Random Storytime!

BellaCullen96 posted on Apr 05, 2009 at 01:29AM
Ok, so I have posted this on some other spots already but I think this is an awesome spot to put it on. For those of you who don't know how to play, I type three words then you post three words to keep the story going (although most people just type as much as they want). This site is perfect because you can make up just a random story. It can be about anything, but make it as random as you can because, well, this IS the Random spot. Ok, I'll start:

One day I . . .
Ok, so I have posted this on some other spots already but I think this is an awesome spot to put it o
last edited on Sep 29, 2009 at 01:50AM

Random 119 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 119

over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
Sarah again, cause Rosalie was caseing her. Sarah said breathless, "Edward, oh Edward. You have to help me." "What is it?" said Edward. "It's Rosalie. She's chasing me because I liked Emmet. and I don't like Emmet anymore. I relized that I really love is the only person who understood me the most. The person who made me who I am. It's you Edward. I'm sorry I ran of with Emmet. I truely am." said Sarah pationatly. "Ohhh. I'm sorry too. I missed you soo much. I thought a part of me was gone." "Me too," said Sarah. And they kissed. One of the kittens said, "You better cut the kissin short. 'cause we need'a go!" "Sorry," said Edward. "Hey were's James and Victoria?" "Oh. I couldn't bring them with me because i had to go right then and there. I think "Mom" has them." said Sarah. "Whew. Good. OH MY GOD! Here comes Rosalie! Hurry we need to do something!" Then Edward bent down and kissed her, again. Rosalie walked up and said, "Oh you better have a good explanation for all this!" "Yes, we do!" said Edward. "Sarah figured out that, she didn't really love Emmet, she loved me, and we're back together. Forever." "Forever." repeated Sarah. "Good you better be," said Rosalie. And she ran off. "On word kittens!" said Edward, and they walked on forward and they ran into....
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over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
...a bridge made of rock going over an evil desert river. the cat pirates, kittens, Same Difference, and edward looked at eachother.
sarah saw a guy in a ferrari and mistook him for edward. she ran after him like mad. then a big explosion happened and sarah got blown up. at least there were pretty fire works. "thank god for that!!" sighed edward, 'let's get on with the adventure, or we'll never make it to the concert on time."
'i think we should cross the narrow bridge', said lavender, now knowing that they were back on track to get the scroll from the venue of the cooncert to get their frozen apple warehouse changed back into a frozen apple warehouse instead of a giant turquoise pickle.
everyone looked down at the sea below, which swirled and twirled and growled.
peering into the distance across the bridge, The captain noticed a set of pyramids on the desert over the other side. 'we must go there!' she said, 'this is egypt! we can find a mummy's tomb and be granted any wish we would like!' so everyone set slowly over the narrow crumbling bridge, towards the pyramids to have their wish granted for the apple warehouse and to get Same difference to their concert that starts in just a few hours. it seemed like the perfect idea.
when they reached the other side, the gang were greeted by a purple camel called grapes and a red tiger called strawberries. they wanted to help. it was all very random. then, with beautiful glistening sapphire eyes, the red tiger smiled and said, "i can help you get to your destination, i have been watching you through your whole journey. i am the cousin of aslan from narnia." and then the tiger also said "....
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over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
(Can we please say that Sarah found someone better than Edward, turned him into a vampire, and left forever with her telekinesis powers? my name is Sarah and I don't wanna blow up, but I was kinda getting sick of it, that's why I put her with Emmett, my second fave guy, and got on with the story)

". . . To get past me you must solve this riddle:

First think of the person who lives in disguise,
Who deals with secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what's always last to mend,
The middle of middle and end of end.
And finally give me the sound often heard
During the search for a hard-to-find word.
Now string them together, and tell me this,
Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"

"Ooh! This was in Harry Potter!" Lavender exclaimed. "Um, let me think . . ." She sat for a while, willing herself to remember the answer. "Oh yeah! Now I remember! The answer is . . ."

(For Grapes, there should also be a trick to get past the camel. It doesn't have to be a riddle, just something tricky, but don't tell say answer! Let us have some fun!)
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
(I have no idea wat the answer is! and....to bad! my names sarah! and remember she can't die that easily!)

