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Should the age rule be more serious on Fanpop?

-If you're not aware of the rule, if you are ≤ 12 and you've tried to enter your age, it will not let you. It tells you: Sorry, you must be over or exactly 13 years old to use Fanpop. -

It should be a pick, but in picks, you don't always comment. And plus, I wanna know why.

I think it should be more serious and taken seriously because of the lack on maturity with *SOME* of the kids ≤ 12. Also, the amount of children are exposed to unfamiliar language that can lead to future issues or finding things out too early. And the fact that some of them (the ones with English first language) clearly don't know how to type and write.

Opinions? Agreed or disagreed?

Should the age rule be more serious on Fanpop?
If anyone saw that last comment, I was kidding. I'm very well 15. I just don't feel it. :/
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
 zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
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Axel1313 said:
It would be nice.....I can tell some one's age/maturity level just by reading their comments or chatting with them and it does get irritaing at times.Sometimes I think parents are some what at blame hear about how awful facebook and twitter can be, but nothing about Fanpop. just because it's not exactly like facebook doesn't mean it's nicer.
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posted over a year ago 
Sammisaurus said:
No. As long as they are willing to handle possible mature content, they should be allowed to be here. I think the age rule is simply a warning that there may be content not suited for children under that age, seeing how it isn't enforced whatsoever. I'm fine with underage users. If they are annoying, I will report them, but I know plenty of annoying users over 13.
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posted over a year ago 
agreed. if they know what theyre getting into then its not a problem
bubblegum_kiss posted over a year ago
springely said:
I sort of agree, but there's always going to be people that break that rule.
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posted over a year ago 
KnougeChick said:
Pfft. People FOLLOW that rule?! HAHAGYAAAHHAAAHAA!!! HAAAAAAHAAHA! *ROFLMAO* Oh. That cracks me up.

But seriously. I really don't think it should be there. Just a some sort of "Viewer discretion is advised".

I never followed it. In fact, I don't know ANYONE who has.

Now excuse me while I laugh until my dying day.

But as long as there's music, there is happiness. /Brick'd
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posted over a year ago 
Lol, Fanpop was my birthday gift for when I turned 13. XD So I just made it.
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
Some sites, definitely. But a lot of the sites I've joined that have that rule really don't need it. Such as DeviantART and Fanfiction. As well as Fanpop. :3
KnougeChick posted over a year ago
crrazycake said:
I agree, I know a user who's 8 years old.
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posted over a year ago 
XxKeithHarkinxX said:
If the made it more serious you guyz wouldn't have meeeee~! :D
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posted over a year ago 
Or meeeeeeeeeeee!
Tdinoahiscute4 posted over a year ago
exactly :D
XxKeithHarkinxX posted over a year ago
Yay! I actually have a point!
Tdinoahiscute4 posted over a year ago
Pikachufan25 said:
Not trying to be a hater or anything but I don't really care :3 It just seems like a really pointless rule to me don't know why its even a rule at all XD
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posted over a year ago 
xXitachiXx said:
Disagree if children get on fanpop when it says you need to be 13 and there like 10.
Then thats there fault.
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posted over a year ago 
**They're, Their
Vocaloidcode01 posted over a year ago
Pshh there there either or don't correct me.
xXitachiXx posted over a year ago
someone_save_me said:
No. Not at all. Let's see, who's under 13 that I know of on here... XxEmoLovexX, 55xxx55, mistymawdawngo, taismo723, hidan141, XxKeithHarkinxX, who else... And I like all those users but not like in a creepy way, sooo... yeah.
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posted over a year ago 
What about me?
hidan141 posted over a year ago
^ You? (refers back to Lowhinagurl44's answer and my comment on it.)
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
Agreed. I've been on here since I was 10. It's taken me awhile to mature on here, but last here at 11 and a half I finally yeah. XD
taismo723 posted over a year ago
Me_Iz_Here said:
Meh. What KnougeChick said. I got this last year when I was 12, so.

