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are you popular in school? if no why?

some guys are afraid of me sometimes im to wild the teachers complaint -_-but i enjoy being a cheerleader and shock hehe
_Gloved1_ posted over a year ago
 _Gloved1_ posted over a year ago
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fillassunshine said:
what do you mean by popular? becouse i have a group of friends, but not exactly the popular type. but i don't really care, as long as they like me for me & not using me for god-knows-what.
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posted over a year ago 
good answer :)
_Gloved1_ posted over a year ago
awesome answer!
madening_mahem posted over a year ago
Beat answer. :)
PinkLemonadeVee posted over a year ago
^*best ;)
_Gloved1_ posted over a year ago
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TheNumber8 said:
Not really.
Most people are either really freaked out by me or are really intrigued by me.
But unfortunately most of the people in my school are more freaked out by than intrigued by people with mental disorders that cause them to cough up blood and pass out because of sadistic friends who intentionally drive you insane with numbers.
So I'm not really loved by people in my school bit I'm not exactly hated either. I'm just the girl who's interesting but too freaky to talk to.
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posted over a year ago 
oh god, that sounds like me
fillassunshine posted over a year ago
Can I hug u?
Miyuki-Chan posted over a year ago
aw, u r awesom 2 talk to! ;D
coriann posted over a year ago
Bananaaddict said:
No. Popularity is overrated; I'm not willing to sacrifice my true self for some stupid label.
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree.
kasueji1216 posted over a year ago
Jeffersonian said:
Nope, probably because I'm what my OTP would call "fascinatingly odd." everybody seems to like me but I'm not really in most people's friend group.
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posted over a year ago 
:( awe!!!!!
coriann posted over a year ago
madening_mahem said:
Because dream of fucking guys like this.
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Because  dream of fucking guys like this.
posted over a year ago 
PinkLemonadeVee posted over a year ago
*votes best answer* fuck he is hot
_Gloved1_ posted over a year ago
madening_mahem posted over a year ago
uh...that is a guy?
coriann posted over a year ago
SummerMoon said:
No because i'm so damn silent .3. But, I got like 3 more friends after they saw my drawings and heard me sing for the talend show. =w='
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posted over a year ago 
Nice song
Miyuki-Chan posted over a year ago
I always say to myself in my head 'I'm not shy I'm quite!'
kasueji1216 posted over a year ago
PinkLemonadeVee said:
LOL, this is kind of a random question. I (like most people here) have a group of about six best friends, don't go anywhere without them, know a few other people, and kind of ignore the rest of the world, and my social status. I don't know: there isn't really a popular group at our school.
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posted over a year ago 
HyperSophz1 said:
I'm at the bottom of everything in school. At school there are 4 words that I'm called all the time.

Geek, Nerd, Emo and Morbid

Why? cause I listen to all that punk/emo/heavy metal music, and in my school, everyone thinks if you dont like pop, your a loser. Also cause I'm one of the millions of tomboys and other girls think its werid that I hang out with boys allot and like 'boy music' I dont care, and I dont really wanna be popular and cool, I'm happy I'm a reject

Its okay to be diffrent, I've leanrt that. I was never really like the others. They talk about Selena Gomez and I'm talking about Gerard Way, plus being poplour has bad things to it. You may get followed everywhere, but then, being a reject and are alone and can be yourself to your friends.

Did you know that most kids dont be themselfs till they are about 15, or 16 years of age, they prented to be like others so that they can fit in with poplour people. But if you be youself from a young age, thats really amazing (I was since I was 10 years old) dosnt matter where you are in the poplour chart, being cool and poplour dosnt really matter in the end
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posted over a year ago 
Aww... tomboys are cool ;)
PinkLemonadeVee posted over a year ago
HyperSophz1 posted over a year ago
Ya well it's good to be alone. That way no one can hurt you (Miyuki <-- still bleeding from the many times I was backstabbed used and betrayed)
Miyuki-Chan posted over a year ago
Me_Iz_Here said:
Sort of. Most of my grade knows who I am, which is rare, but no one is like "OMG I WANNA BE YOUR FRIEND!" I do have a lot of friends, though.
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posted over a year ago 
Me too kinda..
dancergirl78 posted over a year ago
bubblewrapblues said:
I've already graduated, no school for me.:D
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posted over a year ago 
oh you lucky bitch JK XD ohh im jealous
_Gloved1_ posted over a year ago
U so lucky
Miyuki-Chan posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
No, because I don't want to be. Those people in my school are bitches and fake bimbos.
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posted over a year ago 
Welcome to the club...
tdafan121 posted over a year ago
I don't need to be anymore.
Miyuki-Chan posted over a year ago
adultswimperson said:
Somewhat I am, every grade in my high school knows me and I can make people laugh just by telling jokes or other things.
It's pretty awesome being me.
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posted over a year ago 
tdafan121 said:


