Random Things for teens to do during summer

ginny_potter_97 posted on May 31, 2011 at 01:48AM
1. Sell your old stuff at a garage sale. You'll clean out your room and make a little cash at the same time.
2. See one of those big blockbuster summer movies. Bonus points if it's in 3-D.
3. Make a bird feeder and wait for someone to stop by and check it out. (It'll probably be a bird.)
4. Fill up some of your community service hours.
5. Lay out by the public pool (with plenty of sunscreen on, of course).
6. Set up your sprinkler in the backyard (or the front yard, if you dare) and run through it.
7. Go to an outdoor concert.
8. Make popsicles in fancy flavors. Eat them all yourself, or set up a stand and sell them to passers-by.
9. Go fly a kite...literally. Here's how to make your own.
10. Read a good book in a hammock (which everyone knows is the best place to read good books).
11. Go on a nature hike
12. Throw a softball around in the backyard.
13. Have a water balloon toss. Or, if you're not that civil, a water balloon fight.
14. Go to an outdoor yoga class.
15. Get on your bike and ride (destination: ice cream cones).
16. Take photos of all the pretty summer flowers around your town. Turn it into a photo collage.
17. Go to the amusement park. Ride all the scary rides you were afraid to ride as a kid.
18. Go to a baseball game. If there are no major league teams near you, go to a minor league game - the tickets are cheaper, and the games are just as exciting.
19. Contribute a true story to Teen Advice (shameless plug).
20. Go on a walking tour of your town's historical district. Or if there aren't any tours offered, just walk around and make stuff up.
21. Go bird watching. Don't forget to bring a camera.
22. See how many laps you can swim in a row. Keep practicing. Then see how many you can do by the end of the summer
23. Get a makeover at the mall
24. Go to a restaurant that you have never been to before
25. Have a picnic
26. Bake cookies
27. Give yourself a manicure
28. Go bowling
29. Go for a bike ride
30. Go online and discover all the tourist spots near your home that you have never been to before.
31. Go swimming
32. Plan a vacation to an exotic destination for the future – do the research online
33. Run through the sprinkler with your clothes on
34. Rent and watch a whole season of your favorite television series
35. Read a book by an author you like
36. Go to a museum
37. Have a BBQ
38. Learn a new language
39. Wake up early and watch the sunrise
40. Write a story
41. Get a pedicure
42. Make a list of traits you would want in the perfect BF
43. Spend an entire day in your pajamas
44. Find a really cool quote online and then text it to a random person on your friend list
45. Make ice cream
46. Have a sleep-over
47. Camp out in your backyard
48. Write a poem
49. Stargaze
50. Write a story with a friend – each taking turns
51. Get a facial
52. Give yourself a make-over
53. Learn a new exercise
54. Go to the movies
55. Go hiking
56. Volunteer at a nursing home, hospital, animal shelter, daycare or library
57. Listen to a new style of music (and give it a real listen – a couple songs or more)
58. Make a list of things you want to do before you are twenty
59. Buy a random magazine at the store and read the whole thing
60. Redecorate your bedroom
61. Get a pen pal
62. Go on a photo-scavenger hunt
63. Have a water gun fight with friends
64. Bake and frost cupcake
65. Check out colleges online
66. Paint a picture
67. Try not to complain for a whole day (this is really difficult try it)

this is on some keep adding more if you want (yes i realize there are some duplicates)

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over a year ago Ruben80 said…
68. Surfing
over a year ago omgemg said…
69.Go to a different country
70.Learn to ride a horse
71.Go to a camp