I think that instead of an age check, there should be a mini grammar/maturity test. Sounds annoying but it would help us all greatly.
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posted over a year ago 
>8D *Highfive*
KnougeChick posted over a year ago
I cant spell to save my life! The only class I ever got a B in was spelling, I can't spell in Spanish or French let alone English, Im just not a gifted speller.
5Froots3 posted over a year ago
^ Spell check is available on some browsers.
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
About a month ago I would've said no. but now after dudelol17 and getting cussed at by some 9 year old I say, oh yes it should be!
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posted over a year ago 
9 year old. What the hell? XD
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
Yeah, it's pathetic. I didn't say anything back because I refuse to fight with someone that much younger then I, it's just weak and shallow.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I know someone who`s 9 too! And it CAN be pathetic sometimes... :/
carsfan posted over a year ago
Immortal42 said:
I'm not sure. I don't think that when a person turns 13 they're automatically more mature. In fact, I don't think age has to do with it at all. Some 17 year olds are more immature than 12 year olds, you know? So, I guess my answer is no, I don't think the age rule should be more serious. But I do think there should be some way of telling people before they sign up that they ought to be mature if they want to use this site.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree
crazypegesus980 posted over a year ago
Lovehinagurl44 said:
Some people lie about their age online all the time it's nothing new.
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posted over a year ago 
Even though people lie, with some, it's not that hard to tell. With others, it's like staring at a brick wall on your computer.
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
Yeah that's true
Lovehinagurl44 posted over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said:
End of story.
Okay, I'll give one point: honestly, in this century or decade or whatever, I doubt lots of foul language is particularly new to any 13-year-old (or over). And I would know. I'm any 13-year-old.
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posted over a year ago 
How about even YOUNGER than that? Like a 3rd grader and below? (I was in 2nd/3rd grade when people were getting Facebook accounts.)
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
Wow, seriously?
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
Jeffersonian said:
There's no way to enforce it...a person can enter a false age to avoid it.
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posted over a year ago 
If there was a way to enforce it. (I'd love to know how to enforce THAT.)
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
Perseus54321 said:
Aw, does that mean I'm busted? Kidding, fourteen, grammar test, yes, very good idea, you should only get one try at the test so they will never get in. *raises hand on the grammar test notion*
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posted over a year ago 
Cool idea, but that sucks for the people who aren't native English speakers...
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
How about a language changer depending on your nationality?
Perseus54321 posted over a year ago
^ That I do like. ^_^
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
*strokes beard* Yes a very good idea, the voices said so...
Perseus54321 posted over a year ago
bubblegum_kiss said:
it doesnt bother me. if these kids are mature enough fortheir age to be on fanpop then thats their choice

(i have no right to hate since when i was that age i went on a ton sites not "recommended for my agegroup" or whatever)
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posted over a year ago 
and grammer doesnt always have to do with age. not everyone spells perfectly all the time...
bubblegum_kiss posted over a year ago
and what the fuck are you saying? to say that only immature people swear is ridiculous... everyone swears whether theyre immature or not...
bubblegum_kiss posted over a year ago
^ No, I gave you a reason I care about grammar and you bitched me up. .-.
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said:
I would say that there should be a more serious rule toward the age requirement. A lot of trolling has been done by smaller kids so it would be good to get rid of a lot of them.
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posted over a year ago 
(refering to Perseis's answer) The whole test can also prevent trolls...
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
adultswimperson said:
Yea, there have been many kids that have signed up on here in the last few months and the administrators should be more serious about this with all the trolling that's been happening lately, but they've done nothing to prevent it.
Many have lied but you can tell if a user is young or not.
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posted over a year ago 
Ciel_ said:
It matters on how mature they are.
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posted over a year ago 
KJBiggestFan said:
I agree. I know so many ignorant kids on here that are like 8 and a bunch of 10 year olds. Good God, they are annoying and lack respect for anyone and anything.
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posted over a year ago 
GoldnSnitch_96 said:
No matter what you do, you cannot prove someone is under-age unless they tell you. And plus, when making an account, all you have to do is bump up your age and no one will be the wiser. So really, they should just put a big scary warning there, cause there isn't much they can do. What are they gunna do? Screen each and every person?....PSHHHH
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posted over a year ago 
trehot said:
Hahaha no -.- that is so stupid
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posted over a year ago 
Explain what's so stupid.
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
age restriction
trehot posted over a year ago
How is it stupid?
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
I was like 3 and watching porn it doesnt really matter
trehot posted over a year ago
taismo723 said:
There are many mature 12 years olds on here, including myself. So as long as you're mature enough, it's fine.

But those idiot 10-11 year olds? They can leave. :D
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posted over a year ago 
TwinCherrieVee said:
I don't think so. I'm 12, and I'm sick of people accusing other people here for "immaturity" and saying, "Fanpop should be banned from users like you!". I think there should be a limit to what idiots can be on Fanpop, but it shouldn't be age.
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posted over a year ago 
SheWolf11 said:
I'm 13 and I don't act annoying. This reminds me of this 8 year old, that went on...............omg she was SO annoying! ._.
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posted over a year ago 
Wow... I know someone here who is 9...
carsfan posted over a year ago
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