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What is (without a doubt) the WIERDEST thing that has ever happened to you?

im not telling you mine! Tee-hee!
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
okay you got me. i will tell. When I was 7 i dreamed that me and my family moved into a red-brick apartment with a LONG pair of stairs to the top. This dream stuck for years and then when i was in middle school my dad lost his job and we were forced to sell our house. Us kids came home one day and the news was broken to us that we would be moving into an apartment complex in a nearby town. When we pulled into the parking was the exact same one from my dream! Weird, true, and frieky
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
Woah that's weird!
Nuttypeanut posted over a year ago
 Animeanimal posted over a year ago
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Schnusch said:
Weird things happen to me all the time... Here's some for you. If you're interested at all.

My fiancé and I lived 2000km from each other back then. We didn't talk about what we were planning to do that day. Later when he got home he messaged me about what he did. He said he went to McDonald's to eat a Sundae and it was November so he told me he said "How can you eat a Sundae in winter?!" to himself. I did the exact same thing, also saying the exact same thing as he said at around the same time of the day without knowing about him being at McDonald's as well 2000km away from me. It sure was a shock o.O

Seeing a shadow person thing. Whatever it was. I was not sleeping anymore I know for sure. Cause I woke up thinking my mother was trying to wake me for some reason. I looked at it and it was just the shape of a person, not my mother for sure. It was pushing me back into the bed holding me down, taking my breath away, so I couldn't scream. When my mother got up and switched the light on in the hall it was gone. It just disappeared. But I know I was awake when it was there. And my fiancé told me the same thing happened to him some years before it happened to me just that it was pulling him to the side and his sister came in switching the light on.

Me trying to grab my book "Dark" to read it and the light went off in the very same moment.

Probably a lot more things happened to me... that were really weird.

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posted over a year ago 
OMG! *voted best* You scared the hell out of me. Word of advice - Dump your fiance! it appears to me the shadow thing followed him in fro his home. And i would NEVER read that book "dark" again!
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
OMG that was scary too,my room light was off & i just turned it on cuz im scared
lloonny posted over a year ago
Hahaha ^^ I'm not gonna dump my fiancé he's got nothing to do with that shadow thing xD He still lived far away from me when it happened to me so yeah. I was scared as hell but we moved into a new flat since then I only sleep with light and nothing ever happened so far. It only happened when I was alone in my room and the door was opened so I have that weird habit of closing all the doors around me when I'm somewhere. I think it has no interest in me anymore though. But who knows for sure right? :S
Schnusch posted over a year ago
haha XD omg,i think im gonna have nightmares tonight
lloonny posted over a year ago
omgemg said:
i was in walmart and an really old couple came up to me and said i remember when you were this big
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posted over a year ago 
weird, and your parents didnt know them or anything/
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
weird .
elmo123456789 posted over a year ago
a6mzeropilot said:
I had this dream once where I was doing...Uh...It...with my crush. >_<
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posted over a year ago 
I've had several dreams like that haha, except it's usually my celeb crushes, the one last night wasn't so bad because we were just cuddling and he was so cute.
Jeffersonian posted over a year ago
I am not really used to dreams like that...
a6mzeropilot posted over a year ago
It was weird.....
justleeelee posted over a year ago
SHYBOY88 said:
i got attacked by a demon no joke i already said that before on fanpop i some how provoked it and so it attacked me.
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posted over a year ago 
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
Demon? How do you mean?
Kiniko90 posted over a year ago
was it one named Sebastian XD
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
it chocked me my neck was red.
SHYBOY88 posted over a year ago
Kiniko90 said:
Not one thing, but I have this bizarrely inopportune tendency of walking in on people (mainly guys) peeing. I can't even count the number of times it's happened.
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posted over a year ago 
haha nice .
elmo123456789 posted over a year ago
you unlucky soul V.V
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
Jeffersonian said:
I told my friend I had a crush on a snapping turtle accidentally which spawned a big inside joke involving Ray Carling from the American version of Life on Mars' mustache and him being a snapping turtle/my boyfriend. It was PRICELESS when a confused teacher heard the joke and obviously didn't get it.
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posted over a year ago 
turtle O_o
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
Princesskiara15 said:
i was at a walgreens parking lot and the car door was opened,i was with my bff when a hobo out of nowhere gets in the car and we all started screaming until we literally kicked him,it was at night
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posted over a year ago 
poor hobo...
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
LUV_4_BIEBER said:
Someone asked what shade of pink my nipple was in fifth grade... Ya. Catholic School.
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posted over a year ago 
At a catholic school?
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
omg lol
Princesskiara15 posted over a year ago
madening_mahem posted over a year ago
madening_mahem said:
being stuck in a hole of of a false-walled waterwall.
don't worry, I'm okay.

enjoy this picture of taemin. *squeak*

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being stuck in a hole of of a false-walled waterwall.
don't worry, I'm okay.

