One Direction Club
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It was now the day of the prom, and to be honest, Liam and the boys seemed to be more excited than Carter. They spent the whole day talking about it.

Carter was somewhat worried about the event. What if Harry was there? Surely he would make it his business to ruin the night for her. And what about her hair and make-up? It’s not like the boys were going to be any good at it. It was times like these when she wished that her mum was still with her. She would know what to do.

Carter hopped into the shower and washed her long brown hair thoroughly. She let the warm water relax her muscles before getting out of the shower and exiting the bathroom. She dried her petite body and threw on a pair of joggers and a vest top. She journeyed downstairs and walked into the sitting room where the boys were.

“Do you guys have any idea on how I could do my hair and make-up?” she quizzed. “I’ll do it for you.” Zayn piped up. “Really?” Carter questioned in a surprised tone of voice. Zayn nodded and got up off the couch. He took Carter’s hand and led her upstairs. He grabbed his bag of make-up on the way and threw it onto the bed.

He took a hair-straightener, a hair-drier and curling-thongs out of the drawer and put them beside the make-up. He sat down and patted his lap, indicating for Carter to sit upon it. She did exactly that and he immediately began to work.

* * * * *

About a half an hour later, Zayn was finished. He gazed at his work of art proudly and grinned.

“Put on your dress and come downstairs so the boys can see you.” He told Carter.

Carter nodded and he left the room. She took the dress out of her wardrobe and slipped into it. She placed her shoes on her feet before exiting the room and going down to the sitting room once more.

The boys looked at her, bemused by her beauty. She looked absolutely gorgeous in their opinion.

“You look HOT Carter!” Louis exclaimed, instantly earning a slap off Liam. Carter giggled slightly. “What Louis meant to say was, you look beautiful Carter.” Liam smiled. Carter blushed and thanked him.

“Did Zayn really do your hair and make-up?” Niall questioned, staring at Carter in awe. “Yep! It shows how much of a girl Zayn really is!” Carter winked over at Zayn. Zayn slapped her lightly in the arm and stuck his tongue out at her.

“Right, we need to get going.” Liam patted Carter on the back and headed towards the front door. “Bye boys.” Carter chimed. Each of the boys suffocated her in a big group hug. “Now Carter, make sure you bring back at least 7 boys!” Louis spoke sternly. Carter giggled quietly. “I highly doubt I’ll be bringing back anyone boys!” she told them.

“You better not kiss anyone! We WILL hunt them down!” Niall informed her.
“Yes Niall.” Carter rolled her eyes.

The honking of the car horn outside signalled for Carter to hurry on. “Bye!” she grinned and waved at them before leaving. She put up the hood of her coat and ran to the car.

“Ready?” Liam quizzed as Carter put on her seatbelt. She nodded and he began to drive off. “You excited?” he questioned and Carter nodded, beaming. “You look amazing Carter.” He told her. “Thanks Liam.” She blushed, her cheeks turning a rose pink colour. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen you wearing a dress!” Liam chuckled.

They arrived at the school where the event was being held and got out of the car. Liam took Carter’s hand and led her inside.

Harry took a swig of his beer, wincing at the strong taste. “Lucy’s looking proper fit.” Harry’s mate Ryan slurred in Harry’s ear. “I know.” Harry grinned, wriggling his eyebrows before making his way over to Lucy.

“Hey babe.” He purred in her ear.

She spun on her heels to face him and attached her lips to his. He wrapped his arms around her skinny waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with a loose curl that flopped over his forehead. His lips met hers once more until she broke away and smirked.

“I love you.” He told her.

“I know.” She spoke smugly, caressing Harry’s knuckles and strolling away from him.

The door opened and in walked one of the most beautiful girls Harry had ever seen. He wobbled over to Ryan once again before tapping him on the shoulder. Ryan turned around and greeted his friend kindly. “Who’s that bird over there?” Harry asked, pointing to the gorgeous girl that stood at the other side of the room.

“That’s Carter mate.” Ryan told him.

Harry spat out his beer before shooting him a glare. “There’s no way that’s Carter man!” he protested. “I’m telling you, it’s her!” Ryan quarrelled. “Well whoever she is, I’m going to find out.” Harry chimed.

He staggered over to the girl, who was pouring herself a glass of coke.

Very sensible…

He smirked before clearing his throat and introducing himself.

