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The last solstice

AUTHOR'S NOTE: All right, I have to do this again, in the beginning of a new chapter. It's been quite a while since I've written something, but I assure you, I've been a busy little pony in the last couple of days, you'll see, So let's just do a very quick recap on what happened in the previous chapter, then you can read on to find out the epic conclusion of this story. ;) Okay so...


We've seen a showdown between Celestia and Chrysalis, but in the end, the Princess – with the help of Nocturnal Mirage and the Royal Guard - successfully rescues her sister, Luna from the evil hooves of the Changeling Queen, who eventually escapes the fight and disappears without a trace. What happens next? Let's read on and find out! :)

Chapter 35: The final barrier

The small squadron of royal guards experienced no further resistance from the changelings on their way back to the Castle. The feral beasts were just ambling on the streets, their livid faces reflecting utter perplexity; their glassy eyes gazing into the nothingness.

“What are they doing?” Mirage asked, as he was trotting beside the solar Princess.

“The collar we placed on the Queen, blocks her magic. She creates the collective hive mind with a spell and despite she slipped out of our hooves, she can't use it to control her subjects.” Celestia replied.

“I still don't understand how you tricked her...” Mirage said, his voice trailing off.

“Chrysalis was expecting a vulnerable opponent. So I gave her one.” Celestia explained patiently, even affording a pale smile. “I tampered with emotions and body language to give the impression of a weak spirit.”

“You faked your own feelings?” Mirage gasped in admiration and disbelief.

“Basically yes.” Celestia nodded. “But not entirely. Some part of it was not an act at all. I'm not as strong as I used to be. A decade of insanity and self-hatred cannot be eradicated so easily... but my sister was in grave danger; I had to try.”

Both Celestia and Mirage fell into a deep silence as they followed the wide main road back to the Castle, contemplating over the events of the day. Even though there was no sign of any threat, the guards took no chances. The squad moved very carefully, searching for any sign of trouble. But the changelings reverted to a zombie-like state, some of them walking around in circles, others were bumping into walls and various objects in their way.

“It's quite ironic.” Luna remarked, glancing at the confused enemy as she was walking beside her sister. “They almost claimed Canterlot... now look at them!”

“Yes.” Celestia agreed. “They don't know what they're doing anymore, since they are no longer under the influence of the hive mind. But I believe we didn't see the last of Chrysalis.”

*** ***

Two days passed by since the successful rescue mission. Luna was once again safe behind the walls of the Canterlot Castle. She was a very sturdy mare indeed, but her magical aura was drastically drained by Chrysalis, therefore she needed rest, just like Cadence and Twilight. The only Princess who was capable of running the kingdom was still Celestia. After she freed her sister from the evil hooves of the Changeling Queen, her reputation increased rapidly among the Royal Guard and Celestia herself was slowly but assuredly regaining her status. Chrysalis vanished without a trace, she was nowhere to be found, despite the fact that Celestia ordered to search the city high and low. Without the guidance of the collective hive mind, the changeling forces dispersed to the four winds, aimlessly roaming the land.

Canterlot was safe for the moment and the younger Princesses were recovering from their injuries beyond expectations. It seemed the menace seized to exist and things could finally go back to normal. Little did the ponies of Equestria know, that the time Celestia bought them was merely enough to catch their breaths. Not because of the changelings, but the universe.

Luna was no longer able to shield the truth with her spell, every pony who looked up to the skies could see the reality. All the planets out of their orbit, spinning uncontrollably in the void; the three strange Moons, one golden yellow, one orange, one red. And the black orb, that was consuming more and more of the Sun. There was only a quarter of it left; but it was still enough to provide a weak light during daytime, although nopony controlled the cycle anymore.