Okay, back to the answer.

Well, everyone knows who I am... even people I don't know. It's kinda freaky o.o"
But I'm more infamous, mainly because I'm that weirdo girl who sings in Japanese, laughs out loud in history class (not to mention actually told the teacher outright that I felt bad for the British when we were talking about the American Revolution), has the strangest obsession with geograhpy and world flags (BLAME HETALIA), and finds animated characters more interesting than real people.

I live in a small town, and foreign culture seems to be a new concept to this place =.=
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posted over a year ago 
wow i wish we were friends my life would not be boring (even though its not)
_Gloved1_ posted over a year ago
^.^ Trust me, my friends and I are all BUT boring.
tdafan121 posted over a year ago
You sound just like me... in my head lol
kasueji1216 posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 said:
No. Cause my friends and I are nerds ans we act like wizards and my friends and I are pretty weird.......but we're WIZARDS!!! :D
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posted over a year ago 
TDIlover4ever said:
Nope, I'm the most hated person in my grade. ._.
...I dunno why. ._.
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posted over a year ago 
michelle1654 posted over a year ago
Miyuki-Chan posted over a year ago
justleeelee said:
I'm already through with school, graduated like 2 years ago~
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posted over a year ago 
BlindBandit92 said:
/Was home-schooled and graduated.
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posted over a year ago 
Y u so lucky?
Miyuki-Chan posted over a year ago
I'm homeschooled too
kasueji1216 posted over a year ago
lumforever said:
im popular....
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posted over a year ago 
so good for you
_Gloved1_ posted over a year ago
Miyuki-Chan said:
No cuz I'm tall.
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posted over a year ago 
really cause you're tall?oh god...
_Gloved1_ posted over a year ago
no way
buyangaa posted over a year ago
Yeah I am. I look like a 15 year old.... So I say I am lol
Miyuki-Chan posted over a year ago
katy55 said:
Popular is sort of relative, because i talk to everyone we all love each other in my class, then again i have my own personal group of friends, and whoever i meet i make friends with unless i know them for total bitches or they act like total bitches so im popular and who i associate with ^^
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posted over a year ago 
Sammisaurus said:
No, but I'm just a Freshman in a school of about 3000 xD
I was popular at my middle school, like EVERYONE knew me. Little Kindergarteners would run up and hug me and I had no clue who they were, but somehow they knew my name.
Anyway, at my new school, most people know me for being white. Not even being racist here. I go to a 95% Latino school, and I've been told by my friends when they ask someone if the person knows me they just say "She's white with blond hair" and the person will know who they're talking about me.
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posted over a year ago 
DangerousPYT said:
Yeah...everybody is.BIG school,not that many students so everybody knows everybody.
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posted over a year ago 
GoldnSnitch_96 said:
I guess so....I'm a love or hate person, but most people just use me to get help on questions and stuff. I dosen't bother me tho, cause in the future, they wont have me sitting next to them, and they will need to do it all by their self ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
chocolate18 said:
I'm in between because i don't care about my popularity. last time i became popular, people only wanted to be friends with me because they thought i was rich or so the could be popular as well .some of them even hated me,were jealous and enjoyed my misery like mocking me in class. even my darn teacher hated me. so, i changed my school where i became in between. im neither popular nor unpopular because im known in school for being silent and friendless. and they always forget about me. but at sometimes, i am popular because my sister is like an idol to the elementary and preschool and i win at drawing and quiz bee contests.
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posted over a year ago 
Ryan231 said:
Somehow..I'd say Yes Sometimes..and No Sometimes
Everyone In 6.1, 6.2,6.3 Know and Like me.
Maybe Because Im a Messer.
Other Younger Classes Dont Know Me..and I Bet they Dont Like me. Like the 7th Graders
Though, Im Silent In the Classroom..
So Half and Half Answers ;)
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posted over a year ago 