“Hi, I’m Harry.”

The girl froe on the spot and slowly turned to Harry. His eyes widened when he was that the beautiful girl he was staring at was Carter.

“Carter?!” Harry exclaimed.

Carter couldn’t speak. She really didn’t want to be tortured by Harry tonight. She was to enjoy herself for once. He glared at her and she began to tremble in fear. She prepared herself for the worst as Harry raised his hand. He put it back down and scratched his head. The amount of alcohol he had consumed had obviously taken its toll on him.

“You look really hot tonight.” He announced, smiling warmly at Carter.

“Uh… thank you.” She blushed. He nodded before stumbling slightly and walking away. Carter shook her head, clearly confused at what had just happened.

Harry Styles. No THEE Harry Styles had just complimented her. She couldn’t believe it! She sipped her coke whilst she tried to make sense of what had just happened.

She felt a tip on her shoulder and immediately turned to see who it was. She was surprised to see it was Jake. He was in the year above her and they had barely ever spoken before. “Erm… hi Jake.” Carter smiled. Hi…. Carter, isn’t it?” he quizzed. Carter nodded. “Anyways, I was wondering… who are you here with?” Jake asked. Carter bit her lip before replying. “Um… no one.” Jake’s eyes widened.

“WHAT?! How does a beautiful girl like you not have a date to the prom?!” he exclaimed. “I guess no one asked me.” She chuckled slightly at his little outburst. “Well in that case, would you like to dance Carter?” he inquired, putting out his hand. Carter grinned widely. “I’d love to.” She beamed. Jake took her hand and led her onto the dance floor.

He put his hands around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their bodies swayed side by side in unison with the music. Carter couldn’t believe that Jake had asked her to dance! Normally this would happen to the likes of Lucy and her tarty friends, but never Carter. The slow music played out of the loud speakers.

Jake slowly leaned closer to Carter until their lips met. His lips sank into hers as he tightened the grip on her waist. They continued to dance when Jake pulled away.

Everything about this moment was perfect for Carter. For once she wasn’t being beaten up, tortured or discriminated in anyway. She felt like a princess and wished that this moment would last forever.

Unfortunately, it didn’t. Jake soon had to go so before her left, he asked: “Um… Carter, could I have your number?” “Of course.” Carter beamed as she wrote down her number on a piece of paper nearby. He handed her a piece of paper with his number on it and she shoved it into her handbag.

“I had an amazing time tonight Carter.” He told her. “Me too.” She smiled. He pecked her her on the lips before walking away. Carter grinned and at down happily.

She was finally living the fairy tale she had always wanted to.

* * * * *

Harry danced like a fool on the dance floor with his mate Ryan. He was having the time of his life and no one could stop that… or so he thought.

“Harry….” Ryan began. “Yeah mate?” Harry chimed. “Is that Lucy?” Ryan quizzed, pointing to a girl kissing Harry’s other mate Tom. Harry looked in that direction and spat out his drink. “Fuck! That is Lucy!” he mumbled, staggering over to her.

“Lucy?!” he exclaimed. Lucy turned around to face him. “Oh, hi Harry.” She spoke and returned to kissing Tom. Seconds later, after realising that it was Harry, Lucy jumped back. “Oh! Um….. Harry! Erm….. He came onto me?” she said questionably.

“Do you think I’m a fucking idiot Lucy?! How could you do this to me?” Harry shouted. “Oh please, as if I’m the first person Lucy has cheated on you with.” Tom remarked with a smug look on his face. “Shut the fuck up Tom!” Harry scowled as he pounced for Tom and punched him in the face, knocking his so-called ‘friend’ to the floor. Harry then turned to Lucy with a glare.

“I’m done with you. I’m done with all of you!” he shouted, pointing to Lucy and the rest of his friends before storming out. Lucy returned to kissing Tom a couple of seconds later after he had gotten up off the floor. Everyone else in the room fell silent.

Carter was absolutely flabbergasted. She couldn’t believe Lucy would do such a thing! No, wait, she could believe it. But she still couldn’t help but sympathise Harry. He treated Lucy like a princess and this is what he got in return?

Carter sighed and strolled over to the bar, ordering a glass of coke and waiting patiently for it. She noticed a phone right beside her and picked it up to see that it was Harry’s. She decided to bring it to Harry’s house on the way home later.

