My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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Forever Wind, the first pegasus and the ancient Element of Air
Forever Wind, the first pegasus and the ancient Element of Air
Fiery waves – the ups and downs of Summer Pride

Chapter 5: The rise of the pegasi

“This is outrageous!” my borther Landslide exclaimed with the spark of fury peppering his tone. “Unicornia has existed for more than a thousand years and I will certainly not allow the kingdom to now break up into two parts!”

It has been two days since we received Forever Wind's disturbing letter about the foundation of the Pegasus Commonwealth. After hearing the news, my siblings immediately came to the Castle of First Magic to discuss this serious matter.

“How did we end up like this?” Whirling Abyss asked, lowering her head.

There was no answer to that question and she knew it, therefore she wasn't expecting one. We just stared at each other in the conference room of the Castle and could not decide what to do. The silence that was settling on us felt like a heavy mass, slowly crushing our spirits.

“Summer...” Landslide eventually turned to me. “He loves you the best... Will you travel to Whisper Wind and try to talk some sense into our brother?”

“Of course.” I agreed without hesitation. “But I fear my voice alone will not be enough to change his mind.”

“Yes... But we have to try.” Abyss added.

It was downright painful for me to see my beloved siblings like this. They were much more sensitive and gentle than I was and every ordeal took a tool on their souls. And they weren't young anymore... of course their Elements granted them an extraordinary long life compared to our subjects, but their body could not resist the decay of time. We have fought two wars and I was truly afraid they wouldn't be able to survive a third one. Especially not against our own brother.

So I began my long journey to the fortress in the mountains at the next dawn, along with two trustworthy guards. My heart was full of doubt and anxiety as I made my way to Whisper Wind... all kinds of crazy and sinister images were flashing in my brain and I was very uncertain about the future. As I said, I've been called many things, but irresolute? Never! And I didn't like that feeling. Not one bit. Yet, what I saw in the fortress exceeded my worst fears. First of all, the drawbridge was pulled up. That alone wasn't a good sign in a time of peace. When I reached the walls I saw several pegasus guards, but none seemed to recognize me.

“HALT!” a stern, rough voice called out out all of a sudden. “Who goes there?!”

“It is I, Summer Pride and I've come to speak with my brother!” I replied in the same fashion.

I know my voice sounds soft and warm to you as we speak now, but believe me it can be as sharp and cold as a steely blade if I want to.

“Turn back, unicorn!” the guard said. “You have no business being here!”

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped by this insolent, disrespectful tone and I felt that familiar tingle at the tip of my horn, which was a sign of my anger. But I controlled myself, for I needed to find out what is happening in the fortress.

“I find your lack of politeness disturbing, guardian!” I yelled and pierced my eyes into the stallion's up on the walls. “Perhaps you don't know who I am...”

“We know exactly who you are!”

I could not believe my ears! This pesky little winged pony just interrupted me! My pure royal blood started to boil because of this rude act.

“You are abusing my patience, guardian!!! As the Princess of Central Unicornia, I demand entrance at once!!!”

“You have no authority here, unicorn!” the pegasus declared with an annoying sneer on his face. “I only take orders from King Forever Wind!”

This conversation continued to surprise and bedevil me at every turn and I felt the flames reaching out for my soul as my fury grew with every second.

“So this is what he calls himself now? King?” I snorted. “Blasphemy!”

“You would be wise to show respect toward the King of the Pegasi!” the guard shouted vigorously.

“And I suggest you to show respect toward me, for if you do not open the gate immediately, then the Creator is my witness, I will tear it down and teach you some manners!” I countered furiously and my horn flashed with crimson magic aura.

A moment later, I realized with shock that at least two dozen archers were aiming at me at once. I saw the sunlight sparkling on the steely arrowheads that were pointing at me from the battlements, like judgmental fingers. My guards jumped in front of me, ready to give their life for their Princess. You could literary cut the tension in the air as every muscle in my body strained. I quickly came to the conclusion we cannot win this confrontation. We were an easy, open target for the archers and the last thing I wanted was a fight. Suddenly, a tall, bulky figure emerged on the walls and I recognized my brother's features.

