My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Song: link
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

Song (Start at 0:19): link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

How Gilda Stole Christmas

Starring all MLP characters as themselves.

The story starts on a snowy day in Ponyville, with a bright blue sky.

Ponies: Fahoo fores dahoo dores, welcome Christmas bring your light. *Cutting down a tree* Fahoo fores dahoo dores. Welcome in the cold dark night. Welcome Christmas, fahoo ramus. Welcome Christmas, dahoo damus. Welcome Christmas while we stand. *Putting the tree up in Ponyville Square* Heart to heart and hand in hand.

Song: link

Ponies: *Decorating their houses* Trim up the tree with Christmas stuff, like bingle balls and Whofoo fluff. Trim up the town with goowho gums, and bizilbix and wums!
Applebloom: *Looking at a present*
Ponies: Trim every blessed window, and trim every blessed door.
Applebloom: *Opens her present, and finds a wreath*
Ponies: Hang up whoboohoo bricks, then run out and get some more! Hang pantookas on the ceiling. Pile pankunas on the floor!
Applebloom: *Puts her wreath on the front of the farm at Sweet Apple Acres*
Ponies: Trim every blessed needle on the blessed Christmas tree. Christmas comes tomorrow. Trim you! Trim me! Trim up your pets with fuzzle fuzz, and whiffer bloofs and wuzzle wuzz. Trim up your uncle and your aunt with yards of whofut flant!
Narrator: Everypony down in Ponyville liked Christmas a lot, but Gilda.
Gilda: *Standing on top of a mountain*
Narrator: Who lived just north of Ponyville, did not. Gilda hated Christmas the whole Christmas season.
Gilda: *Chewing on a piece of grass*
Narrator: Now please don't ask why no one quite knows the reason. It could be that her shoes were on too tight.
Gilda: *Adjusting her shoes which look like claws*
Narrator: It could be that her head wasn't screwed on just right.
Gilda: *Moves her head around in a circle*
Narrator: But I think that the most likely reason of them all, was that her heart was two sizes too small.
Gilda: *Walking towards a cliff*
Narrator: But whatever the reason her heart or her shoes, she just stared at Ponyville hating the ponies. Staring down from her cave with her claws nervously tapping
Max: *Walks out of the cave, and stops next to Gilda*
Narrator: For tomorrow she knew that all the ponies were preparing for the holiday.
Gilda: *Picks up Max* And they're hanging their stockings.
Narrator: She snarled with anger
Gilda: Tomorrow is Christmas. It's practically here!
Narrator: Then she growled with her claws nervously drumming.
Gilda: I must find someway to stop Christmas from coming, for tomorrow I know all the colts, and fillies will be playing, and making a lot of noise noise noise. That's one thing I hate, all the noise noise noise noise noise. Their round shaped wheels on their model trains will clickety clack on the track. There will be teenage ponies rocking, and rolling, and there will be a lot of ponies playing annoying games....

She's saying a lot at once, huh?

Gilda: .....Then after all the ponies are done playing with their games, and toys, and instruments they'll sit down and have a feast. And they'll feast, and they'll feast feast feast. They'll feast on pudding, and roast beaf. How I hate when they do that.
Waiter: *Walks to the table, and places a covered plate on the table. He opens the lid*
Small Waiter: *Walks off the plate, and onto another part of the table. He places a plate down, and takes off the lid*
Smaller Waiter: *Walks off the plate, and places his plate down. He takes off the lid*
Smallest Waiter: *Walks off the plate, and places his plate down. He takes off the lid*
Tiny Waiter: *Walks off the plate, and places his plate down. He takes off the lid*
Tiniest Waiter: *Walks off the plate, and places his plate down in front of Applebloom*
Applebloom: *Takes off the lid, and smiles as she finds a strawberry*
Gilda: Then, they'll do something I hate most of all. Everypony down in Ponyville with gather around town hall with Christmas bells ringing, and then they will begin to sing.

Song: link

Ponies: Fahoo fores dahoo dores. Welcome Christmas come this way. Fahoo fores dahoo dores welcome Christmas, Christmas day.
Applebloom: *Dancing between Big Mac & Applejack*
Ponies: Welcome, welcome fahoo ramus. Welcome, welcome dahoo damus. Christmas day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp.

