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posted by 12251
feb,13 today is prince 1st brithday. daddy went upstairs to get him, was already downstairs with omar. when prince came downstairs with daddy we yelled happy brithday prince. daddy omar and me helped prince open his gifts. then we went int the dinning room to have cake. prince had a circus themed party with a clown cake. daddy held prince and omar held me and we sang happy brithday to prince. i helped prince blow out the candles. daddy gave prince the 1st peice of cake. omar whispered princes name and pretended to put his plate of cake on his head. prince really put his cake on his head. daddy said oooooooohhhhh that is going to be hard to get out of his hair tonight. daddy and me were both laughing. when daddy gave prince his bath prince was crying. daddy said prince im trying not to pull your hair but you have cake all threw it, im sorry but i have to get it out.

feb, 20 ever since i had surgrey on my legs i have been able to walk a lot, even dance. i still need to use my wheelchair just not as much, i will always have to use it and have pepole carry me sometimes. i need to have braces on my legs too walk.

daddy was in his dance studio dance when i walked in. i staired at daddy and the way he moved his feet and body when he danced. i said daddy i can do that too. i ran and grabed one of daddys black fedora hats, and stood next him. every move he made i copied perfecty. daddy said well can you do this then he started to moonwalk. i watch him 1st. then i did it extactly what he did. daddys mouth dropped and he said that took me weeks to learn to do. i cant beleave you got it just by watching me once. i ran over and put the cd player on dangerous and just let the music flow through me.

march 1, since we have an indoor pool at neverland daddy took me in it today. daddy carries me in the because i cant swim by myself. i was on the edge of the pool and daddy lifted when we were on a flaot relaxing daddy had his arm around me/ isaid i love you so so much daddy. he said i you so so much more alanna and gave me a kiss.
After Our Mini Game
Brandon, Sean and Kelly were playing around with the soccer ball and Michael and I watched them. While we were talking, Sean kinda kicked the ball a little too hard and it hit the back of Michael's head. He grabbed the back of his head.
"Ouch!" He shouted.
Sean, Brandon and Kelly ran over to us.
"I'm so sorry, Michael! Are you alright?" Sean asked, feeling a bit guilty.
"It's alright, Sean. I'm fine. Don't worry." He rubbed the back of his head. He winced in slight pain.
"Michael, turn around. Let me check." I said.
Michael turned around and removed his hand from the back of his...
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posted by ILuvMetallica09
Me and my cousin walked into this crazy hollywood party. there was ice sculptures, the scent of boze, high intentions, and sex. we wasnt even invited but we turned 21 last week and we dared eachother into coming here. we walked through all the craziness and madness as we turned heads as we walked in and made our way into the bar. we both ordered tequilla shots. as we dranked our drinks we sat and scanned the crowed for any good looking men but we hardly could see the dancefloor from all the cigarette smoke that had surrounded us. after me and my cousin finished our rounds of our drinks we hit...
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First,I want to apologize for not writing for such a long time,I was busy with school and this fantasy was supposed to end before school started but I have so much more to write!So,here's the end of the first chapter,and hopefully soon,you'll understand why the story is called like this,you'll see in the next chapters!Enjoy and once again,I'm deeply and truly sorry...:((

Now,it's Valentine's Day and the movie is over since a month ago.It's morning,and Rose is woken up by Michael who brings her a delicious breakfast and it's enough food for 3 people,so she's really surprised!Then he gives her...
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Imagine a fake rose among them and the note, saying: My love for you will die when the last rose dies.
Imagine a fake rose among them and the note, saying: My love for you will die when the last rose dies.
The following day
Rebecca was reading a book. To be more specific, she was reading Moonwalk again. She loved the book so much, she always wanted to read it when she got bored. She bookmarked where she was in Moonwalk and placed it on the nightstand next to her. She turned and carefully grabbed Brandon, who was currently fussing because he was hungry. Rebecca lifted the top part of her gown and let him feed. Him being her first actual child, she winced in slight pain. Eventually, she got used to it. When he was done, she draped the gown back over her chest and cradled him. She noticed that his...
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Last day of another year is almost here
And i can't help but fight a tear
Another year without my boy
Is surely going to bring no joy
Parties happening ,music,fun all around
But all youll see on my face is a miserable frown
Dancing ,fireworks,counting down the clock
But images of Michael in my head I can not block
Trying to drown my sorrows in drink
So maybe then I wont have to think
Just then someone yells "Turn the music up loud"
As I hear the beat of the music my heart feels proud
Thats my boy,always livens up the crowd
Bodies moving and swaying to Black or White
My heart threatens to burst with all its...
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posted by Mjhumannature7
I got bored so im writing this story hope u like it :)

During Bad era
Alice is a 20 years old women. She had a boyfriend but he always hit her actually he rape her. She never wants a boyfriend to abuse her. She wants him take care of her and never to hurt her.