Then They went past and ran into a ferrai, saw Sarah driving it and she said, "Need a lift?" "We thought you were dead!" said one kitten. "Oh thank God your alive!" said Edward. "Well I'm not dead i'm invenceable remember? So do you guys need a lift." said sarah. "Yes! I call shot gun!" said Edward. "Of course you can have shot gun, your my husband." said Sarah. "OK! Let's go!" said Everybody. "How did you find the ferria?" said Edward. "I don't remember. But I think I found it and stoll it because I needed to find you and alll you kittens and pirates and all you other people." "Ahh thanks Sarah!" said everyone. Then they reached their destination and had to get past the.....
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over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
... " hey, hey i think i know what the answer to the riddle is!!" exclaimed lavender. "What is it??" cheered edward, the siamese cat pirates, Same Difference, the red tiger and the purple camel all together. "...well??" they asked. "it's that it's a trick. the answer can be whatever you want it to be. so now i want the answer to be that we can cross the river and get to those pyramids. none of this is real remember??"
"clever kitten," said the red tiger. you have proved your intelligence to me. many would have sat and pondered over that question for hours. not only that, but...."
the tiger was interrupted by the screeching of tyres. everyone turned around. it was bella, in her red truck. there you are edward!! she cheered. " thank god!! i wondered where you were! i love you - lets go now. i have just remembered that i have to go defeat james. bye everyone! good luck with your journey!" said edward. and then they drove away together imn the red truck and were never seen again and lived happily ever after together. then, a speed boat sped down the river. it was emmet driving. sarah jumped into the boat and they sailed away together and lived happily ever after and kissed and stuff. sarah had realised that emmet was who she wanted all along and that wouldnever change. then they disappeared over the horizon.
it was the perfect love story. rosalie did not mind at all, especially being so emmet had just broken her favourite chanel no 5 perfume. and then they saw no more of sarah.
"anyways..." said the tiger, "now you may come with me. i am the pharoh of egypt. i can fly, we will go to the temple of pyramids now, to see the mummy and grant you your wish. but to carry on with the journey, you will each need one of my magic tiger gems, to enter the temple of pyramids. lavender got a gem, amthyst got a gem, each of the cat pirates got a gem, sarah smith and sean smith (Same Difference) both got one, and then they all flew on the tiger to the temple of pyramids, approaching the mummy.
in the desert, half way through the journey, they saw a man walking in the sand. "let's pick him up." said red tiger, swooping down and landing.
"omg!!" said amethyst and lavender
"look!" said red tiger
"can't be!!..." said same difference
"..but it is!!!" said the siamese cat pirates
"Ben Stiller!" said everyone together!
"where are you heading?" asked Lavender, still wondering whether this story is going to get anymore random.
"oh i was on my way to the night at the museum 2 premier and go back to the museum when i got lost and i guess i'm now in egypt."
"come with us and you can ask the great mummy to teleport you there - comeon!" said red tiger handing him a gem to get into the temple with.
they arrived at the temple, only to find that the golden tablet of arc-men-rah that opens the temple was missing! it was replaced by a map. the map was all in hyrogliphs.
"we'll phone Lottie, and Bobby the wonderhorse, they'll know what to do!" said the red tiger.
So while they waited for them to turn up, the gang decided to see if they could figure out what the code for the tablet was. no success. then red tiger spoke, he said: "...
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
(HEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH­HEH­EHE­HEH­EHE­HEH­EHE­H!!­)Th­en bella and emmet ran into each other they wanted each other and roasile ripped Bella apart and burned her and killed her. Then Emmet, Sarah, and Edward looked at each other. And Sarah and Edward kissed. and Rosalie and Emmet Kissed.Then Sarah and Edward walked up and they both got a gem. "What are you doing back here." They said. "Bella got ripped to shreds. And We figured out that we need to finish wat we started. Now Let's GO!!!" Said Edward. Once they got to the pyramids and.....
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over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
...there they are" said red tiger. "who?" asked Same Difference "lottie, and bobby the wonderhorse, here to translate the hyroglyphs for us so we can enter the temple of pyramids.
"hey everyone!" said lottie, as she rode up to the on bobby, her special horse that can speak. "lottie!! can bobby help us translate the tablet of arc-men-rah so we can get into the temple??" asked red tiger, handing them his last two gems.
"ah," said bobby, "the code is pi, 3.1415926" he said, tapping it in with his hoof. "that's one awesome horse you have there, lottie!" said ben stiller.
he placed the golden tablet in the wall of the temple of pyramids, and the whole temple unfolded to let them in, giving off an blinding white light, as the gang entered, cautiously, and unable to believe their eyes.
the whole place was not like something from this world, it was magnificent, 20 ft statues lined the enormous walls, holograms filled the whole temple, everything was 4d and amazing. the mummy's tomb was nearby. the most amazing thing in the temple was the...
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
(WEll i had no idea wat the answer was! You SAW Night At The Museum 2!! SO did I!!! and sorry.) they follwed lottie inside and saw a big....
over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
(its ok lolz ;-)night at the museum 2 was AWESOME - saw it todaaaay lolz!!!) (ps check ur messages!)