The song fades away. Max is enjoying the music, but Gilda is still angry.

Gilda: And they'll sing, and they'll sing, and they'll sing sing sing.
Narrator: And the more Gilda thought about it, she said.
Gilda: I must stop this whole thing.
Max: *Backs up into a bank of snow*
Gilda: Why I've had to put up with it ever since I was born. I must stop Christmas from coming, but how?
Max: *Pops out of the snow, looking like Santa Claus*
Narrator: Then she got an idea. An awful idea. Gilda got a wonderfully awful idea.
Gilda: *Grabs Max, and walks into the cave* I know just what to do. I'll make a quick Santa Claus hat, and coat.
Narrator: Then she began to chuckle.
Gilda: What a great trick. With this hat, and this coat, I'll look just like St. Nick.

You're a mean one Ms. Gilda
You really are a heel
You're as cuddly as a cactus
You're as charming as an eel
Ms. Gilda
You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel

Gilda: *Sewing her coat together*
Max: *Gets his tail stuck in the machine. He then shrugs at Gilda*

You're a monster Ms. Gilda
Your Hearts an empty hole
Your brain is full of spiders
You've got garlic in your soul Ms. Gilda
I wouldn't touch you with a
39 and a half Foot pole

Gilda: All I need is a reindeer.
Narrator: Gilda said, but since reindeer were scarce, there were none to be found. But did that stop Gilda? No. She simply said.
Gilda: If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead.
Max: *Hiding under the bed*
Narrator: So she whistled for her dog Max, and tied a horn onto his head with some black thread.
Gilda: *Smiles, but sees the horn pushing Max's head onto the ground. She saws off part of the antler to make it lighter, allowing Max to stand again*
Narrator: Then Gilda loaded up some bags on a sleigh. Then she whistle for Max.
Max: *Jumps into the sleigh, excited for the trip*
Gilda: *Not amused. She hitches Max to the front of the sleigh*
Narrator: Then Gilda said.
Gilda: Giddap! *Whips Max*
Max: Yip! *Slides down the bottom of the hill*
Narrator: Then they started for the trip down to Ponyville where the ponies lay asleep in their beds.

Song (Start at 0:17): link

The sleigh slowly moved with a very angry Gilda staring at Max. Max knew he had to run, so he did. He ran as fast as he could, but unfortunately it was not enough. The sleigh was going faster then him, and it started to pull him down the hill.

Gilda was too angry to notice, but she looked at the rope. It was under the sleigh, and behind was Max. Gilda just grabbed Max, and threw him back to the front of the sleigh so he could pull it. Just when she did that, the sleigh went airborne, and landed on another mountain.

Max was back to pulling the sleigh, and took a sharp left turn, causing a few bags to fall off. After that, things seemed to be going well, but then they went up a 180 degree angle hill, and they were airborne again.

Gilda, and Max stared at each other for a long time, and they noticed they were going to fall. Thankfully they landed safely, but Max was holding onto Gilda's face very tightly.

Gilda had to get Max off her, and that's what she did. She once again threw the frightened dog to the front of the sleigh, and Max pulled it all the way to Ponyville without anymore trouble.

Narrator: All their windows were dark, no one knew they were there. All the ponies were still asleep, when she came to the first house on the square.
Gilda: This is stop number one.
Narrator: Gilda Claus hissed.
Max: *Sets up the ladder*
Gilda: *Climbs to the roof*
Narrator: Then she slid down the chimney with a rather tight pinch, but if Santa could do it so could Gilda. She got stuck only once for a moment or two. Then she stuck her head out of the fireplace, and observed the house.
Gilda: These stockings.
Narrator: She said
Gilda: Are the first thing to go. *Uses a magnet to get rid of the nails. The stockings then fall into a bag held by Gilda*
Narrator: Then she slithered towards the Christmas tree, and took everything. Popguns, board games, Grand Theft Auto 5, The Great Escape with Steve McQueen on Bluray. Then she stuffed all the presents into a bag, and threw them one by one up the chimney.

You're a rotter Ms. Gilda
You have termites in your smile
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile
Ms. Gilda
Given the choice between the two of you
I'd take the a seasick crocodile

You're a foul one Ms. Gilda
You're the queen of sinful sots
Your hearts a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots
Ms. Gilda
You're a 3 Decker sour kraut and toad stool sandwich
With arsenic sauce!

