, he sees he has a huge zit.
added by Penguin11
Source: me
Mordecai looked up at the night sky. A light hovered, considerately larger than the other stars that shined above them. "What do you think that is, Rigby?" He inquired. The light seemed to pulse with energy, getting brighter and then dimmer every few seconds.
"I think it's a UFO!" Rigby excitedly exclaimed. Mordecai looked at Rigby curiously. "What the crap is that supposed to mean?!" He said. Rigby shook his head in disappointment, staring at the energetic light as if it were supposed to do something. "It's an alien spaceship," He expectantly interpreted. "Ya dumbo." Mordecai slapped him...
continue reading...
added by CreativeJamie
Source: Jamie Cole
added by lena_espo
added by nakita_mordo
added by missdada15
regular show
christmas special
added by Mordecai
Mordecai and Rigby work overtime to afford Fist Pump concert tickets.
It has no "Holy Crap" and "Rigbyyyyy!!!!, Noooo!!!" And slightly different
regular show
mordecai and the rigbys
party tonight
added by NerdishMafia
added by anitasthings
added by Blazefan4life
added by Skips
posted by EmoDragon

She guessed this was it. This creepy Victorian house would be her home indefinitely.

The wind blew the jacket that normally hung at her knees flowing beside her. She'd have to remember to get the zipper fixed on it.

A gust of wind nearly blew the bangs in front of her right eye aside, she held it in place on instinct. She never liked it exposed, though not a soul was in sight.

Strange, this was a normally busy street. Not that she minded. She hated most other people.

Stepping up to the porch, she rang the bell and waited. There was an orange and white cat sitting on the edge. Making sure no...
continue reading...
posted by crazycow4556
I put the winner of round 1 and starting today you still in the contest even you didn't win. I put rounds in images contest.
Please upload images with rounds I put or else you out of the contest. round 2 starts now!
round 1:iPsychic
Round 2:MadManMordo
round 3:???
round 4:???
round 5:???
Round 6:???
round 7:???
round 8:???
round 9:???

Plus start ready because in Dec 31st Right Now is the New Year's images contest.
and don't forget you pick for next month's contest you may be winning.
added by crazycow4556
mordecai hang out with margaret
regular show
added by KJBiggestFan
Source: gloomy mushroom on deviantART