“Stop, stop! There's no need for violence, my sons!” Forever Wind exclaimed and his firm voice echoed for some length around the fortress.

“Wind, what is going on here?!” I asked, locking my eyes on him. “I'm your sister and yet these guards are aiming their weapons at me!”

“I'm sorry Summer.” Wind replied. “Turn back, please. I'd hate to order my boys to shoot you down.”


I was speechless... my own brother turned against me... after what we've been through... after he saved my life countless times in the Griffon Wars... and I saved his just as many times. He didn't say anything else, but I heard him order his guards to shoot if we approach the fortress even more.

“This is insane!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, so Wind would hear.

I took a step closer to the giant stone walls, but I recoiled as an arrow pierced the ground a few inches away from my hooves. I must have been quite a sight as I stood there immovably for a very long time. Those guards must have laughed their flanks off because of my expression... Not many ponies can tell they saw that dumb, uncomprehending face of me. The two guards who came with me eventually intervened and dragged me away from the fortress. We turned back. I've been traveling silently for many hours on the sinuous mountain path, replaying the events in my head over and over again. Among the infinite sea of uncertainties and doubts, there was one solid truth: this means war.

But I wanted proof. I've sent the two guards back to the Castle of First Magic, to report to Landslide, while I turned toward Whisper Wind once again. I hid in the mountains for several days, waiting for the perfect circumstances. When a massive, thick cloud of fog settled on the fortress, I knew my time has come. The gray haze aided my stealthy infiltration. I climbed up on the walls like a cat, without making any noise. The Fire fueled my effort, enhancing my strength, as many times before. The dusk was approaching and the stronghold was silent. Only a few guards were patrolling on the walls and after a few minutes of observation, I knew their pattern, so I could slip through them.

As I was walking through the abandoned parade ground, I've seen all kinds of weapons stacked in order. Bows, arrows, swords, spears, javelins, axes, you name it. But when I've seen a target range, I almost collapsed. The targets were wooden figures... with horns on their foreheads.

“No... this can't be true...” I gasped.

Forever Wind was preparing for a war in the time of peace... he was training his offspring against us... his own flesh and blood. I could not believe this madness. My heart was unable to accept the truth. I kept telling myself that this is just a terrible nightmare, this can't be real! But it was... and a moment later, I felt the tight grasp of reality around my throat as a firm hoof grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arms around my neck, like an anaconda.

“I was wondering which one of you will come to kill me... I should have known it'll be you!” Forever Wind growled and tightened his grasp.

“Wind... stop...” I coughed as small, fiery circles began to dance in front of my eyes.

“Ssshhh... don't fight it...” he said on a soothing voice.

Yes, my friend. He was strangling his own sister. But he wasn't a complete monster yet. He couldn't finish what he started. You know, I could only blame myself... I was careless. Of course, the infiltration would have been much easier and effective, if I could just teleport inside... but those spells weren't invented at that time.

So I passed out and came to in a lavishly decorated room hours later. The bed I was lying on was very plushy and comfortable and the covers were made of the softest silk. There was a lot of food on the table and a bottle Witch Blood... my brother knew that was my favorite red wine... but as I went to the door I realized it was locked and I was a prisoner in spite of the luxurious surroundings. There were no bars on the narrow windows, but when I looked out, I immediately knew why: I was in a room up in the highest tower and below me there was nothing more than a dark chasm. My thoughts were swirling, chasing each other like hungry dogs, so I focused on the two winged door. No matter what I tried, I was sealed inside. I felt the rage building up inside my soul as my horn began to glow. I released a powerful magic beam, but to no avail... When the smoke cleared out, I've spotted a row of shiny symbols on the wood. They seemed vaguely familiar, I just couldn't remember from when. But they repelled my magic, so it all came back to me.

I told you to keep the griffon warlord Odin in mind, because later it will be important. To be exact, his armor what matters. I saw the same runes on that armor... The ancient carvings that somehow resist magic. My brother used them to keep me in his fortress. Of course, I did not give up that easily, but every form of escape I attempted failed. A few hours later, an armored pegasus stallion entered the room.