Luckily for the Princesses, only a few scientists could comprehend the true meaning of the sinister play of the galaxy. To the common pony, it was nothing more than an interesting, yet fearful sight to behold. Of course deep down, a pristine, wild instinct suggested them something was wrong. Many ponies took a break from their daily routine to look up to the imposing towers of the Castle, silently waiting for help from the Princesses. But Luna ordered a full news blackout; those who knew the truth were wisely rounded up in the Castle. Even if they were to break their oath and reveal the disastrous events that were about to come; it wouldn't help. It would have created mass panic only, since nopony could do anything to stop the Last Solstice of the world. Nopony, but Celestia. She alone possessed the necessary magic powerful enough to restore the balance of the cosmos, yet she was still in denial, refusing to use her abilities. This was the final barrier that needed to be broken, there had to be one last fight against the specters that still resided deep within her soul and mind.

*** ***

“You're up early again.” Nocturnal Mirage remarked on a drowsy voice, sitting up in the bed.

“Old habits die hard.” Celestia replied with a discrete smile. “I had to raise the Sun for a thousand years. One has to get up early for such a task.”

“Indeed.” Mirage replied between two yawns, glancing outside through the window. “Every morning is darker and grayer than the other...”

Celestia didn't react, she just kept combing her mane. She was sitting in front of her beauty desk, staring at her own reflection. Mirage feasted his eyes upon her dainty, majestic form as she was preparing for the new day. He couldn't get enough of watching her, the bare sight of the Princess filled his heart with cozy warmness. The way she held the comb in her hooves, the way she organized her mane and put on a moderate make up; the discrete scent of her vanilla perfume; her every motion was radiating with sophistication. Celestia was a true lady at heart and nothing could change that. Not even the terrible scars on her face.

Mirage often contemplated about the extraordinary circumstances that brought them together and molded their relationship. If the world wasn't coming to an end, he never would have met her. What were the odds? Cadence picked a complete stranger for a task only family and close friends would possibly have the chance to succeed at. Yet, he managed to break the astral chains that were binding Celestia.

Well, that's not entirely true... Mirage thought. Celestia herself did most of the work, he was just there to give her a little push every once in a while. Although, he couldn't deny, he achieved more than any simple earth pony could dream of. His soul merged into Celestia's, their friendship turned into something even more powerful: love.

They never said “I love you”. There was no need. They just knew. They just felt it with every cell in their bodies. They couldn't explain it. How could they? How could anypony explain such an irrational, untamed, overwhelming, all-consuming, omnipotent emotion? Love could not be reasoned, argued, or negotiated with. Love doesn't care about your race; your horn or your wings, or the lack of those things. Love washes away all boundaries; it overlooks your class, your origins and the things you've done in the past.

Mirage always found such assumptions corny before he found himself in this situation. Before he met Celestia. He had to admit, he was in love with the Princess. Yes, her glorious beauty was indeed damaged by the events of the long past and many ponies found her repulsive, including Celestia herself. Mirage saw the frown of disgust on her face every time she looked in the mirror. Those scars always reminded her of that fateful day, but Mirage knew there was another reason as well. No matter who she was and how much power she possessed, Celestia was too a mare and because of that, she was a little vain by nature. Of course she'd never admit it, but her self-hatred gained sustenance from her own reflection. When she had to look at her old wounds, she was always forced to see that her perfect appearance was destroyed forever.

Mirage never did really care about the scars; in his eyes Celestia was always beautiful. He too had scars. Different scars, invisible from the outside, but wounds nevertheless. There was a demon in his soul as well; the dark shadow of his own mother. Perhaps that was the reason why they understood each other completely. He wasn't sure. The only thing he knew was he had to convince her beloved Princess to save the world, yet he had no idea how. This weight upon his shoulders grew heavier and heavier with each day, as the winter solstice was approaching relentlessly.

*** ***

In the mean time, Celestia wasn't just idly sitting by. She spent countless hours n the Canterlot Library, going through ancient, musty scrolls and books, seeking for a solution. Something that could restore the balance of the universe, something that did not involve her magic. She was terrified of the bare thought of using it again. In her desperate efforts; she rummaged through the entire restricted section of the library, where only royalty could set hoof in. This was the home of many mystical tomes and priceless books, including the works of Starswirl the Bearded, Queen Golden Aura, the first unicorn and numerous others. These writings were kept away from the public for a reason; if these highly advanced spells were to fall in the wrong hooves, the consequences could be dire.

