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posted by ShadowFan100
I decided to make a list a crap I hate (IDk if some of this will be offensive or not, but I just need to get a few of these things off my chest)

-Abusers/Racism (kinda in one)

I hate animal/human abusers who feel like "tough" just for hurting others different or smaller than they are.

-Sexism (of both sides)

The part I really hate about this is when they act like guys NEVER get abused. Abuse happens in both genders, yet it seems like the world only pays attention to the girl side and not BOTH. Not fair. Just cuz I'm not a girl don't mean I've never been abused or hated on ect.


I'm nice person, who tries to be nice to people of all ages but...when someone older assumes they are "Better" it makes me mad. Also when younger ones act like brats to some people and there parents don't do CRAP.


Those are the things this world uses to try and label people and that makes me sick. Like just being a girl don't mean ya have to be girly OR being a guy doesn't mean ya have to like football. I HATE football. Or basically other stereotypes in general.

-When people treat sex like its some sorta game or something. Like hello? If you can't take care of your kids, then don't do THAT. Simple.

-People who assume they're "Better" than others

-Those who claim Digimon ripped off Pokémon. Like seriously? I doubt that.

-When people can't tell the difference from Japanese, Chinese and Korean. OK, maybe it's not their fault but...it's just that I know Japanese, and I can tell the when something is Japanese or not.

-Leaving a light on in a room when NO ONE is there. I hate that SOO much.

-When I hear certain noise when I am trying to sleep. Especially when I hair people talking.

-People with loud-as-hell voices. Like for real...I can hear my aunt talking in the kitchen all the way from bedroom with my door closed -_-

-When people repeat what they say...when people repeat what they say (See? Annoying right?)

-Show-offs of any kind.

-When people blindly trust others simply based on what they WEAR. Hello? Over heard of "don't judger a book by its cover"?


I get it, they may cause some bullying to "die down"...but by making everyone wear the same crap, u let the bullies WIN. People have rights to express who they are, and shouldn't stop just cuz of bullies. I personally believe that uniforms are anther way the world tries to control us.


I really hate how some people believe it's perfectly fine to go out and seek revenge on someone (even on bad people) "An eye for an eye"? Seriously? Grow up and stop acting like babies and learn to forgive. Do you not understand the consequences of pursuing revenge? DO YOU? "Paying someone back" and "giving them what they deserve" is just childish. Act your age people....forgive!

-The death penalty

Honestly, this here has to do with the whole "revenge" thing above. I get so sick of how hateful some people can get. Yeah, it's bad people do those things but seriously, that's not an excuse to harbor so much HATE inside you and wish death to them. it isn't your place to wish death to any human being, no matter WHAT they have done. Has it not accursed to you that those bad people weren't always like that? Have u ever stopped to think that maybe--just maybe--those bad people might be able to turn from their ways? Now I know some can't, but a lot of people can "see the Light" if you people would just GIVE THEM A CHANCE first. I know this one is really long, but this one bother me most: I just cant stand how humans are so quick to judge and use death to "solve their problems" with bad people.


I know some of you are OK with this but I am not. Now this is just stupid....you claim that some bacteria on mars is "life" but somehow, an innocent, unborn child ISN'T? Seriously, I get where some are coming from but hear me out: How is it fair to kill off an innocent unborn kid that didn't even ASK for this? They never ask to be born, they never once asked permission to join this life...so why punish them? I know what ur going say "it's a woman's choice" and all that bunch of bull, but heres a tip, 'kay? Has it ever crossed ur minds that just cuz its "your choice" don't make it the RIGHT one? See, I strongly believe in always doing whats right. And killing any innocent soul is no exception...EVER

-Making fun of people's beliefs

I can't stand that either, and it seems as though the one belief that's attacked the most is MINE: Christianity. Yeah, I'm a Christian, yet I've never made fun of other beliefs, nor do I want to. Can't we just grow up and get along?


Now I know this will never end, as many more wars will most likely happen after Iraq but....I don't like the thought of killing another human (even those who are our enemies) I mean, I love the whole "fighting for freedom" thing--I really appreciate that, but...does it have to come at the cost of so many lives? Does it really? I don't wanna see any human being die--I don't like violence.

-Putting prices on animals

I understand that when u wanna adopt a pet, it cost money. But I really hate how human put a price on an animal like that. Why don't we just start putting prices on ourselves, huh? Animals are people too, not money-maker's.

