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Buttercup destroys Bubbles' chalk/grounded

(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)
Narrator: The city of Townsville! (An animal’s cry echoes over the distance.) It’s high noon.
(Cut to the exterior of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten; we hear kids playing.)
Narrator: Just in time for recess at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten!
(Pan quickly to the playground, then go into a slower pan across it as he continues. We see kids on the playground equipment. Among them are Elmer, Harry, Mitch, Joey and his Asian colleague, Blossom, Julie Bean, and Mary. Ms. Keane keeps an eye on the class from the background.)
Narrator: Where the girls and their classmates get an opportunity to blow off a little steam.
(The camera now reaches the asphalt section of the playground and passes an extreme close-up of a dodgeball being held aloft—by Buttercup, as we see when the view next gets to her face and stops.)
Buttercup: (low, menacing tone) No mercy.
(Pull back; she lets fly, and the camera shifts to ride with the ball as it sails across the yard toward Mitch. He does not move until it slams into his face and sends him flying to land on his head. Back to Buttercup.)
Buttercup: (disgustedly) Aw, come on, Mitch! The game’s called dodgeball! If you want to play catch instead, just tell me.
(The ball flies into view and smacks her in the face. Now Mitch gets to do a little gloating.)
Mitch: In yo’ face, baby!
(The ball sails up; cut to an overhead view of the pavement and pan across as it bounces and rolls along. Chalk drawings, including images of the Professor, clouds, stars, and animals, cover the area. Bubbles comes into view, hunched over a spot, and the camera cuts to a close-up of her. She is hard at work on a new drawing, with a piece of chalk in hand—now we know where all the others came from.)
(The ball comes to rest behind her, but she does not immediately notice it. When she does look up from her drawing, she sees it and reaches to pick it up.)
Buttercup: (from o.c.) What are you doing with my ball?
Bubbles: Huh? (Her perspective of her sister.)
Buttercup: Give it! We got a game going on!
(Pull back to frame both of them; Buttercup snatches the ball away.)
Buttercup: (sighing in disgust) Aw, man, you got chalk all over it. You know,Bubbles, this is a playground, not a drawing ground!
Mitch: (from o.c.) Yo! What’s the holdup?
Buttercup: (to him) I’m coming! (She runs o.c.) Bubblehead is just doing her stupid chalk stuff again.
(Bubbles glares after her, then goes back to her drawing. Cut to Buttercup, arms folded and game face firmly established.)
Buttercup: Okay, Mitchie, gimme all you got. If you miss, you gotta play with Bubbles and her chalk.
(Bubbles glares at her again, after which the camera cuts back to Buttercup and quickly turns around to frame Mitch, ball in hand. Extreme close-up of his sweating, sneering face, panning slowly across it, then of Buttercup’s set-in-stone visage and pan across it as well. Now we see the ball as Mitch digs his fingers in to get a better grip; pull back as he throws with all his might and follow it to its intended target. She does not move or flinch until the last possible moment, when she leans to one side.)
(The ball misses her and catches Mary upside the head. It starts to ricochet all over the playground, hitting people and things and cracking one of the classroom windows. Buttercup leans away again to avoid the rebound; Mitch next takes a hit to the chest that turns him into a human projectile. He hits the asphalt and skids through Bubbles’ drawings to stop in front of her, sending up a cloud of chalk dust as he goes.)
Bubbles: Huh?…Hey! You erased my drawing!
Mitch: Um…sorry. (Buttercup now stands nearby.)
Buttercup: What are you apologizing for? She shouldn’t draw her stupid pictures on the blacktop if she doesn’t want ’em played on!
Bubbles: I have every right that you do to be here!
Buttercup: Oh, yeah? Well, I don’t—
Bubbles: I don’t care what you think!
Buttercup: A playground is for playing!
Bubbles: And drawing is playing, you ninny!
(They start to argue at full voice, and other kids turn to watch. Blossom does likewise.)
