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Why are vampires so popular?

Is that just because of Twilight?.....And do u like them?
 Brandey posted over a year ago
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16falloutboy said:
It's because Gerard Way's a vampire >:3
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It's because Gerard Way's a vampire >:3
posted over a year ago 
LOL thats so cool, I <3 his guyliner ^^
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
hahah he's awesome anyway
Brandey posted over a year ago
^ikr totally X3
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
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Goldilottes said:
Vampires are really popular but its Not just because of twilight. but I do think that Twilight re-awakened lots of young peoples interests in typically halloween creatures.
I've always liked them because I've always liked anything dark, mysterious and alluring, and I just think vampires are awesome.
I will admit that all the teen romance stuff has killed it a bit, but only because its been over-used. I still think all portrayals of vampires are cool, although I think certain modern stuff does tend to miss the true backstories and meanings of 'vampire'
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posted over a year ago 
I agree
Brandey posted over a year ago
totally agree... well said :)¸
carsfan posted over a year ago
NomyCake said:

I used to like vampires. But I don't anymore since all those damned teen romance novels- not just Twilight- ruined them.
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posted over a year ago 
yup it became kind of boring when they became romantic xD
Brandey posted over a year ago
Sandfire_Paiger posted over a year ago
^I TOTALLY AGREE! I LOVE Evil vampires... idk why,I have a "Thing" for evil... XD
carsfan posted over a year ago
narlyvamp1234 said:
it is because of twilight. but i don't like twilight. i used to but i don't anymore because i realized that both the vampires and werewolves are wimps in that. they don't even know how to fight and they fucking sparkle!
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posted over a year ago 
hahah yea
Brandey posted over a year ago
Tyler47 said:
I have no idea, they suck. No pun intended.
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posted over a year ago 
If you hadn't added "no pun intended" my response to this would be "HAHA! I GET IT. Wow thats a corney pun"
mindy890 posted over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan said:
Pretty much. And yes. I prefer the Twilight vamps.
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posted over a year ago 
I prefer Twilight vamps too!
carolinetc posted over a year ago
Jeffersonian said:
Twilight might have some influence...I like some vampires but not the Twilight ones.
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posted over a year ago 
they sparkle and its retarded
mindy890 posted over a year ago
yup. and NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE AFTER SAYING THIS but it makes them look... gay.
carsfan posted over a year ago
kenzichu said:
vampires have always been popular and yes i love vampires but not the one's in twilight i do like twilight i just don't like vampires in it i'm more of a lost boys girl
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posted over a year ago 
beepboop said:
I dont know but I do know what I like and I like Peanut Butter
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posted over a year ago 
mindy890 said:
THEY SPARKLE AND IT MAKES ME MAD! Its okay to add some romance in a vampire movie. They really over did it. TWILIGHT SHOULD OF STAYED A BOOK! I used to like twilight then I read some REAL vampire books and In was like "WHAT THE HELL?!?! THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN TWILIGHT! SO TWILIGHT'S JUST A BUNCH OF CRAP?!?!"
I'm over it now though
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posted over a year ago 
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