enjoy this picture of taemin. *squeak*
posted over a year ago 
justleeelee said:
Too much weird things happened to me to say...! You wouldn't believe me if I told you. You'd say I'm insane. But, okay, I'm gonna tell you. My dad came back to life. Literally. He was dead, and now he's back to life and healthy again.
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posted over a year ago 
it happened to someone i saw on a doctors show b4 too, so i believe you.
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
Wow... how exactly did that happen?
Schnusch posted over a year ago
Don't know, honestly. I'm pretty sure it had to do with my sister and this witch chick.
justleeelee posted over a year ago
lloonny said:
it was some years ago,when i was in home ,in kitchen & i was going to my room when the door of bathroom was open and while i was walking (i was walking too fast) i saw a woman looking on the mirror in the bathroom (it was for a second-everything happened too fast) then i thought it was my mom & turned back to ask her something,but no one was in bathroom
too scary
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posted over a year ago 
Omg I'd be so scared o.o
Schnusch posted over a year ago
i was scared but not anymore,btw i still live in that flat, and maybe that woman was just my hallucination
lloonny posted over a year ago
*goosebumps* (looks over shoulder)
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
usernamehere said:
Honestly not sure about me, but this happened to my grandma: Okay a long time when she was about 19 her and her boyfriend had just broken up. That night or a the night after, she heard all the sudden when she was about to sleep her ex-boyfriend scream "SUE!" (her name.) really loud and woke up, even though he was nowhere near her. No one else had heard it, her brother was out of town, and her parents swore they didn't do it. So the next day she heard he was in a bad car crash. It happened EXACTLY when she heard him scream her name. The guy next to him in the car told my grandma that when they crashed, he screamed Sue, because he was so used to having her in the car. He screamed it the exact same time she heard it and they were about 100 miles apart.
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posted over a year ago 
Wow that is really strange...
Schnusch posted over a year ago
tdafan121 said:
Eh, something this kid said to me, what was it?


Oh yeah. It was : "Hi."
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posted over a year ago 
O.O How could they say that :(
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
NomyCake said:
I have so many that are equally weird...

Last year on like the second to the last day of school, I was standing in the lunch line and these two chicks behind me who were always really mean to me, and I wasn't paying any attention to them until they were like "We like your toes!" I was like "... The fuck...?"

Then I had some chick smell me in the middle of class and she was like "Whoa! You don't smell like anything!" ...

Then there was the time my sister and I were walking around in walmart and this old guy walked past us and made really weird chicken noise...

Then this one random guy in school came up to me and was like "Give me a high five!" and I was like "...okay?" so I did and he tried touching my butt when I walked off...

THEN this one time right after I got my ears pierced and this group of chicks walked up behind me and all ghetto-like said "Waz yo naame?" and I didn't say anything, so I was just quiet and she asked again, and when I still ignored her she was like "Fine! Don't chill with us!" and they started giggling and walked off...

Then I was asked if I was wearing a Hannah Montana wig...

Then in Walmart this dude asked me if my boobs were real... I just walked off...

THEN in Kindergarten this kid kept rubbing his face against my leg and when I asked him to stop the teacher yelled at me, but not him... She thought he was being cute.... -gag-

THEEENNN I was in a mall at Indy and my sister and I were walking around and we went into Hot Topic to see if my boyfriend was working, and there were thee three guys in there and when I was like "Oh... Ivan isn't here." So we left and those three guys were following us for the next hour or so...

My family has a history of creepers... xD
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posted over a year ago 
Omg xD
RoohWinchester posted over a year ago
55xxx55 said:
I have too much weird things. But my grandpa, okay he once was on some trip for something and saw a plane crash down into a field and the whole forest burst into flames (Note: He was not on drugs/drunk/insane or anything like that). He told the police department and everyone had searched everything and there was no plane or anything whatsoever exactly where he had saw it. It was getting late and my grandpa was supposed to be home, so my grandma decided to drive up there. When she got there, the they told her about it and she told me. This was years ago, before my parents were even born I think.
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posted over a year ago 
that is weird
lloonny posted over a year ago
Omg! something like that happened to my mom and dad before my uncle died. They daid they lived in a trailer and it was late at night and they heard a bear roar *almost like a Grizzly would sound* and they were scared to death that the bear might rip the trailer apart. *note-they DID NOT live anywhere near where Grizzly's inhabit* any way the next morning, my dad said that he went outside to check for tracks and there was NONE! A year later on that very same day my uncle was murdered from a bullet to the head. My mom said the loud raor was an "Omen" that meant a gun would go off *see the resemblence in the sounds*
Animeanimal posted over a year ago
Wow omg that's super strange!
Schnusch posted over a year ago
Like my aunt saying she saw the reaper the night before someone of the family (I don't remember who) died....
Schnusch posted over a year ago
RachyMerrygold said:
okay , i was in a shopping centre and me and my sister were standing outside this shop then a man with around 5 children walked by, right, then the men suddenly started to shout "RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRR" at me and my sister! then one of the children ( a boy ) started talking saying how he is crazy and dont go near him!!! it was soooooo funny i couldnt stop laughing even if the whole shop centre could hear me!!! everyone was just there staring at me!!! :)
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posted over a year ago 
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