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Do you like school?

PFFFFFFFT!!!! of course not
ur kiding right hell no i dont like school
justincake posted over a year ago
 jeniffer2200 posted over a year ago
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Shadowmarioking said:
School=College=Good Career=Good Life.

Of course I like school. If you don't, feel free to drop out and serve me McDonald's in the future.
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posted over a year ago 
Just because you don't like school doesn't mean you're going to drop out. Some people work hard at school because they want a good life, but it doesn't mean they're enjoying it while they're there.
EmzLovesCheryl posted over a year ago
People change over time, so it's in most situations ArcticWolf @EmzLovesCheryl To be honest, this whole debate is giving me a headache. Debate was never my stronghold. ^^;
Shadowmarioking posted over a year ago
Okay then. :D
EmzLovesCheryl posted over a year ago
lolibarbie said:
I do. Of course I'll complain about it, but in the long run it's most certainly worth it.
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posted over a year ago 
evangelinetom said:
i damn lovee mah school!!!!its really fun for me to be in school..we gets lots of free periods and we enjoy a lot with boys and girls!!and the teachers are also soo cool....we always rock our school!!there would be lotz of lovely unforgettable moments each and everyday....i really miss mah friends and gets bored during holidays!
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posted over a year ago 
Ale1152 said:
No, it's a place where social interaction takes place.
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posted over a year ago 
Haha actually mu problem with school is exactly that I find the classes really easy and I think I have the second best grade in my class without even studying much but when it comes to that the only social interaction that comes to me naturally is sarcasm :p so I am a sarcastic ironic otherwise antisocial person who is very good at classes without trying in other words the most unpopular person ever also considered a weirdo...
fake_alibi13 posted over a year ago
its good 2 b smart! there will be a time when ppl will come 2 U for a job!
justingurl99 posted over a year ago
NerdyBanana said:
yes its ok
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posted over a year ago 
Shelly_McShelly said:
I hate school with a passion. Every morning i cconplain that I hate school. Just 1 more year to go...
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posted over a year ago 
darkwave said:
Hate it!!!
Fucking school!
worst thing in life!!!
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posted over a year ago 
o_OULookWeird said:
School? Yea

SchoolWORK/homework? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
totally agree with u
justingurl99 posted over a year ago
Seastar4374 said:
I luv my school! we have laptops in almost every single class room. iPads in some of the classrooms, tvs in the cafe and in the class rooms, and we have 9 school dogs now instead of one (our school dog had puppies recently). We also get a lot of periods where we can goof off we even have days where we shorten classes and do whatever for 3 hours.
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posted over a year ago 
That's awesome!
Sasume posted over a year ago
wow! I wish I went to ur school. that sounds INCREDIBLE!
justingurl99 posted over a year ago
emo_obsessed said:
im happy that i finished
ma fucking school:P
im in a universty and work at the same time :(
bye bye old meh!!!
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posted over a year ago 
rabigfan96 said:
a big FUCKING no,who loves it anyway ...
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posted over a year ago 
Thrillie-jean said:
You'd be nutz to not like my school.
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posted over a year ago 
chan-lee15 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Theawfultruth said:
I have finished school and college
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posted over a year ago 
ugh! lucky u eh?
justingurl99 posted over a year ago
u still had to pass through all that classes
laura071197 posted over a year ago
Yes school was tiresome. College not that much .
Theawfultruth posted over a year ago
crrazycake said:
I don't like it more like love it :D
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posted over a year ago 
Sasume said:
Freshman in high school, I love it! Maybe it's becuase I'm involved in sports or that it's easy. I just really like my school :)
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posted over a year ago 
justingurl99 said:
i like school, but there are times where i get very stressed and i just don' ever wanna go back!
I love my teachers and my friends and my classmates, but I really hate tests and term exams!
so there is sort of a balance between my feelings for school. I can love school but I can also hate it sometimes.
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posted over a year ago 
Sasume posted over a year ago
ilovecornholio said:
I hate school 2 kids trow stuff at me all the time im bout to do home schooling
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posted over a year ago 
dancergirl78 said:
No, I only like it a little because I get to see my friends. But besides that, I hate it.
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posted over a year ago 
Grintforever said:
yes and no. but i do get pissed off when people ask me what school i go to and i tell 'em A.H.S
and the look on they get on their face tells me that they must think that im a snob cos it is a really gd school and 1 of the best in the area. soo the think that i must be really stuck up if i go there but im not! i go there cos it is only 3 miles away from where i live and most of my freinds from primary went there and i get free bus fare to get there! im not a fucking snob just cos of the school i go to!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
It depends, I love some child development in which we get to make little kids toys occasionally...but some classes like Human Anatomy are currently a drag.
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posted over a year ago 
laura071197 said:
its ok, i mean is school, the same rutine over and over and over it become very boring after all those years
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posted over a year ago 
NomyCake said:
I like learning, and I like working hard. School has both of those things.
But I hate school. Not because of the learning or the hard work, but because there's too many damn people walking at irregular paces and swerving in the hallways and it bugs the crap out of me.
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posted over a year ago 
Jessieluvsjp said:
no duh?! I'll take online classes for collage
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posted over a year ago 
yellowbanana said:
its okay buut my tacher is so cool
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posted over a year ago 
Animetama said:
I do...but then I don't. Why? Because my school life is like a rollercoaster falling down to hell and back up to heaven agian.

My grades are pretty crazy too, but in the end somehow I manage to get my 4.0

my friends and social life on the other hand is just as crazy. my friends are dramatic, and sometimes I am too. At least there are soe friends i can rely on there to get me back up on my feet.
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posted over a year ago 
KaulitZfan said:
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posted over a year ago 
KnougeChick said:
I love school. (Mostly cause I'm homeschooled and it's awesome!)
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posted over a year ago 
Aisy said:
I love school just because there's someone...
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posted over a year ago 
smartone123 said:
crazy me...

i like school,but don't like school.Makes total sence.
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posted over a year ago 
justleeelee said:
I graduated like 2 years ago :D
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posted over a year ago 
Tdwtrockz said:
no. There's too much hmwk!
0: wierd fitness pages
1:read book, study random grammer stuff,essays
2: read textbook,finish lab blablabla
3:Read textbook do project
4:read chinese book, do 10 pages of chinese hmwk
5:sand woodshop project
6:hm...... we get like 80 problems of math hmwk a day... and study for tests
After school:math lectures (with 100 somethin questions)
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posted over a year ago 
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