Gilda decided to go to the bed, where all the colts, and fillies were sleeping.

Gilda: *Taking candy canes from two colts, and two fillies. One of them is Applebloom*
Narrator: Then she slunk to the refrigerator and took all the food in the house. She took the pudding, and all the canned food, and the roast beef. She cleaned out the entire kitchen as quick as a flash, why Gilda even took their last batch of chocolate chip cookies! Shortly after that, Gilda went to the Christmas tree.
Gilda: And now...
Narrator: Grinned Gilda.
Gilda: I will stuff up the tree. *Stuffing the tree up the fireplace*

What she didn't notice was that an ornament fell off, and rolled towards Applebloom. This woke her up.

Narrator: As Gilda tried to get the tree up the chimney she heard hoof steps. She turned around, and to her surprise she saw Applebloom. Seeing Santa with the tree made Applebloom very curious.
Applebloom: Santa Claus, why? Why are you taking our Christmas tree? Why?
Narrator: And you know Gilda, she thought up a lie, and she thought it up quick.
Gilda: Why my sweet little tot. There's a light on this tree that won't light on one side. So I'm taking it back to my workshop my dear. I'll fix it up there, and I'll bring it back here.
Narrator: After that, Gilda gave Applebloom a cup of cold water, and when Applebloom was in bed with her cup, Gilda got the tree out of the house. The last thing she took was the log for their fire. All she left in the house were some hooks, and some wires, and the one speck of food which was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse.
Mouse: *Going towards the crumb*
Gilda: *Takes it away from the mouse*
Narrator: Then Gilda did the same thing to the other ponies houses leaving crumbs that were too small for mouses.

You nauseate me Ms. Gilda
With a nauseous super naus
You're a crooked jerky jockey and,
you drive a crooked horse
Ms. Gilda

Your sole is an appalling dump heap
Overflowing with the most disgraceful
Assortment of deplorable rubbish
Imaginable, mangled up in tangled up knots

You're a vile one Ms. Gilda
You're a nasty wasty skunk
Your heart is full of unwashed socks,
Your soul is full of gunk
Ms. Gilda

The 3 words that best describe you, are as follows, and I quote
Stink, Stank, Stunk

Gilda: *Runs to the tree in town square, and folds it up*
Narrator: It was a quarter to dawn, all the ponies were still asleep. They did not know that Gilda was taking off with all their Christmas decorations. Their presents, and their trees. Their food, and their 50th anniversary edition of The Great Escape on Bluray.
Gilda: *Whips Max*
Max: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *Slowly moves up the mountain, despite getting covered in 8 feet of snow*
Narrator: Ten thousand feet up. Up the side of Mt. Krumpit. Where Gilda was going to the tip top with her load to dump it.
Max: *Climbing the hill. He stops at the edge of a tall cliff, and watches an ornament fall thousands of feet to the ground below. He then swings around to the other side of the sleigh*
Gilda: Victory at last!
Narrator: Shouted Gilda as she slid to the bottom of the sleigh.
Gilda: They're finding out now that no Christmas is coming. I know just what they'll do to. They'll notice that everything is missing, and they'll all cry boo hoo. That's a noise that I simply must hear.
Narrator: She waited, and waited while trying to hear a sound. She did hear something at last. It started in low, then it started to grow.

Song: link

Ponies: Fahoo fores dahoo dores. Welcome Christmas come this way. Fahoo fores dahoo dores welcome Christmas, Christmas day. Welcome, welcome fahoo ramus. Welcome, welcome dahoo damus. Christmas day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp.
Narrator: But this sound wasn't sad. This sound sounded glad. Everypony down in Ponyville the tall, and the small were singing without any presents at all. She hadn't stopped Christmas from coming. It came. Somehow or another, it came, and it was all the same. And Gilda, with her feet buried ice cold in the snow stood puzzled.
Gilda: How could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags!
Gilda: Then she puzzled, and puzzled until her puzzler was sore. Then she thought of something that she hadn't before. Maybe, perhaps Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more.

Stop the song

The sleigh was starting to roll down towards a cliff.

