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Captain Swan.

There wasn’t much in this episode but what they did have together I was very fond of. The coconut scene was actually very telling in my opinion about Emma’s feelings towards Hook. After Regina came out with the snarky comment about Hook being Emma’s boyfriend it is quite surprising that she’s able to sit so comfortably beside him if she didn’t have feelings for him, especially when he’s been very open about his feelings for her.

Also can I say how much I love how Hook is approaching his –for lack of a better word – courtship of Emma? When they first met he was attracted to her – she was pretty and feisty and gave him a run for his money with banter. But he didn’t really care for her, and it was very clear that he was focussed on seduction more than anything else. Then they were on different sides and she betrayed him so he continued to do it, getting more and more crass because he was hurt and it pissed her off. Now they’re fighting side by side and he’s seen more and her and actually starts to care for her. He wants to be with her – not just because she's pretty and feisty and different but because he sees her, empathises with her, and understands her. And because he understands her he knows that seduction isn't going to work. Now that he's actually invested in her he's very gentle in his advances without destroying his character. When he said "Actually I quite fancy you from time to time when you're not yelling at me" it was such a Hook thing to say but at the same time he was being very cautious and considerate to Emma. He let her know how he felt and then stood back and let her make her move when she wanted to. He didn't push her as he had done in the past, but all the while he makes sure that she knows he's interested. He's also very aware of how recently she lost Neal and doesn't push her. This is important because in Neverland none of them have had any privacy, and Emma is a very private person. Emma has had her parents being her personal, incessant cheerleaders and Regina being the devil on her shoulder, constantly doubting and being all 'round pessimistic. Fair enough, they're all worried about Henry but Hook is the only person who has been giving Emma space to breathe and you can see how much she appreciates that because she's constantly gravitating towards him.


Let me get this out first, I love Tinkerbelle. Her character is actually someone I can really relate to – she wants to do the right thing but constantly fucks up and makes everything worse. She’s a far more real and engaging character than all the other fairies who are all holier-than-thou and the embodiment of purity and devotion. She does what she thinks is right - not what she’s told is right - occasionally says “sod the rules”, and breaks curfew by accident. Who would want to be locked indoors when there’s the whole world to see?

What I am annoyed at (and I’m mostly annoyed at the writers of OUaT for this) is the implication that Regina was selfish because she wasn’t ready for love. Let me get this straight: no-one no-one deserves anybody’s love under any circumstances. Not even if they’re True Loves, destined to be together, even if without the other person their life and happiness is ruined forever. Regina wasn’t ready for love? That’s unfortunate; maybe she’ll be ready next time. Besides, Regina didn’t ruin Hood’s life or happiness, he went on to fall in love normally, got married, had a kid. He was happy! Sure, his wife died but that can happen to True Loves as well. Just because you’ve met your soul-mate doesn’t mean you’re immune to illness or injury, just curses. It is not Regina’s responsibility to make a stranger’s life complete. That’s being unbelievably unfair to her, and cruel considering that she still grieves for Daniel. I’m actually not sorry for ranting this time.


Alright, I understand that Neal is desperate to get back to Emma and Henry. I actually appreciate that he will go to any lengths to get to them and help them, it actually makes me feel respect for him. All that respect, however, vanished when Neal pulled in one of his father's old favours to coerce a good and decent man into putting his family in danger so that he can get back to his own. While watching it I was very much under the impression that Robin despised the idea of using his four year old as bait and was absolutely terrified the whole time that he was going to lose his son to a far worse fate than he lost his wife. I also got the impression that the only reason he agreed was because his dealings with Rumplestiltskin was the only reason he had a son in the first place, and he's a decent man who felt terrible for the Dark One's son who had lost his family but had a chance of getting it back.

Neal should not have taken advantage of those feelings especially when the life and freedom of a four year old is at stake! He played on Hood's emotions to twist his arm into putting his son in danger. What kills me most though, is the fact that if anyone had asked Neal to put Henry on the same position as they put Roland (and Henry's at an age where he actually understands what's going on and can make his own decisions) Neal would have destroyed them. Remember, Neal does not want Henry to grow up like he did, Neal, more so than anyone on the show, except Hook and maybe Rumple, knows how terrible the Shadow and Neverland really are. He was unbelievably out of line to even ask Hood to risk his son in such a manner when he knows that if anything went even the slightest bit wrong he would be condemning an innocent four year old to a terrible fate. Then, when Hood and Neal come to the agreement that Roland would only say it once Neal has the gall to tell him to say it again when it seemed as though the first time hadn't worked. I was absolutely delighted when Hood put his foot down at that moment.

Neal's actions here remind me a little of Snow's decisions to kill Cora. Afterwards Snow was wracked with guilt and said that she took the easy way out and that there were other, better paths. This is the same situation, I'm sure there were other better paths without putting an innocent child in danger, and it frustrates me so much because taking the easy way has been what Neal has always done and it's always affected other people as well as him. There was no growth to be seen in Neal here, he hasn't changed at all, from what I can see, from the boy who abandoned a naive and broken girl he claimed to love. The only thing that's changed is his alliances, for lack of a better word. Instead of running away from Emma, he's now running towards her, but making the same harmful decisions and actions along the way.

I apologise if any of that was incoherent in any places, let me know and I'll tidy it up a little more. xP
added by Saejima
Source: ABC
Okay, so there has been a lot of debate between people who prefer one of our villains over the other. People have said that the villain that they prefer is not really evil, or that the other villain is more evil, etc. Well, I wanted to write this article to say why I think the debate is pointless.
Before I begin I just want to say that I like both villains, so I do not mean to insult either one, or to insult the fans who like them. This is just my opinion, so I ask people not to get mad.

One reason why I think the debate is pointless is because I believe that both villains are evil.

Now, fans...
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added by zanhar1
Source: purrrillas
added by tanyya
Source: ginnyparrilla.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: mesrandjlaw.tumblr.com
added by zanhar1
Source: senselessverses
added by zanhar1
Source: senslessverses
added by tanyya
Source: deputyhook.tumblr.com
added by laurik2007
Source: ABC/Jack Rowand
added by zanhar1
Source: regaleverdeen
added by LLheart
added by tanyya
Source: robbiekays.tumblr.com
added by LLheart
once upon a time
emma swan
neal cassidy
added by Piu95
once upon a time
emma swan
captain hook
killian jones
captain swan
added by tanyya
Source: claireh0lt.tumblr.com