... blue cheetah. the cheetah said "who goes there???" everyone held up their tiger gems. "they're with me, blue." said red tiger. "red tiger!! how ya doin??? aint seen you in aaages mate!" said blue cheetah. they knew eachother from when they were cubs. while the brightly colored big cats sat chatting about some old diddly squat, everyone decided to have a look around, following lottie and bobby. 'wow this place is amazing' said lavender. then, they saw a...
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
big smile
(I know it was!!!)Big Big Big Big Big Toliet! They said "WOW! that is one BIG Toilet!" "Yep got go somewhere." said The BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG Barney. "OMFG! We thought Barney died, like, a long time ago!" "No I didn't die. Now Go away i need go." "BYE." (Hey can Sarah and Edward sneek in "because" they were spying and they went ot see Night At The Meseum 2 for one of their dates?) And The Blue said, ".....
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over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
(yh sure thing just as long as they don't take over the whole story and start ripping ppl apart!! ;-D)(ps the character bobby is based on my real horse bobby. theres a picture at the bottom)

"....wow. i never knew they had a bigbigbig toilet with barney having a krap in the temple of pyramids."
then the bigbigbig barney and the bigbigbig toilet dissappeared. "meh. must of finished his bigbigbig krap." said blue cheetah.
the gang walked through a large door at the end of one of the magnificent corridors.
before they went to find the mummy, they decided to look around the temple first.
behind the door there was a dark room with a giant screen, and lots of seats, with a bucket of popcorn on every seat. then , night at the museum 2 started playing on the big screen. everyone sat down and watched it.
then, in the front row, was, guess who. sarah and edward.
everyone said hi and sarah and edward couldn't stay long because they didn't have a tiger gem, and there are only a certain number ever. they said that they were there on a date and that they were going to buy a house together in forks the next day. "oh, right." said red tiger. "we have to carry on with out mission. send us a postcard or summink from forks when you go tomorrow."
"oh, that will be lovely," said lottie to sarah. "hope you like yor new house."
the movie was totally awesome. afterwards everyone continued their journey around the temple of pyramid on their quest.
everyone was startled by the clattering of hooves on marble floor from around the corner. to everyone's surprise, it was Theodore Roosevelt on Texas the horse. "wow" said bobby swishing his tail, "wish i could run as fast as you texas."
then something JUST as awesome happened...
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(yh sure thing just as long as they don't take over the whole story and start ripping ppl apart!! ;-D
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
A unicorn trampled the school. And a kitten scared everbody! Jim the dragon laid an egg so therefore Jim is a girl dragon. the unicorn was the father and he was named Sue.
over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
"...wow... THAT was even more random and awesome that my grand entry!!" said theodore roosevelt. "i know what to do!," he added, galloping around the dragon and the unicorn and the scary kitten with his lassoo until they were all tied together. then he put them all into a spiralling portal and they sailed into a black hole in the wall.
everyone cheered, and then they continued down the corridor in search of the mummy who bestowes the secret to all eternity. they passed an enormous silver door studded with pretty stones. ben stiller opened the door and everybody follwed in they had no idea what was behind the door but they were about to find out!! to everyones amazement, it wasn't the grand mummy, but a mysterious room of mirrors, cactuses and...
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
and boxes of the past present and future! They saw Sarah and Edwards new house. And They wondered wat they were doing right then. They found out. It was.... "Uh, typacal. Them makeing out. when are they Not doing that." "Don't now don't care." And they moved on to something else.....
over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
(I'm not going to do this one guy's! so do it!!!!)
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
A giant mouse played chess with a frog. but jim and sue ran away to china. the scarey kitten mewed at people and then those peolple burst inyo flames
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
When the flames were gone, it revealed all the people safe, and guess who else was there? Jedediah, the tiny little man from Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian! He was trapped in an hour glass, held by none other than Kahmunrah, Ahkmenrah's older brother! But he was safe because he used his "Mermaid Magic" he got from Mindy the mermaid from "The SpongeBob Movie" to make the sand that got past his knees poof back up to the top. Kahmunrah never notices this. Jed said that Octavius (Roman guy) stole Kahmunrah's collection of colorful rainbow tunics (the dress thingy)! Kahmunrah would not let him out until he got his tunics back. Ben Stiller changed into Larry Daley with a "poof" and a gust of pink smoke. The kittens and Same Difference decided to postpone their trip to help out their new friends. They started their search for Octavius by looking . . .