Gilda: *Grabs Max, and pulls on him, but this only gets him out of his collar*
Max: *Lands with Gilda in a bank of snow*
Gilda: *Runs after the sleigh, and grabs it*
Max: *Bites Gilda's tail in an attempt to help her rescue the sleigh, and it's load*
Narrator: And what happened then? Well in Ponyville they say, Gilda's heart grew three sizes that day. Then Gilda heaved as she got the sleigh safely away from the cliff with the strength of ten griffons, plus two. And then, she rode down on the sleigh while playing on a horn letting everypony know that she had their Christmas stuff. She brought back the tree, and the presents, and the food, and the decorations, and The Great Escape on Bluray. Then she, she herself carved the roast beef.

Song (Start at 1:05): link

Narrator: Welcome Christmas, bring your cheer. Cheer to all ponies far and near. Christmas day is in our grasp, so long as we have hooves to grasp. Christmas day will always be just the same. Welcome Christmas as we stand, heart to heart, and hoof in hoof.

The End.

Skip the song to 2:33


Gilda as herself
Max as himself
Applebloom as herself
Boris Karloff as the Narrator

This has been a SeanTheHedgehog Production. Copyright, 2013
Robotnik: PINGAS!!!!!!!!!
Robotnik: PINGAS!!!!!!!!!

Song: link
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
posted by mlpfim1222
Hey every pony! Today we will be talking about the Keep calm and Flutter on episode and the My little pony sweepstakes! First off, I absolutely loved the new episode. I liked how Discord came back but also learned to use his magic nicely! Some people got upset that Discord is nice now but I think that it was really cool how Fluttershy did that for him. This episode was totally worth the wait! Do you like Discord mean or nice? I don't think Angel was ever seen in a episode that many times so I think that is good he got to stand out for once! Oh yeah, it was cool to see the ponies use the elements of harmony again! I always love to see them use them!
On to the My little pony sweepstakes! Soooo excited! I hope I win but, there is like a 100,000% chance i won't! Maybe if I don't even win my parents could take me to Los Angeles! I wonder what the my little pony concert would be like. Well see ya'll later thanks for reading!
We ended up at 30th street station in Philladalphia. Catie stole a train while I stole another train. Both of us used chaos control, and ended up in Equestria heading down the train tracks towards Canterlot. Catie fired at me while I was getting close to her. I used my gun to shoot Catie's gun out of her hands, doesn't this remind you of a similar chase? Anyway we were heading towards Canterlot when a russian tank was trying to blow up my train. It wasn't going to work though, because Rainbow Dash flew towards that tank, and kicked it, but it didn't go anywhere. 'I'm gonna have to move it'...
continue reading...
"That's why Catie might win this time." I told Rainbow Dash. She was impressed in Tail's work on the train I stole, and could you blame her? "We need rocket launchers on our trains here." "Yeah, and with the hearts on them people would misjudge us." I said. Then the both of us just sat on a rock, and relaxed. Meanwhile, back at sugarcube Catie was still with Pinkie. "I don't know why Sean left when you came here." Then Catie put a spell on Pinkie, "Now you will do as I say. I want you to get everyone in Equestria to destroy Sean The Hedgehog, and anyone that stands in our path." Pinkie copied...
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posted by fefe2002
rarity woke up and wanted to brush her hair but
rarity:oh my gosh where is my brush!?i have to find it!
then rarity called all of the main 6 to help her find it
rarity:i lost my brush! i need it!
twilight:it is okay we will help you
rarity's friends:a ha!
rarity:okay!okay! are you crazy! i can not keep my hair like this!
then rarity went mad
rarity:omg!i feel horrible! girl's quick find it i can't stand a second!
rainbow dash:twi i think rarity went a little bit too worried
apple jack: i don't think she is okay you all
pinkie pie:i think she just need to party!
flutter shy:i think we have to find it quick rarity is crying
then twilight found the brush on the make up place and gave rarity it then rarity went to normal and then
rarity:thanks you all are the best now have fun in your home i have to brush my hair bye!
then they took a group hug and went to there houses
It was just a regular day in Ponyvile......

Celestia was just quietly sitting in her throne room. She was writing a letter of the big party she was having today. It was to celebrate the birth of Equestria, but something wasn't sitting right with Celestia...she knew this party..the whole annual festivities. She did not actually create Equestria with her sister like everyone thought. But she didn't let it bother her and decided to have some fun. Nothing could go wrong. She sent her letters to all of Equestria and went back to her royal duties.

