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The one thing i would never think of happening is that he would be my one and only...
Hii :) my names Jennice. Im 16 . I really don't like my life. Mostly because nobody at school likes me. I've only really had one friend,Valarie, when i was 12, but after a year with being with her i couldn't take it anymore. She treated me like her pet. and i got really angry with her. Then she realized that she never even needed me so she started dressing like she was better than everyone and she simply just started acting like it too.
I have 1 brother and his name is Louis. He is a really sweet guy and any girl would be lucky to be with him he's the best brother a girl could ever have. He's helped me through every problem even boys.
Unfortunately, our parents aren't here anymore. they had to go somewhere else to find more money and they found a job in buisness, in New York in the year 2001. They went to work one day. they went up the elevators and into their offices. They started hearing loud noises and then they saw a plane getting closer and closer to the building and suddenly the plane shattered the windows and that was the end.
I really miss mom and dad. They were the people i can rely on in situation but everything happens for a reason right? I'm sorry i cant talk about this anymore.
-----The END of the POV-----
And Jennice wasn't lying she really loved her brother. but she really doesn't tell him anything anymore.

What Jennice didn't write about was that Valarie actually bullies her much more than she described. Valarie finds any way she can abuse Jennice... she even took Jennice's true love.
When Jennice and Valarie were 12 Jennice told Valarie everything. Jennice even told her about her crush. His name is Harry (and don't get me wrong she still is madly in love with him) Jennice has been knowing Harry since they were 5 years old and she really wanted Harry to be her 1st boyfriend. She tried to ask Harry out but she choked under the thought of actually being the lucky girl that got to twirl those curly locks. She looked into his jade green eyes and she melted. The only thing she managed to get out of her mouth was eehh..ehhehe.ehe.. and she then threw up in the garbage. grossed out, but being the good samaritan that harry was he got the hair tie off of her arm and tied her hair and soon left. (so much for first impressions.) once Valarie and her stopped being friends Valarie went in for the kill and asked out Styles. Harry said yes since Valarie was very pretty. Jennice was so upset that that day she locked herself in her bathroom and cut herself.
Louis and Jennice aren't the only people living in their house. Since their parents died Louis couldn't pay the mortgage on his own with his salary makes at his job while he still has to go to college, so we have 2 room mates named Zayn, and Niall.

-------Jennice's POV------
They're awesome dudes and they've become really close to us and are probably the best friends i could ever have.
Louis has more than Zayn, and Niall his best friend is named Liam. Louis's know him his whole life and his family helped us the most since the tragic event. so pretty much all of Louis's friends.
All of Louis's friends are really hot too, considering they're 2 years older than me.. I would still date all of them they're so nice.. Especially Liam ;) but Harry is still my true love. and i love Harry with all my heart. He is the most beautiful boy i have ever seen. His deep green eyes his curly brown locks that reminds me of little tiny curls of chocolate frozen yogurt. His hard abs. HIS FOUR NIPPLES! He is the complete defenition of perfection and his feet are HUGE! if you know what i mean. He is so beautiful and i wish i didn't vomit when I tried to ask out Harry. I love him so much. Stupid nerves..
Jaylie's POV

On the way to the airport dad kept talking and talking and talking trying to get me in a good mood. I didn't listen. I was lost in my own thoughts. I wasn't sure how I felt completely about the move. Mixed emotions I guess. I was glad to be away from Blake, nervous about going to a new school(what if teachers are horrible witches?), happy to meet new kids that hopefully won't call me names, and lots more. I've never left Florida before. We've always gone on vacation there since it has  lots of places to go. I've also always wanted to fly in an air plane so I finally get to do that....
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On the drive home Semra kept looking over at me to see if I'm all right. 
"are you sure your ok!?" Semra said nearly shouting.
"I said I'm fine! Stop worrying!!" I said to her while laughing.
"what you laughing at!?" she said
"nothing…" I replied, I was laughing at Harry, I could tell that he was finding it hard to talk to me.
I arrived back home at 7:30pm, I washed my head and then went to bed.