(p.s. the answer to my riddle from a long time ago is now in the riddle forum. if you want to know what it is, wait until someone gets the right answer!)
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over a year ago greghouseismine said…
...at roses. A horse chased Bella and Edward to PPTHH, where House proded Ed with his cane. A giant panda herd stampeded...
over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
...through the corridor. everyone looked. "is this day going to get any more random??" laughed one of the cat pirates. "haha probably" said lottie. Bobby snorted and stamped his hoofs, then pointed out that they were not going to find Octavius by looking at roses.
but bobby was wrong. then, the roses began trembling, and out of the roses came Robbie, Bobby's brother!
Robbie was a dapple grey horse. "Robbie!! it's you!" shouted Bobby. "Bobby! i heard your conversation. i have an idea where we can find octavius. come with me!!" said Robbie. he led them through an enormous gold door studded with gems, and inside that door, there was..... the smithsonian museum!! "we'll definitly find him here!!" cheered lottie. "great job lad!" said theodore roosevelt with texas. "yeah," said red tiger and blue cheetah.
robbie decided to stay with the gang. everyone made their way around the museum, led by Lavender and amethyst.
eveyone heard the roaring of a plane overhead, disappear around the corner. "it must be ameilia earheart!!" said ben stiller, who had now transformed into larry daley. so everyone went round the corner to check it out...
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over a year ago greghouseismine said…
... when jim the dragon and sue the unicorn, the scarey kitten and a cream pie did the can-can dance when they heard bella scream when edward's face ran away to...
over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
(??? :-0 ??? wtf?)
"wow i can't believe we're all actually here!" said same difference.
then amielia earhart came around the corner. she was surprised to see everyone. "have you seen octavius?" they all asked.
"well," she replied, "...
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
But she was interupted becuase Bill Nye came in and said, "Hello do you guys know what an electracla vampire is?"..... Then (Whoes the first person? is it Bella 316?
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over a year ago greghouseismine said…
The scarey kitter is manes Mr. Shirrey... Mr. Shirry poked John, and Bella threw an elefant at James when John burped
over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
(I thought Bella died because Rosalie ripped her to shreds?)
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
(Picking up from Will_NolanLover):

Then the whole room was shaking and a giant TV popped out of nowhere. The Bill Nye title screen was playing.

"Bill Nye, the Science Guy
Bill Nye, the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye, the Science Guy
'Science rules'
Bill Nye, the Science Guy
'Inertia is a property of matter'
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye, the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
'T-minus seven seconds'
Bill Nye, the Science Guy."