-Westboro Baptist Church

Although I really shouldn't say "hate" cuz hating another human isn't what Jesus would want. I just can't stand how people like them give me a bad reputation as a Christian. I mean, I'm super freakin' nice and they're so...horrid. They spread hate in my Father's name and I HATE that.

-This generation

When I was younger, the music was 10x better and had actual meaning. Same goes for the TV shows and other crap. Ugh, the TV shows that are on today....I can't stand some of the crap my nephews watch. "Almost naked Animals"? My God I hate that show, and my nephew likes it simply cuz it's "Funny" when its not. Yeah, he's like 6 so he has no freakin' clue about real shows. Same goes for most kids--they have no clue about life back then. When I was a kid, I never got anything like an iPad, now my nephews are walking around with tablets and crap. Seriously? It just seems like this generation isn't letting kids be KIDS.

Now I think I've covered a lot. I shall end it now.
added by shaneoohmac13
So I wrote this because I have no life and I would like to have one. And if you're like me, welcome. While I teach you what to do in your spare time (or all the time, if you, like me, have no life), I'll be teaching myself, too. So really, I'm killing two birds with one stone here. Yay.


1. Get a life

It's exactly what it means.

2. Get another life

This doesn't make sense but if you have no life, you know it does.

3. Eat Ben and Jerry's

Because, why not?

4. Don't do your homework

Because if you do it, you'll have a life. And if you have a life, then you wouldn't...
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Good day Fanpoppers, I hope everyone's doing well! :)

So for once, just for the heck of it, I figured I'd give some advice to others on how I make Fanpop articles.

I know this idea probably isn't 100% original, and that it's common sense to type stuff up, but here's some neat little things I've found helps over the years writing content on Fanpop.

Welcome to one of my very few serious articles, don't get used to it. ;D

Pro Tip #1: Grammar

Seriously, this is basic stuff, but it needs to be said. It's fine if your English/Spanish/Whatever isn't the best, but for the love of all that is holy,...
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Cristian "Hyuga" Medina
Cristian "Hyuga" Medina
First off, this is NOT an article I wanted to make. It really infuriates me how something like this can happen in such an innocent community, but hey, I'm just bringing this hear to spread the word and give my opinion the subject.

Basically, for those of you who have NO idea what's happening, a fellow and pretty Super Smash Bros player by the code-name of Hyuga, who is widely regarded as one of the best (if not the best) Toon Link players in the world on both Smash Bros Brawl and Smash Bros 4 in the entire world, was accused of sexually harassing a fellow Smash Bros player code-named VikkiKitty...
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added by australia-101
posted by TheMagicLoki
Turtle Sandwich has returned! I mean, technically, I posted the last one 2 days ago, but since that's 5 days after I meant to have it done, the Turtle Sandwiches are returning to schedule. Hopefully forever. Anyways, it's TV show week, and since no TV show suggestions have been made thus far, I picked my own favorite show, Arrow! Enjoy! :)
posted by TheMagicLoki
Well, it's not even close to on schedule, but here it is. I previously stated it would be on time, then changed it to Thursday, then finished it on Thursday but forgot to upload it for three days. Better late than never, though. Hope you enjoy!
Hey everyone....It's AnimuLuvr21, and I'm a bit shy. >___>

So I found this site called Fanpop....Uh, and I'm gonna show you guys my experience with the site and give it a grade at the end. I hope you guys like me....Sorry I'm so coy. :(

So let's make an account first, okay? :)

Alright, we're online now. Yahoo! ^_^

So first things first, let's go to the anime club and see what's going on. :)

Aw, why is that kid being so mean? :( Oh well....

Hey, apparently there's some Anime polls, let's answer a few! :) This one's asking me how many anime I've watched, hmm....I can't quite remember,...
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posted by TheMagicLoki
Here it is! The first episode of Turtle Sandwich! Hope you enjoy viewing this as much as I enjoyed making it! It might not be as good as you were hoping, so feel free to provide criticism if you think it would improve the series.

And don't forget to leave suggestions in the comments! :)
(NOTE: This entire article is just a giant middle finger to the trolls who like medal-whoring their way to victory, and EVERYTHING in it was meant to be taken as a joke. We good? Alright. =D)

Hey everyone, it's Deathding here once again.... >:D

So I was pondering the other day on what to do with my life and how I can get actual goddamn HUMANS to notice and like me. And then, I came up with the be-all end-all ultimate plan.....


