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Pretty Little Liars Recap: Imaginary Fiend

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Pretty Little Liars': Charlie Is Imaginary — Season 6 Episode 3 Recap | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
 finally answered the big “Who is Charles DiLaurentis?” question on Tuesday, and it was beyond anything I could have
Video Pits the Girls Against Each Other in a Battle of Snark
Apparently, Charles — also referred to by the impossible-to-crack nickname “Charlie” — was Jason’s imaginary friend when he was younger… until, for some unknown reason, Jason’s dad told him that Charlie had to “go away.” (Side note: Between
, what is it with this summer and evil imaginary friends?!)
imaginary; super-sleuth Aria discovered a childhood photo of Jason standing next to a boy neither Alison nor Spencer could identify. And it definitely wasn’t Andrew, because he’s been let out of jail and he’s 
salty about it. Like, he straight-up called the girls “toxic dumps” to their 
At the end of the hour, Papa DiLaurentis took a break from his 24/7 job as a mean-mugging scarecrow to tell Alison and Jason the truth about Charlie — but in typical 
fashion, the conversation was only shown through the window of their living room, which means we’ll have to wait another week to find out what was actually said. (In the meantime, we’re left with this promo.)
SUSPECTING SARA | Am I crazy for already ‘shipping Emily with iZombie? Sorry, I mean “Sara”? Despite their lack of chemistry, I feel like the show is hinting at a potential coupling, so I’m just going to bite the bullet and root for ’em. That said, I’m also 
suspicious of Charlie’s sixth captive. Does anyone else think he 
Sara to be found, and that she’s helping him by getting closer to the girls? His little FaceTime stunt — is that whole death-threat countdown clock a new feature? — certainly didn’t do anything to quell my suspicions. One thing’s for sure: This show show is giving me serious trust issues; I’m long overdue for a session with Dr. Sullivan.
#ALORENZO | I’m not saying that a leopard can’t change its spots, but Alison DiLaurentis… a youth leader? I’m not sure I’m 
going to picture that, especially since Ali’s most memorable church moment involves her slapping Mona across the face. Still, I’m curious to see where her relationship goes with Lorenzo; she might have finally found the authority figure of her dreams.
* I’m glad the girls never actually shocked each other in Charles’ lair. That would have hurt. * Jason’s beard: yea or nay? (Drop a comment below!)
* Did they really bring Dr. Sullivan back just for Hanna and the girls to blow her off?
* I’m glad Ezra is trying to keep Aria safe, but let’s never forget: He stalked her 
* Pretty excited about Spencer’s next spiral.
fans, your thoughts on this week’s reveal(s)? Drop ’em in a comment below.
Nea on Jason’s beard. Yea on your always-clever PLL article titles.
Sara is suspicious to me. I was going to say that she was Charlie… especially with the shorter hair.
If Sara turns out to be Charlie, I will lose. my. damn. mind. (Then I’ll come back here and give you credit for predicting the twist.)
Spencer doesn’t need to spiral anymore. She’s spiraled enough. Troian’s not going to win an Emmy for the show.
I think they sometimes struggle with what to do with the Spencer character sometimes… or do nowadays at least.
Can’t stand the idea of another drugged out Spencer spiral….or hooking up with randoms again
Very true Tammy ! Sara could possibly be A Charlie … & I loVeeeeeee Jason’s beard btw :) ugh lets just some more answers sooon plzzzZ THIS SHOW IS REALLY STARTING TO MESS WITH ME LOL :) its been toooo long
Yup, I’m going with Sarah is Charlie (this week). Maybe she actually was Jason’s twin….sister, but she was a super Tom boy or even identified as a boy (Shilo Pitt anyone?) Sarah was before her time! As a toddler, she was all like “i’m not Sarah…Call me Charlie! Mama D was cool with letting Sarah/Charlie be who she/wanted to be, but Papa D wanted no parts of it. He was probably one of those parents who wanted to resort to those extreme measures like having her committed or shock therapy to zap the boy feelings out of her. Sarah/Charlie saw how Papa D doted on his new little daughter Alison, and hated this new little baby. Possibly tried to harm this little baby Ali. Mama D still loved her little Sarah/Charlie, but knew the only way to protect her was to send her away, and lie to Papa D about it. She could have faked some sort of accidental death, called papa D all freaked out “Oh my god, she’s dead…it was an accident”. Papa D being the type A controlling man that he is, said, OK, nobody knows what happened, I don’t want you to go to jail, lets just cover this up. I know, I know, this would normally deserve an eye roll, BUT, we know that Mrs D is perfectly fine with covering up the death of one of her children. Sarah/Charlie ended up in and out of foster homes feeling abandoned, grew up all kinds of messed up, get’s older, looks for her family, blames Ali for all the bad things that happened to her, wants her family back…yada yada yada, I’m sure you can fill in the rest from there.
