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Advanced Global Personality Test



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TVMind said:
These are my results, and I think they are pretty accurate:

Extraversion |||||||||||| 50%
Stability |||||||||||||||| 70%
Orderliness |||||| 22%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 66%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Religious |||||| 30%
Hedonism |||||||||||||| 56%
Materialism |||||| 30%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 43%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 56%
Work ethic |||||| 30%
Humanitarian |||||||||||||| 56%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||| 43%
Need to dominate |||||||||| 36%

Romantic |||||| 23%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 70%
Anti-authority |||||| 30%
Wealth |||||| 30%
Dependency |||||||||||||||| 63%
Change averse |||||||||||| 50%
Cautiousness |||||||||||| 43%
Individuality |||||||||||| 50%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 50%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 63%
Family drive |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical Activity |||||||||||| 43%
Histrionic |||||| 23%
Paranoia |||||||||| 36%
Vanity |||||| 23%
Honor |||||||||||| 43%
Thriftiness |||||| 30%

Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..

Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting.

trait snapshot:
messy, tough, disorganized, fearless, not rule conscious, likes the unknown, rarely worries, rash, attracted to the counter culture, rarely irritated, positive, resilient, abstract, not a perfectionist, risk taker, strange, weird, self reliant, leisurely, dangerous, anti-authority, trusting, optimistic, positive, thrill seeker, likes bizarre things, sarcastic
posted over a year ago.
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big smile

Test Results


Extraversion 54%
Stability 58%
Orderliness 22%
Accommodation 54%
Intellectual 10%
Interdependence 56%
Mystical 16%
Materialism 76%
Narcissism 70%
Adventurousness 83%
Work ethic 10%
Conflict seeking 30%
Need to dominate 43%
Romantic 30%
Avoidant 50%
Anti-authority 56%
Wealth 36%
Dependency 76%
Change averse 50%
Cautiousness 10%
Individualism 43%
Sexuality 90%
Peter pan complex 56%
Histrionic 43%
Vanity 63%
Artistic 10%
Hedonism 36%
Physically active 90%
Religious 56%
Humanitarian 43%
Fiscal acumen 16%
Self image 90%
Honor 43%
Accountability 23%
Paranoia 43%
Extravagance 56%
Family drive 43%
Indie 90%

Extraversion results were medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting.
Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Accommodation results were medium which suggests you are moderately kind natured, trusting, and helpful while still maintaining your own interests.
Intellectual results were very low which suggests you are overly small minded, traditional, and conventional at the expense too often of intellectual curiousity, possibility, and progress.
posted over a year ago.
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This are my results

Extraversion |||||| 30%
Stability |||||||||||||| 58%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 62%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Interdependence |||||||||| 36%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 63%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Religious |||||||||||||||| 63%
Hedonism |||||| 23%
Materialism |||||||||||| 43%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||| 36%
Humanitarian |||||||||||||||| 70%
Conflict seeking |||||| 30%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||| 30%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56%
Wealth |||||||||||||||| 63%
Dependency |||| 16%
Change averse |||||||||||| 43%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Sexuality |||| 16%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||| 56%
Family drive |||||||||||||||| 63%
Physical Activity |||||||||||||| 56%
Histrionic |||||||||| 36%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 50%
Vanity |||| 16%
Honor |||||||||||||| 56%
Thriftiness |||||||||||||||| 70%

Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.

Extraversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:
clean, secretive, does not make friends easily, observer, hates large parties, risk averse, perfectionist, reclusive, solitude loving, more practical than abstract, does not like to stand out, high self control, intellectual, mind over heart, very cautious, takes precautions, respects authority, irritable, emotionally sensitive
posted over a year ago.
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this test made me realize things bout myself i never realized before
posted over a year ago.
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this test described me somewhat. some of things they said about me weren't true.they said i was dependent, but i'm somewhat independent actually, it does not like to lead even though i don't care if i'm a leader or not, but if i have to be leader i'll be ok, and it said i was submissive which i'm not(i don't like being bossed around)
posted over a year ago.
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This was....disappointingly inaccurate in some places. It told me im emotional and tend to put heart over mind when I actually have the opposite problem. It did have a lot of accuracies but my non-emotional rationality is one of my defining characteristics! lol
posted over a year ago.
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ruby1000 said:

