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Has something totally unexpected happen and you just canNOT believe it did??

Failed a test?
Someone you love died?
Aunt and uncle get divorced??? TnT

Yup, my auntie Erika and uncle Bobby are getting divorced. When I was told, I JUST COUlLD NOT BELIEVE IT!!!! they are so perfect together!! And to split up your family of three kids is not a smart thing to do. I am totally in shock. O.o

Anyone understand? T-T
 NoahFanNumber1 posted over a year ago
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EalasaidWooster said:

When I was at work today this guy I don't know asked if he could take my picture. I said yes because he was foreign so I assumed it was one of those "let's get a picture of the locals" things. I do live in Scotland and work in a castle after all.

But I have to say my surprising thing doesn't quite match up to yours. I'm truly very sorry to hear of the divorce between your aunt and uncle and I hope it gets better for you. :(
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posted over a year ago 
fake_alibi13 said:
My sister took a bath! :O
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My sister took a bath! :O
posted over a year ago 
Teehee. xD
EalasaidWooster posted over a year ago
i could say the same about mine!
07ambryce posted over a year ago
darkmoon47 posted over a year ago
That was funny
TruBerries posted over a year ago
07ambryce said:
yeah. i thought i'd done really well on my maths exam and in the end i got a D i was really annoyed. though again it doesnt match up to yours. i'm sad to hear it my parents divorced when i was about 5 but my real dad was a git so i realised that it was a good thing but at the time i didnt want to hear it. alls fine now though my mum remarried and my step dad is really nice and i now have a little brother and sister as well as me and my other sister.
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posted over a year ago 
Usui--takumi said:
I am alive.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah thats a good one.
07ambryce posted over a year ago
spongesrule said:
Awwww, man I'm sorry! It will all work out though! My cousin accidentilly severed three of his fingers, I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! It was a horrible day! But he's all better now! I am so glad! It could have been worse!
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posted over a year ago 
TruBerries said:

when my friend's nephew who's ten years old found out what toothpaste was supposed to be used for
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posted over a year ago 
zomeister said:
Yeah... My ex-boyfriend (whom I'm still totaly in love with) just sent me a text message saying hi, I WAS SO IN SHOCK.
I'm sorry to hear the divorce between your aunt and uncle. It's really sad. My best friend went through that (well her parents divorced) and she didn't expect it. I know how you feel.
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
Failed a math test on an online course, I was so confident on it and I got the worst score out of all of them. It made me so angry that I finished the rest of the course that same day.
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posted over a year ago 
dustfinger said:
Yeah Divorce may come to my aunt and uncle too

They got married knowing about each other. My aunt is high maintenance, german, and crazy and he knew that when he married her. I'm so mad at him. He's an idiot. He claimed that she was "too german" for him. What the hell? I know that my aunt still loves him, on Sunday when we were at a party for my opa she kept on going off by herself. She looked very depressed. I don't want them to get divorced, divorce is expensive.

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posted over a year ago 
Sammisaurus said:
Yeah. My aunt and uncle got a divorce and I was so happy. My aunt was a bitch. Sadly though she doesn't allow her daughter, who is not my uncle's biological daughter, to see him. He never filled out the paperwork to adopt her because it was too expensive, and they never thought they would get divorced. So now neither my uncle, me, or the rest of my family can see her. She was one of my best friends too.
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posted over a year ago 
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