Blossom: Huh?
Kids: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
(As they chant, they gather in a ring around the two squabbling sisters. Blossom, floating behind the group, moves in for a closer look and then pushes her way to the front.)
Blossom: All right, break it up, break it up! (Everyone falls silent.) What’s going on here?
Bubbles: (pointing to Buttercup) Well, she started it!
Buttercup: She was the one drawing all over the place!
(Extreme close-up of Blossom’s face, which shows a healthy degree of disgust and irritation. Her eyes dart from side to side while the other two start to yell at each other again. After several seconds, the camera pulls back.)
Blossom: SHUT UP! (Silence.) Bubbles, you first. (Quick pan to Bubbles.)
Bubbles: Well, I was just minding my own business, drawing— (To Buttercup.)
Buttercup: You see?
Blossom: Buttercup, let Bubbles finish!
Mitch: Just fight already!
Bubbles: Buttercup has to share the blacktop just like everyone else.
Blossom: That sounds fair to me.
Buttercup: No way! I’m not sharing nothing! This is the playground! There’s plenty of paper in the classroom! She doesn’t need to fill up the blacktop with her scribbles! You know what I think of Bubbles and her drawings? You know what I think?!
(Zoom in on her legs as she lifts one foot. Extreme close-up of it descending in slow motion; it lands squarely on the sticks of chalk and smashes them to bits. Pull back to frame her, with Bubbles staring in total shock from across the circle of kids.)
Buttercup: That’s what I think.
(Bubbles looks down at the fragments and drops to her knees, her head bowed in sadness. A moment later, she lifts her face, now rearranged into an expression of raw anger; cut to behind her as she slowly rises to her feet and Buttercup smirks at her. We hear her breathing hard, and in a close-up, she is sweating buckets and looking as if about to go over the edge once and for all. She snarls and reaches toward her sister as if to strike her, but the fury evaporates in an instant. It is replaced by a desperate struggle to keep her composure, as her wobbling mouth and the tears leaking from her tightly closed eyes readily attest.)
(After several seconds of unbearable tension, her self-control completely shatters and she bursts into tears. Actually, “explodes” might be a better word in this case. The camera follows her as she flees the scene and heads into the woods, bawling all the while. All the times we have seen her sad or crying in the past pale in comparison to this moment. What we hear are the huge, raw, soul-shaking sobs and wails that only surface when a person has had something she loves most dearly annihilated before her eyes. Overhead view of a tree stump in a small clearing; she flies in and collapses by it, face down on its surface, to cry herself out.)
Blossom: Bubbles! Buttercup, how dare you destroy Bubbles' chalk and hurt her feelings? That's it! I'm telling Ms. Keane! Ms. Keane, please come here now!
Ms. Keane: What's wrong, Blossom?
Blossom: Buttercup just destroy Bubbles' chalk and made her ran away!
Ms. Keane: Buttercup! Why did you do that?
Buttercup: She doesn’t need to fill up the blacktop with her scribbles! Besides she deserves it!
Ms. Keane: That's no excuse! Blossom, go find Bubbles while I take Buttercup to the classroom.
(Later, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup are in the classroom while Ms. Keane calls Professor Utonium about the incident)
Ms. Keane: Hello, Professor Utonium, your daughter Buttercup has destroy Bubbles chalk and made her cry. Due to the incident, she is going to be suspended for 2 days. Okay bye.
(At home, Professor Utonium and Blossom are mad at Buttercup except Bubbles who is still crying.)
Professor Utonium: OH OH OH OH OH!!! Buttercup, I can't believe you destroy Bubbles' chalk and hurt her feelings! That's it! You're grounded grounded grounded during your suspension time! Go to your room now!
(Buttercup flies to her room, crying)
Blossom: It's okay, Bubbles. Our mean sister is gone. She won't hurt your feelings ever again. Let's go to the ice cream store to get some ice cream.
Bubbles: Whee! I love ice cream! Thanks, Blossom!
(They hug, then they fly off)
Professor Utonium: Have fun, girls!