Extraversion |||||||||||| 43%
Stability |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 43%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 43%
Intellectual |||||||||| 40%
Interdependence |||||||||| 40%
Mystical |||||||||||||| 60%
Materialism |||||| 30%
Narcissism |||||||||| 40%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||||||| 60%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 70%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||| 60%
Romantic |||||| 30%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 50%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Wealth |||||||||||||| 60%
Dependency |||||| 30%
Change averse || 10%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||| 60%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 50%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic |||| 20%
Vanity |||||||||| 40%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Hedonism || 10%
Physical fitness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Religious || 10%
Paranoia |||||||||| 40%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Indie |||||||||||||||| 70%
(the hyperlinks above contain personality descriptions for each trait)

Stability results were very high which suggests you are extremely relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:
rarely irritated, positive, tough, non phobic, fearless, likes the unknown, self reliant, high self control, confident, trusting, strong instincts, prudent, optimistic, willful, likes parties, prefers a specialized career, takes charge, altruistic, strong, high self concept, adventurous, practical, thoughtful


very accurate although I think sarcastic and whimsical should have been in there somewhere, and I do think I am a bit more romantic than it says.

lol, peter pan complex... I would like to be young forever but its not something i need or really effects my life in any way...
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
God, this thing is HUGE! :O
I'll do it later :)
posted over a year ago.
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mathrox said:

Extraversion |||||| 30%
Stability |||||| 30%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Accommodation |||||| 23%
Intellectual |||||||||||||| 60%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 70%
Mystical |||||||||| 40%
Materialism |||||||||||||| 60%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 50%
Adventurousness |||| 20%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 50%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||| 50%
Need to dominate |||| 20%
Romantic |||| 20%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Wealth |||||||||||| 50%
Dependency |||||||||||||| 60%
Change averse |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Individuality |||||||||||||| 60%
Sexuality |||||||||| 40%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||| 60%
Histrionic |||| 20%
Vanity |||||||||||| 50%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Hedonism || 10%
Physical fitness |||| 20%
Religious |||||||||||||| 60%
Paranoia |||||| 30%
Hypersensitivity |||||| 30%
Indie || 10%
(the hyperlinks above contain personality descriptions for each trait)

Stability results were low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were high which suggests you are overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense too often of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.

Extraversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:
depressed, introverted, neat, needs things to be extremely clean, observer, perfectionist, not self revealing, does not make friends easily, suspicious, irritable, hates large parties, follows the rules, worrying, does not like to stand out, fragile, phobic, submissive, dislikes leadership, cautious, takes precautions, focuses on hidden motives, good at saving money, solitary, familiar with the dark side of life, hard working, emotionally sensitive, prudent, altruistic, heart over mind, unadventurous

80% accurate. I'm pretty stable and I'm not familiar with the dark side of life, I'm sooo not depressed.
Apart from a few stuffs, the accuracy of this test is kinda scary.
posted over a year ago.
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xangelx said:
Extraversion 10%
Stability 16%
Orderliness 43%
Accommodation 36%
Intellectual 60%
Interdependence 50%
Mystical 30%
Materialism 70%
Narcissism 10%
Adventurousness 10%
Work ethic 10%
Conflict seeking 20%
Need to dominate 40%
Romantic 10%
Avoidant 90%
Anti-authority 70%

Wealth 10%
Dependency 70%
Change averse 90%
Cautiousness 60%
Individuality 70%
Sexuality 50%
Peter pan complex 90%
Histrionic 30%
Vanity 50%
Artistic 20%
Hedonism 10%
Physical fitness 10%
Religious 70%
Paranoia 80%
Hypersensitivity 16%
Indie 0%

Stability results were very low which suggests you are extremely worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were very low which suggests you are extremely reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:
introverted, irritable, feels invisible, observer, depressed, does not enjoy leadership, reveals little about self, dislikes large parties, feels undesirable, does not like to stand out, submissive, suspicious, emotionally sensitive, not a thrill seeker, solitude loving, likes silence, fragile, second guesses self, negative, unadventurous, fearful, weird, focuses on people's hidden motives, paranoid, phobic, dependent, cautious, avoidant, semi intellectual

posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Extraversion |||||| 23%
Stability |||| 16%
Orderliness || 10%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Interdependence || 10%
Mystical |||||||||||||| 60%
Materialism |||||| 30%
Narcissism || 10%
Adventurousness || 10%
Work ethic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||| 50%
Need to dominate |||| 20%
Romantic || 10%
Avoidant |||||||||||||| 60%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 60%
Wealth |||| 20%
Dependency |||||||||||||| 60%
Change averse |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Sexuality || 10%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Vanity || 10%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Hedonism || 10%
Physical fitness |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Paranoia |||||||||| 40%
Hypersensitivity |||| 16%
Indie || 10%
posted over a year ago.