MLP FiM Princess Luna and Princess Celestia Club
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posted by ilovenicod

Filly Celestia looked through the bushes with her sister Luna at the person outside the palace grounds.
"He's so PRETTY, Luna do you know his name?" Celestia looked at her sister for the answer.
"Yeah, he's Discord." Celestia gasped "You mean the one that everyone is calling a monster? A disgrace?"
"The very same."
Celestia looked out at Discord. He used magic to create a small rabbit. He looked at it hopefully and held out his paw, but the bunny hopped away, scared half to death. He looked down and seemed to be about to cry.
"Well no wonder he's so mean to everyone they must treat him like a monster the moment they set eyes on him, I know what he needs, A friend, I'm going to go talk to him." Celestia moved to trot off determinedly "Wait I'll come with you." Luna said, wanting to help her sister. Just as they were about to step through the gateway their father jumped down in the middle of the gateway.
"And just what do you think you're doing?Do you have any idea who that is out there?"
Celestia held up her chin in that proud way Luna knew so well. The way she held it whenever she knew that what she was doing was right even if her parents disapproved.
"Yes I do," she said and narrowed her eyes determinedly "and I'm going to make friends with him." Their father looked aghast then stomped his blue hoof against the ground.
"No you are NOT." He looked to the guards at the gate "Close the gate and lock it with the strongest spell you have." He turned back to his daughters "I am never to hear those words again, do you understand me. He is a monster, a disgrace, he would sooner destroy everything you love than become your friend." Tears welled up in Celestia's eyes " So this is the pride of Equestria," she said "a stallion who would sooner give in to common prejudice than look at what's right there in front of him." she gestured toward the crying figure not too far from the gate "Well if this is what it means to be royalty, to instead of helping the friendless and misunderstood to accept stupid prejudiced as truth and do what EVERYPONY is doing instead of what's right, well then I don't want to be a princess anymore!" On the last word she flung the tiara of her head and ran off, tears stinging her eyes. Luna looked at her father hatefully and said "Me neither." then set her own tiara down and ran off to join Celestia.

Later that night their parents entered their room. The princesses looked away hurtfully. Their mother crossed to them and sat down "Your father only wants the best for you you know that right?" "He has a funny way of showing it." Celestia said defiantly.Their father came to sit beside their mother. "Matbe your right," he said "maybe the way we think of Discord is the result of untruthful prejudice, but I don't want to take that chance with you if you're wrong. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to either of you, I love you too much to allow that to happen. If didn't think there was any danger I wouldn't care but I can't allow myself to put you in danger." "But he's just lonely." Luna protested. "Please," their father said "just think about it." he set their tiaras down and left the room with their mother.

As they heard the door shut the princesses turned to look at each other. "Tia?" Luna began "We can still love our parents even if we don't always agree with their views right?" Celestia looked down and sighed "I suppose" she said "and once we're running this place we can rule it however we like, and once we do we can make friends with Discord and ponies won't treat him like a monster anymore." "Yeah, if they haven't found the elements of harmony and turned him into stone by then." Luna replied. Celestia looked down and picked up their tiaras and set them on their bedside table. "Well," she began "then let's hope they don't find the elements of harmony by then."