carolinetc said:
no. i'm so shy and nerd.
i'm friend of teachers too.
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posted over a year ago 
emo_obsessed said:
i was popular cause I was dating a popular guy!!
Thank god I finished school!
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posted over a year ago 
buyangaa said:
i don't knoow......maybe i'm too shy to communicate with people, maybe people just don't like me, but i don't give a damn about that. cuz i've found my true friends and they're all i need
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posted over a year ago 
that is awesome
coriann posted over a year ago
darkwave said:
No because im not much social...
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posted over a year ago 
Animeanimal said:
I am graduated now, but i was NEVER the popular one in my school. As long as you have friends, who really cares if you are popular?
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posted over a year ago 
dancergirl78 said:
I don't know. Pretty much everyone in my grade knows me, and I have a lot of friends, but I wouldn't say that I'm popular...
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posted over a year ago 
ChocoLuvr101 said:
You're talking to someone who only has two friends in her classroom.
The only time when other people in my room call out to me is when they need something from me (glue, scissors, paper, pencil, etc.)
I'm the quiet type, I like to read books or talk about anime to my friends. I'm just shy. Period.
So me? Popular? Yeah, right!
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posted over a year ago 
coriann posted over a year ago
TotalDramaChick said:
Well I don't know... Alot of people know me and they give me hugs in the halls and always wanna take pictures and crap. Well everyone wants to take pictures in my school... And one reason they like me is because I'm short and light and can get picked up..:p 10th grade here..
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posted over a year ago 
CMxJ2xKA_L0Ve said:
Yes. Social status is so important to me. Maybe too important.
I wish I wasn't so obsessed with it.
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posted over a year ago 
Johnny1982 said:
sure why not ^_^ popular at the Principal's Office every single day *__*
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posted over a year ago 
coriann posted over a year ago
yep ^_^ that would be like 9 years ago *___* oh god
Johnny1982 posted over a year ago
xDDDD Lol !Bravo Gadah! xD
050801090907 posted over a year ago
thank u ♥♥ =) haahaha ^_^
Johnny1982 posted over a year ago
coriann said:
i am the depressed loser :P
and im also kind of freaky
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posted over a year ago 
050801090907 said:
Why Yes I am!! Why because I Was Born This Way!!! 8D
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Why Yes I am!! Why because I Was Born This Way!!! 8D
posted over a year ago 
Jamie_Blue said:
Nope, (I don't think so anyway) and I don't care.
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posted over a year ago 
candygirl2011 said:
well,i can't say that i'm popular,and i can't say that i'm not:p..i don't have ppl who hate me i guess except 4 one girl-_-..i hate her back anyway(she's the first person ever 4 me to hate cuz i'm known that i don't hate any1:\):p.. Really don't know why she does hate me(she always try 2 teas me,mock me,do anything that could make me feel bad and angry)!!anyway,in my own class there's only this girl hate me,but the others sames to act gd with me..and i know many ppl from other classes and many ppl know me..but still,not that number of ppl to be called popular!!
Anyway,i have my best friends who'd stand 4 me whenever i need them..i have a gd number of best frnds or just gd frnds,and i guess that it is a gd thing to know there's always some1 there 4 u:)and that's enough 4 i don't care if i was popular or not!
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posted over a year ago 
ace2000 said:
No because I don't take the initiative to socialize.
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posted over a year ago 
simpleplan said:
Not even close I was normally the new kid I moved around a lot so I did not see the point of trying to make friends.
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posted over a year ago 
Peaceandlove67 said:
No, I only have five friends. I was never popular. I don't know why, but I don't care. I'm not interested in being hip.
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posted over a year ago 
twinklestar11 said:
no cuz idk y
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posted over a year ago 
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