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Dogs Or Cats? (Give Reasons Why)

And yes I will alow ppl to commnent and discuss because that's the whole point of a discussion. So dont keep saying "there just opinions, respect them" its a discussion get over it. :)
Dogs all the way cos a cat cant save u. A dog is ur best friend that will be with u no matter wat, cats run away when ur out of food. Dogs love u unconditionally, cats forget about u the secound they find a new owner.
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
^ I disagree. Cats aren't all unloyal. I'm sorry for your experiences, but all my cats are loyal and never ran away when we ran ot of food.
Sammisaurus posted over a year ago
Sammisaurus posted over a year ago
 wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
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Me_Iz_Here said:

Because Keegan Allen is a cat person and because of Nekotalia.
And because they're so cute. :3
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posted over a year ago 
AzulFire said:
Cats, and yes cats can save your life, There have been many accounts of this...I really, want. to KILL YOU

Dx Ah, I'm sorry, Its very untrue what you say about cats, I have a cat who would stay with me no matter what...AND I KNOW, that, that cat, who is with some nice family out there, Remembers me...My cat died of a brain tumor, who did she stay by no matter what? Me. She didn't run away... Cat love you unconditionally as well. If it weren't for Cookie...*Le shaking in anger*...I WOULD BE DEAD!
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posted over a year ago 
sorry ive had 5 cats in the past and all of them ran away.
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
i googled cats saving lives and i apologise. wat i kinda ment was its very rare for a cat to save a life. dogs do it on a daily basis (police dogs, fire dogs , ect ect.) my dog Toby did save my life and i guess im kinda a cat steriotype so overall, sorry. :)
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
Sammisaurus said:
Cats. I love cats. I can barely take care of myself, let alone a high maintenance animal like a dog. If it weren't for my mom feeding my dog he would probably starve to death. Also, cat's eat less. So they cost less money to feed, and they cost a lot less in general if you are trying to adopt or buy one. They do claw on stuff like furniture, but overall I think they destroy less stuff. One of my dogs literally ate money (he ate my allowance one time because I left it on the table). I enjoy cuddling with cats more, seeing how they don't slobber all over my face or clothes, but they do shed (but dogs do too) which can get annoying. I think people who hate cats had one or two bad experiences with cats and from then on hated them all. I got the best cat ever when I was 5 (even my friend who hated cats loved him, he was the sweetest), my aunt and uncle owned many, and my family always owned them, so I've always loved cats. I also love dogs, and dogs are by far the more loyal animal, but I have to say I overall prefer cats. And here is a video showing my love for them.
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posted over a year ago 
I know im a cat steriotype, but to be fair ur a dogsteriotype. No, not all dogs drool. Have u seen a Maltise drool? Or a Beagle? A Chiuaia perhaps? (Yes, i cant spell) Again dogs arent that high matninced and i think its sad a normal person doesnt know when to feed a dog. Maybe the dotg ate money because you never fed him/her. (I dont like reffering animals to 'it') .
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
^ I am very offended by this. I don't starve my animals. My dog chews everything. We leave food out for him in a bowl so he can eat anytime he pleases. And yes, I have seen those dogs drool. I wasn't sterotyping, I was using facts and my personal opinion. I love dogs and cats, I just prefer cats.
Sammisaurus posted over a year ago
And dogs are high maintenance animals. And to this: "i think its sad a normal person doesnt know when to feed a dog"; Piss off.
Sammisaurus posted over a year ago
ilovecornholio said:
I love both Italy has a kitty but i say dog because there mans best friend
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I love both Italy has a kitty but i say dog because there mans best friend
posted over a year ago 
finally! a fellow dog lover :P
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
yep :)
ilovecornholio posted over a year ago
that picture has went viral its everywhere!!!!
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
Animetama said:
cats. They're soft.
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posted over a year ago 
Animeshnica said:
Cats, they're so cute >w<
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posted over a year ago 
snusnu13 said:
I like both, however I am more of a dog person. I just love dogs, they're awesome and don't have retractable claws. Plus you can go jogging with them. Cats are awesome because they can be independent, and independence is good if you're a busy person.

Both have pros and cons, and I love both. It's ironic actually, I prefer dogs BUT my favourite animal is a cheetah, which is a big cat. Weird.
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I like both, however I am more of a dog person. I just love dogs, they're awesome and don't have retractable claws. Plus you can go jogging with them. Cats are awesome because they can be independent, and independence is good if you're a busy person.

Both have pros and cons, and I love both. It's ironic actually, I prefer dogs BUT my favourite animal is a cheetah, which is a big cat. Weird.
posted over a year ago 
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
what's with the cool?
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
darkwave said:
Cats because they are more cute! :D
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posted over a year ago 
SaveWord_Apples said:
cats ... you don't have to walk them everyday and pick their droppings up .. so cats ^-^
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posted over a year ago 
yes u do out of a litter box?
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
yes but with a shovel and not three times everyday...
SaveWord_Apples posted over a year ago
SummerMoon said:
Cats. Just 'cause.
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posted over a year ago 
totaldramafan96 said:

I'm not a dog person.
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posted over a year ago 
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