Paget Brewster Cool Paget Fanvid

LTboy posted on Mar 08, 2010 at 06:27PM
A nice Paget fanvid with cool images of Paget against a cool house-mix soundtrack is here:


It is an internet-explorer approved site but fanpop has trouble accepting the url in it's links and video sections, maybe because the mytopclip site likes you to have an account there, I'm not exactly sure. But I could get directly to the vid no problem by pasting the address in my address bar - but it came up on a search for Paget Brewster so initially the search led me directly to the video.

Let me know if you can see it!



A nice Paget fanvid with cool images of Paget against a cool house-mix soundtrack is here:


Paget Brewster 1 reply

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over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Hey Luc, I can watch it with no problem!
Thanks for posting!:D