Harry P.O.V
I waved good-bye to Lillian and headed back inside to the boys.
"hi guys!" I said
"hey why did you leave straight away after the last song?" Niall asked
"he saw a girl being trampled so he went to help." Louis said
"good on ya mate." said Niall
"is she ok now?" asked Liam.
"yeah she's fine but she did have a huge cut on her head!" I said while sitting down on the chair.
"really!? How did she get the cut?" Zayn said
"she banged it on a metal bar." I said
"ouch!!" Louis said
"yeah but she's ok now." I said 
after we talk then we all went home.
posted by GabriellaAdams
Anna's POV:
I was woken by a kiss.
I was still snuggled in Zayns arms.
"Finnaly awake,my sleeping beauty."he spoke softly
It was still dark out.
"Considering you woke me,but I'm not mad that's the best way to wake up."I wispered
"Its 4:00 am,We gotta go back home."
"Aww but I just wanna stay here with you."I smiled.
He kissed me once.
"Want another kiss?Come and get it."
He ran out of the tent.
I gott up and went out the tent.I seen no one.
Suddenly I felt a kiss on my neck.
I turned around and kissed Zayn on the lips.
"Okay now that your up."
He handed me some clothes.It wasn't his it was girl clothes....
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~ After the concert ~
Niall ‘s P . O . V
    I wanted to meet that girl I bumped into before the concert started . She was kind of cute and she seemed shy as well . Then I saw the two girls walking towards me and the band . One of them looked familiar . It was the girl I bumped into . I then saw the backstage passes hanging from their necks . Finally I would actually have a real conversation , and get to know her . I did not even know her name .
“ Hi . “ I said while walking towards them with a smile
“ Heey . “ they both replied
“ Im Niall , and this is Zayn , Harry...
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posted by supergirl143
Brittany's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of of my alarm clock.i groaned and turned it off.i stood up and started nudging Liz to get up."get up Lizzie were leaving soon!" i said tiredly.she woke up groaning and then yawned.we got up and changed showered you know basically regular things you do in the morning or in our case 4 'o clock in the morning.Liz was hogging the blow drier and me being impatient i kept on saying "can i use the blow drier now?" or "are you done yet?" she finally finished and went to make some toast.i blew dry my hair and put it up in a tight pony tail.i went downstairs into...
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Violet ‘ s P . O . V
    I had another surprise for Stephanie , she had no idea about . We both had backstage passes to actually meet One Direction . ! We both loved One Direction so much . This would be our first time meeting them . Stephanie loves Niall and Zayn the most out of the five . I love Harry the most .
    Then I pulled into Stephanie ‘ s driveway and picked her up as we were on our way to the concert . I could see the excitement on her face .
“ Oh my gosh , Im so excited . ! “ she said with a huge smile
“ Ditto . ! “ I reply
“ This...
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posted by NvrShoutNvr4evr
Niall Horan Fanfic Chapter 25: Wouldn’t Change a Thing
“Hazel, it’s nothing permanent, like I’m not proposing, but I was just wondering if you ever thought about us like getting married?” he said really fast.
    I still didn’t know what to say. I was in complete shock.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to throw that at you like this. I should have waited.” He said looking at the ground.
“No.” I said finally.
“No what?” he asked nervously.
“No you shouldn’t have waited.” I said.
“So? Have you thought about it?” he asked.
“Yeah, a lot actually. I never...
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Well hey long time eh? well a while back i held a contest for some of my readers to be in my new article which is this one and now i must revile the winners.the winners are.......1Dnofan and BrittanyBieber3! Ok some of you might have not been chosen but i'll try to put you in the story somehow or put you in my next article.please note that i choose out of a hat to choose the winners because i wouldn't be fair if i didn't.also please note to the winners that some of the things i will mention is probably not true so don't get mad if i mess something iv'e rambled on to long so may i present...
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Theres a new title as you can see

It had been a week since Harry and I have been dating and everything was going smoothly so far. But I always had this bad feeling. I don't know what it was but it was there. To make it worse Harry was noticing. He kept asking me if anything was wrong but I always said it was fine but he knew it wasn't. I needed to figure out what it was. Suddenly my phone buzzed it was Harry.

Hey sweetie what's up?

Um well nothing really just Laying on my bed

Okay cool………umm I have a question?


Who is Louis?

Umm a friend I met him on vacation last year

Do you like him…?...
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posted by 1d_is_cool
Lillian's P.O.V 
I was on the ground being trampled, my head was hurting so much when I banged it on the metal bar. I couldn't really hear anything only bits of the song 'I want'. Lots of girls were jumping on me, all ready I had tonnes of bruise all on me. I tried saying help but nobody could hear because the girls screaming and the music was so loud.

Harry's P.O.V
" I want, I want, I want"
" but that's crazy!"
"I want, I want, I want!"
"and that's not me!" 
"I want, I want to be loved by you!!!!"
I was about to walk over to the other boys when I noticed a girl on the ground, I could see she was trying to get back up but she couldn't. I looked at Louis and he saw her too, so I rushed off stage (because I was closest) to try and help the girl who was being trampled. 
Lots of girls thought I was coming to them, so it was kinda awkward for me. I helped her of the ground and took her outside without any of the girls following me. 
This goes on for about an hour when I see five people walk in. I can only see the backs of their heads and I don't think I know them but there was something about them that I recognized. They were all normal teenage boy height and all had different shades of brown hair except for one blonde who immediately ran to the buffet. I decided to give up on figuring out who they were once they left the tent. All of a sudden, the DJ put on my favorite One Direction song: More Than This. Before I could even think about how much I wanted to dance, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find one...
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posted by 1d_is_cool
Lillian's P.o.V 

Once Semra and I arrived home I started to pack all the stuff that I needed. Was I did that I got dressed, I was wearing green skinny jeans with a white t-shirt with blue stripes. "do you think that's all?" I asked. 
"yeah!" I said
Then I went to my car to start packing. Semra said that she will come too but not to the concert. On the way to the concert Semra and I were listening to some 1D songs, Semra seemed to like a few. once we got to the concert place there was all ready over 1000 girls there even know it starts in half an hour. I found my seat and sat down. I couldn't...
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posted by weebot_1d
Intro: ok this is my first fam fix so it's prob gonna be terrible!!