Michael is 29 years old men. He had girlfriends but they wasnt what he was looking for. He wants a women who understand him and who cares for him.

Michael said " lets take a break okay 5 min break "
the people was looking at him like if he was stupid. Michael said it again " stop looking at me and take a freaking break " then Michael...
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Later that day Michael went back to check on Saronia but she was still asleep.
So he left her be and left some apples for her.
It was late in the day so he decided to head to bed.
He went to sleep and started dreaming.
Michael was walking in a field. Where, he didn't know.
He saw a horse that looked like Saronia run by, but then vanish.
Then he saw a girl, a girl that looked to be in her mid 20's.
She was in a long, flowing white dress and had long brown hair.
She walked up to him and smiled.
"Hi, I'm Baylaa." She greeted.
"I'm Michael."
Then her face changed to sorrow. And the sound...
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*somethings wrong here...hes wearing jeans again!! :o*
*somethings wrong here...hes wearing jeans again!! :o*
44-year-old Michael Jackson had a tough time with life. He hasn't found one lady who would understand him and his troubles. He sighed and looked in the mirror. "Next week is the album signing. I just have to make the best of it." He said, messing with his hair. Frank walked into his room and up to him. "Michael, don't forget. After the album signing is the tour." Frank told him. Michael nodded. Frank was about to walk out of the room, but noticed Michael's expression. "What's the matter, Michael?" Michael turned to him. "Frank, my life is getting harder. No kids, and I haven't found one woman...
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Michael paced back and forth tiredlessly as they operated on Ileanna. "God please let her and the baby be ok...please." Michael said to himself. Just then he heard the sound of a baby crying from the room Ileanna was in. Michael felt a little better, just hearing the baby cry made him feel a little better, it was a good sign. Not long after the doctor came out of the room and walked up to michael. Michael quickly stood up, "Is she ok?" Michael asked aniouxsly. "Dont worry son, She and the baby are both fine, but your son will have to stay in the NICU for about 2 months or so, his lungs are...
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...That Tells Secrets of MJ


After the small measure of justice won today, the exploitation of Michael Jackson for profit and ratings continues.

By appearing in a documentary that will undoubtedly seek to portray Conrad Murray as a ‘sympathetic’ victim of circumstance, Murray and his defense team who may well be planning an appeal – will now attempt to negate the fact of the Guilty verdict in real terms.

It is beyond repellent that a previously well-regarded organization like NBC Universal would now seek to reward a proven criminal...
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After michael took his shower and got dressed he then headed downstairs. "Good morning honey." Diane said as she walked up to him and kissed him. "Good morning baby." Michael said as he then gave her a kiss in return. " about last night...." , " Diane it's ok, you don't have to apologize again." Michael said stopping her. "What's for breakfast?" Michael asked changing the subject. " um eggs, bacon and toast." , "sounds good." Michael said as he made his way over to the table. "Hey Diane where's Alicia?" Michael asked looking around. " I think she's in the guest room..why?" Diane asked. "Just...
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what he wore dancing with Aislinn
what he wore dancing with Aislinn
The next morning
Aislinn woke up and saw no Michael, but heard the shower running. "Showering as usual. Hm...I think I'll see about scaring him. Heehee..." She found a white rose and her fake knife that squirted out blood. She pretended to cut her throat and the blood squirted across. She did the same to her arms and placed the rose on her chest and acted like she was dead. Michael got out of the shower and changed and before putting his shirt on, looked over at Aislinn. He was confused, but looked closely and saw blood. "Oh my god! Aislinn!!" He ran to her and was panicking like crazy. He shook...
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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Lisa Marie was good about at least visiting. So she had no problem going and doing some of the compassionate things of giving these children love and making them feel special?