Then Bill Nye said that he had to go make a video about simple machines and he left. Suddenly the whole room became purple. . . .
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
And everybody screamed because the Barney show came on,
"Barney is a dinasour from our imagenation abc's and 1,2,3's...."
And then everybody began to run....
over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
they came to a large room in the smithsonian museum, through a large door. "this temple of pyramids is amazing!! it has like billions of doors! behind one of them is the fribben smithsonian museum! :-D" said Lavender. then, she decided to do a head count to make sure eveyone was here. climbing on top of a gold treasure chest in the room, lavender counted the gang
"yep, me, amethyst, same difference, red tiger, blue cheetah, larry daley, theodore roosevelt and texas, siamese cat pirates, lottie and bobby and robbie. good, everyone is here." she said. then suddenly, the chest that lavender was standing on began to tremble, and she fell off. a little man burst out of the chest, in a flying giant machine made of rainbow tunics! it was octavius!! "hello everyone! now we can fly to the secret vault where kahmunrah is keeping jedediah!" everyone stood there in astonishment.
then they all jumped into the mad flying machine quick!
'this plan is brilliant!" said larry, spinning a torch. as they flew into kahmunrah's secret vault, they landed. no sign of jedediah. "guess we'll have to keep looking!!" said lottie. he can't be far.
"now we have the dilemma of finding him before one of kahmunrah's henchmen find US!!" said larry.
"don't worry lads, i have a plan," said theodore roosevelt-
"it goes like this. first, we hacve to split up, and find that hour glass with jed inside. but, to do that without getting spotted we'll have to.....
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over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
. . . drink some Jolly Rancher soda (yes they have it, I had it this morning)! Then we'll sing the Campfire Song Song from SpongeBob!"

"Lets gather around the campfire
And sing our campfire song.
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song.
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong,
But it'll help if you just sing along!

Bum Bum Bum . . .

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you dont think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song

Song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E. . . .

Squidward! Good!
It'll help
It'll he-elp
If you just sing aloooonnnggggggg!
Oh Yeah!"

And suddenly they were invisible! They set off to find Jedediah, each of them humming the tune to the Campfire Song Song to stay unsighted.
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over a year ago greghouseismine said…
but the a zombie army of sheep pooped alover them
over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
.. but they were invisible so it just dripped off. they continued their search for jed in the secret vault. they heard a shout, and everyone turned around to see...
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
. . . Jacob Black with a knife in his fist! He said he forgot it was in his hand and he clenched his fist when he smelled Edward on the group. It was a good thing Edward left already.
over a year ago Tiigra_Bagw3ll said…
... "so... bye jacob!!" said amethyst. "and put that knife away! and put yourself away!" she added. then, the giant barney from the giant tv popped his head up through the sewer hole,
picked jacob up and threw him out the window. he landed in a pond. X-D "haha, score!!!" shouted robbie, highfive-ing bobby with his hoof. then barney sneezed over everyone, because they were invisible and he couldn'rt see them, then he left. "wow that was weird." said larry. and they continued through the vault in their search for jed, with octavius leading the group. they came to a long, secret tunnel...

(below is a pic of robbie)
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... "so... bye jacob!!" said amethyst. "and put that knife away! and  put yourself away!" she added.
over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
Then that one guy his name escapes me, came and sing:

"Secret Tunnel! Secret Tunnel! Through the mountains! Secret Secret Secret Secret Tunnel!!! Yeah!

"wow that was occward! but cool," said robbie. "Very cool." said Teddy.
over a year ago LiilacLottiie94 said…

