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posted by Temptasia
We all know kids do funny things here are the top ten I have heard. Just to preface this a little my son is 9 months old and my daughter is two.

1. One of the funniest things I have seen was when my son was less than a month old. I was at Walmart with my grandma, her husband, my daughter, and my son and my grandma was buying a crib and some accessories for my son's room. While we were loading everything into the cart my grandma looked at my sleeping son and said, "Now you aren't getting anything else for Christmas." And without missing a beat my son opened his eyes and let out this hysterical cry. We both started laughing, shocked by his timing. My grandma proceeded to apologize by telling him that she was only joking. Just after the words left her lips, my son stopped crying, shut his eyes, and fell back asleep.

2. One day when my sister was about 3 or 4 she was in the bathroom with the door closed. Everything seemed normal until my mom heard singing coming from the bathroom. My mom was curious so she walked over to the bathroom and opened the door. There she found my sister standing in front of the toilet singing, "I'm wishing." and then putting her hand to her ear and leaning her ear down to the toliet and singing, "I'm wishing." Then singing, "For the one I love to find me." Like the song Snow White sings into the wishing well. Too much Snow White anyone???

3. This story is one that my mom told me about one of her friends who is also a grandma. Her friend as babysitting one of her grandchildren who was about 7-8 months old. While they were sitting on the couch cuddling a the baby kept pointing at her grandmothers boobs and so the grandma said, "Boob." The baby repeated her saying, "Boob." This was her first word. The grandma was so embarassed she never told the mom.

4. My friends son had just turned two and they had decided to start teaching him about the different kinds of cars there are. It was funny because everytime he said big trucks it sounded like big c***s (slang term for the male reproductive organ). As they were getting out of the car at the store one day the little boy points at a truck and says in a very loud voice, "I want big trucks." which sounded like, " I want big c***s." Needless to say the parents were very embarassed.

5. About 6 months ago my daughter was having a really bad night, so we gave her a pack of fruit snacks to cheer her up. She had been crying, but when she saw the fruit snacks she immediantly reached up for them saying,"Pease." which in Shaylie language means please. We gave them to her and as she was eating the last one I said, "All gone." She looks at the bag and says something that resembles, "Ah, f*#k." and bursts into tears. My husband and I laughed about that all night. She has never heard that word before so it must have been just

6. When we were little my family and I were sitting at the table eating dinner. My mom noticed that my sister was taking her peas and pealing the skin off of them. When my mom asked her what she was doing she said, " I don't like the wrappers."

7. One day when my sister and I were little we were watching a movie with my mom. At the end my sister looked at us and said, "I knew that was going to happen. I must be psycho." She get teased about that one to this day.

8. Here's a good one. My mom was saying that I was getting what I deserved when my daughter was being naughty. I said, "No she's better than I deserve. She's an angel." And my daughter says, "No mommy I'm naughty."

9. Ok, one more about my sister. One night we were sitting at the table eating and my sister got full, so she picked the pancake up off her plate and said, "Does anyone want this? I didn't touch it."

10. About 6 months ago my daughter put her second set of three words together. We have this children's book that we read to her called Goodnight Moon. As I am reading the part where it says, "Goodnight moon." my daughter says, "Night night spoon."
posted by CrimsonDeath14
First off i want to say this,im not a parent i am on here posting this because i love my dad dearly and regret making him sad.And i was looking for a page to post a poem he wrote for me on and i think this is a good page.I wanted you to see that no matter what your children say or do they still love you and do feel bad for what they did wrong even if they dont say they do,im going to post this poem and after in a couple of days im gonna post a poem i wrote for my dad on his birthday october24,so with that out of the way heres the poem my dad wrote:
My little girl,
Today i dropped you off at school...
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posted by KateSmiley
In one day a life can change
and only you can decide if it is for the better
and although sometimes it might seem strange
you relize its up to you to make it better

When you hold that little bundle of joy
you must Forget that rotten boy
that left You when You needed him most
to suck the Heart out of his next host

SO take this wonderful gift you recieved
and teach her not to be decieved
for you love her no matter what
so Shut Shut Shut
the door to her heart must go until your ready
to let her go

THis time may be hard for family and friends
but the wounds in your heart will surely mend
and while...
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This is my favorite word he says.
son. ta duh
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