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posted by juicyjossy9
I am honoured to INVEST the ENTIRETY of my EACH & EVERY day in BEING a shining, radiant EXAMPLE of LOVE.

I AM a force of nature, my love is POTENT and I am a SENTINAL, a BEACON, and a TRANSMITTER of compassion, empowerment, forgiveness and loving action.

My love blesses the waters above and below; rain, snow, streams, ponds, lakes, rivers, bays, seas, oceans, and underground sources of springs and wells.

My love kisses the soils below my feet and below the feet of all peoples of all nations.

My love honours and gives respect, in gratitude, to all life everywhere:

• People
• Winged Ones
• Four Leggeds
• Fishes
• Creatures of the Soil, and of the Waters
• Trees
• Medicine Plants
• Flowers
• Our Blessed Earth Mother

I am honoured to choose every word which falls from my lips with purpose, and sacred intent.

I am honoured to feel deeply connected to all life everywhere, and in my awe, my respect, and my love, I can only walk a peace-filled path, spilling forth only good things upon my brothers and sisters, and profound blessings upon all who share the warmth of my existence.

In Love & Gratitude for the presents of your presence in my world, I AM

«ME and no one else»

Live high, live mighty, live righteously, taking it easy! [Jason Mraz]