...then they followed the man who's name escapes everyone through the tunnel until they came to a bright light. thenj the guy was gone. everyone looked around and saw...
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
A bathroom. "Does anyone need to go before we move on?" said Larry. And everybody raced towards it. "Me First!" "No Me!" "Everybody there's more than one! OK!! Now settle down!" "Ok." Then they all went. Then everybody started singing SECCRET TUNNEL. Then....
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
. . . Fred Figglehorn came. He said, "OMG! Floating snot! This is so hackin' cool!" (They still had snot on them from Barney and they were still invisible.) Then a dog appeared in Fred's arms. "It's my squirrel friend!" he bellowed. . . .
over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
Then Laughed. The laugh was so contaigeious they started laughing. Then Fred said, "Oh my gosh who is that laughing!!!" Then he started screaming and ran. Then someone maggically appeared and it was....
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
. . . Santa Claus!
"Geez, what's with all these random people popping up?" Amethyst wondered aloud.
"Well, ho, ho, ho, this is the Random spot. What did you think this story would be about, a jolly ol' good love story?" Santa answered.
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
Everybody just shrugged. "IDK!" said..... (a random person)
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
. . . Joe the chocolate vampire cow (you know, the cow that makes chocolate milk, only he's a vampire now!) who appeared with a puff of quorangenade (my made up color! It's kinda like yellow ["nade" from "lemonade"], orange ["range" from "orange"], and turquoise ["qu" from "turqoise] mixed) smoke! . . .
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
Hello" he said. "were are you kids. Ican smell you!!!!!!" Then they all ran as fast as they could! Then they ran into....
over a year ago LiilacLottiie94 said…
another room. they just had to get out of that room. "wow that was close," said bobby. "yeah." said lottie "that place was full of mad random people!!" added robbie. everyone looked at the sign on the door of the room they had just came out of. it read "'random' room" "hah. might of known." said blue cheetah. the next room was the storage room in the smithsonian museum in the temple of pyramids, where all different wooden crates stood everywhere. "hey i remember tis place from night at the museum 2, after i aw the giant octopus in that crate there, i turned this corner and there was kahmu.... oh dear." said larry. standing there was kahmunrah himself!! "wow." said octavius. then, kahmunrah said "wtf are you...
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
those noises comeing from the snoot! Then he heard bring me to life by Evanesence and started danceing! "Wow this is a good song!" And everyone agreed then started to dance.......
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
Then they through King Wats his faces clothes at him then ran! Then....
over a year ago LiilacLottiie94 said…
Kahmunrah dived behind a big crate in the storage room and emerged with his underpants on his head jumping up and down singing
"do ya like waffles??
do ya like pancakes??
do ya like french toast??
do - dododooo dododooo dodododoooo!!!!
can't wait to getta mouthful!!!!"

everyone stared in amazement. it was a code-red jaw-drop eye-pop situation!!!
Everyone continued to stare in amazement, until octavius said ".......
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over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
Hello, we better get moving to Jed!" they got Jed and ran from the sene. "That was close... and WEIRD!!!" said a kitten. "Toatlally!!!" they all agreed. "Well were to next?" asked Larry. "Were of to.....
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
. . . a land of sweets, and joy . . . and joyness. Also know as Candy Mountain! Come with us, Charlie!" And then, as soon as Larry said it, there was another "poof" of smoke and there was a grumpy white unicorn.
Charlie the Unicorn said he was not the Banana King, but he wore an amulet, the Tooth Fairy's amulet. "Oh, no! Get this off of me!" Then two more unicorns, blue and pink, appeared and then they drove away on the Choo Choo Shoe.
"Well, I guess we'll meet them there, then," said Larry. . . .
over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
(I got my GLASSES!!!!)

Then "45 minutes later" said the narraitor.

"Wow! that was fast!" said bobbie. "Ya!" said....
over a year ago LiilacLottiie94 said…
Robbie. "so all these different worlds are all inside one place, the temple of pyramids." said one of the cat pirates. "yes, it is. how cool is that?" replied teddy roosevelt. so through the next door in the corridor they went, and there they were at candy mountain.
"wow hey charlie." said larry, as charlie the white grumpy horse - unicorn guy came from round a corner. "i hope the starfish from charlie the unicorn 3 isnt still stalking me." he said, rather randomly. "yyyyyeah... well, we're here to find jed from N.A.T.M.2. you know where he is charlie?" asked amethyst. then, before he could reply, out from behind a bush hovered CatFace, the french feline king of youtube, with a cat's face so big that it's like full of helium and he hovers everywhere.
"wow catface what are you doing here dude??" asked charlie.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
(Yay! I get to do the 100th reply!)

"Well," said Catface, "I'm trying to hide from that creepy guy that tries to sell me mice."
Suddenly, a big hairy hobo guy came. "Do you want some mice?" he asked.
"Aaah!" screamed Catface. Then he ran through the door to the cheese dimension, to never be seen again. . . .
last edited over a year ago