The End!!!!
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards by an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
continue reading...
Professor Utonium: *On his phone* What? Kidnapped? By who? Fuzzy Lumpkins, huh? Well this isn't good.

Meanwhile at Town Hall

Mayor: Ladies and gentlemen! We have terrible news! *Holding an empty pickle jar* I'm out of pickles!!!!
Ms. Bellum: No Mayor, the other bad news.
Mayor: Oh yeah. The Powerpuff Girls were kidnapped!
Citizens: What?!!?!
Man 53: We have to find them!!
Woman 64: But where do we look?
Professor Utonium: Not where, but who?
Man 67: What?
Professor Utonium: I just arrived after the mayor told me who kidnapped them. It was Fuzzy Lumpkins.
Mayor: I told you what now?
Professor Utonium: You...
continue reading...
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards by an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
continue reading...
In detention, Buttercup was bored. She was there for 30 seconds when suddenly...

Buttercup: *Bored, but an idea comes into her head* Oh wait. I can fly out of here. *Flies away*
Ms. Keane: No!! Come back!
Buttercup: Hahaha! Eat my dust!
Narrator: Oh Buttercup. Why can't you behave for once?

Back at the Utonium Residence.

Professor Utonium: Uh-huh. I see. Thank you for letting me know Ms. Keane. I'll speak to her immediately. Goodbye now. *Hangs up*
Buttercup: *Walks into the house*
Professor Utonium: Buttercup?!
Buttercup: Uh, yes Professor?
Professor Utonium: Did you skip detention?
Buttercup: Detention?...
continue reading...
Buttercup was back downstairs, ready for the final part of her interview.

Cameraman: *Signalling the interviewer*
Interviewer: Welcome back to Buttercup's interview. We have one more topic to cover. Interests. So Buttercup, what do you like most about being a Powerpuff Girl?
Buttercup: I get to use my fists. A lot.
Interviewer: Any villains in particular?
Buttercup: Aw man, where do I start? I mentioned Mojo Jojo, that's a fun one. Him's also a good one, but lately I've been getting into Rocko Socko. He thinks he's so tough. Ooh look at me with my gloves. Pfft.
Interviewer: You're known as the tough...
continue reading...
While Bubbles was enjoying her lemonade with the interviewer & cameraman, Blossom & Buttercup joined them.

Blossom: So, how's it going?
Bubbles: Good.
Buttercup: Are you enjoying the lemonade I made for you?
Interviewer: Yep.
Bubbles: It's delicious.
Cameraman: And very refreshing.
Blossom: When do you go back on air?
Interviewer: Once our lemonade is finished. We want to drink it all quickly, before the ice melts.
Blossom: Understandable.
Buttercup: If it gets too warm, you won't enjoy it.
Bubbles: Right.
Buttercup: Which is why I sometimes leave my lemonade in the freezer, with, or without ice....
continue reading...
Narrator: It was after school, and Mr. Getraer was outside waiting for everyone.
Mr. Getraer: Okay, everyone hurry up! Into the cooler!

A refrigerator was behind a swing set.

Blossom: We can't all fit in there.
Mr. Getraer: Then Ms. Keane will have to watch over some of you in the classroom. Those who wait with Ms. Keane will stay in detention, and have their time in the cooler postponed.
Ms. Keane: Does that mean that my time in the cooler will be postponed too?
Mr. Getraer: Correct! You should have taken my bus, instead of driving your car here.
Blossom: This is ridiculous.
Buttercup: Agreed.
continue reading...
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards by an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
continue reading...
At the Townsville Park, the citizens of Townsville were admiring Bubbles, the cute Powerpuff Girl.

Skinny Male Citizen: Aww.... aren't you the cutest Powerpuff Girl?
Bubbles: Yes, yes I am.
Female Citizen: You are cute even with your tough side, you little wittle Bubbles.
Bubbles: Yeah. [looks at watch] Well, I'm gonna go take a stroll. Bye! [walks away]
Citizens: Well isn't she cute?

Start of song; Bubbles walks down the sidewalk and looks at us as if she were breaking the fourth wall.

Bubbles: [singing] I'm cute, yes, it's true.
I really can't help it,
But what can I do?

When you're cute, it's so fair...
continue reading...
Blossom: It's not about winning, it's about fun!

Brick: What's that?

Blossom: Fun is when you... fun is... it's like... it's kind of... sort of like a... What is fun? I... Let me spell it for you!
F is for friends who do stuff together
U is for you and me
N is for anywhere and anytime at all

Bubbles and Buttercup: Down here in the deep blue sea!

Brick: F is for fire that burns down the whole town!
U is for uranium... bombs!
N is for no survivors when you-

Blossom: Brick! Those things aren't what fun is all about! Now do it like this.
F is for friends who do stuff to-

Brick: Never! That's completely idiotic!...
continue reading...
fawn the helper of justice!
fawn the helper of justice!
narrator:a wonderful day in townsville!umm lets see what our girls are up too.. (Buttercup:i don't want to go to school today! (Blossom:Buttercup you have to... their is a new student ... and what if she likes stuff you like? Buttercup:well.. what she doesn't!? (Bubbles:lets just see.. (Buttercup: okay i'll go... narrator:well seems like a bad time for Buttercup........ (Professor:girls! the bus is here! (all the girls:BYE PROFESSER! to be continued...... in part 2 coming soon
sorry punks but fawn goes hardcore!
sorry punks but fawn goes hardcore!
added by IsisRain
Source: Cartoon Network
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Source: Herb montes
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Source: www.bravamalvada.blogspot.com
added by bravamalvada
Source: www.bravamalvada.blogspot.com
added by bravamalvada
Source: www.bravamalvada.blogspot.com
added by bravamalvada
Source: www.bravamalvada.blogspot.com
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