Celestia was surprised when she recognized her own writing in some of the books. She let out a quiet laugh, as she remembered she used to write her findings on her own magic when she was but a young mare. Although her memory was timeless, it had its limits and she couldn't remember every single thing she's done in a thousand years. The time before Luna's birth was a blur, no matter how hard she pushed her brain. She thought the key lies buried deep within her memories, before she and Luna became Princesses and took control over the Sun and the Moon.

“Aaargh!!!” Celestia growled and smashed her hooves against the massive wooden table.

Her quick motion sent a cloud of dust in the air from the old papers and the noise echoed in the dark library for some time. Celestia rubbed her temple and shut her burning eyes. Her head was aching badly and her limbs were numb. Her hopes of finding a loophole were slowly crushed by the passing hours. A bitter smile expanded on her face as she realized the irony in the situation.

She was born as an alicorn, therefore her life span was significantly longer than any average pony's. She has lived for more than a millenia, yet her youth maintained over the centuries. She and Luna existed out of time; their only measure was their subjects themselves. The forever changing faces; the ponies who entered their life, only to be inevitably swallowed by the sands in the Hourglass of the Creator, while she and Luna remained constant. Time was never an important factor in Celestia's life, until now. For the very first time in her long life, the clock was ticking and the deadline was near.

“Life has a cruel way of teaching a lesson.” Celestia whispered to herself, burying her face in her hooves.

“Indeed.” a voice called out all of a sudden.

Celestia winced a little in surprise and quickly looked around. She soon spotted a pair of lavender eyes in the darkness. She couldn't believe she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't feel the presence of another. Although she could not see the features of the pony who addressed her; she sensed the radiance of her magic. She would have recognized that pattern among the billion of others.

“Oh, Twilight...” she sighed.

“I knew you'll be here.” Twilight said and entered the small circle of light, provided by the candles on the table. “Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.”

“It's quite all right.” Celestia replied with a pale smile. “But you should be resting.”

“I'm not a little filly anymore, Celestia.” Twilight declared somberly.

“No, you're not..” Celestia agreed, turning the page of the current book she was studying.

She tried her best to look as apathetic as possible, but she clearly sensed the layers of negativity in the soul of her former student. The events of the long past poisoned their relationship; slowly driving them apart. Twilight's unforgiving look was part of the reason why she chose to live in exile, locking herself up in the Ivory Tower. She felt she was nothing more than a fallen idol in the eyes of the younger Princess.

“You've changed a lot, since the last time I saw you, Twilight.” Celestia remarked on a casual, contemplative tone.

“I guess that makes two of us.” Twilight nodded and took a few steps closer.

“We all changed.” Celestia said shortly. “So, what brings you here?”

She was pretending to be lost in her work, but she was fighting with her surging emotions. The letters and symbols in front of her turned into a giant mass of unidentifiable scribbles; she could not concentrate anymore.

“We need to talk about your irrational reluctance of magic that will destroy Equestria.”

“When did you become so... cold?” Celestia asked quietly.

The question infuriated Twilight. She was planning to have a calm, rational conversation about the impending catastrophe, but she lost her temper, so she opened the valves of her soul to release all the negativity that has been poisoning her being for the last decade.

“Since you abandoned us for your own selfish reasons!” Twilight exclaimed firmly.

“Selfish?!” Celestia jumped up like if she was stung by a hornet. “That is why you've come here? To insult me?! You have no idea what I've been through!”

“I would, if you told me!” Twilight retorted resolutely. “I could have helped!”

“No, Twilight. Nopony could. I have to live with the things I've done.”

“And just because of that, you're letting the apocalypse happen?!”

“You wouldn't speak that way, if you knew the truth.”