Carter turned around and bumped into someone, spilling her drink all over the person in the process. “Oh fuck! I’m so sorry!” Carter apologized; looking up to see that it was Lucy she had just spilled her drink one. “You fucking whore!” Lucy spat, slapping Carter aggressively across the face.

“It was an accident Lucy! Get over it!” Carter yelled, suddenly having a newly-found confidence against Lucy.

Lucy was shocked by Carter’s outburst. Did Carter Payne really just stand up to Lucy?! Lucy glared at Carter. “You know, you may be dressed as a princess tonight, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not just an ugly whore with no friends, because that’s all you ever will be.” Lucy growled before slapping Carter once more and storming off.

* * * * *

Carter decided she would go home soon after that. She was originally supposed to be collected by Liam, but she decided to walk instead as she had to return Harry’s phone to him anyways.

She began her journey home and shrugged on her coat. It was freezing outside; the temperature must’ve dropped by over 15 degrees! She strolled along the footpath in the cold air until she reached Harry’s house. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

She was met by a kind face at the door. It as Harry’s mum, Anne, who was overjoyed to see Carter. “Hello love!” Anne beamed. “Hi Anne.” Carter retorted shyly. Anne had always been like a mother to Carter when she was younger, but she hadn’t seen her in ages. “You look beautiful tonight Carter!” Anne told her. “Thank you.” Carter smiled. “Do you want Harry hun?” Anne quizzed. “Yes please.” Carter responded, biting her lip.

“HARRY! Someone is here for you!” Anne roared.

“He’ll be down in a second hun.” She smiled at Carter. Carter nodded and waited patiently while Harry stomped down the stairs.

“Carter?! What the hell are you doing here?” he inquired, his voice full of authority. “I-I-I-I just came t-to give you y-your phone.” she stammered, instantly regretting coming to Harry’s house. “My phone?” he asked, confused. Carter nodded and handed his phone to him. “Thanks I guess.” He shrugged. Carter turned to walk away but Harry pulled her back.

“Wait…. What’s that red mark on your face?” Harry questioned, wondering if he had hit Carter in any way today. “Your girlfriend- or should I say ex-girlfriend hit me because I spilt my drink on her dress.” Carter explained, looking into Harry’s eyes for the first time.

They were red and puffy, signally that he had been crying. Carter had never seen Harry in such a feeble state. It was a remarkable sight, but Carter’s heart jerked seeing Harry like this. A grin appeared on Harry’s face upon hearing what Carter did to Lucy. He raised his hand up to high-five Carter but Carter’s instincts told her otherwise and she shielded her face. Harry looked at her strangely before putting his hand down. Carter slowly did the same and noticed that he hadn’t hit her.

“Erm… I was just going to high-five you….” He told her. “Oh.” Carter laughed as she high-fived Harry reluctantly. There was a short silence before Carter spoke. “I-I-I got to go….” She remarked. “Oh, ok then. Thanks for my phone.” He mumbled. “No worries.” She chimed as she strolled away quietly. Harry shut the door behind her and went up to bed, crying a few more tears and plugging in his iPod.

Carter soon got home, still trying to make sense of the conversation her and Harry just had. He didn’t hit her nor insult her once, which never, ever happens. She padded into the sitting room, the boys immediately rushing up to her.

“We were supposed to bring you home!” Louis whined, secretly wanting to catch Carter kissing a boy. “I needed to give Harry his phone anyways.” Carter shrugged. The boys each had very confused expressions on their faces so Carter continued: “Lucy cheated on Harry and he stormed out but he left his phone behind so I gave it back to him.” She spoke.

“Poor Harry.” Niall sighed. Everyone remained silent for a moment until Liam piped up.

“So…. Did you kiss any boys?” Liam winked, nudging Carter. She knew this question was bound to come sooner or later. “No….” she lied, not wanting the boys to start fusing and kill Jake. “Sure.” Liam glared at her.

Carter rolled her eyes and threw her handbag on the couch. She then ventured into the kitchen to get food. Zayn rummaged through Carter’s handbag in the sitting room and found a piece of crumbled paper. He straightened it out and and saw a phone number on it and a little note:

‘I really enjoyed tonight Carter :) Jake. Xxx’

Zayn was outraged that Carter didn’t tell him about her ne secret boyfriend! He had the right to know! His lickle sister was growing up before his eyes!

“HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS CARTER?!” Zayn roared as he thrust the piece of paper in Carter’s face. “It’s called a phone number you douche!” Carter giggled. “Is it a boy?” Zayn questioned. “No it’s a girl!” Carter spoke sarcastically. “I always knew you were a lesbian Carter.” Zayn joked. Carter slapped him and journeyed into the sitting room once again.

“CARTER’S GOT A BOYFRIEND! CARTER’S GOT A BOYFRIEND!” Zayn chanted through the halls.

“A boyfriend you say?!” Niall exclaimed. “No! He’s not my boyfriend! We just… erm… kissed.” She remarked.

“And you told me you didn’t kiss anyone.” Liam scowled.

“Yes Liam, Carter is really going to want to tell her big brother about kissing some boy!” Louis chuckled, earning a slap off Liam.

Carter and the rest of the boys spent the rest of the night talking and laughing about the events of the prom.

For Carter, it was one of the best nights of her life, and the boys cherished seeing her so happy.

But for Harry, it was one of the worst nights, and he spent it all alone.

* * * * *
One Direction have wasted absolutely no time getting their kit off and talking about their crushes in Asutralia. Hurrah!

When they arrived for a radio interview at Nova FM in Sydney, Harry Styles and Zayn Malik both had eyes for the pretty receptionist, Anna
Anna's even admitted Zayn's text her asking her out, but she's already got a fella;

"There's been a few smiley faces, a few x's," she told Nova FM.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to go, I've got a beautiful boy."

“I've said to (my boyfriend) if you ever had the (opportunity) with Miranda Kerr i’m giving him a free for all pass. Just curious if that applies to me!"

As soon as the boys arrived in the studio Harry and Zayn started asking about Anna.

"Who's the girl and the front desk?" asked Harry. "She's lovely.

"She's... very polite. Great... manners."
Check out the videos of Harry, Zayn and Anna the receptionist here --- link
Nenas POV

''I became a One Direction Fan this month & I really
prefer Louis..''I said to her close friend Anna!

''Well..I love them too but I prefer Niall!!!I find him really cute,, ''Anna replying

''Look Bonnie coming. ‘I said ...

''Hey Girls!<3SO you like One Direction right?
Guess..They will come in our city for holidays..''
Beriwan whispered & leave us party!!!

''OMG Nena!!!!<3 I cant believe it!!!!''Ann yelled

''Come on she is liar!!;;I said!

''Ok…may you have right..Never mind I am happy cause of Easter holidays!!!Ann said still happy!

''Correct...So do you want go out tomorrow?...
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Made by: nevenkastar
Made by: nevenkastar
Hey, here is the new part of the story. Hope you like it <3 Sorry about grammar and enjoy <3

Louis’s POV
They were really weird but still cute girls…I should thank Nina for giving me my phone back..I know her adress , Zara told me so I just need to go to her. But first I need a present. I think roses sounds great!
‘’Okay , so who is going with me?’’ I looked at other boys and they were staring at me confused.
‘’Where?’’ Niall asked wondering.
‘’I need to thank Nina…’’ I replied smiling.
‘’Hmmm …me , Harry and Zayn are...
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Made by: Nevenkastar
Made by: Nevenkastar
Hey, here is the new story. Hope you like it <3 Sorry about grammar and enjoy <3

Nina's POV
''Cher , I am going to buy something! Will you be okay?'' I asked her a bit worried. She is very sick so I am affreid to leave her alone.
''Nina, How many times do I have to say: I am great?! Go out when you want , have some fun!'' She replied with a smile but her face was all red and tierd becouse of the temperature.
''I know you are lying. Just call me if you need something! Bye!'' I hugged her and went to restourant to oreder something for lunch. We were home...
continue reading...
*Liz's p.o.v*

Me, Ella and Mira were in first period talking then the bell rang to go to second period. We got our stuff then left. We met Nena and Charlotte at Ella locker.

"Have you girls seen the new guys yet?" Nena asked

"New guys? What new guys?" I asked

"The forgin exchange students they are British and Irish" Nena said

"What! What are their names?" Charlotte asked

"I don't know I only stayed in the office long enough to hear that" Nena said

"Well we news to find out more about them" Mira said

"Yes we do but we need to get to class before we're late" Ella said

"Right we'll continue this conversation...
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Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
New part lol

“I won’t.” I simply said, walked in my house and closed the door. I know that was mean, but still.
I run upstairs and went to bed. This day went horrible, but how could I know that tomorrow would be even worse? Believe me, it can.