Surely this won't get me banned, right? Now let me just visit my profile really quick to see if I got a medal........
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added by 0YouCanFly0
I'm not saying this is a perfect movie.
But it's actually a surprisingly GOOD movie.

It starts off on On October 29, 1993 where the parents of Charlie Grimille record him as he is part of the SCHOOL PLAY.

During the play, Charlie is put on a fake noose, as part of the play. But suddenly the trap door opens, like you see in real noose sets, but it is soon revealed that this was NOT be part of the act. And Charlie is accidentally hung for real.

20 years later however, students at the same school resurrect the failed play as a misguided attempt to honor the accident.

A student named Reese Houser...
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posted by egyptprincess7
Hey there! So I am going to be making a review on Fanpop (*looks at title of article* Thanks Captain Obvious! xD)
Anyways, here it is. Sorry if it might seem too short or too long.

I've been on Fanpop since 2010. (Yay for 6 years~)
Anyways, this site has ranged from being super active to somewhat active to hardly active. Like right now, it's really not that active and it is honestly boring now. I mean back in 2010 it had much more enjoyable things. Plus the chat system and all. The trolls weren't that bad.

Actually they were quite amusing back then. Now they just are completely boring and wasting...
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Let's do this.
Let's do this.
So my marvelous friend by the name of Kicksomebut23 just made an article on this club about why arguments on the internet often lead to pointless and annoying scenarios, and I'm here to review it because she wanted me to.

Also, I'm sorry if I talk kind of weird because it's pretty difficult to commentate when someone's holding a knife to your throat.

Kicksomebut23: KEEP GOING...... >:)

Jared: YES MASTER! D':

So uh, here you go?

"Yes, often on the internet, we have our ups and downs."

And our lefts, and our rights, and our diagonal up-lefts. XD

(I apologize for that.)

"Some people don't care for...
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Yes, often on the internet, we have our ups and downs. Some people don't care for arguing, some people like to argue, and some people try to avoid arguments. I do not like arguing because, I feel like it's not worth my time and unnecessary. In this discussion, I will interpret reasons why arguing on the internet is not good. I'm not trying to force anyone to stop arguing on the internet. This your decision,rather if you do right or wrong.

1.Forcing or Arguing About Opinions

What is the point of arguing or forcing an opinion continuously? Opinions are just feelings that do not...
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Don't mess with this monkey.

Footage from a security camera is said to show a young man in Shimla, India, giving the finger to one of the area's famously belligerent monkeys. And as you might expect, the monkey is having none of it.

It drop kicks the man right in the head, knocking him to the ground.

The man, however, appears to be OK after the attack as he gets up and walks off.

Shimla's monkeys are known to cause problems for both tourists and locals visiting the Jakhoo temple, which is dedicated to the monkey god Hanuman.

"The monkeys of Shimla are not pleasant animals, they roam around in gangs...
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(I made this around two years ago and never finished it so..... HERE YOU GO. XD)

(By the way, this was originally going to be a video so expect to see some *Insert Here* moments. :P Not that it matters, I doubt anyone will even read all this anyways but WHATEVER. ENJOY.)

Ah, Atari. A classic game company that made so many classic titles. Among those were some of my personal favorites, Centipede and Millipede. First off, Centipede, released in 1981, was a vertically oriented shoot em up classic designed by Ed Logg, who also made Super Breakout and co-developed the game Asteroids with Lyle Rains....
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Courage the Cowardly Dog was a show on Cartoon Network when it actually had mostly good shows (It aired from 1999-2002). It was cancelled after 4 seasons but it's shown on Cartoon Network sporadically.

One episode in particular that scared a lot of us was King Ramses'' Curse. But does anyone really know King Ramses' backstory? Not really. That's where I come in. About 3 weeks ago, a friend of mine named Ted sent me a link to a website. It was the Cartoon Network website but there was something off about it.

It was darker than I had last remembered it, and by that I mean dark colors. It had been...
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I still find this show quite humorious.
Though people don't seem to realize how many villain roles he actually has..

Is comedy blind to Gary's danger, and is always blaming Gary for, even though it's "puffy fuffy" who's the threat.
Even when Gary is about to be eaten.
Spongebob, instead of helping him, starts to scold him for his destruction and how he's still treating Puffy Fluffy, even when the eel is clearly about to eat him. SpongeBob continues to lecture Gary..

SpongeBob must wait patiently for the toy.
But he becomes very rude.
Not feeding Gary.
Flipping Sandy rudely....
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