“I hope you have everything you need, Summer.” he addressed me with a wide grin.

“Wind? Is that you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

I wasn't sure, because he looked... younger. I spotted the same runes on his armor as the ones which guarded the door. My horn charged up with magic once more, but his smirk grew even wider as he clicked his hoof against his helmet.

“Pretty impressive, eh?”

“What are you doing?!” I questioned sternly, moving up to his face. “Let me go at once!”

“I'm afraid I can't do that, my dear sister.” he replied. “You cannot be allowed to interfere with my plans.”

“Plans?” I retorted quickly. “You want to wage war on our land once again!”

“Our home is sick, Summer...” Wind declared. “Unicornia grows weaker and weaker, so it is up to us to save her.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Just look at our kingdom! Landslide's weakness has made her wither.” my brother stated passionately, but I've seen a mad flame dancing in his eyes. “The ulcerous limb must be cut off in order to save the whole body. Unicornia is sick... so very-very sick and we are the cure!”

“Have you lost your mind?” I shouted vigorously.

“I've never been more clear headed.” he replied.

“Then why do you want to destroy what we've built together?”

“Destroy it?!” he yelled. “I'm doing this for the sake of all of us! Look what we've become! Unicornia was a great nation once, four seas were washing our borders! Now there are griffons, earth ponies and there are rumors of a new race of equines, coming from the Northwest. They say, these creatures can change their appearance at will! I will give back the kingdom we've lost! Everything can be how we want them to be once again!”

“Who are you?” I asked quietly. “You're not the pony I remembered. What happened to you?”

“I thought you'd understand. Our kingdom needs the wings and the combat skills of the pegasi. It is for the greater good! You always see the greater picture, Summer! You should be helping me, why are you against me?”

“I could ask you the same.” I said as my features turned cold and unforgiving. “You keep your own sister a prisoner and plan to toss the land into the fiery pit of war once more! You cannot possibly hope to get away with this! If you turn against us, you will be crushed!”

“I beg to differ, dear sister.” Wind declared with a sneer. “This will be over quickly. I have the advantage of surprise.”

“Is that so?”

“Most certainly.” he squinted. “I know what you think, but I'm afraid the two guards you've sent back got lost in the mountains forever.”

I have to admit, that surprised me, but I did not give him the satisfaction to see it on my face. I had no idea how he knew about that, but suddenly an inner instinct started to overwhelm me. I stared at my brother, but I wasn't looking at him. I let the Fire assume control over my senses as I took a deep inhale. I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them again, I saw it... I knew why he looked younger and where his determination originates from.

“You are packing with devilish forces, Wind.” I stated on a frosty voice. “The stench of heathen magic billows all around you.”

“Very good, Summer!” he smiled and clapped his hooves together. “You were always good at reading ponies, but heathen? No. Everything is a matter of perception. I've always wondered how the griffons were so effective against us. I've spent years studying their ancient magic and as you can see, I am pretty good at it now.”

“You have no idea what you're dealing with.” I countered.

“This conversation is concluded.” Wind declared and turned around. “You'll stay here until I've done what needs to be done.”

“NO, YOU CAN'T!!!” I roared with great anger and charged at my brother.

But he turned around with a rapid move and grabbed my neck once again. While he was wearing that armor, my magic was useless...

“Do not abuse my hospitality!” he snarled. “You're only alive because I allowed you to. Take that as a sign of love. Don't make me regret my decision!”

He dropped me on the cool stone floor and opened the door.

“Don't try to escape. There are four guards in front of the door at all times.” Wind said apathetically in the doorway. “If you need anything, just ask them.”

“Brother, wait! You said you still love me... then as your little sister, I beg you! It's not too late to stop this insanity!”


He stopped for a moment and turned his head to me. I saw the hesitation passing through his face for a glimpse. Actually, that was the last time I saw him. I mean, the brother I knew. He stood there for a moment, biting on his upper lip, then his features toughened and he narrowed his eyes.

“Please, Wind! Don't do this!”

“It's already done...” he said on a quiet but determined voice.

