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In your opinion,are the people with suicide tendences losers?

Please take care with your answers :´(
 darkwave posted over a year ago
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NomyCake said:

Suicide is a thing that I take very seriously and something that I stand strongly against and hate to see people do or think about even though I feel suicidal myself sometimes.

It's a very serious problem that should be handled with care and ease. It usually isn't the person's fault for feeling that way and there's usually some external reason, or perhaps an internal mental issue that that person- or persons- can't help.

Saying that someone with suicidal tendencies is a loser is the exact opposite of what they would need.

Besides, a very good friend of mine committed suicide years and years ago. She was one of the coolest people I have ever met.
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posted over a year ago 
you are awesome, and right.
JaseKS posted over a year ago
^ and you are a fucking twat >.> drop dead
BabyBlud posted over a year ago
Seastar4374 said:
No. People get made fun of all the time its not their faults. God made them that way. Practicially everyone thinks of suicide so that would make everyone losers. I say people who think of it are not losers its human nature.
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posted over a year ago 
RainbowOtakuX3 said:
Honestly, no.
I don't blame people who have abusive parents, depression, and awful lives for wanting to end the pain..
Seriously, though, I don't get why some people think that makes them losers..
Of course, I find sucide an illogical way of dealing with problems such as abuse, low self esteem, etc.. But I don't find those people losers..
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posted over a year ago 
Heartisalone said:
No, they are not. I think I have a good idea on what made you post this question -.-

Anyways, people with thoughts of suicide and suicidal tendencies aren't losers.
They are mostly people who feel trapped, unloved, scared, and feel like death is the only way out, which isn't really true.
People like that need help, even if they say they don't want it.

However, I think they are cowards.
There have been many suicides in my family, and I have to say:
They are cowards.
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posted over a year ago 
i myself have been affected by suicide. i do want help, however i dont want to pour my heart and soul out to a complete stranger, and since i recently lost all my friends...
JaseKS posted over a year ago
BabyBlud said:
Not really, i find suicidal people more helpless and confused then losers.
After all you have to think of why these people would want to commit suicide - a painful and irreversible medical condition, being bullied/harrassed at school/work, family problems, abuse.
People commit suicide as they see themselves as nothing, because people tell them they are. They commit suicide because they believe no one cares for them, because they can't express themselves in words or feel they can't share their problems and get help.
Suicidal people aren't losers, they just need someone to be there for them.
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posted over a year ago 
I felt that way all last year, but I've gotten better
2dolphn97 posted over a year ago
I felt that way all last year, but I've gotten better
2dolphn97 posted over a year ago
Same although not last year XD Most of my teenage and young adult life was spent in suicidal tendencies due to a mental problem. it didn't help my girlfriend of 4 years committed suicide and actually succeded. But i'm a happy person now, with a loving family and great friends. Having a support system helped me loads.
BabyBlud posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 said:
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posted over a year ago 
CMxJ2xKA_L0Ve said:
No, they're just emotional because they're going through a tough time.
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posted over a year ago 
StephanieTheCat said:
So basicly your calling me a loser because I tryed to commit suicide.

No,they are not losers just because they try to commit suicide. Some people have hard lives and kill them selves but they dont relize what they had untill they lost it.
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posted over a year ago 
No im not calling you looser,im just asking this because some people told the people who committ suicide are losers with no life,and im feeling bad because of that... :´(
darkwave posted over a year ago
^Then be more careful when you ask questions
StephanieTheCat posted over a year ago
Why? im just asking...
darkwave posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 said:
No I don't. There's millions of reasons why someone would commit suicide, alot of those people have real problems and nobody should call them a loser just because of that.
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posted over a year ago 
AzulFire said:
no, not at all...
mostly because i have suicidal thoughts sometimes, and im awesome ^^ ...
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posted over a year ago 
totaldramafan96 said:
Thanks, that fucking makes me alot better.

I have nearly fucking killed myself, i have nearly cut myself.

and NO.
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posted over a year ago 
why you said that? im just asking... :´(
darkwave posted over a year ago
someone_save_me said:
Oh hell no!
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posted over a year ago 
JaseKS said:
No, I do not think they are losers, I believe that the people who caused those tendencies are losers. Some people are stronger than others, so to them they think that the stuff that these people go through are trivial, however, to the suicidal, the things they go through are unbearable. Even small things such as a breakup that would seem small to non-suicidal people may have the opposite effect on others. These people are probally not wanting to kill themselves because of the actual breakup, but instead because of previous events that have piled up and added the breakup.
So no, I dont believe people who have suicidal thoughts or actions are losers.
As a matter of fact, im just coming out of depression. My thoughts would happen at random, for instance I could be standing by a window and wondering if the jump would be enough to kill me. My suicidal thoughts became more frequet after my parents discovered my "Venting Notebook" where I wrote about how much I hated them and wanted to run away or kill myself.
Im doing better now, actually im simply pretending it didnt happen. The thoughts have become less frequent, although I still cant forgive myself for being so careless.
Do I think suicidal people are losers, no. In fact, half of my friends are or have been "emo" or suicidal.
Do I think of myself as a loser, yes. But thats just my personal opinion of myself.
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posted over a year ago 
HaleyDewit said:
No, they're not.
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posted over a year ago 
girlygirl70 said:
Losers? Not at all! It is a sickness. We don't call people with cancer losers, we don't call people with lupus losers. So why call someone who is hurting that much a loser?
I lost an uncle this way. He had been through some horrible stuff and he just could not take anymore. I wouldn't want anyone to call him a loser.
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posted over a year ago 
RukiaKuchiki88 said:
No... not at all.
I don't really want to go into full detail,
but people like aren't losers, they just need help, and support.
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posted over a year ago 
kaboomgirl said:
I don't think they're losers. However, I think they're sort of idiotic. There's always another way out of a tough sitiation. Suicide should never be an option.
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posted over a year ago 
justleeelee said:
Of course not! Anyone who thinks that suicidal people are losers are just that, though. Losers. Cum-guzzling losers.
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posted over a year ago 
bubblewrapblues said:
Not at all.
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posted over a year ago 
LeatherRain said:
NO. No, no, Just no way.
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posted over a year ago 
chan-lee15 said:
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posted over a year ago 
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