I woke up with a total headache. It was 1pm when I woke up. My parents didn’t wake me up, because they knew about my long day yesterday. I got up because of my phone that rang. I got a new txt massage from, guess who…carrot guy. Yes, I call him like that.

What do you want Louis!
I can’t stand it when someone...
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Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
New part :))))))

“Can we go home now?” Victoria asked crossing her arms.
“Do you have to?” I cried.
“No, we-” Sofia smiled, but was cut off by Victoria, “Yes, we need to go!”
“Ok then we’ll bring you home…” Liam offered.
“Yes, that would be nice off you.” Ashley smiled.
“Yeah, I don’t want to drive, after that scene with someone.” Victoria stared madly at me and I smiled apologizing.
“Oh come on, we won’t let him touch you, this time.” Zayn looked suspicious at me what scared me.

“No, thanks I’ll be walking home.” Victoria counteracted...
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Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
New part <33333333333

Sofia’s POV

I just need to get done with Avery and then I’m done. I was a bit tired of the lying. I just need to get her back together with Liam and I’m done.
“Ok, you can wait in the kitchen and I’ll bring the plates.” I said walking out of the kitchen.
“Yeah, sure…” She replied and I went off smiling.

Avery’s POV

I stood there thinking about the other girls and what they’re doing. I heard something behind me so I turned around and I saw Liam standing there sad.
“Liam?” I looked at him a bit confused, “What are you...
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Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Here's a new fanfic I'm working on. I'll post the new "Secret Truth" parts on this weekend. Till then enjoy this one. <33

Victoria’s POV

“So, will you do it?” Simon asked with a begging face.
“No, thanks…” I answered without any feelings.
“Why, not?” He asked a bit annoyed.
“Because not!” I replied annoyed crossing my arms.
“You could get much money and even become famous for that video.” He tried to convince us.
“No, means no!” I almost yelled.
“But girls please!” He begged.
“We told you that we don’t want to be in your video!” I yelled and...
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posted by sshannahmontana
Part 9

Kelly's P.O.V

Liam is kinda funny.Today he was so excited about our study date and when he heard the bell ring he went to the door and went outside the class.But lucky teacher pulled him over and said "Mister where are you going?Class isn't over yet.You need to stay in class or dentention room mister."He said "I rather stay in the room sir."So he sit down and put his head down.I think he is so sxcited about our study date together tonight at his place.I am kinda nervous too cause it's our first time spending time alone together.The breakfast we had at a restaurant at Palm Street wasn't...
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posted by Vampire_Lover97
Made by : Nevenkastar
Made by : Nevenkastar
Hey! Here is 2nd Part of Chapter 2 Enjoy and sorry about grammar and perversity!:)

''Okay , just get over it , and tell us who screamed?'' Liam tried to pulls us out.
''I did! Sorry Kat! Sorry Liam!'' Nena was laughing...
''Liam! I think we should go now!'' I whisperd him in his ear.
''Bye-bye guys! It was really nice to talk with you!'' I laughed with fake smile and I took Liam's hand.
We went to our bedroom..
''Well , this was really close!'' I smiled.
''Don't worry about that....'' He smirked ''Where did we stop?''
He was kissing me again...He grabbed...
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posted by sshannahmontana
HEY GUYS!This is my first story in here and i wanted to write in this club because i just think that it would be nicer here to write so this is my story hope u all like it i didn't copy ideas from anyone.

Lucky Charm Chapter 1 Part 1

Part 1

Liam's P.O.V

Today was a rough day.I just being lonely without my friends here around with me.Today is my holiday and also my birthday.I don't think my friends remember my birthday.But suddenly,Harry and Niall came into my place and said "Surprised" and Zayn and Louis said "Happy Birthday dude."I was surprised to see mu buddies at my place.So i said "Niall,Louis,Zayn...
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posted by Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Nevenkastar
Made by: Nevenkastar
Hi:) Here is 9th part and sorry about grammar :)