Another day of my life. Don't get me wrong, I love my life! It's just that I dot ever have anything to ever look forward to. I wasn't the prettiest girl in school, I'm 13 and I've never had a boyfriend, I'm not popular, and I never where those shorts that r really short that guys like cause a coule years ago I cut my thighs.

Two thing I did look forward to was dance and gymnastics! These sports are my life. And then there is my BFF Jazzy! We Have been best friends since I was 3 and we do everything together! The big recital for...
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Anna's POV:
Laying in the hotel bedroom in Zayns arms,I gott the chills from my night mare.He was a bit loose from holding me when he was awake.I didn't go to sleep because I couldn't stand the nightmares I just had a lot to think about and laying there I thought through it all.I thought about mom.I thought about Courtney.I thought about drew.I thought about dad.I thought about Zayn.I might try to steal his heart.He was a nice guy and today we just were messin around.I don't want to say I love you to him because I don't want to get my hopes up.I have a lot to learn about him.Maybe someone could...
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posted by GabriellaAdams
Anna's POV:
5:45pm,Minutes before Zayn is to arrive.
I took a deep breathe.I looked in the mirror.
"You look fine."Courtney wispered as she enter my room.
"No I don't I'm going to a party."
"Well you could use something if your going out.Skinny jeans and a sweater don't compliment your body well."she told me.
This days me and Courtney didn't argue as much.Its like she's actually my sister.I started to cry.
"What's wrong?Is it about drew."she asked as she hugged me.
"No just thank you.Thank you.I love you.I just wish you really were my sister."I cried
"I know,I wish that sometimes to.But big girl,Your...
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posted by 1Dluver12
Skylar Rae Jones - 17 yrs old
Skylar Rae Jones - 17 yrs old
Skylar's POV
“ And remember to study for tomorrow’s finals” Said Mrs. Sokolowski. She was my favorite teacher here. She understood, she knew.
I snapped out of my daze as the bell rung signaling the end of the day.
“Class dismissed” said Mrs.Sokolowski. I got up to leave as I heard
“Sky, wait up!” , I knew the voice as Lizzy’s.
“ Hey Princess, where’s Wy?” I asked, usually Wyatt waited for me because we rode the bus with each other.
“Don’t know, I think he wanted to get to the bus early, to study.”
“Ahhh, I see.” I replied. “ Speaking of which, can I maybe come...
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{Thursday, March 21, 2019}
Harry's girlfriend is 7 months pregnant, and He's kinda getting overwhelmed at the fact that he's gonna have twin girls.
"Harry. I'm seriously tired of these babies in my stomach" she groaned.
Harry looked at her and says in a soft voice, "I know, baby.."
His girlfriend was sad, since Harry is leaving for tour on Saturday.
"Please don't leave" she said sadly, tearing up.
"I have to sweetie.." Harry said, unforenate.
She started to burst in a million tears. Harry hugged her tightly for comfort. "This is gonna be hard for me to leave you.." Harry started to tear up,...
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Anna's POV:

It took a few days but I'm over Drew.Even if I was the one who broke up with him it still hurt but here's to new beginnings.It is my first day of collage any way.Things are starting to go my way.
I took a deep breathe as I parked infront of the Main hall.I looked at the Florida university sign.Life starts right here in this moment.that moment had to wait since I gott a call from Drew.
I hesitated to pick it up but I forced myself to answer it.
"Um hey Anna,Are you bussy?"
"No but.."
"I know what your thinking.You wanna know why an ass hole like me would call you,I just want to...
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In The year 2014, One Direction had released their 3nd Studio Album. It became the most selling pop-rock album of the 21st Century.
The Boys had a concert in Madison Square Garden for their tour for that new album. After the concert, Harry had met a girl a few days after the event. Soon after, a few dates they started dating eachother.

{7 Years Later; 2019}
One Direction just released their 8th Studio Album. The guys lifes haven't been the same since, their 3rd Studio Album.. The Directioner fan base got so big (Mainly all teens). Every single teen on earth loved them. As of 2012, they were...
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posted by GabriellaAdams
Annas POV:
3 days after
Just sitting running through my thoughts.
I wasn't mad but confused why would she kiss him?
I thought she would know her limits.Then there's Drew...
Is time to move on?
Someone was at my window.
"what the fuck?How did you climb up here?"I whispered.
It was drew,with flowers...
"Are you kidding me,You think you can just..."
He interrupted me with a kiss.
"Where did you get the flowers?"I smiled
"Graveyard."he joked
"that's my bad boy."I teased
He kissed me again as we fell onto the bed.
He dropped the flowers as he pushed his body against mine.
He tried to kiss me again. I moved my...
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