“WIIND!!!!” I shouted as I was running towards my brother again, but the door was shut before I could reach him.
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Dan, someonebutnoone's OC. Picture done by Disneyfan333
Dan, someonebutnoone's OC. Picture done by Disneyfan333
Since Twilight Sparkle became a princess, she made some idiotic decisions. She tried to steal Pinkie Pie's treasure in Pinkie's Treasure Hunt, but now she created a law that made many ponies go apeshit. No pony can drink alcoholic beverages. Many ponies formed a mafia, and there were six of them in Manehattan. The Ponyville mafia was lead by Rainbow Dash, and Dan. The Manehattan mafia was lead by a pony named Nickel Lesscage. A russian mafia lead by Boris. A Mexican Mafia lead by John who somehow survived being killed by a flaming sattelite. The Japanese mafia is lead by an alicorn named Fuku,...
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added by tinkerbell66799
Source: Original Owners
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Source: Equestria Daily
added by ChibiEmmy
added by karinabrony
added by tinkerbell66799
added by MoonlitTerror
Source: pegasister223
added by MoonlitTerror
Source: shu-jeantte
added by TimberHumphrey
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
The main six have a picnic. Saten invited as despite not always getting along with them, he's ther friend. Espically to AppleJack, his ex girlfriend but still friend. And somewhat of a brother/sister relationship to Twilight. Though not as much as he later has with Starlight Glimmer.

Spike: Twi... light! ...I... have... Lemme just... [deep breath] [belch]

Twilight Sparkle (before alicord): Dear Twilight, I am sure you are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Canterlot. [to the others] Wedding? [reading] I will be presiding over the ceremony, but would very much like you and your friends...
continue reading...

Twilight Sparkle: Ahem? You just decided to skip our dinner without telling me? Are you aware that, at this very moment, Princess Celestia is waiting for you at a table with exquisite silverware placement?!

Starlight Glimmer: Yes, but—

Twilight Sparkle: This is exactly why I didn't want you to make friends with Trixie.

Trixie: A-ha! You still don't trust me! But guess what, princess? It doesn't matter if you want to give me a second chance or not. Starlight had to choose between you and me, and she chose me! Your pupil chose me, so ha! I win!

continue reading...
As Trixie shows Starlight to her wagon, Twilight appears to give Starlight friend alternatives, including Glaze, Vinyl, and Lemon Heart. Offended by Twilight's distrust and undue concern, Starlight says she wants to make friends on her own, and she storms off.

Twilight tries to chase her. But Saten Twist flies over, in one of his more serious moments, he expresses anger at her for trying to give Starlight alternatives to Trixie.

Tilight: Saten, please, this is seriou-

Saten: I mean it Twilight! If you upset her, I'l-

Twilight: But I just think tha-

Saten: Trixie has a lot of trouble fitting in....
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Saten Twist
Saten Twist
EPISODE 1 part one

Twilight Sparkle: I said no magic. You were supposed to do it by hoof so I could work in a friendship lesson.

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, I heard "set the table" and just kinda went for it.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, if you hadn't used magic, you'd have heard me say, uh... this plate represents your head, this spoon is your heart, and the knives... are sharp! Always be careful with knives. [sigh] The metaphors make more sense when you're actually setting the table.

Starlight Glimmer: Should I... change it back?

Twilight Sparkle: I just want to make sure you're ready for this dinner. Princess...
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added by bookhorse
Source: dolldevine
added by bookhorse
added by triq267
Source: KodokunaShiroiOkami
added by triq267
Source: KodokunaShiroiOkami
posted by ChevalNoir
In the far north beyond Crystal Empire and farther than Yak Yakstan lies Kingdom of Midnight Sun, a vast land of ice and snow.Contrary to all expectation ponies live even in this harsh realm.They grow plants they need in green fields heated from underground by eternal flame.Without its effect life in Kingdom of Midnight Sun wouldn't be possible.Even Equestria would be much colder.So ruler of the kingdom, an alicorn queen is also guardian of the flame.Many baddies tried to gain control of it and subjugate the world.Most of them couldn't stand local weather conditions, and gave it up.Magic in...
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