I have to talk with her , I really feel bad..Maybe she hates me now?I am going to visit her.I send her a massage, in what stands that she should come out of her house..She just texted me back ''Okay.''
When I came , I saw her with sad face...''Hey! I thought , we should talk about the other nigt...I am really , really sorry If I hurt you.''
''I know that you're sorry , I know that Zayn wasn't real Zayn..'' She hugged me.
''So are we back together?'' I said happy.
''We didn't even brake up!'' She laughed at me....
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posted by Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Nevenkastar
Made by: Nevenkastar
Hi:) Here is 2nd part and sorry about grammar :)


Liam's POV
''Oh God , where are they?'' , I asked Louis.
''Maybe they won't come.'', Louise answered sad.
''And why do you two care so much?'', Harry laughed ''Someone fall in love'' , He started to sing.I don't know why , but i feel like Harry wants them to come too.
''Where is Zayn?'' Harry asked .
''You know him , baby is still sleeping at home , but he will come later'' Niall replied.
( Half hour latter)
''There they are, finally.'' Louise said.
''Hey! You are late!!!'' I yelled.
''So what? We didn't...
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Celebrity singer and a five-member group found themselves by chance in the same plane to London, so Kylie took the opportunity to tell them she loves their music.

"Kylie was first class and was passed by the boys when they went to the place. They worked up the courage to call her, and Kylie was wonderful to them, wishing them luck in their careers. She said and that she loves their music. Nial, Louis, Zayn, Harry and Liam were in America where they are presented their album what will appear in the U.S. a week earlier than planned, due to unprecedented fan interest.
One Direction have been involved in a 'terrifying' bus crash.

The 'Gotta Be You' hitmakers - Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne - were all treated for neck injuries after a woman crashed into their vehicle when they were returning to their hotel following a concert in Birmingham on Wednesday night (04.01.12).

The group were advised to cancel last night's (05.01.12) show in Plymouth because three members had severe headaches and spinal pain, but they carried on as normal after being given the all-clear.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: 'It was pretty...
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posted by xMrsNiallHoranx
They may look like holiday snaps from a family album but take a closer look and you will see they are actually photographs of boy band One Direction.

The lads where captured on camera by Zach Guilar, from The Celtic Camper Company Ltd, based in Llangynog near Oswestry, after he hired out one of his bay window Volkswagen vans for a day’s filming in a village near Anglesey.

The five boys, who finished third on the seventh series of X-Factor, are currently on a nationwide tour and used the van for the opening video to their gigs.

They are seen driving around in the campervan before stopping...
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19th June 2011. The day One Direction came to do a signing at my town. Also my birthday, and the day my life changed forever.

"We're not going to get in if you don't hurry up!" I yelled to my best friend, Raman, who was upstairs making sure her hair was perfect. Well, it's not everyday you meet One Direction. Although, when she came down, I had to admit she did look good. Her brown eyes glittered, and her long, brown hair was perfect. She didn't look happy though, she was pulling at her t-shirt, like she didn't feel good enough. So, I started singing What Makes You Beautiful to her. naturally....
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posted by mina27
Name: Liam James Payne
Age: 17
DOB: 29/08/93
Star Sign: Virgo
Home Town: Wolverhampton
Favourite Film: All three of the Toy Story movies
Celeb Crush: Leona Lewis
Man Crush: Michael McIntyre
Bet you didn’t know: He only has one kidney.
Turn-ons: Knee socks, PDAs, giggling, squealing and tattoos.
Turn-offs: Burping, farting, swearing, fake tan and bling.
Liam is a loyal and faithful boyfriend.
On a date he would wear jeans and a T-shirt.
His perfect girl would have to be cheeky but quiet and a bit shy as well. He likes happy, smiley girls. He also likes mousy brown haired girls.
Apparently, he has been grabbed...
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posted by mina27
Name: Zayn Javadd Malik
Age: 18
DOB: 12/01/93
Star Sign: Capricorn
Home Town: Bradford
Celeb Crush: Megan Fox
Man Crush: Justin Timberlake
Favourite hair colour on a girl: Brunette
Bet you didn’t know: He celebrated his 18th birthday with a trip to Nandos with the boys.
Turn-ons: Tattoos and stripper shoes
Turn-offs: Punks, burping and sweating.
Zayn is a loyal and faithful boyfriend.
On a date he would wear jeans, a T-shirt and trainers.
His perfect girl can’t be too clingy and someone who acts cool. Megan Fox would be his ideal partner.
He loves the mirror.
He’s a secret bad boy.
He is actually a bit...
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