"Howdy ponies! Sure is a purty day" said Nikki as...
continue reading...
Azura and Cotton Swirls stood beside each other. CS started playing the guitar. Meanwhile Nikki, Score, and Stormy rolled their eyes.

Azura: *singing* Did you Forget, that we were even alive?
CS: *singing* Did you forget, everything that we had?
Azura: *singing* Did you forget? Did you forget 'bout us?
CS: *singing* did you regret ever standing by my side....
Azura: *singing* did you forget, we were feeling inside...
CS: *singing* Now were left, to forget 'bout us......
Azura: *singing* But Somewhere we went wrong
CS: *singing* We were once so strong..
Azura; *singing* Our Friendship is like a song.....
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posted by Quillabex
I pushed my way through the pegasi to get to my mom.
"I-I, what-?" I cried.
"Eclipse, sweetie, thou shall be strong." She said as she hugged me.
"What happened, what's going on?"
"Mmm, I believe this conversation should be taken, privately." She said as she walked out the door. I followed her. "RainbowDash, I would like you to take charge of the meeting."
"Yes Ma'am!" She saluted. The doors closed behind us. We walked down the hallway upstairs.
"Tell me, how are thou be throughout of what has happened." I told her how I had the mysterious dream, and I told her about how I woke up in a testing lab....
continue reading...
posted by triq267
My Fellow Bronies,
I'd never really wondered what friendship could be,
My Fellow Bronies,
Until you all shared its magic with me;
Big adventures, tons of fun,
Your beautiful hearts, faithful and strong,
You shared your kindness, not always an easy feat,
And Friendship is Magic made it all complete,
My Fellow Bronies,
Y'know you're some of my very best friends...

So, today is the final day of 2012. But it also marks one year of me being a brony. One year ago today, while killing time until the new year, and after numerous suggestions from people whose opinions I trust, and massive amounts of research,...
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Cotton Swirls explained to them about Queen Chrysalis. "UGH! I can't believe she did that!"said Score Heights. "We must go defeat her,now."said Cotton Swirls. They all said okay and went out the door.

"SURPRISE!"said Applejack. They all said oh no and Score Heights told her,"Applejack,you lied to us the whole time! Just get out of Ponyville!" Applejack told her,"Ha,like I am going to do that! I mean,isn't it just wonderful? Seeing all the ponies in great scare,chaos,and no Christmas? I love it!"! "Come on,let's put them on!"said Azura Alor. They all put on their elements,and then defeated Applejack....
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The snow fell calmly from the nightly sky as Score Heights was asleep in her bed. The full moon's light broke the shadows of her room and lit it up with the warmth of Luna's magic. The light eventually shifted to Score's face as she rolled over, disturbed by light. For a moment, she paused, hoping to go back to sleep when she remembered that it was her birthday today, December 4th. She rolled over again to look at her clock. "12:00 AM," she muttered under her breath, then yawned and rolled back over to go back to sleep.

She then popped up screaming; "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" She jumped up and down...
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posted by applejackrocks
It was a beautiful, sunny day in Ponyville, and Nikki had decided to invite all her friends to a picnic. She called up her friend Azura, to invite her.........

Azura: Hello, this is Azura Alor speaking.
Nikki: Howdy Azura, it's me Nikki.
Azura: Oh, Hey Nikki.
Nikki: So ah was wondering, would you like to go-
Azura: To the Everfree forest?!?!
Nikki: No
Azura: go climb up a big mountain?!?!?
Nikki: no
Azura: To go on a adventure?!?!?
Nikki: uhhhh go on a picnic
Azura: oh....ummm okay.
Nikki: Great then! See you at 12:00!