but if sara is jason’s twin sister thn she is spencer’s & ali’s half sis & papa D isnt her father
My EXACT thoughts! I was thinking Jason had a twin sister called Charli, hence the two dresses Mrs. D bought. We always assumed it was for Ali’s twin but maybe it was for Jason’s.
What if little Charlie/Sarah was showing signs of a psychopath like killing the neighbours dog, trying to hurt Jason…Which would make sense considering A’s general, they gave her up for adoption because they didn’t want to deal with her.
Very very confused… I only watched it once and I need to rewatch but wtf? Is Charlie imaginary or not? Obviously he’s not because of the picture but…why would they bring in the concept of an imaginary friend and then reveal in the same episode that Charlie was/is, in fact, real? I guess what I’m saying is, why introduce both concepts of an imaginary Charlie and a real Charlie? Why isn’t it even clear if he was/is real?Also, I gathered that “Charlie” is dead, from the “he had to go away” and the promo for next week when Ali literally says “Charlie is dead”. So if he’s dead… then that means that Charlie wasn’t the one holding them hostage… it was someone else and we’re right back where we started …but at the same time… it seems really obvious that the person holding them hostage had the name of Charles dilaurentis. Also, if Charlie wasn’t significant, then why even bring him up if he’s not even the person who held them hostage? Or was he? Anyway, this episode was scary af, really good though, gives me a lot to think about between now and next week.
I think the concept of Charles/Charlie being imaginary may just be to explain why Jason doesn’t remember having a brother. Maybe they told Jason that Charlie was imaginary so that he wouldn’t wonder where his brother went.
Oh yeah, and why the heck did the person who sent the video chat put pillows on the bed to make it look like she was there!!???!!? What was even the point of that? How did Sarah not even notice that part?
Because Sarah was the one who sent the facetime chat (just my opinion).
yea on Jason’s beard. yea on this episode. yea on your (as always) brilliant recap. couldn’t have said things better myself even if I tried.
also: if Emily and Sara really become an item, I’m gonna puke. I mean, Emily had probably more girlfriends than any college student. let the girl have someone steady (and mentally stable) for once!
Wait a moment if Jason had a brother called Charlie shouldn’t Spencer’s dad know about him too?? Why isnt Spencer asking him??
umm……. sorry to burst your bubbles, but, we figure out who Charles is apparently in 6×09 You know it was going to happen, SPOLIER: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
The producers said no transgender characters so I doubt even a cross dressing Sara is probable. I think the Liars were so sure Charles (not actually confirmed yet to be a Dilaurentis) held them hostage because Spencer was so sure she was right. The room with the movie seemed more like a shrine to Charles instead of his room. It appeared more like a room a parent keeps when they can’t movie past a child’s death. Not saying it’s a PLL parent but maybe someone seeking justice for Charles. Just a theory.
I don’t think necessarily that Sarah is ChArles, but that she is in cahoots with him. I think the little facetime stunt was Sarah.
If Sara was held for two years Why isn’t she home with her mother/family? If she isn’t wanted at home Why aren’t people asking questions? The police just let her leave? Why hasn’t Claire and avery shown up to see their friend? I want to know who are Sara’s parents??
Not sure if its been said. But what if Charles was real and died. Jason was closest to him and it affected him so much Charles becames a split personality of his. So Jason is Charles and A?
Just spit out my water at “24/7 mean muggin’ scarecrow”. Hahaha
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