Michael Jackson: She had no problem doing that but her and I had several big arguments 'cause she's very territorial with her children. Her children were [her major concern]...and I said, "No all children are our children," and she never liked that coming from me. She was very angry about that. Plus, she had a fight with me one time when two little boys in London killed this other kid and I was going...
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looking around she started to feel excited. all of a sudden the lights went down and music started.then through the door swaggered a man dressed in blood red clothes. Tight red leather pants a silk re shirt and red jacket. Dark hair in a braid and red lipstick. Jennine gasped when she saw his face. Holding a chair to steady herself she gazed in half terror and half lust at Michael Jackson. Oh my god she breathed great heaving gulps of air. the music got louder and the girls started dancing around Michael.That familiar voice that Jennine so loved came through the speakers. smoothly making his way across the room he came ever so slowly to where Jennine was standing. Locking eyes with hers he spun around on one heel and grabed Jennine by the waist. Jennine melted as his arms encircled her and he thrusted his hips against hers. tango style they danced across the room while Michael didnt miss a beat. singing perfectly whilst dancing.
Everyone heard Michael and the crowd stopped screaming and all of them watched MJ surprised.Michael was not singing.He was just sitting there,on his knees,thinking about Madeline.When Michael's team saw that he was no singing,they turned off the music and someone took advantage of that silence and told him:"Mike!Mike!Get up!".But Michael couldn't hear him because in his head he could only hear himself screaming:"Why did you let her to go?!!Why?!!You idiot!!How could you be so naive?!!",then he sadly whispered:"You lost her forever...",while crying.Then,Michael reached his chest and his head...
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In the autumn of 1992 in a small town from a small country,Madeline Blackeyes wakes up like always at 7 o'clock to get ready to go to her job.After she finished washing and dresing,she goes to kitchen to make herself a breakfast,but she surprisely founds there her grandmother who says:"Good morning,dear!".Madeline hugs her and says:"What are you doing here?The doctor said you should not go outside or make too much effort!"."Oooh,don't worry dear,I'll be just fine!Besides,you're the one who should not make too much effort and go to work.Are you shure you'll be allright?"Madeline went to the...
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Michael then stormed downstairs and began to head towards the front door. "Michael Wait!" Janet called after him. "Michael joseph jackson you get back up here right this instant!" Michael's mother commanded as she stood at the top of the steps next to Ali who stood there with her arms crossed and a evil grin on her face. Michael didnt answer and walked right out the front door to his car and sped off. "My i wonder what has gotten into him?" Janet said. "Oh dont worry janet he's probably just stressed i mean he does have a tour coming up." Tito reasured janet. "I doubt stress from a tour would...
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posted by Thrillie-jean
So,i just got this DVD,its entitled In memory of michael jackson.,where people talk every thing MJ.Tatiana is first,and i thought i share it with y'all.

One of my fondest memories of michael was hanging out with him for a whole day and got to see for myself the man himself offset.It was my birthday and i remember him calling to wish me a happy birthday.I had told him what date it was sometime when we were shooting the short film for TWYMMF,but i didnt think he'd remember,let alone care.yeah,so ,he was like hey tattie,i..er just called to wish you a happy birthday.i was like,wow,you remembered?he...
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On October 15, 2001, producer Quincy Jones was guest in 'The Oprah Show'. During the show Michael called in to pay tribute to his friend. Below follows a transcript of this segment:

Oprah Winfrey: [...] He's worked with everybody from Billie Holiday to Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson. I mean, when you span that whole--th--that's not an era of music. That's eras. OK. Quincy doesn't know this, but there's somebody on the phone who wanted to be here today but could not. Most of the world knows him as the King of Pop. Say hello to Michael Jackson. Michael. Michael. So hi, Michael.

Michael: Hi....
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After Diane was given her prenatial vitamins and payed for the visit she quickly headed back onset. Once she arrived back onset she went looking for michael. While looking she ran into tj and alicia. "Hey diane long time no see?" Tj said happily as he gave her a hug then walked away."Whats wrong diane you seem like something is bothering you." Alicia stated. "Um...alicia can i speak with you in private?" Diane asked. "Well i cant i have to go back to work." Alicia said. "Sorry.", "It's ok hey do you know where i can find michael...i really have something important to tell him." Diane said....
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