And so Nikki called all her friends, Stormy sky, Cotton Swirls and Score Height....
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When Rainbow Dash returned I started talking to her. "Ok, what did you find out?" "Discord got to Stalliongrad. They have at least 400 Nazi's and badniks guarding that city." Rainbow Dash said. "How's our army doing in there?" I ask. "Not bad. Half of our squad survived, including your friends from Mobius." She meant Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. I was glad they survived, but there was still a chance they would be dead by the time we got there. "We'll take my car." I said. "You can, I'm going to fly." Dash said. Before we left Applejack showed up, "Where ya'll goin?" She asked. "Stalliongrad....
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Roulette awoke with a start. The unicorn looked around nervously. As she tugged her limbs, it dawned on her that she was chained to a mannequin.
"Ah, what a pleasant surprise! I thought you'd never wake up."
Roulette searched for the source of the voice, which was difficult to do, given the position she was in.
Just as the unicorn brightened her horn to release herself, an object levitated out of the darkness and swiped at her horn. The hacks, however, weren't at random. They seemed to be aimed at strategic places. Roulette looked around nervously, and was surprised to see a pale figure step...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
We were in our disguises, and got out of the apartment. We had a plan to sneak into Canterlot, take over the train station, and get back to Ponyville. From there we would drop off Applebloom and her friends at sugarcube corner. Rarity and Fluttershy would watch them, while the rest of us would sneak into the enemy base, find info on any attacks, and report it to Princess Celestia once we got it. "Ok everyone on the car." I ordered. Soon Our team was on the car, with me and Rainbow Dash in it, Spike somehow got in the trunk. "You know what you're doing?" Fluttershy asked. I said yes and used...
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How does it feel to win Pegasister of the week?
It's a great feeling! I never expected to win. Thanks for everyone who voted for me! :D

Did you like the Season 3 premiere?
Yes, I loved the cryst ponies! Also, Princess Luna and Celestia having conversation I was expecting that! And we get to know more about Princess Cadence.

Favorite stallion? Favorite mare?
Braeburn and Applejack.

What do you think of King Sombra
He is a great villian, but I wish he had more important roles like the other villians.

Did you like the crystal-y Mane Six? If so, which was your favorite?
Yes! Applejack and Fluttershy were...
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Chapter 4: The irresponsible

it was a week after Flaky came to Ponyville, she was getting along well with Fluttershy and didn't talk to very many other ponies.

Flippy was sitting in Twilight's library, where he lived now. He was reading a book about video games in case Nutty started liking them again.

Twilight ran into the room Flippy was in, she had to tell him news she had just found out from the princess. “Flippy, you might wanna hear this.” she said.

“what?” Flippy said, setting down the book.

“another tree friend is coming today, it's a dad with his son.”

“what, them? The guy...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
When I get back to the battlefield, I accidentally turned the radio on, and A view to A kill by Duran Duran starts playing at high volume. Every pony was fighting off Robotnik's army until the elements of harmony were found. I decided to get back in the battle, by running over some enemies, and shooting at others I missed. Meanwhile Applejack jumped on a badnik that attacked Big Mack. "You allright?" She asked her big brother. Big Macintosh replied with his trademark "Eeyup." Then he kicked a nazi behind him, while Pinkie blew his brains out. "Oh no, I'm out of ammo." Pinkie said, but she threw...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
After breakfast I drive out of Sweet apple acres. I planned to go check out Canterlot, perhaps stay there for a few hours, and go check out the train station. Mobius never had trains because we didn't need them. I planned on changing that, and maybe having my own private rail line. I would let some people on if i wanted, but if I didn't know who a person was that wanted to get on my train line, they would be dead. As I think about trains my car runs out of gas. It was a good thing I came prepared, having 3 canisters of gasoline in the trunk, because there were no gas stations in Equestria....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
My name is Sean The Hedgehog. I was born in a place called Mobius, and lived there with my cousin Sonic. Mobius is nice, but it gets attacked a lot by a guy named Robotnik. He noticed how powerful i was, and decided to turn me into a robot. So i moved out of Mobius, and ended up somewhere i liked, but did not know existed. It happened when I used chaos control. I was in my car, with all my stuff packed, shoes, guns, ammo, etc. I drove for a while then used my chaos emerald. "Chaos Control!", and thats when it happened. I ended up here in one shot which was surprising because it usually takes...
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Somewhere beyond the bloody murders and misery, there is a calm and tranquil desert. Near Appleloosa, there is a group of photographers, taking professional pictures of nature for an article. And among them, there is a Colt named Featherweight. He is intrigued and oblivious to his surroundings, he is only focused on what he can see through his camera lens. How unfortunate that he could not see the oncoming guards.

They were wielding a loaded magnum and shotgun. He shouted at the top of his lungs; "WHO ARE YOU INTERLOPERS?!" the group surrendered and assured him they were just photographers....
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