“I know the truth! I know exactly what happened! Did you think Luna wouldn't tell me?!” Twilight shouted, foaming with rage.

For the first time in her life, Twilight let her anger flow freely. She felt this has to come out, she let the vehement streams of fury wash away everything, so they can start rebuilding afterwards.

“What?!” Celestia recoiled in terror.

“Yes! I know about the fiery demon in Manehatten! What hurts the most, is that I wanted to hear it from you.”

Celestia turned speechless, she glared at Twilight with a livid face.

“I wasn't worthy of your trust?” Twilight questioned, piercing her eyes into her former mentor's.

“Of course you were. And you always will be. But if you knew what I've done... you'd think I'm a monster. I believe you already do.” Celestia said, struggling to hold back her tears.

“I'd never think of you that way!” Twilight called out. “I told you before: you're like a second mother to me. You were always there to guide me towards the right direction and I tried my best to be there for you to do the same thing. But you turned down my helping hoof.”

“Oh, Twilight...”

“What happened to you that day changed you. I understand that. But if you asked me 13 years ago to compose a list of utterly impossible things that could ever happen, you stepping down and turning your back on Equestria would have been the Number One on that list!”

“I had my reasons.” Celestia replied, puffing out her chest, in her hurt pride. “I was incapable of running the kingdom. Equestria was better off without a mass murderer! I was broken! I still am!”

“I know... When you disappeared, that left a huge void in our lives. Yes, I was mad at you for turning your back on us and it took me years to convince Luna to spill the beans. I came here to tell you, I don't blame you! You're not a murderer, you did what you had to. It was not your fault, Celestia!”

The sun goddess was turned to stone, unable to react in any way. Her acute senses informed her about the change in Twilight's aura. The black patches of negativity and anger grew smaller and smaller as she spoke, until they dissolved altogether. The first waves of her rage reached the shore of her soul and crushed against the boulders. She ripped all the thorns out of her heart and it finally brought relief.

“In the time of need, you came back and saved Canterlot.” Twilight said, switching to a calmer, warm tone. “That took a lot of courage and it must have been awful for you. But it also gives me hope that you can be who you once were... That the mother and mentor I once loved and respected is not lost forever.”

Celestia gasped in shock as her former student hugged her all of a sudden. After a brief moment of hesitation, she returned the gesture. A sparkling flow of warm tears ran down their faces as their hearts reached out for one another. They remained in this position; Twilight resting her head beneath Celestia's chin, just like in the old times, when she was a young unicorn. The moment was beautiful and cleansing. Both of them gained strength from the close presence of the other and all the complexities and burdens of the world seized to exist for this evanescent little glimpse.

She hated herself for doing it, but Twilight broke the hug, pushing Celestia away a bit, so she could look her in the eye. She waited for a couple more seconds before opening her mouth to speak.

“What I said was the honest truth.” Twilight began, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “I had my reasons why I was acting the way I did. But this isn't about you, or Luna, or me anymore. It's about Equestria and ponykind itself.”

“I know, Twilight. Believe me, I know.” Celestia replied. “Ive been trapped in the shadows of my own soul for far too long, unable to see beyond the darkness. But I'm trying everything to prevent the disaster.”

“You know what must be done.” Twilight said, looking deeply into Celestia's violet eyes. “The absence of your magic created all this and it is your magic only that can restore the balance.”

“I would do anything to save Equestria, I'd even throw away my life, if I knew it would help. But I can't do what you ask of me.” Celestia replied, shaking her head.

“The kingdom needs your magic, not your life. Come to your senses and use your power, or everything will be lost!”


“Do what's right, Celestia! There's no other way, no matter how much time you keep wasting here. I'm sure deep down, you know that too.” Twilight stated and quickly left the library, leaving her former mentor alone with her thoughts once again.

Little did they know they were not the only ones in the library. A pair of frosty eyes flashed in one of the shadowy corners and a dark grin expanded on the face of the mysterious observer.

“Hmm... what an intriguing little story.”
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joyreactor